Unit6 TOPIC TALK & LESSON 1知识点讲练 (ppt课件)-2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、nit6 TOPIC TALK&LESSON 1知识点讲练1.admire v.钦佩;欣赏【教材原句教材原句】Do you have someone in mind that you admire?你心目中有崇拜的人吗?【归纳拓展归纳拓展】(1)admire sb for sth因某事而钦佩/羡慕某人admire oneself自我欣赏(2)admirable adj.令人钦佩的;极其出色的admiring adj.赞赏的admiration n.钦佩;赞美with/in admiration钦佩地express/have/show admiration for sb/sth 钦佩某人/某事单

2、句填空(1)The school is widely admired its excellent teaching.(2)His bravery is(admire).(3)He watched her in(admire).(4)His boss gave him an(admire)look.foradmirableadmirationadmired完成句子(5)我们停下来欣赏风景。We stopped to .(6)我钦佩她有勇气讲真话。I her having the courage to tell the truth.(7)中秋节时人们会赏月,分享月饼。People and shar

3、e mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival.admire the view/sceneryadmired foradmire the moon2.cure v.治好(疾病),治愈;解决n.疗法【教材原句教材原句】cure diseases治愈疾病【归纳拓展归纳拓展】cure sb of.治愈某人的;矫正某人的a cure for.的疗法单句填空(1)Has the doctor cured the old woman her illness?(2)There is no cure AIDS now.(3)TB is a serious illness,

4、but it can(cure).完成句子(4)我们应该改掉孩子的坏习惯。We should the bad habits.offorbe curedcure our children of3.reform n.&v.改革,改进【教材原句教材原句】social reform 社会变革【归纳拓展归纳拓展】make reforms in 在方面进行改革reform the tax system 改革税收制度a reform of the legal system 法律制度的改革economic/political/educational reform 经济/政治/教育改革national socc

5、er reform 国家足球改革单句填空(1)Many experts have realised that the current medical system needs (reform)to meet the needs of our increasing aging population.(2)Many reforms must(make)to improve the insurance system.to be reformed/reforming be made完成句子(3)改革开放的政策给我们中国人民带来了富裕和多彩的生活。The policy has brought us Ch

6、inese people a rich and colourful life.(4)教学方法的改革受到了学生们的热烈欢迎。is warmly welcomed by students.reform and opening-upThe reform in teaching methods4.apart from 除之外【教材原句教材原句】Malaria kills over 1,000,000 people a yearmore people than any disease apart from AIDS.疟疾每年夺去100多万人的生命除了艾滋病,比任何疾病都多。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】apart

7、 from的含义接近于besides,in addition totake apart拆开set.apart区分;使有别于单句填空(1)Apart English,he has a good command of Russian and French.同义句转换/完成句子(2)Apart from being fun and good exercise,swimming is a very useful skill.being fun and good exercise,swimming is a very useful skill.(3)除了英国和美国外,世界上还有许多国家的人以英语为母语。

8、the UK and the USA,there are native English speakers in a great number of countries in the world.fromBesides/In addition toApart from5.award v.授予,给予n.奖,奖品,奖金【教材原句教材原句】The woman was Tu Youyou,the first Chinese female scientist to be awarded a Nobel Prize for her work.这位女士就是屠呦呦,是中国第一位因她的工作而获得诺贝尔奖的女科学家

9、。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】award sb sth=award sth to sb 授予某人某物单句填空(1)She(award)a scholarship at Harvard last year.同义句转换/完成句子(2)The school awarded Mary a prize for her excellent performance.The school for her excellent performance.(3)他是一位国际巨星,因为精彩的电影已获得了许多奖项。He is an international super star and has for his wonderfu

10、l movies.(4)这部电影赢得了四项大奖,其中包括金球奖最佳影片。The film ,including Best Picture at the Golden Globes.was awardedawarded a prize to Maryreceived many awardsgained four awards6.honour n.荣誉v.尊敬;给予表扬;感到荣幸【教材原句教材原句】When thanking the Committee for the honour,Tu Youyou said.在感谢委员会给予自己这项荣誉的时候,屠呦呦说【归纳拓展归纳拓展】in honour o

11、f为了纪念;为了表示敬意Its a great honour to do sth.做某事感到荣幸。honour sb with sth用某物向某人表示尊敬;授予某人某种荣誉be/feel honoured to do sth做某事感到荣幸 单句填空(1)He felt(honour)to play against the best player.同义句转换/完成句子(2)I am honoured to make a speech here.Its for me a speech here.(3)为了纪念地震中的死难者,人们举行了一个仪式。A ceremony was held those k

12、illed in the earthquake.honouredan honourto makein honour of7.recognition n.表彰,赞扬;辨认出【教材原句教材原句】This is not only an honour for myself,but also recognition of and encouragement for all scientists in China.这不仅是我个人的荣誉,也是对中国所有科学家的赞扬和鼓励。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】(1)out of recognition/beyond recognition辨认不出(2)recognise vt

13、.辨别出;承认;公认be recognised as/to be被公认为单句填空(1)Pollution was not recognised a problem at that time.(2)The town has changed beyond (recognise)since I was last here.(3)Her achievement(recognise)with an award.完成句子(4)他一进来我就认出了他。I as soon as he came in.(5)这本书被公认为是一部名著。The book a classic.asrecognitionwas reco

14、gnisedrecognised himis recognised as8.gain v.获得,赢得,取得;受益n.好处;利益【教材原句教材原句】Later,she studied Chinese medicine for two and a half years with experts in the field from whom she gained a deep knowledge about traditional practices.后来,她与该领域的专家一起学习了两年半的中医,从他们那里她获得了关于传统实践的深刻知识。翻译下列词组或句子(1)gain weight (2)gain

15、 speed (3)gain height (4)gain time (5)No pains,no gains.增加体重增加速度增加高度赢得时间不劳无获。完成句子(6)这个国家十年前赢得了独立。The country ten years ago.(7)最近我的信心增加了。I have recently.(8)你在使用电脑的过程中会得到有用的经验。Youll in working with computers.gained its independencegained confidencegain useful experience9.establish v.建立,设立【教材原句教材原句】In

16、1969,Tu Youyou was chosen to establish a team to find a cure for malariaa disease that killed millions of people every year.1969年,屠呦呦被选中成立一个团队,去寻找治疗疟疾的方法。这种疾病每年会导致数百万人死亡。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】establish的近义词(组):build;found;set up established adj.已获确认的;著名的an established company 地位稳固的公司an established actor 著名的演员an

17、established fact 既定的事实 用establish的适当形式填空(1)It is an company with a good reputation.(2)The university in 1889.完成句子(3)他刚建立起自己的公司,但要站稳脚跟还得花上一段时间。He has just set up his own company but it will take him a while to .establishedwas establishedget e across偶遇【教材原句教材原句】However,after hundreds of failed experim

18、ents,they eventually came across a promising chemical.然而,在数百次失败的实验后,他们最终发现了一种有希望的化学物质。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】come about发生come true实现,变为现实come out问世;出版;显露come up with想出;提出come down下降单句填空(1)His new book will come next month.用come的相关短语完成句子(2)Housing prices are unlikely to.(3)How does it that he is always so busy?(4

19、)Her wish to become a doctor has.(5)In the library I a very useful grammar book.outcome downcome aboutcome truecame across(6)The exam results will in August.(7)He a new idea for increasing sales at the meeting.(8)The prices of televisions are thanks to the increase of production.(9)Four dollars a pa

20、ir?I think its a bit too much.If you buy three pairs,the price for each will to three e outcame up withcoming downcome down11.despite prep.即使;尽管;虽然【教材原句教材原句】Today Tu Youyou continues to conduct research despite her age.如今,尽管年事已高,屠呦呦仍在继续进行研究。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】despite可以替换为in spite of,后接名词或动词的-ing形式。同义句转换(1)Th

21、ey came on time though it was raining heavily.They came on time .(2)She went to Spain despite the fact that the doctor had told her to rest.She went to Spain the fact that the doctor had told her to rest.She went to Spain the doctor had told her to rest.despite the heavy rainin spite ofthough12.adva

22、nce n.发展,进步;前进,预先v.前进,进步;促进;推动;提高(价格)【教材原句教材原句】There is great potential for future advances if these two kinds of wisdom can be fully integrated.如果这两种智慧能够完全融合,未来的发展潜力会很大。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】(1)in advance(of sth)提前,预先(2)advanced adj.先进的advanced technology先进的技术 单句填空(1)Id appreciate it if you could let me know a

23、dvance whether or not you will come.(2)We should learn (advance)experience in management from them.inadvanced完成句子(3)为了赶上早班的航班,我们提前订好了出租车,很早就起床了。To catch the early flight,we ordered a taxi and got up very early.(4)这次会议将聚焦于医学的最新进展。The meeting will in medical science.(5)降雨促进了蔬菜的生长。The rain of the vegetables.in advancefocus on recent advancesadvanced the growth


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