Unit 3 Getting along with others Workbook (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、牛津译林版高中英语必修一课件Unit 3 Getting along with othersWorkbook制作者:桂东一中李宇平Exploring language A.Fill in the blanks with proper words.The first letter of some words has been given.P69 1.I deeply _ David for what he has achieved in the field of AI(artificial intelligence 人工智能人工智能).2.His mother is a _ woman.She

2、is willing to offer help.respectgenerous 3.I should _ for failing to keep my promise.4.We spent a pleasant holiday in the _ of good friends.5.Living in the countryside is one of the happiest _ in my life.6.We should never _ a person when we meet them for the firs time.apologizecompanymomentsjudge 7.

3、I wrote her an email,but she didnt _.8.-I havent seen John for ten years.He has changed a lot.-Yes.I didnt _ him when I saw him yesterday.9.They managed to _ from the burning building.10.-How can I _ you?-You can call me or leave a comment on social media.respondrecognizeescapecontact B.Fill in the

4、blanks with the correct forms of the phrases in the box below.P69 bring out count on move on make it result from in any case at a loss in person 1.We will make an apology for not being able to _ to the meeting on Sunday.make it 2.I know it isnt easy but _,we will get over the difficulties.3.The seri

5、ous car accident _(因因)发生;发生;(随随)产生产生 the drivers careless driving.4.You should give a letter of invitation to the director _.in any case resulted from in person 5.Ive done the same job for over ten years-its time to _ 开开始做始做(别的事别的事).6.It is believed that a difficult situation can always _(使使显现;使表现出显

6、现;使表现出)the best and the worst in a person.move onbring out move on(to sth):to start doing or discussing sth new 开始做(别的开始做(别的事);换话题事);换话题 Ive been in this job long enoughits time I moved on.这工作我已经干得这工作我已经干得够久了够久了我该干点别的了。我该干点别的了。Can we move on to the next item on the agenda dend?我们可以接着讨论下一项议程吗?我们可以接着讨

7、论下一项议程吗?7.You can always _ Mary when you are in trouble.She is very reliable rlabl(可信赖的;可信赖的;可依靠的可依靠的).8.She was completely _ when she learnt her son had left home.count onat a loss D.Translate the following sentences into English.Use the words and phrases in the brackets.P70 1.她很累,她很累,想要想要好好睡一觉。好好睡

8、一觉。(feel like)She is very tired,and(she)feels like having a good sleep.2.多次失败使他逐渐丧失了信心。多次失败使他逐渐丧失了信心。(failure;eat away at)3.在主题公园里,她从来不让女儿走在主题公园里,她从来不让女儿走出她的视线。出她的视线。(out of ones sight)Many failures ate away at his confidence.She never lets her daughter out of her sight at the theme park.4.依我看,这两部小说

9、有很多共依我看,这两部小说有很多共同之处。同之处。(in ones opinion)5.坦白说,昨天晚上的会议并不坦白说,昨天晚上的会议并不成功。成功。(frank)In my opinion,the two novels have much in common.To be frank,the meeting last night was a failure.6.旅游的众多好处之一就是了解旅游的众多好处之一就是了解当地的文化。当地的文化。(benefit)7.他有许多良好的品质,比如诚他有许多良好的品质,比如诚实和独立。实和独立。(quality)One of the many benefit

10、s of travelling is to learn local culture.He has a lot of good qualities such as honesty and independence.8.如果你有心理健康方面的问题,如果你有心理健康方面的问题,请咨询专家。请咨询专家。(seek)If you have a problem about mental health,please seek experts/expert advice.Building skills A.Listening and speaking P71 A1.The president(机构、俱乐机构、

11、俱乐部、学院等的部、学院等的)会长,院长,主席会长,院长,主席 and the secretary sekrtri of the school Adventure Club are deciding whether a student can be vice-president of the club.Listen to the conversation and complete the notes describing the student below.Liu Dong:enjoys(1)_;has experience of(2)_;knows a lot about(3)_;is a

12、little too(4)_;does not(5)_ much;is very(6)_ of himself;may be unfriendly.travellingorganizing tripshistory and natureindependenttalksure Tapescript Secretary:What do you think about Liu Dongs application?President:I think its very good.He would be an excellent vice-president of the club.He enjoys t

13、ravelling and has been to a lot of places.He also has experience of organizing trips and a good knowledge of history and nature.I think we could learn a lot from him.Secretary:Thats true,but I think hes a little too independent.Were a team.He can get things done all by himself.We need a club leader

14、who can work well with club members.We dont want someone who isnt going to listen to other peoples thoughts and ideas.President:Youre right,but on the other hand,we also need people who know how to make plans and carry them out.I think Liu Dong can do that.Secretary:Well,it seems to me that he doesn

15、t talk much.President:No.But when he does talk,hes very sure of himself.We need a confident club leader.Confident people are more willing to take risks.Im afraid sometimes other students may find it difficult to work with him.If hes unfriendly,no one will want to take part in the activities he orgni

16、zes.President:Yes,I suppose youre right.We need to think about it more carefully before the final decision is made.A2.The president and the secretary later came up with找到找到(答案答案);拿出;拿出(一笔钱等一笔钱等)an idea.Then the secretary called Liu Dong to tell him their decision.Listen to the voicemail vsmel(语音信箱;语

17、音信箱;电话留言电话留言)and complete the notes below.P71 Secretarys message Decision Accepted as vice-president of the club with a trial period lasting(1)_ Reasons Always wanting to have(2)_ Being good at(3)_ thirty daysadventuresplanning tripsRequirements Working in a(4)_ and listening to others ideas Trying

18、to be(5)_teamfriendlier and outgoing Tapescript Secretary:Hi,Liu Dong,Its Wei here,secretary of the Adventure Club.Thank you for your interest in our club.The president and I were just talking about your application.Im pleased to tell you that wed like to accept接纳,接受接纳,接受(为成员、会为成员、会员等员等)you as vice-

19、president of the club.We are glad to hear that youve always wanted to have adventures and that youre good at planning trips.We look forward to working with you.There are,however,a few requirements rkwamnts that we would like you to meet.Weve decided to let you have a trial period(试用期试用期)first.Were a

20、 little bit concerned about your ability to work in a team and listen to other peoples ideas,so wed like you to prove you can do this.Please try to be friendlier and more outgoing.If,after thirty days,we think youre fit for our club and youre still interested in joining,you can become the vice-presi

21、dent of our club.Is this OK with you?If you have any questions,please call me back.A3.In pairs,role-play a conversation between Liu Dong and his friend,asking for and giving advice on how to get on well with others.Use the example below to help you and pay attention to the expressions in red/bold.Sw

22、itch roles after you finish.P72 Liu Dong:The secretary of the Adventure Club said I should be friendlier and get on better with others.What can I do?Friend:I think its a good idea to always smile at others.It makes them think youre friendly and theyll be willing to make friends with you.Liu Dong:I w

23、ill!You know,sometimes I feel nervous when talking to other people,especially those I dont know well.Is there anything else I should do?Friend:Always be a good listener and remember to make eye contact(眼神交流眼神交流).This shows youre interested in what they say.Liu Dong:Good idea.And what if I dont agree

24、 with them?Friend:Its natural that people disagree with others,but you need to respect different opinions.Instead of trying to change others opinions,accept that theyre different.I hope youll find these ideas helpful.Appreciating languageP 74 Poets from around the world have written about friendship

25、.Read aloud the two poems below about friendship.P74 Parting送元二使安西送元二使安西 By Wang Wei Morning rain at Weicheng settles dust light,渭城朝雨浥轻尘,渭城朝雨浥轻尘,The country inn is green with fresh willows around.客舍青青柳色新。客舍青青柳色新。Drink one more cup at this moment,I invite,劝君更尽一杯酒劝君更尽一杯酒 For west of Yangguan Pass,no f

26、riends will be found.西出阳关无故人。西出阳关无故人。(Translated by Gu Danke)parting|p:t|离别;分手;分别离别;分手;分别 the moment of parting离别的时刻离别的时刻 We had a tearful parting at the airport.我们在机场洒泪而别。我们在机场洒泪而别。settle(使使)缓慢沉落缓慢沉落;(使使)逐渐下陷逐渐下陷 A black dust settled on the walls.墙上落了一层黑色的粉尘。墙上落了一层黑色的粉尘。inn|n|(North Amercian Englis

27、h)(通常指乡村的)小旅馆,客栈(通常指乡村的)小旅馆,客栈 willow|wl;美美 wlo|C 柳;柳树柳;柳树 pass 关口;关隘;山路关口;关隘;山路 a mountain pass山口山口The Arrow and the Song箭与歌箭与歌Henry Wadsworth Longfellow亨利亨利沃兹沃斯沃兹沃斯朗费罗朗费罗 I shot an arrow into the air,我向天空射出一支箭,我向天空射出一支箭,It fell to earth I knew not where;它飞落在不知何处的地面它飞落在不知何处的地面;For so swiftly it fle

28、w,the sight它飞驰得如此迅速,它飞驰得如此迅速,Could not follow it in its flight.没有视线能够跟随它的脚步。没有视线能够跟随它的脚步。I breathed a song into the air,我向天空轻唱一首歌,我向天空轻唱一首歌,It fell to earth I knew not where;它消逝在不知何处的角落它消逝在不知何处的角落;For who has the sight so keen and strong,谁的目光能够如此锐利,谁的目光能够如此锐利,That can follow the flight of a song.可以追

29、随歌声的旋律。可以追随歌声的旋律。Long,long afterwards in an oak,很久很久以后,在一棵橡树上,很久很久以后,在一棵橡树上,I found the arrow still unbroke;我发现那支箭依然完好如初我发现那支箭依然完好如初;And the song,from beginning to end,而那首歌自始至终,而那首歌自始至终,I found again in the heart of a friend.都深深印在一位朋友的心中。都深深印在一位朋友的心中。arrow|r;美美 ro|n.箭箭 swiftly swftli adv.迅速地,敏捷地迅速地,敏捷地;倏忽倏忽 keen adj.灵敏的;敏锐的灵敏的;敏锐的 oak|k;美美 ok|(also oak tree)橡树橡树诗歌赏析诗歌赏析:https:/


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