2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》必修第一册Unit 2 单句语法填空.docx

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1、第一组1 The guide told us that there was a famous (attract) there.2 At midnight the large noise made all the villagers (alarm)3 He advised me to put the medal near my bed as a (remind)4 A university should never ignore its fundamental (responsible)education and research.5 The price includes hotel and m

2、ealsentertainment is (option)6 (fortunate) for Lucy,she could take part in the interesting game.7 During a short time,the hard-working boy made (amaze) progress.8 It is obvious that most of the members are interested in my (propose)9_ far as I am concerned,health is more important than wealth.10 I w

3、ish they _(not,know) my address at the moment.第二组1 I dont like chicken,_ I like fish very much.2 I dont suppose anyone will volunteer,_ they?3 He was ill,_ he didnt come to school last week.4 _ the days went on,the situation there got worse.5 We must do the experiment carefully _ Miss Liu told us.6

4、She won the first prize in the speech contest _ it surprised us.7 There is plenty of rain in the south _ there is little in the north.8 _ he was very busy,he tried to help others in his free time.9 Its really very dangerous. One more step,_ the baby will fall into the well.10 After ten years,she cha

5、nged a lot and looked different from _ she used to be.第三组1 The campaign is clearly targeted _the young.2 Everybody is concerned _the future of his country.3 From a practical point _view,it isnt a good place to live in.4 She reacted surprisingly _(calm) to the news of his death.5 She had a _(stress)

6、job as a head coach of the shooting team.6 The old man gets a mental examination on a _(regularly) basis.7 _ (struggle) for months,Dina found a job as a waitress.8 This is a hospital for those people who suffer _(mentally) diseases.9 _ (rough) speaking,the trip takes about an hour to reach the roof.

7、10 The books weakness is the authors inability to sustain an _(argue)第四组1 He is likely _(come) here next month,but Im not sure.2 It is clear that many students are now _great pressure.3 What inspired him to give such a brilliant _(perform)?4 When was it that they set out_ (design) such a new bridge?

8、5 I dont know why the young couple are getting into an _(argue)6 There is a proven association between _(passively) smoking and cancer.7 On the one hand,people are more than eager _(share) ideas with others.8 The youth are curious _everything and like reading science fiction stories.9 After the edit

9、ors read my article,they pointed _what needed improving.10 He decided to return to his hometown after _(graduate)第五组1 The document shall be kept in a _(security) place.2 He sang one more song _ response to our great demand.3 The boys _(gather) at the school gate are my classmates.4 Teachers always m

10、onitor students _(perform) at school.5 If you want to call abroad,you should first ring the _(operate)6 Actually,the brain accounts _merely three percent of body weight.7 She _(graduation) with honors as MA in philosophy this year.8 In her spare time she does _(volunteer) work to gather information.

11、9 We thought the _(figure) were correct. However,we have now discovered some errors.10 The teachers question failed to get a _(respond) from any of the students.第六组1 Taking everything account,the final result is not so bad.2 He went on talking while I tried to figure what it meant.3 What do you thin

12、k of the young artists (perform)?4 He made no (respond) to my email,which made me angry.5 The children gathered around the old man,watching (eager)6 Nowadays,most of the students are living under great (press)7 The fans (gather) in the hall were waiting for the young actor.8 The money (draw) out of

13、the bank by him was sent to the poor man.9 The old man often goes to the centre to do some (volunteer) work.10 In my view,the hard-working player is likely (win) the final match.第七组1 The illness (normal) lasts about a week or ten days.2 Moving to a new house is a very (stress) experience.3 John only

14、 agreed to go under (press) from his parents.4 When you get older,youd better do some jogging (regular)5 His question failed to get a (respond) from any of the students.6 She volunteered (act) as a volunteer in the Olympic Games.7 Everyone (concern) in the incident was questioned by the police.8 The

15、 woman is struggling (bring) up a family on a very low income.9 When the film ended,the excited audiences are hard to calm themselves _.10 Our parents desire us _(stick) to our aims,whatever challenges we will meet.第八组1 The stories in this novel are so _(amaze) that you will never feel bored.2 John

16、is looking forward to _(meet) the new exchange student.3 I refuse to rise _ that sort of comment.4 Lets take action and make some contributions _ our school environment.5 I told the bank clerk that Id like to exchange some pounds _dollars.6 You must struggle to focus all your attention _ your study.

17、7 The guide told us that there was a famous _(attract) there.8 At midnight the large noise made all the villagers _(alarm)9 Going abroad for further study as an exchange student is _(stress)10 John agreed to be a teacher under the _(press) of his parents.第九组1 One more hour,_ I will finish typing the

18、 paper completely.2 She didnt have enough money,_ she didnt buy that coat.3 It is necessary _ we should pay attention to our environment.4 I found her a little annoying,_ I will help her with her English.5 I dont know the reason _ he was late for such an important meeting.6 I was about to go to bed

19、_ the telephone rang.7 My mother struggled _(bring) up my family on a very low income when I was in senior high school.8 What you have done will result in family (tense)9 It is natural that teenagers are developing a different rate.10 For such a young man,it is really a very (stress) job.第十组1 It is

20、natural that teenagers are developing _ a different rate.2 We are living in a competitive and _(stress) society.3 The young man arrived and solved the problem _(calm)4 These black slaves have struggled _ freedom for many years.5 We always desire _(live) in peace with our neighbors.6 She decided to f

21、ind a way to end the _(argue) with her husband.4 The young man arrived and solved the problem (calm)5 These black slaves have struggled freedom for many years.6 She decided to find a way to end the (argue) with her husband.答案第一组1 attraction2 alarmed3 reminder4 responsibility5 optional6 Fortunately7

22、amazing8 proposal 9.As10 didnt know第二组1 but2 will3 so4 As5 as6 and7 while8 Although/Though9 and10 What第三组1 at 2.about/for 3.of 4.calmly 5.stressful 6.regular 7.Having struggled 8.mental 9.Roughly 10.argument第四组1 to come 2. under 3. performance 4. to design 5. argument 6. passive 7. to share 8. about

23、 9. out 10 .graduation第五组1 secure 2. in 3. gathering 4. performance 5. operator 6. for 7. graduated 8. voluntary 9. figures 10.response第六组1 into 2 out 3 performance 4 response 5 eagerly6 pressure 7 gathering 8 drawn 9 voluntary10 to win第七组1 normally2 stressful3 pressure4 regularly5 response6 to act7 concerned8 to bring 9 down10 to stick第八组1 amazing 2.meeting 3.to 4.to 5. for6.on/upon 7 attraction 8.alarmed 9.stressful10.pressure第九组1 and 2. so 3. that 4. but 5. why 6. when 7.to bring 8 tensions9 at10 stressful第十组1.at 2.stressful 3.calmly4.for5.to live6.argument7 calmly 8 for9 argument


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