Unit 2 Let's talk teens Project (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、牛津译林版高中英语必修一课件Unit 2 Lets talk teensProjectCreating a short play about parent-child relationships制作者:桂东一中李宇平内容分析内容分析 本板块要求围绕本板块要求围绕“父母与子女父母与子女关系关系”这一主题创作一部短剧,这一主题创作一部短剧,表表现出青少年与父母相处过程中的喜现出青少年与父母相处过程中的喜怒哀乐怒哀乐。通过讨论亲子关系所涉及。通过讨论亲子关系所涉及的各类话题,回顾单元所学内容。的各类话题,回顾单元所学内容。活动要求以小组为单位,选择感兴活动要求以小组为单位,选择感兴趣的某一个话题进行

2、剧本创作。趣的某一个话题进行剧本创作。通过观看通过观看李尔王李尔王戏剧片段,梳戏剧片段,梳理整合剧本信息,参照范例完成本理整合剧本信息,参照范例完成本小组的短剧创作。创作过程中要关小组的短剧创作。创作过程中要关注戏剧的若干注戏剧的若干表演要素表演要素,如:,如:台词、台词、表情、动作表情、动作等等,力争能够演绎得等等,力争能够演绎得淋漓尽致。应适当发挥,并在班级淋漓尽致。应适当发挥,并在班级进行表演。各小组需要对本组和他进行表演。各小组需要对本组和他组的戏剧表演做简要评价。组的戏剧表演做简要评价。教学目标教学目标 By the end of this section,we will be ab

3、le to:1.make a short play about parent-child relationships through cooperation kpren and exploration eksplren;2.write and perform the play properly;3.evaluate(评价评价)and comment on(发表意见发表意见;作出评论作出评论)each others work.Answer the following questions to prepare for our play When is your birthday?And when

4、are your parents birthdays?Are there any differences in the birthday ceremony?Describe an instance(例子;事例;例子;事例;实例实例)when your parents and you disagreed over something.Do you think you can always be understood by your parents?And can you understand them?On what issues ju:z would your parents and you

5、get involved in a disagreement?A.As a class,discuss what topics should be presented(口头或书面口头或书面)表表达,表示达,表示 for a play about parent-child relationships.You can use the ideas below or think of other ideas.Then in groups,pick one for your play.P27 friends goals/dreams hobbies housework personal habits p

6、ocket money schoolwork Discussion:How much do you know about plays?Which play is your favourite?Can you tell me some characteristics krktrstks of a play?Is the format fmt of a play the same as that of a news article?Is the language in a play very formal?A play has a unique format and style.Most play

7、s are in the form of a dialogue.A large amount of casual kul(非正式非正式)speech is used,sometimes with incomplete sentences.The main components kmpnnts(组成部分组成部分)of a play are as follows:characters,settings,stage directions 舞台指示舞台指示(剧本中关于演员上下场、剧本中关于演员上下场、表演动作等的说明表演动作等的说明),plot,conflicts,climax klamks(高潮高潮

8、),and theme.B.As a group,watch a video and then discuss how to write a short play about your chosen topic.Use the table below to help you.P27Elements of a play The play you watch Your own playSettingCharactersPlotThemeIn the royal palaceKing Lear,Goneril nril,Cordelia k:di:lj,Regan,KentKing Lear div

9、ided the kingdom among his three daughters,two of whom got the land by flattering(讨好;向讨好;向谄媚谄媚)the king.Cordelia told the truth but ended up being treated unfairly.True love between parents and children Video script视频脚本视频脚本 King Lear Earl:l(伯爵伯爵)of Kent,a loyal officer(政府或大机构的政府或大机构的)官员,高官员,高级职员级职员,

10、is standing near King Lear ready to serve him.The kings three daughters enter the room and upon seeing them,the king stands and begins the meeting.King Lear:Alright,lets get down to business(着手处理正事;开始认着手处理正事;开始认真工作真工作).Give me that map over there.An attendant tendnt(要人的要人的)侍从,随从侍从,随从brings a map whi

11、ch the king unrolls(使纸张、织物等使纸张、织物等)展开,展开,摊开,铺开摊开,铺开 and lays flat on a table.King Lear:I have decided to divide the kingdom into three parts as I plan to place the burden of ruling on the younger generation.That way I can live my last years in peace(安享晚年安享晚年).Tell me,my daughters,as I am to retire,w

12、hich of you loves me most so that I can give the greatest share(一份一份)of my kingdom to the most deserving(值得的;应得的值得的;应得的).Goneril,my eldest,you may speak first.Goneril:(She steps forward(主动主动站出来站出来)to address(向向说话说话)the king.)Sir,I love you more than words can say.Dearer than eyesight,space and freed

13、om.I love you beyond(超出超出之外之外)what can be valued,rich or rare.(我爱你胜过一切我爱你胜过一切珍贵的东西,无论是富有的还是稀珍贵的东西,无论是富有的还是稀有的有的)。I love you as much as life itself,with health,beauty and honour(我爱你我爱你就像爱生命一样,健康,美丽,光就像爱生命一样,健康,美丽,光荣荣).I love you as much as a child has ever loved a father.My love is such that it leave

14、s one breathless(激动的激动的,令人窒息的令人窒息的)and speechless.Beyond(除除之外之外)all these things,I love you.Cordelia:(She whispers to herself as she turns to the audience.)What will I say?I can only say that I love you and be silent(我只能默默的说我只能默默的说我爱你我爱你).King Lear:(He points at the map and draws a line with his fin

15、ger.)Of my kingdom I give you this part,from this line to this one.You will have shadowy di(阴阴暗的;幽暗的;阴影中的;多荫的暗的;幽暗的;阴影中的;多荫的)forests(茂密的森林茂密的森林),fertile ftal(肥沃的;富饶的肥沃的;富饶的)fields,plentiful rivers,and wide meadows meduz(草地;牧场草地;牧场).This land will belong to you and your children forever.(To Regan)Wha

16、t do you have to say my second daughter?My dearest Regan,speak.Regan:(She steps forward to address the king.)Sir,I am made of the same stuff as my sister,so I am as worthy(好的好的,优秀的优秀的,适合的适合的,相配相配的的)as her.In all honesty(说实话;说实话;其实其实)I agree wholeheartedly(完全完全同意同意)with her words of love though she c

17、omes too short.我跟姐姐是一样的,我跟姐姐是一样的,您凭着她就可以判断我。在我的真心之中,我您凭着她就可以判断我。在我的真心之中,我觉得她刚才所说的话,正是我爱您的实际的情觉得她刚才所说的话,正是我爱您的实际的情形,形,可是她还不能充分说明我的心理可是她还不能充分说明我的心理。stuff(of sth)(formal,or literary)基基本特征;特质;根本;基础;原料本特征;特质;根本;基础;原料 Lets see what stuff youre made of(=what sort of person you are).我们来看看你是怎样一个人。我们来看看你是怎样一个

18、人。I,however,love you so much that I cannot find joy doing anything other than loving you.Only your love can make me happy.Cordelia:(To herself again)Oh,poor me!Though I am sure my love is bigger than words can describe.other than A.(通常用于否定句通常用于否定句)except 除除以外以外 I dont know any French people other th

19、an you.除了你,我不认识别的法国人。除了你,我不认识别的法国人。Were going away in June but other than that Ill be here all summer.我们六月份外我们六月份外出;除此以外,我整个夏天都在这里。出;除此以外,我整个夏天都在这里。B.(formal)不同;不同于;不不同;不同于;不 I have never known him to behave other than selfishly.我从没见过他不自私。我从没见过他不自私。King Lear:(Looking satisfied)To you and your childr

20、en from this point(地点地点)on I give this third(三分之一三分之一)of the kingdom.No less than what your sister has obtained.(To Cordelia,with a bright smile)Now,the last,though not the least Cordelia,you will soon make ties(关系关系)with France or Burgundy b:gndi.What can you say that will make you outshine your si

21、sters?Speak.no less than(强调大数量)不少于,多达(强调大数量)不少于,多达 The guide contains details of no less than 115 hiking routes.这本导游指南包这本导游指南包括多达括多达115条徒步旅行路线的详细介绍。条徒步旅行路线的详细介绍。outshine|atan|vt.比比更优秀;更优秀;比比更出色;胜过更出色;胜过 Jesse has begun to outshine me in sports.杰西在体育方面开始超过我。杰西在体育方面开始超过我。Cordelia:Nothing,My Lord(英国英国用

22、以称呼法官、主教或某些男性贵用以称呼法官、主教或某些男性贵族成员,表示尊敬族成员,表示尊敬)大人,阁下大人,阁下.King Lear:Nothing?Cordelia:Nothing.King Lear:Nothing will come of nothing(没有只能换到没有没有只能换到没有).Try e of/from sth:to be the result of sth 是是的结果的结果,出身于出身于;来自来自 I made a few enquiries,but nothing came of it in the end.我做过一些查我做过一些查询,但到头来却毫无结果。询,但到头来却

23、毫无结果。That comes of eating too much!那是吃得太多的结果!那是吃得太多的结果!She comes of a very good family.她的家庭出身非常好。她的家庭出身非常好。Cordelia:As sad as it is,I cant put into words the feelings of my heart.(悲伤的是,我无法用语言来表达悲伤的是,我无法用语言来表达我内心的感受我内心的感受)I love Your Majesty mdsti(对国王或女王的尊称对国王或女王的尊称)陛下陛下 as a daughter should,no more

24、nor less.(我爱您只是按照我我爱您只是按照我的名分,一分不多,一分不少的名分,一分不多,一分不少)King Lear:What?Cordelia,fix(修修理;校准;校正理;校准;校正)your words or you may lose your inheritance继承物继承物(如金钱、财产等);遗产继(如金钱、财产等);遗产继承承nhertns.Cordelia:You have made me,raised me,and loved me.I give back to you as you have earned(应得应得).I obey you,love you,and

25、most of all honour you.How can my sisters be married if they only love you?When I am married,I will happily give half my love to you and half to care for my husband unlike my sisters who only love you.父亲,您生下我来,把我教养成人,爱惜我、厚待我;我受到您这样的恩德,只有恪尽我的责任,服从您、爱您、敬重您。我的姊姊们要是用她们整个的心来爱您,那么她们为什么要嫁人呢?要是我有一天出嫁了,那接受我的

26、忠诚的誓约的丈夫,将要得到我的一半的爱、我的一半的关心和责任;假如我只爱我的父亲,我一定不会像我的两个姊姊一样再去嫁人的。care for sb A.照顾,照料(病、老、幼者等)照顾,照料(病、老、幼者等),=take care of She moved back home to care for her elderly parents.她搬回家住,好照料年迈的双亲。她搬回家住,好照料年迈的双亲。B.深深地爱;非常喜欢深深地爱;非常喜欢 He cared for her more than she realized.她不知道他是多么爱她。她不知道他是多么爱她。King Lear:Are the

27、se words from the heart?Cordelia:Yes,My Lord.King Lear:(irritated rtetd(烦烦恼;恼怒恼;恼怒)and disgusted厌恶的;厌恶的;憎恶的;反感的憎恶的;反感的)So young but so cold-hearted(冷酷无情的;无同情冷酷无情的;无同情心的;不仁慈的心的;不仁慈的)?Cordelia:So young but so true.King Lear:(Furious fjris狂怒的;狂怒的;暴怒的暴怒的)So be it!Your truth will be your inheritance!For

28、by the sacred sekrd(上帝的;神的;神圣的上帝的;神的;神圣的)powers that rule Heaven and Earth I disown you!There are no ties between us and from now on you will be a stranger to me.Barbarians b:bernz(古代欧洲古代欧洲原始部落的原始部落的)野蛮人野蛮人who eat their own children will be closer family to you than you will ever be to me,ex-daughte

29、r!吃自己孩子的野蛮人和你的关系比你和我的关系更亲密好,那么让你的忠实做你的嫁奁吧。好,那么让你的忠实做你的嫁奁吧。凭着太阳神圣的光辉,凭着黑夜的凭着太阳神圣的光辉,凭着黑夜的神秘,凭着主宰人类生死的星球的神秘,凭着主宰人类生死的星球的运行,我发誓从现在起,永远和你运行,我发誓从现在起,永远和你断绝一切父女之情和血缘亲属的关断绝一切父女之情和血缘亲属的关系,把你当做一个路人看待。啖食系,把你当做一个路人看待。啖食自己儿女的生番,比起你,我的旧自己儿女的生番,比起你,我的旧日的女儿来,也不会更令我憎恨。日的女儿来,也不会更令我憎恨。so be it(formal)(表示完全接受)(表示完全接受)

30、就那样好了就那样好了 If he doesnt want to be involved,then so be it.要是他不想参与,那要是他不想参与,那就随他的便好了。就随他的便好了。disown|dsn|vt.与与断绝关系;断绝关系;否认对否认对的责任的责任 Her family disowned her for marrying a foreigner.她的家人因她她的家人因她嫁给了外国人而与她断绝关系。嫁给了外国人而与她断绝关系。Kent:(He steps forward to intervene ntvin 插嘴;打断插嘴;打断(别别人的话人的话).)But,My Lord-King

31、 Lear:Quiet,Kent!Dont get in my way when Im angry.I loved her the most and thought she would take care of me as I died.(To Cordelia)Get out of my sight!(To Kent)If she doesnt love me then I will die alone.get in the way of:to prevent sb from doing sth;to prevent sth from happening 挡挡的路;妨碍的路;妨碍 He wo

32、uldnt allow emotions to get in the way of him doing his job.他不会让情绪妨碍自己的工作。他不会让情绪妨碍自己的工作。The remaining part of my kingdom will be split(分担;分摊;分享分担;分摊;分享)between my other two daughters.If she wants to be proud,which she calls plainness(坦诚坦诚),then she can marry it!(To Goneril and Regan)I give you both

33、all the powers and authority rti of kingship(王位王位)and all that I ask is that you give me a hundred troops(士兵士兵)to be my guard and that I keep the title(头衔头衔)of king.I will stay with both of you a month at a time in turns.The power,money,and decision-making of this kingdom will be divided between you

34、r two families.To prove it,I give you my crown kran(王冠王冠,皇冠皇冠)to share.我把我的威力、特权和一切君主的尊荣一起给了你们。我自己只保留一百名骑士,在你们两人的地方按月轮流居住,由你们负责供养。除了国王的名义和尊号以外,所有行政的大权、国库的收入和大小事务的处理,完全交在你们手里;为了证实我的话,两位贤婿,我赐给你们这一顶宝冠,归你们两人共同保有。at a time每次;逐一;依次每次;逐一;依次 We had to go and see the principal one at a time.我们得逐一去见校长。我们得逐一去见

35、校长。She ran up the stairs two at a time.她一步两阶地跑上楼梯。她一步两阶地跑上楼梯。in turn A.依次;轮流;逐个依次;轮流;逐个 The children called out their names in turn.孩子们逐一自报姓名。孩子们逐一自报姓名。B.相应地;转而相应地;转而 Kent:(He steps forward again.)King Lear,whom I have honoured as my king,loved as my father and served as my master.King Lear:Im mad(很

36、生气;气愤很生气;气愤)enough to kill someone.Dont let it be you.Kent:Kill me then!I think I can be rude if the king has become mad.What are you doing,old man?(李尔发了疯,李尔发了疯,肯特也只好不顾礼貌了。你究竟要怎肯特也只好不顾礼貌了。你究竟要怎样,老头儿?样,老头儿?)Do you think that I will be too scared sked to speak up 明确表态;明确表态;(尤尤指为指为)说好话,辩护说好话,辩护 when a

37、man is making bad decisions?Truthfully(说实话说实话),I am honour-bound(在道在道义上有责任,义无反顾义上有责任,义无反顾)to speak when kings are being stupid.Dont do this.Check 克制克制,抑制抑制(做某事或做某事或表露感情表露感情 your rage(暴怒;狂怒暴怒;狂怒)and dont make this decision rashly(鲁莽地鲁莽地,轻率地轻率地,仓促地仓促地).(Pointing at Cordelia)I swear on my life that you

38、r youngest daughter does not love you the least.Just because she doesnt proclaim prklem(宣布;宣告;声明宣布;宣告;声明)it loudly it doesnt mean that her heart is empty(无诚意的无诚意的).King Lear:Kent,if you want to live,shut up(常用来粗暴地让某人停止常用来粗暴地让某人停止说话说话)住口,闭嘴住口,闭嘴!Kent:But I have always protected your interests-King Le

39、ar:Get out of my sight!(With rage,he marches(因生气等因生气等快速毅然地快速毅然地)走,行走走,行走about the room looking for a sword sd(剑剑).)Kent:(Pleadingly 恳求;央求恳求;央求)Let me remain with you so that you can look to me for advice.remain 留在,停留于留在,停留于(某处某处)From time to time,James remained at home with his family.詹姆斯偶尔留在家里陪家人。詹

40、姆斯偶尔留在家里陪家人。look to sb for sth|look to sb to do sth(formal)依赖,期待,指望(某人提依赖,期待,指望(某人提供某物或做某事)供某物或做某事)We are looking to you for help.我们指望得到你的帮助。我们指望得到你的帮助。The king finds a sword and waves it at Kent.The other people in the room step forward wondering if they should try to intervene(阻挠阻挠,出出面;介入面;介入).Ken

41、t:Do it!Kill the person trying to help you and youll face/take the consequences knskwns(承担后承担后果果;自食其果自食其果).Either take back the inheritance you have unfairly given to your daughters or,while I still have air to breathe,I will tell you that you are doing an evil thing.King Lear:He continues to advanc

42、e on(向向逼近逼近)Kent with his sword.Listen to me,traitor tret(r)(背叛者;叛徒;卖国背叛者;叛徒;卖国贼贼)!take sthback A.退回;同意收回(退货)退回;同意收回(退货)B.收回,撤回(说过的话)收回,撤回(说过的话)OK,I take it all back!好吧,我把我说过的话统统收回。好吧,我把我说过的话统统收回。take sbback允许(因不合而离去的允许(因不合而离去的配偶等)回家;与配偶等)回家;与重归于好重归于好 take sb back(to)使回想起使回想起 The smell of the sea to

43、ok him back to his childhood.大海的气味使他回想起孩提时代。大海的气味使他回想起孩提时代。I have never broken my word and I will not do so now,no matter how you plead(乞求;恳求乞求;恳求).I cannot bear(忍受忍受)this rudeness so this will be your sentence(判决判决).You have five days to prepare to leave and another five to get out of my kingdom.If

44、 I see you in my lands(涉及感情或想象涉及感情或想象)国家,地区国家,地区 after that then I will kill you.Get out!By Jupiter(凭着朱庇特发誓凭着朱庇特发誓)dupt(r)木星木星(太阳系中最大的太阳系中最大的行星行星),I will never take back this decision.Kent:(He looks sad but bids(向向道别道别)the king goodbye with a bow|ba|)Farewell,King Lear.If this is what you wish.(To C

45、ordelia,in a sweet voice)Blessings on you dear.May(表示愿表示愿望望)但愿但愿 you be sheltered(保护保护)for thinking properly and speaking correctly.姑娘,自有神明为你照应。你心地纯洁,说话真诚!To Regan and Goneril,in a derisive drasv(嘲笑的;嘲弄的;取笑的嘲笑的;嘲弄的;取笑的)tone As for(至于;关于至于;关于)you,may your big words be proved with equal deeds,and may

46、good results come from your words of love.至于你们,愿你们的豪言被公平的行为所验证,愿你们爱心的言语产生善果。(To all)I now bid you all goodbye and go to make a new life in a new country.(Exit)C.As a group,write your play.Use the example below,which is the beginning of a short play,to help you.Then perform your play in front of the

47、class.P27 Tip:Performing a play To perform a play well,you should:learn how to say your lines(戏剧或电戏剧或电影的影的)台词,对白台词,对白:try speaking in different ways,e.g.softly,angrily,to see which way works best;perform with confidence and make sure that you can be heard clearly;use body language身势语,肢体语言身势语,肢体语言(通过

48、姿势等表露思想感情通过姿势等表露思想感情)to show your feelings.Act(戏剧、歌剧等的戏剧、歌剧等的)一幕一幕 1.Scene(戏剧或歌剧的戏剧或歌剧的)场场 1 Friday evening.The living room of a flat.A teenage girl,Eve,is sitting on the sofa and texting(用手机给某用手机给某人人)发短信发短信 on her mobile phone when her dad enters.Dad:Im home!(He waits for a response but doesnt get

49、one.He puts his bag on the table.)Eve,how was your day?Eve:Fine.(She gets up and starts to walk to her room.)Dad:Who are you texting?Eve:No one.(She continues to text without looking up)Dad:Are you all right?Eve walks into her room.Eve:Yeah.(She shuts the door.)(1)Whats the attitude of Eve towards h

50、er father?(2)What do you think causes the problem?Indifferent and cold.Generation gap.Stage directions舞台指示舞台指示(剧本剧本中关于演员上下场、表演动作等的中关于演员上下场、表演动作等的说明说明),written in italics tlks(斜斜体字体字),are often given at the start of a new act/scene to tell the reader when and where the play is set(戏戏剧、电影、小说等剧、电影、小说等)


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