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1、题型针对练(二)段首句类Test 1(2022河北保定高三一模)Rollerblading is an excellent sport that anyone can enjoy.Experience and types of skating range in difficulty from simple recreational skating,to a much more aggressive style of skating.After you have mastered the basics of rollerblading,you can begin to master the sp

2、ort.1 However,some athletes prefer to perfect their sport and compete in their chosen sport.The sport of rollerblading has many variations and styles that allow competition.2 Also known as urban skating,free skating is set in an urban setting and participants must travel through streets and travel a

3、round any obstacles as fast as possible in order to reach the finish.3 Jumps,slides and grinds are basic tricks freestyle skaters often use.4 It is especially enjoyed by skaters who prefer performing tricks and challenging movements.Aggressive skating can be performed in an urban setting,like free s

4、kating,and this style is often called street skating.Aggressive skaters can also be found at skate parks performing tricks on the obstacles created specifically to cater to tricks.Street skaters use any type of urban obstacle to perform amazing tricks ranging from jumps and slides to grinds and airs

5、.Competitions in aggressive skating require contestants to perform increasingly difficult and dangerous tricks in order to outmatch their competitors.5A.Each style requires different equipment requirements.B.Aggressive skating is another popular form of the sport.C.So aggressive skating is one of th

6、e most entertaining sports to watch.D.Many freestyle skaters can also perform ice skating as the seasons change.E.Many people enjoy rollerblading just for the simple pleasure of exercise.F.Free skating is a type about getting from start to finish as fast as possible.G.In addition to emphasizing spee

7、d,free skating often includes different tricks.Test 2(2022山东淄博一模)Art is all around us.It can be found everywhere,including fancy galleries,peoples living rooms,and on the sides of buildings.So,why is art important?It promotes expression and creativity.As humans,were naturally drawn to art as a form

8、of expression and communication.1 Its a way for them to express themselves before theyre able to speak.In fact,participation in the arts may even assist kids with language,motor skills,and visual learning development.2 When someone applies for a job,there are certain skills they need to have like da

9、ta analysis or bookkeeping.However,many employers also understand the very important need for the skills which are hard to measure and often difficult to define.Some examples include a persons ability to adapt to change,think creatively,or collaborate with team members.It provides historical context

10、.3 This is why people dedicate their lives to studying cave art,Shakespearean plays,and so much more.When we take the time to dive into art created in the past,we can learn about other generations and eras.We can study art to find out what those before us were facing and how they overcame it.4In the

11、rapy (疗法) settings,art also provides an opportunity for digging deeper and expressing emotions that are difficult to discuss.5 In one important study,children between 6 and 12 were asked to draw a house as a distraction after thinking about something upsetting.This group was able to improve their mo

12、od when compared with children who were instructed to draw the negative event or simply copy another drawing.A.These are its major benefits.B.Children love to draw,sing,and dance.C.Art and human history go hand-in-hand.D.How does it have an impact on our life?E.It helps all of us develop necessary s

13、oft skills.F.It can help people handle both their past and present problems.G.Similarly,future generations will learn about our current events by the art we leave behind.Test 3Green exercise is a term used to describe any type of physical exercise that takes place in a natural environment,rather tha

14、n in a health club or gym.1 Instead,it relies on the use of natural means of taking part in activities that improve strength and endurance with as little reliance on equipment as possible.2 For example,some consider a truly natural exercise experience requires that the individual wear clothing only

15、made from natural fibers.Others consider barefoot(赤脚的) running or walking would be greener and thus be more desirable than running or walking with shoes.A slightly different approach to green exercise puts more stress on fresh air,sunshine,and involvement with the natural world,rather than the equip

16、ment or clothing.3 In like manner,climbing a mountain using standard equipment and protective clothing would also be considered a green exercise.Many consider green exercise helps to reconnect human beings with the natural world.The interaction with nature helps to lower peoples blood pressure,refre

17、sh their mind,and actually improve their self-esteem (自尊).4Not everyone believes that green exercise is more beneficial than working out in a health club or gym. 5 Meanwhile,the use of fitness devices may result in more challenging workouts,which help strengthen the heart and lungs in ways that more

18、 simplistic exercise in a natural setting would be difficult to manage.A.Spirits are also believed to be positively affected.B.A green gym uses as little equipment as possible.C.All forms of green exercise are good for you.D.Opinions on what truly green exercise means differ.E.Besides,it usually doe

19、snt use fitness equipment that is normally found in a gym.F.So riding a bicycle in a forest can be called a type of green exercise.G.Some point out that many health clubs are constructed to make full use of natural light.题型针对练(二)段首句类Test 1【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。现在,轮滑越来越受到人们的喜爱,文章主要介绍了这一运动形式的有关知识。1.E解析: 由下一句

20、“However,some athletes prefer to perfect their sport and compete in their chosen sport(然而,一些运动员更喜欢完善他们的运动,并在他们选择的运动中竞争).”可知,此处和空格处是转折关系,E项“许多人喜欢轮滑仅仅是为了运动乐趣”与下文构成转折关系,符合语境,故选E项。2.F解析: 下文“Also known as urban skating,free skating is set in an urban setting and participants must travel through streets a

21、nd travel around any obstacles as fast as possible in order to reach the finish(自由式轮滑也被称为城市轮滑,它是在城市中进行的,参赛者必须尽可能快地穿越街道和障碍物,以到达终点).”介绍了自由式轮滑速度快的主要特点,F项“自由式轮滑是一种从开始到结束都尽可能快的运动”引起下文,符合语境,故选F项。3.G解析: 上一句中“.travel around any obstacles as fast as possible in order to reach the finish”强调了速度,下一句“Jumps,slide

22、s and grinds are basic tricks freestyle skaters often use.”提到一些技巧,G项“除了强调速度外,自由式轮滑通常还包括不同的技巧”承接上文和引起下文,符合语境,故选G项。4.B解析: 下文“Aggressive skating can be performed in an urban setting,like free skating,and this style is often called street skating(极限轮滑可以在城市中进行,就像自由式轮滑,这种风格通常被称为街头轮滑).”介绍了极限轮滑的有关知识,空格处位于句首

23、是本段的主题句,B项“极限轮滑是另一种受欢迎的运动形式”可以概括本段内容,故选B项。5.C解析: 上一句“Competitions in aggressive skating require contestants to perform increasingly difficult and dangerous tricks in order to outmatch their competitors.”主要介绍了极限轮滑的技巧和难度,而C项“所以极限轮滑是最具观赏性的运动之一”与上文构成因果关系,符合语境,故选C项。Test 2【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了艺术的重要性:艺术可以

24、提高人的表达能力和创造力,可以帮助人们了解前人所处的时代,还可以帮助孩子调节情绪。1.B解析: 上文“It promotes expression and creativity.As humans,were naturally drawn to art as a form of expression and communication.”说明艺术的作用,下文“Its a way for them to express themselves before theyre able to speak.In fact,participation in the arts may even assist

25、kids with language,motor skills,and visual learning development.”说明艺术对儿童发展的作用,由此可知,空格处应说明儿童用艺术表达自己的具体方式,B项“Children love to draw,sing,and dance.”正是儿童表达自己的具体方式,故选B项。2.E解析: 由空后一句“When someone applies for a job,there are certain skills they need to have like data analysis or bookkeeping.”可知,此段主要讲艺术对于这些

26、技能的作用,而E项“It helps all of us develop necessary soft skills.”介绍了艺术对于人的技能发展的作用,故选E项。3.C解析: 由上一句“It provides historical context.”和下一句“This is why people dedicate their lives to studying cave art,Shakespearean plays,and so much more.”可知,空格处应该讲艺术对于人类历史的作用,而C项“Art and human history go hand-in-hand.”符合语境,故

27、选C项。4.G解析: 由上一句“We can study art to find out what those before us were facing and how they overcame it.”可知,艺术能让人回顾过去,了解古人面临的问题及解决方法,G项“Similarly,future generations will learn about our current events by the art we leave behind.”与上文意思相互承接,故选G项。5.F解析: 根据上文“In therapy settings,art also provides an oppo

28、rtunity for digging deeper and expressing emotions that are difficult to discuss.”和下文“In one important study,children between 6 and 12 were asked to draw a house.who were instructed to draw the negative event or simply copy another drawing.”可知,该段讲的是艺术对于情感的调节作用。F项“It can help people handle both their

29、 past and present problems.”符合语境,故选F项。Test 3【语篇导读】本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一种新的运动方式绿色运动,这种运动与健身房运动不同,更强调与大自然的接触。1.E解析: 上文“Green exercise is a term used to describe any type of physical exercise that takes place in a natural environment rather than in a health club or gym.”介绍绿色运动不同于在健身房的锻炼,空格处承上启下,下文的“Instead

30、”表明空格处的意义与下文相反。因此,空格处应继续说明绿色运动与健身房运动的不同之处,而E项提到了不同之处,故选E项。2.D解析: 下文“For example,some consider a truly natural exercise experience requires that the individual wear clothing only made from natural fibers.Others consider barefoot running or walking would be greener and thus be more desirable than runn

31、ing or walking with shoes.”从两个方面举例说明两种不同的绿色运动方式,因此空格处总结性说明“不同的人对于什么是真正的绿色运动观点不同”,故选D项。3.F解析: 上一句“A slightly different approach to green exercise puts more stress on fresh air,sunshine,and involvement with the natural world,rather than the equipment or clothing.”表明什么样的锻炼会被视为绿色运动;再由空格后“In like manner”

32、可知,空格处应继续介绍绿色运动的类型,F项中“can be called a type of green exercise”与下文中的“also be considered a green exercise”结构一致,都是在介绍绿色运动的类型,故选F项。4.A解析: 上一句“The interaction with nature helps to lower peoples blood pressure,refresh their mind,and actually improve their self-esteem.”介绍了绿色运动对于身体、头脑和心理健康的好处,而A项“Spirits ar

33、e also believed to be positively affected”承接上文,接着说明了绿色运动在精神上的积极影响,故选A项。5.G解析: 由上一句“Not everyone believes that green exercise is more beneficial than working out in a health club or gym(并非所有人都认为绿色运动比在健身俱乐部或健身房锻炼更有益).”可知,该段在介绍另一种观点,指出使用健身器材锻炼也有好处,下文也说明使用健身器材有利于增强心肺功能,因此,空格处也是在讲述健身俱乐部或者健身房的优点,而G项中的“many health clubs”与上文的“in a health club or gym”信息一致,故选G项。


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