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1、九九年级年级上上册册Unit4 Topic2期中期末复习课件仁爱初中英语中考英语复习课件 基础过关基础过关福建省专用类别课标考点要求词汇拓展1.science(名词,“科学”)_(形容词,“科学的”)_(名词,“科学家”)2.dancer(名词)_(动词)scientificscientistdance 基础过关基础过关福建省专用类别课标考点要求词汇拓展3.excitement(名词)_(动词)_(形容词)4.generally(副词)_(形容词)5.introduce(动词)_(名词)exciteexcited/excitinggeneralintroduction 基础过关福建省专用重点短

2、语1.在太空的生活_ 2.能够做某事_3.迫不及待(做)某事_ 4.通过不刺目的屏幕_5.为了_ in space lifebe able to do sth.cant wait(to do sth.)on soft screenin order to 基础过关福建省专用重点短语 6.了解人类文化_7.直到才 _ 8.亲眼看见_9.到太空旅行_ 10.长大_learn about human culturenotuntilseewith ones own eyestravel into spacegrow up 基础过关福建省专用重点短语 11.一些基本的电脑技能 _ 12.对兴奋 _ 13.

3、实现我们的梦想 _ 14.偶然_15.在不远的将来_some basic computer skills/technologybe excited aboutrealize our dreamby chancein the near future 基础过关福建省专用重点短语 16.以命名_ 17.绕着运行_ 18.在的表面_ 19.离最近_ 20.搜索更多(有关的)信息 _be named aftergo aroundon the surface ofbe closest tosearch for more information(about)基础过关福建省专用拓展词组 21.进展顺利_ 22

4、.更糟糕的是_23.有好处,值得一干_ 24.在的帮助下_25.给某人发送信息(两种表达方法)_go wellwhats worsebe worth itwith the help ofsend sb.a message/send a message to sb.基础过关福建省专用拓展词组1.居住在火星上_ 2.在外层空间 _3.表演芭蕾_ 4.在舞台上_5.很快消失_live on Marsin outer space perform balleton the stagedisappear rapidly 基础过关福建省专用拓展词组6.喜欢(做)胜过(做)_7.在宇宙中_ 8.太阳系 _9.

5、相隔_ 10.限制用水_prefer(doing)to(doing)in the universesolar systemat a distance oflimit the use of water 基础过关福建省专用拓展词组11.数百万年_ 12.走出;超出_millions of yearsgo beyond 基础过关福建省专用功能意念1.谈论外星和太空:1)I think we will live in space one day.2)We will be able to do anything that can be done on earth.3)I wont believe the

6、re are aliens until I see them with my own eyes.基础过关福建省专用功能意念2.表达可能性:1)I dont think aliens can be found in space.2)Lets work hard.Then our dreams will be realized.基础过关福建省专用考点解析1.I dont think aliens can be found in space.(1)当think,believe,suppose,imagine,expect等动词后的宾语从句含有not的否定时,该否定应移至主句,即否定主句的谓语动词。e

7、.g.I dont think it will rain tomorrow.注意:如果主句的主语是第二、三人称,否定式一般不转移。e.g.He supposes they wont win the game.(2)“can+be+过去分词”,是情态动词构成的被动语态。e.g.This cant be done in a short time.基础过关福建省专用考点解析2.Its diameter is 53%as wide as that of the earth.意思是“它的直径是地球直径的53%。”The gravity on the surface of Mars is about tw

8、o-fifths as strong as it is on earth.“火星表面引力的强度大约是地球表面引力的五分之二。”(1)53%as wide as意为“相当于53%的宽度”。(2)two-fifths as strong as 意为“相当于五分之二 的强度”。基础过关福建省专用考点解析结构:“百分数/分数/倍数等+as+形容词/副词+as”1)这只箱子是那只箱子的三倍重。This box is _as _ as that one.2)这幅画是那幅的两倍长。This picture is _as _as that one.3)美国的人口数量是中国的四分之一。The populatio

9、n of the USA is _as _ as that of China.three times heavytwicelongone-fourthlarge 基础过关福建省专用考点解析3.Mars goes around the sun at a distance of about 228 million kilometers.意思是“火星在相隔大约228000000千米的地方绕着太阳转动。”(1)at a distance of 意为“相隔”e.g.The moon goes around the earth at a distance of 380000km.月球在距地球38万千米的地

10、方绕地球旋转。(2)at/in a distance 意为“在远处”e.g.The police followed him at/in a distance.警察远远地跟着他。基础过关福建省专用考点解析4.It has been two days since we landed on Mars.意思是“自从我们登上火星以来已经两天了。”it用作主语谈论时间,常与since连用。句型:It has been+一段时间+since+从句(一般过去时)=It is+一段时间+since+从句(一般过去时)e.g.It is/has been three years since we left sch

11、ool.自从我们离开学校以来已经三年了。基础过关福建省专用考点解析5.Whats worse,our water supplies were very low.意思是“更糟糕的是,我们的水供给是非常有限的。”whats worse 意为“更糟糕的是”。类似结构还有:whats more 意为“更有甚者;更为重要的是”。基础过关福建省专用考点解析6.I often miss the family,but the excitement of being on Mars is worth it!“虽然我经常想念家人,但火星探险的兴奋还是值得的!”(1)be worth it 意为“有好处,值得一干”

12、。e.g.The job needs a lot of hard work but its worth it.这职业需要很多艰辛的工作,但值得一干。(2)be worth doing意为“值得做某事”。e.g.The book is worth reading.这本书值得读。基础过关福建省专用考点解析7.Scientists think that there has been life on the earth for millions of years.意思是“科学家们认为生物在地球上已存在了数百万年。”there has been 是 there be 句型的现在完成时态,其结构是“The

13、re have/has been”。e.g.There have been many kinds of robots so far.到目前为止已经有很多种机器人。基础过关福建省专用考点解析8.With so many stars in space,are we alone,or is there life in other planets in space?alone与lonely的用法和区别:(1)alone表示“单独,独自一人”,不含感情色彩,做形容词或副词,作形容词时只能作表语。(2)lonely指“(人)孤单寂寞;(地方)荒无人烟”,有浓厚的伤感色彩,只作形容词,可作定语或表语。e.g

14、.She lives alone,but she doesnt feel lonely.她独自住着,但她并不感到孤独。a lonely village 一个荒无人烟的村庄 基础过关福建省专用语法梳理一般将来时的被动语态 一般将来时的被动语态是由“will+be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。一般将来时的被动语态变否定句要在助动词will 后面加not(注意:will not 缩写是wont)。一般疑问句把助动词will提到句首。1)My homework will be finished in 30 minutes.2)My homework will not be finished in 30

15、minutes.3)Will your homework be finished in 30 minutes?4)When will your homework be finished?福建省专用巩固提升单项选择1.You will be famous _ if you keep on working hard.Thank you.A.some days B.the day C.one day2.Most housework _ by the robots in the future.I agree.A.will do B.will be done C.is done 福建省专用巩固提升3.T

16、he population in the USA is about _ it is in China.A.one-fourth B.one-fourth large C.one-fourth as large as 4.How many books did you borrow in the library?Three.I borrowed one yesterday and _ two this morning.A.other B.the others C.another 福建省专用巩固提升5.Did you see the accident happen with your own eye

17、s?Yes.And the police asked me to _it.A.tell B.describe C.show 6.This problem is _ me.Im afraid I cant work it out.Dont worry.We will help you.A.beyond B.beside C.behind 福建省专用巩固提升词汇运用:选择括号内恰当的单词填入空白处,使句子正确。1.Astronauts from China will _(join/take part in)the space flight to the Mars.2.Karl Bens _(discovered/invented)the car in 1885.3.I _(enjoy/prefer)science to dance.4.Lets work hard.Then our dream _.(will come true/come true)5.Our country has sent a spaceship into space in order to discover_(new something/something new).


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