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1、2022-10-20人教版必修四人教版必修四Unit2Workingtheland说课课件说课课件Contents一、一、Analysis of the teaching Material(教材分析)三、三、Teaching&Learning methods(教法与学法教法与学法)四、四、Teaching procedures:(教学过程)(教学过程)五、五、Blackboard design (板书设计板书设计)六、六、Teaching reflection (教学反思教学反思)二二、Analysis of the students (学情分析学情分析)1.The position and

2、function of the teaching Material(教材内容的地位和作用教材内容的地位和作用)本课为人教版高中英语(NSEC)必修4 Unit 2 Working the landReading:A Pioneer for All People (about 500words)本单元的中心话题中心话题是“农业”。本文是一篇阅读文,学习本文的作用,一方面是让学生了解我国著名的农业科学家袁隆平个人信息,及他的杂交水稻技术对我国乃至全世界的巨大影响;另一方面是让学生不但学习袁隆平博士不畏艰苦的科研精神而且还要学习他不计名利、踏踏实实的生活态度。本文是这个单元最重要的教学内容。2.Te

3、aching aims(教学目标教学目标):【根据新课程标准和教学大纲根据新课程标准和教学大纲】Knowledge aim(知识目标知识目标)(1)To enable the students to understand the reading passage(2)To enable the students to learn more about agriculture,countryside and farming.Ability aim(技能目标技能目标)(1)To develop the Ss abilities of listening,speaking,reading and wr

4、iting.(2)To improve Ss reading skills,especially their fast reading and careful reading skills.Emotion aim(情感目标情感目标)To arouse students respect of Yuan Longping and learn his good qualities.4.The difficult points4.The difficult points(教学难点):(教学难点):(1)如何使学生学会提取、筛选和重组文章中的信息,并灵活运用于语言实践中,达到语言实践能力的扩展与提高。(

5、2)如何提高学生去做高考阅读理解题的解题能力,突出掌握细节阅读的细节阅读的技巧技巧。(关键词,主题句)3.The important points(教学重点教学重点):(1)让学生了解袁隆平,如外貌、成就和梦想以及他的个性和品质。(2)训练学生利用不同阅读技巧寻找所需信息(Fast reading,Detailed reading)二、二、Analysis of the students (Analysis of the students (学情分析学情分析)对象:高一农村学生,英语基础薄弱,但对本单元 “农业”这个话题熟悉。课时:本单元的第二课时,学生已掌握课文的新单词和短语。1.Coope

6、rative learning method(合作学习法)2.Competitive learning method(竞争学习法)A multi-media set for teaching,a power-point display works student-centered and teacher-directed(以学生为主体教师为导向)四、四、Teaching ProceduresTeaching Procedures Lead-in Pre-reading While-reading(5mins)(3mins)(20mins)Homework Summary Post-readin

7、g)(1mins)(2mins)(9mins)Step 1:Lead-in(情境导入(情境导入5min)播放播放3分钟的视频分钟的视频“饥饿的非洲饥饿的非洲”并提问:该视频反应出什么并提问:该视频反应出什么问题?学生回答:饥饿。饥饿的确是个令人头疼的问题。问题?学生回答:饥饿。饥饿的确是个令人头疼的问题。Every day,almost 16,000 children die of hunger One child every five seconds.【视频导入最能快速抓住学生注意力和阅读兴趣,所视频导入最能快速抓住学生注意力和阅读兴趣,所以我采用视频导入。以我采用视频导入。】Step 2

8、Pre-reading(3min)读前 Listening (individual work)To find more information about Dr.Yuan,I will play the tape of Para.1 and get the students to catch the answers to the two questions:1.What does Dr.Yuan grow?2.When did Dr.Yuan become the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that has a h

9、igh output?【为了提高学生的听力并激起他们的阅读兴趣为了提高学生的听力并激起他们的阅读兴趣】Step3.While-reading(读中)(20mins)Task1 Fast reading:(快速阅读)(4mins)1.Which of the following statements tells the main idea of the text?The text is 1.Which of the following statements tells the main idea of the text?The text is about_ (about_ (主旨大意题主旨大意题

10、)()(个人任务个人任务)A.a farmer named Yuan Longping A.a farmer named Yuan Longping B.how Yuan Longping became rich and famous B.how Yuan Longping became rich and famous C.a pioneer named Yuan Longping who worked hard to produce a new strain(C.a pioneer named Yuan Longping who worked hard to produce a new st

11、rain(品种品种)of)of ricerice D.a new strain of rice which is called super hybrid rice D.a new strain of rice which is called super hybrid rice2.Match the following main ideas with the right paragraphs.(2.Match the following main ideas with the right paragraphs.(段落大意题段落大意题)()(小组任务小组任务)Group1:Para1 A.Yuan

12、 Longpings Group1:Para1 A.Yuan Longpings dreams.dreams.Group2:Para2 B.Yuan Longpings Group2:Para2 B.Yuan Longpings personalitypersonality(性格性格).).Group3:Para3 C.Yuan Longpings Group3:Para3 C.Yuan Longpings birth,education and researchbirth,education and research.achievementsachievements Group4:Para4

13、 D.Yuan Longpings Group4:Para4 D.Yuan Longpings appearanceappearance and his.and his.【针对高考新增题型针对高考新增题型“7选选5”型阅读理解中选主题句的考点型阅读理解中选主题句的考点在平时的课堂中瞄准高考,就能起到事半功倍的效果在平时的课堂中瞄准高考,就能起到事半功倍的效果】Task2 Detailed reading(仔细阅读)(group work)Paragraph by paragraph (16mins)Para.1 Dr.Yuans appearance and his achievement Q

14、1:What does Dr.Yuan look like?Q2:What is his achievement?在答案后面标出答案来源的行数在答案后面标出答案来源的行数培养学生认真仔细阅读的习惯培养学生认真仔细阅读的习惯Para.2 Yuan Longpings birth,education and research:Put Yuan Longpings biography in right order.(传记)a.He was born into a poor farmers family.b.He graduated from Southwest Agriculture College

15、.c.In 1950,Chinese farmers produced fifty million tons of rice.d.two hundred million tons of rice was produced by growing his hybrid rice.e.He searched a way to increase rice outputs without expanding the area of fields.f.He is now circulating his knowledge in less developed countries.The right orde

16、r:_1.Dr.Yuans hobbies:(在原文中标出答案在原文中标出答案)_2.Which of the following description about Dr.Yuans personality is not true?A.He is satisfied with his life because he is now rich and famous.B.He cares little about money and fame.C.He would rather work than lead a comfortable life.D.He enjoys a simpler life

17、 than most rich and famous people.培养学生培养学生回文定位回文定位,提高准确判断答案的能力,提高准确判断答案的能力Para.3 Dr.Yuans personalityPara.4 Dr.Yuans dreams:1.The first dream:To produce a kind of rice that could_ _ _.(Line 34)plants:as tall as_ sorghum_ ear:as big as ear of_ corn_ grain:as huge as a _peanut_2.The second dream:To_ h

18、is rice _ _ it can be grown around the globe.(Line 35)【模仿句子】Step 4 Post-reading(9mins)Task:An interview (Role Play)【为了提高学生说的能力,针对高考听说考试Part B Role Play训练】【本环节旨在引导学生通过读的输人,提取、筛选和重组文章中的重要语言信息,并通过用英语进行交流,达到从课文知识的巩固到自身知识的扩展与创新能力的形成。】并且能让学生更进一步去思考学习这课文的意义并且能让学生更进一步去思考学习这课文的意义 An interview (Role Play)Dr.Y

19、uan won the“National Award for Science and Technology”on 10th,January,2014.4 students as a group,one acts as Dr Yuan,and the other three act as the reporters to interviewhim about his achievement,biography,personality and dreams after hearing the good news.Step 5 conclusion(总结)(2mins)Step 6:homework

20、【印讲义发给学生】(同步高考题型训练)一Read the passage carefully again and try to find as many useful language points as you can.二Fill in the following blanks according to the text.IP:struggle,be satisfied with,would rather,circulating,freedom DP:He became the first agricultural pioneer in the world to grow rice that

21、 has a high output.Reading skills:fast reading:关键词,主题句关键词,主题句 careful reading:回文定位回文定位 Group 1:Group 2:Group 3:Group 4:Teaching reflection (Teaching reflection (教学反思教学反思):1.whether achieved the goals that I had set before the class 2.Strengthes and weaknesses of this class 本节阅读课我通过多种不同形式的教学方法,设置形式多样的任务类型,充分体现了新课程背景下教师的主导地位,基本做到了把课堂让给学生,让学生在自主、合作、探究的气氛中愉快度过,既顺利完成教学任务,又促进其情感教育。教学作为一门永远会留下些许遗憾的艺术,在本课时的教学中有很多的地方值得我去认真地反思:例如由于学生的语言基础不扎实,在表达自己的看法和用英语进行采访时,时有学生在采访过程夹杂着汉语,或有的学生不敢大胆说出自己的看法,欲言又止,导致气氛没有预想的热烈。


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