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1、考点分类练(八)主旨大意题标题归纳类A(2022浙江稽阳联谊学校四月联考)“Thats that car!” Benny Correa screamed in their black Cadillac.Earlier,his wife Disley had mentioned a missing 11-year-old girl in Brimfield,not far from their home.The passing car was the same make and model.Correa took a hard right out of the parking lot and t

2、ailed the blue Honda to view the license plate.The driver immediately sped up and blew through a stop sign.Correa shocked his family by following suit.The Honda pulled around the back of a store.When it came around,Correa caught up and pulled ahead,trying to cut it off.The Honda hit the brakes and j

3、umped a curb(路缘).The Cadillacs high beams flashed on the drivera young man with black hair,pulling a hooded sweatshirt up over his face.They saw him forcing a girls head down in the back,trying to hide her.Disley,by then had called 911.“Yes,its him!” she yelled.“Knife in hand!”“Get him,Dad!” his son

4、 shouted excitedly.Correa stayed close behind the Honda,zooming down the road at 100 mph.Soon,he discovered the low-gas light was blinking on the dashboard.Actually,they found out later the suspension had been damaged during the raceit was running on heavy smoke.Their car soon sputtered(噼啪) to a sto

5、p.The Honda disappeared.But thanks to Disleys directions,the police had plotted the path the man was taking and set up roadblocks,trapping the car soon.“It felt like we won the lottery,” Disley said.“The feeling of knowing shes back with her family because of us is just unexplainable.”1.What happene

6、d to the 11-year old girl?A.She was controlled by a criminal.B.She was fleeing with the man.C.She was hidden in the Cadillac.D.She helped to identify the criminal.2.What can we know about Benny Correa and his family?A.They finally rescued the victim.B.They risked themselves to help the victim.C.They

7、 once decided to give up in the process.D.They felt it a slim chance to save the victim.3.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?A.A Thrilling Race of the CarB.A Timely Rescue of the PoliceC.A Hero Action of a Brave FamilyD.An Impressive Experience of a GirlBAn exhibition of 125 lif

8、e-size elephant sculptures has gone on display in London to highlight the need for coexistence between people and wildlife.Organized by conservation groups Elephant Family and The Real Elephant Collective,the exhibition comes as a herd of wild Asian elephants roaming Southwest Chinas Yunnan Province

9、 has drawn global attention.Elephant Family said it would like to see more strategies in place that allow elephants to migrate,eat,and do their best to fit into strange landscapes in a way that is safe for both people and wild animals.The CoExistence exhibition is on display at Green Park,St Jamess

10、Park and Berkeley Square after the sculptures were initially placed outside Buckingham Palace in May.CoExistence is an environmental art exhibition by Elephant Family and The Real Elephant Collective.The elephants have been created deep in the jungles by indigenous(土生土长的) communities who live close

11、to their real-life counterparts.Here,people and elephants coexist in denser(更密集的) populations than anywhere else in the world.The founder of The Real Elephant Collective,a nonprofit organization contributing to protecting elephants,said,“Our best guess is that elephants are very intelligent and have

12、 learned that humans grow lots of nutritious food.Elephants move over long distances and explore their environment,as their ancestors have always done.Coexistence is about negotiating this sharing of space.”When many parts of the world went into lockdown to help control the spread of the novel coron

13、avirus,researchers found wildlife thrived(茁壮成长) in the wake of reduced human activity.“A global reduction in human activity has had a positive effect on wildlife around the world,” Elephant Family said.“It has now been scientifically demonstrated that the moment we lighten our footprint,wildlife thr

14、ives and transforms the health of the planet for all.The pandemic has showed us that coexistence with wildlife is very much possible.”After the exhibition,the sculptures will go on sale for between 6,000 pounds (USD 8,346) for a calf and 30,000 pounds for a large adult,money raised will be directed

15、toward some grassroots organizations working on peaceful coexistence.4.Whats the aim of the CoExistence exhibition?A.To attract visitors to London.B.To raise money for protecting elephants.C.To encourage people to live in harmony with wildlife.D.To honour the elephants roaming in Yunan Province,Chin

16、a.5.What can be inferred from the founders words in paragraph 4?A.Elephants cause no harm to humans.B.Elephants are almost as intelligent as humans.C.Humans and elephants are fighting for more space.D.The coexistence between humans and elephants needs efforts.6.What can we learn from this passage?A.

17、The pandemic has no effect on wildlife.B.Fewer human activities are favorable to wildlife.C.People should try to avoid contact with wildlife.D.The exhibition can earn money for wildlife preservation.7.What is the best title for this text?A.An Exhibition Tour of Elephant SculpturesB.Negotiation Betwe

18、en People and WildlifeC.Effects of Human Activities on ElephantsD.Elephants Intelligence and Nature to ExploreC(2022山东济南高三二模)Have you ever been seized with a kind of warm and unclear feeling when you start an old-fashioned game?Or maybe when you think back to celebrating the holidays as a kid,someth

19、ing magical just seems to be missing now.Thats nostalgia(怀旧之情).In the early 20th century,nostalgia was considered a mental condition similar to depression.Anyone separated from their native place for a long time was easy to suffer nostalgia.But over the next few decades,the meaning of nostalgia has

20、expanded from indicating homesickness to a general longing for the past.And rather than an awful disease,it turns out to be seen as a bittersweet experience.From several former studies,researchers of the University of Southampton supposed nostalgia might protect people from being in bad mood,even wh

21、en they think about upsetting thingslike death.To test it out,they conducted an experiment,where 75 people wrote about their own deaths,and then did a word completion task,in which they were asked to complete different words based on a six-letter word starting with C-O-F-F.The people who thought abo

22、ut dying but didnt get nostalgic answered with many death-related words,such as “coffin(棺材)”,while the nostalgic people gave more answers unrelated to death like “coffee”,almost as if they had never thought about death in the first place.The researchers think that nostalgia,despite being a complex e

23、motional state that can include feelings of loss and sadness,doesnt generally put people in a negative mood.Instead,by allowing individuals to remember personally meaningful and rewarding experiences,nostalgia can boost psychological well-being.These studies are pretty limited,though,and theres stil

24、l a lot we dont know about nostalgia.Still,these studies support that nostalgia has a purpose:If people are feeling down,it might cheer them up.But there are also some less helpful side effects.For example,advertisers have discovered how powerful nostalgia is as a marketing technique,for nostalgia i

25、n ads can make people part with cash more easily.So,it is not all sugar cookies.8.What is paragraph 2 intended to explain?A.The depression caused by long term nostalgia.B.The mental conditions of people away from home.C.The understandings of nostalgia in different periods.D.The relationship between

26、homesickness and nostalgia.9.How did the researchers prove the result of the former studies?A.By performing a test.B.By introducing a concept.C.By doing an investigation.D.By conducting an interview.10.What can we infer about nostalgia from paragraph 4?A.It needs to be further studied.B.It helps to

27、remove bad feelings.C.It benefits peoples physical health.D.It makes people feel life is complex.11.Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A.The Reasons for Feeling NostalgiaB.The Commercial Values of NostalgiaC.Nostalgia:A Method for a Better MoodD.Nostalgia:A Bitter and Pleasant E

28、xperience考点分类练(八)主旨大意题标题归纳类【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了Benny Correa一家发现被歹徒挟持的小女孩、冒险驱车追赶并协助警察拦截歹徒的故事。1.A解析: 细节理解题。由第三段中的“The Cadillacs high beams flashed on the drivera young man with black hair,pulling a hooded sweatshirt up over his face.They saw him forcing a girls head down in the back,trying to hide h

29、er.”可知,小女孩被挟持,故选A项。2.B解析: 推理判断题。由第二段至第六段的相关描述可知,Correa驾车奋力追赶劫匪,并且在此过程中车辆发生故障,险象环生,由此推断,他们是在冒着危险帮助受害者,故选B项。3.C解析: 主旨大意题。文本讲述了Benny Correa一家发现被歹徒挟持的小女孩、冒险驱车追赶并协助警察拦截歹徒的故事,故C项为最佳标题。【语篇导读】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要讲述了一次以大象雕塑为主题的展览,这个展览的意义在于强调人类和野生动物共存的必要性。4.C解析: 推理判断题。由第一段“An exhibition of 125 life-size elephant sc

30、ulptures has gone on display in London to highlight the need for coexistence between people and wildlife(伦敦正在举办一个展览,展出125尊与实物大小一样的大象雕塑,以强调人类和野生动物共存的必要性).”可知,该展览的目的是强调人类和野生动物共存的必要性,C项与文意相符,故选C项。5.D解析: 推理判断题。由第四段中“Coexistence is about negotiating this sharing of space(共存就是协商分享空间).”可推知,大象和人类的共存是要经过“协商努

31、力”才能获得,D项符合题意,故选D项。6.B解析: 细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“When many parts of the world went into lockdown to help control the spread of the novel coronavirus,researchers found wildlife thrived in the wake of reduced human activity.A global reduction in human activity has had a positive effect on wildlife around the

32、world”可知,人类活动的减少对于野生动物的发展兴旺是有利的,B项与文意相符,故选B项。7.A解析: 主旨大意题。本文是一篇新闻报道,文章主题在第一段体现。由第一段“An exhibition of 125 life-size elephant sculptures has gone on display in London to highlight the need for coexistence between people and wildlife.”并结合下文对本次展览的细节及其意义的讲述可知,A项“大象雕塑展览之旅”是最佳标题,故选A项。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了

33、怀旧之情的概念以及关于其积极影响的研究,最后介绍了其商业价值。8.C解析: 主旨大意题。通读本段内容可知,该段重点讲述不同时期对nostalgia的理解,故选C项。9.A解析: 细节理解题。由第三段中的“To test it out,they conducted an experiment.in which they were asked to complete different words based on a six-letter word starting with C-O-F-F.”可知,研究者做了一个实验,让被测试者完成单词填空,用“coff”开头,写出一个六个字母的词来检验怀旧之

34、情对人们的影响,由此可知,研究者通过测试来证明从前研究的结果,故选A项。10.A解析: 推理判断题。由第四段最后一句“These studies are pretty limited,though,and theres still a lot we dont know about nostalgia.”可知,这些研究都很有限,关于怀旧之情人们仍然有很多不知道的事,由此可推断,怀旧之情还需要进一步被研究,故选A项。11.D解析: 主旨大意题。第一段通过提问描述复杂的怀旧之情,第二段结尾点出“怀旧之情”是苦乐参半的体验,后面两段介绍关于它的研究和观点,最后一段第一句表明怀旧之情使人们惆怅但也给人们力量,由此可知,D项“怀旧之情:又苦又甜的经历”是最佳标题。

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