2023新教材新高考英语复习 考点分类练(九) 主旨大意题-段落大意类.docx

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1、考点分类练(九)主旨大意题段落大意类A(2022山东聊城二模)The world is going through a basic transformation,which is changing the way we live,work and think.The Fourth Industrial Revolution is bringing dramatic change and giving rise to a future filled with exciting opportunities and new challenges.Together governments and bu

2、sinesses must find solutions to societys most pressing needsfrom creating a carbon-free economy to tackling population growth and urbanization.In any period of rapid change there is a trend to look for a simple method,to greet the new things and replace the old way of doing things.But a close look a

3、t the facts tells a different story.Complex problems require many solutions working in harmony to enable positive change.The challenge for scientists and the engineers is to provide solutions in fact,data and todays realities.And while technologies offer new tools to help uncover solutions,the proce

4、ss also requires hard work,imagination and lots of improvement.Success rests on performing practical,realistic,long-term solutions that make the world cleaner,safer and more sustainable.The environment is a case in point.Much of the public debate has centered on the central role of renewable power s

5、ources in realizing a low-carbon energy future.While the industry is fully behind the developing renewables,today we understand a low or zero-carbon future depends on adopting a multifaceted approach.We cannot control sunshine levels or decide when the wind blows,which means solar power and wind pow

6、er generators will produce too much or too little energy at times.The transition to renewables needs to take account of serious considerations.Batteries have been much discussed as a means of storing extra energy,but there are other choices.Power-to-X technologies enable spare energy created by rene

7、wables to be stored and redistributed when and where it is needed.1.Whats the main idea of paragraph 2?A.Societys dramatic change calls for simple methods.B.Old means of doing things should be replaced by new ones.C.Society needs positive change for development.D.Some problems should be solved in co

8、mbined ways.2.What does the author expect scientists and engineers to do?A.Offer new tools to uncover solutions.B.Tackle population growth.C.Work hard with imagination.D.Make the world better with a simple method.3.Whats the authors attitude to the consumption of the solar power and wind power?A.Unc

9、ertain.B.Cautious.C.Unconfident.D.Doubtful.4.Which of the following is the advantage of Power-to-X technologies?A.They can adjust power supply.B.They can conserve energy.C.They help make more electricity.D.They can create power from wind and sun.BThe Tiangong space station is a space station being c

10、onstructed by China.The construction of the station is based on the experience gained from its pioneers,Tiangong-1 and Tiangong-2.The first module(舱),the Tianhe core module,was launched on 29 April 2021,followed by multiple crewed and uncrewed missions and two more modules to be launched by 2022.Acc

11、ording to China Manned Space Agency (CMSA),which operates the space station,the purpose and missions of Tiangong space station are listed as:breakthrough in key technologies such as permanent human operations in orbit,long-term autonomous spaceflight of the space station,life support technology,deve

12、lopment of technology that can aid future deep space exploration.The Tianhe Core Cabin Module (CCM) provides life support and living quarters for three crew members and provides guidance,navigation (导航) for the station.The module also provides the stations power and life support system.The station i

13、s equipped with a small kitchen for food preparation and the first-ever microwave oven in the spaceflight,so that astronauts can always have hot food whenever they need.120 different types of food,selected based on astronauts preference,are stored aboard.Chinas intention to build its own space stati

14、on was amplified(增强的) after NASA refused Chinese participation in International Space Station in 2011.On 22 February 2017,CMSA and Italian Space Agency (ASD) signed an agreement to cooperate on long-term human spaceflight activities.The agreement holds importance due to Italys leading position in th

15、e field of human spaceflight with regard to the creation and development of the International Space Station and it shows Italys increased expectation in Chinas developing space station program.Tiangong is also expected to host experiments from many other countries.5.What do we know about the Tiangon

16、g space station?A.It aims to build a core module.B.Its construction has been finished.C.Self-controlled flight is impossible.D.It can further assist space exploration.6.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?A.Food stored aboard the station.B.Ways of cooking in space.C.Living conditions on CCM.D.Life supp

17、orting technologies.7.What will the future of the Tiangong space station be like according to the text?A.Dependent and unclear.B.Promising and influential.C.Leading but unpredictable.D.Internationalized but risky.8.In which section of a website may this text appear?A.Space fiction.B.Life health.C.Hi

18、storical events.D.Science.C(2022山东日照一模)The exact location in France where Dutch master Vincent van Gogh painted his last work of art has been discovered.A Dutch researcher figured out that a scene described in the artists last work,Tree Roots,was visible on a postcard showing a man standing next to

19、a bicycle on a back street of the village Auvers-sur-Oise.Van Gogh spent the last weeks of his life in the village.Helpfully,the card even included the name of the street.Researchers were given a unique glimpse(体验) into the famous painters final hours.He was at work right up to the end.Wouter van de

20、r Veen,scientific director of the Van Gogh Institute in France,made the discovery.While stuck at home,Wouter van de Veen used the extra time to organize the numerous files and documents on Vincent van Gogh,including images such as the old postcard from Auvers-sur-Oise.One day in late April,he saw th

21、e card on his computer screen and it suddenly struck him that he was looking at the location of Tree Roots.Next to the man and his bicycle,roots and trees are clearly visible.He took a virtual trip down the site using Googles Street View.“Villagers know the spot and the main tree root well,even givi

22、ng it the name the elephant because of its shapes,” Wouter van der Veen said.“It was really hiding in overt sight.”The discovery provides tourists with an extra reason to visit Auvers-sur-Oise.“They travel a lot just for one reasonto walk in the footsteps of Vincent van Gogh.Now they can stand at th

23、e very place where he painted his last painting,” Wouter van der Veen said.“And thats a very moving thing for a lot of people.So Im very happy to be able to share that with all those who love Vincent van Gogh.”9.What is paragraph 2 mainly about?A.What the postcard revealed.B.How Tree Roots was disco

24、vered.C.Why Auvers-sur-Oise became known.D.Where van Gogh painted his works.10.How did Wouter van der Veen confirm his discovery?A.He studied a picture of Auvers-sur-Oise.B.He organized his data on Vincent van Gogh.C.He traveled to France to see for himself.D.He paid a visit to the spot online.11.Wh

25、at does the underlined word “overt” in paragraph 5 mean?A.Mixed.B.Obvious.C.Lovely.D.Strange.12.What can we infer about tourists to Auvers-sur-Oise?A.They enjoy exploring how to paint.B.They share their love for Vincent van Gogh.C.They admire Vincent van Gogh very much.D.They want to experience the

26、life there.考点分类练(九)主旨大意题段落大意类【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。当今世界第四次工业革命带来了巨大的变化,同时也给未来带来了更多的机会和新的挑战,因此,我们解决环境问题的方式应该多样化。1.D解析: 段落大意题。由第二段中的“In any period of rapid change there is a trend to look for a simple method,to greet the new things and replace the old way of doing things.But a close look at the facts tells a

27、 different story.Complex problems require many solutions working in harmony to enable positive change.”可知,本段主要说明解决问题不能一味追求简单的方法,有的问题应该用多种方法协调解决。故选D项。2.C解析: 细节理解题。由第三段中“And while technologies offer new tools to help uncover solutions,the process also requires hard work,imagination and lots of improve

28、ment.”可知,作者希望科学家和工程师带着想象力努力工作,以提供解决方案。故选C项。3.D解析: 推理判断题。由倒数第二段“We cannot control sunshine levels or decide when the wind blows,which means solar power and wind power generators will produce too much or too little energy at times.The transition to renewables needs to take account of serious considera

29、tions.”可知,作者认为太阳能和风能是人们无法控制的,需要认真考虑向可再生能源的过渡,由此推知,作者对使用太阳能和风能持怀疑态度。故选D项。4.A解析: 细节理解题。由最后一段中“Power-to-X technologies enable spare energy created by renewables to be stored and redistributed when and where it is needed.”可知,Power-to-X技术可以在适当的时间和地点对所储存的再生资源进行储存和再分配,即它的优势是调整能源供应。故选A项。【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介

30、绍了中国正在建造的空间站天宫空间站的目的、任务,以及天宫空间站的未来影响力。5.D解析: 细节理解题。由第二段“According to China Manned Space Agency (CMSA),which operates.development of technology that can aid future deep space exploration.”可知,天宫空间站可以进一步帮助太空探索,故选D项。6.C解析: 段落大意题。通读本段内容可知,该段主要讲的是CCM的生活状况,即Living conditions on CCM,故选C项。7.B解析: 推理判断题。由最后一段中

31、“The agreement holds importance due to Italys leading position in the field of human spaceflight.Tiangong is also expected to host experiments from many other countries.”可知,天宫空间站的未来将会是有前途和有影响力的,即“Promising and influential”,故选B项。8.D解析: 推理判断题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍的是天宫空间站,属于科学领域的内容,由此可知,该文应在网站的科学部分出现,故选D项。【语篇导

32、读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了研究人员偶然间在一张明信片上发现了凡高人生最后一幅画的创作地点这一事情。9.A解析: 主旨大意题。由第二段中的“A Dutch researcher figured out that a scene described in the artists last work,Tree Roots,was visible on a postcard showing a man standing next to a bicycle on a back street of the village Auvers-sur-Oise.”可知,第二段承接上文,主要描述这一发现的

33、由来,即一张明信片上发现了凡高最后一幅画中的场景,故选A项。10.D解析: 细节理解题。由第四段最后一句“He took a virtual trip down the site using Googles Street View.”可知,研究人员Wouter van der Veen正是在看过明信片后,通过谷歌街景的模拟旅行进行了确认,故选D项。11.B解析: 词义猜测题。由第五段中Wouter van der Veen的话“Villagers know the spot and the main tree root well,even giving it the name the elep

34、hant because of its shapes”和“It was really hiding in overt sight.”可知,凡高最后一幅画中的地方并不是不毛之地,相反很多人都知道这里,但就是没有人将它们联系起来,此处overt应表示“明显的”以表达“藏在眼皮底下”的含义,故选B项。12.C解析: 推理判断题。由最后一段中“They travel a lot just for one reasonto walk in the footsteps of Vincent van Gogh.Now they can stand at the very place where he painted his last painting”和“And thats a very moving thing for a lot of people.So Im very happy to be able to share that with all those who love Vincent van Gogh.”可知,慕名而来的游客们大都是出于对凡高的仰慕、想要追寻他最后的足迹,故选C项。


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