语法趣讲⑥ - 数词(ppt课件)-2022新人教新目标版七年级上册《英语》.pptx

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1、初中英语初中英语语法趣讲语法趣讲FROM NEWBIE TO MASTER 教师教师_英语组英语组学校学校_数 词基基 数数 词词0-12 0-12 zerozero,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleveneleven,twelvetwelve13-19 13-19 thirteenthirteen,fourteen,fifteenfifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteeneighteen nineteen基基 数数 词词20-99 20-99 twentytwenty,twenty-one,tw

2、enty-two,twenty-three,twenty-four,thirtythirty,fortyforty,fiftyfifty,sixty,seventy,eightyeighty,ninety基基 数数 词词100100-one hundred 101101one hundred one hundred andand one one 321321threethree hundred hundred andand twenty-onetwenty-one基基 数数 词词1 1,00000-0-one one thousandthousandtwotwo thousandthousan

3、d基基 数数 词词2,500 2,500 two thousand five hundredtwo thousand five hundred2,550 2,550 two thousand five hundred two thousand five hundred andand fifty fifty 2,555 2,555 two thousand five hundred two thousand five hundred andand fifty-five fifty-five2,050 2,050 two thousand two thousand andand fifty fif

4、ty2,005 2,005 two thousand two thousand andand five five2,505 2,505 two thousand five hundred two thousand five hundred andand five five基基 数数 词词1 1,00000-0-one one thousandthousand1,000,000-1,000,000-one millionone million1,000,000,000-1,000,000,000-one billionone billion百百 千千 百万百万 十亿十亿2 25 54 45 5,

5、5995993 3,758758,590590小试牛刀小试牛刀two two hundredhundred and and fiftyfifty-four-fourfive five thousandthousand five five hundredhundred andand ninetyninety-nineninethree three millionmillion seven seven hundredhundred andand fifty fifty-eight eight thousandthousand five five hundredhundred andand nine

6、ty ninety小试牛刀小试牛刀ninetyninety-eight eight billionbillion seven seven hundredhundred andand sixty sixty-five five millionmillion four four hundredhundred andand thirty thirty-twotwothousandthousand andand twenty twenty-threethree98,765,432,02398,765,432,023基数词基数词 注意事项注意事项three hundred five three hund

7、red five thousand thousand eight million eight million several thousandseveral thousandhundredhundreds s of ofthousandthousands s of ofmillionmillions s of ofbillionbillions s of of数以百计的,成百上千的数以百计的,成百上千的数以千计的,成千上万的数以千计的,成千上万的数数 百万的,成百上千万的百万的,成百上千万的数十亿的数十亿的基数词基数词 注意事项注意事项hundredhundreds s of ofthousa

8、ndthousands s of ofmillionmillions s of ofbillionbillions s of of1 12 23 34 4很多很多很多很多很多很多 1 12 23 34 4小试牛刀小试牛刀成千上万杯牛奶成千上万杯牛奶thousands of thousands of cups of cups of milkmilk序序 数数 词词first second third first second third fourfourthth fiffifthth six sixththsevenseventhth eigheighthth ninninthth ten te

9、nthth 第一,第二,第三第一,第二,第三 第十:第十:序序 数数 词词eleveneleventhth twelfthtwelfth thirteenthirteenth th fourteenfourteenththfifteenfifteenthth第十一,第十二,第十一,第十二,第十五:第十五:序序 数数 词词twenttwentiethieth thirtthirtiethieth fort fortiethieth fiftfiftiethieth sixtsixtiethieth seventseventiethieth eighteightiethieth ninetnine

10、tiethieth第二十,第三十,第六十,第二十,第三十,第六十,第九十:第九十:序序 数数 词词thirty-thirty-firstfirst forty-forty-secondsecond fifty-fifty-thirdthird第三十一,第四十二,第五十三:第三十一,第四十二,第五十三:基变序基变序 变化规律变化规律基变序,有规律,基变序,有规律,一一 、二、三,个别记、二、三,个别记;-th -th 从四起,八加从四起,八加-h-h ,九去九去-e-e ;-ve -ve 要用要用-f -f 替替,以以 y y 结尾变结尾变-ie ie;几十几几十几,几百几几百几,首词不变尾变序

11、首词不变尾变序。序数词序数词 注意事项注意事项序数词前通常加序数词前通常加 thethe ,如如 the firstthe first如序数词前有如序数词前有 物主代词物主代词oror名词所有格名词所有格,则不加则不加 thethe ,如,如 my second English my second English teacherteacher四四十四十四四十四十第四第四第十四第十四第四十第四十九九十九十九九十九十第九第九第十九第十九第九十第九十小试牛刀四四十四十四四十四十fourfourfourteenfourteenfortyforty第四第四第十四第十四第四十第四十fourthfourth

12、fourteenthfourteenth fortiethfortieth九九十九十九九十九十nineninenineteennineteenninetyninety第九第九第十九第十九第九十第九十ninthninthnineteenthnineteenth ninetiethninetieth小试牛刀分数分数 读法读法分子用基,分母序分子用基,分母序分子大于分子大于 1 1,分母,分母 +s+s1/21/21/3 1/3 1/4 1/4 2/32/3oneone half half;a half;a halfone thirdone thirdone fourth one fourth 或或

13、 a a/one/one quarterquartertwo thirdstwo thirds百分数百分数 读法读法数字数字percentpercent30%30%68%68%100%100%thirty thirty percenpercent tsixty-eight sixty-eight percentpercentone hundred one hundred percentpercent70 percent of the 70 percent of the earths surface earths surface _ water.water.Three fourths of th

14、e Three fourths of the studentsstudents _ from America.from America.超级考点超级考点主语中包含分数时,谓语动词的单复数与分数无关。主语中包含分数时,谓语动词的单复数与分数无关。isisareare小数小数 读法读法数字数字pointpoint单个数单个数字字0.1 0.1 0.010.0112.5312.53zero point zero point oneonezero point zero onezero point zero onetwelve point five twelve point five threethre

15、e时间时间 读法读法直接表达直接表达3:00 3:00 three oclockthree oclock2:35 2:35 two thirty-fivetwo thirty-five8:49 8:49 eight forty-nineeight forty-nine时间时间 读法读法间接表达间接表达前半小时(包括半小时)前半小时(包括半小时)pastpast4:20 4:20 twenty past fourtwenty past four9:30 9:30 thirty past ninethirty past ninehalf past ninehalf past nine后半小时后半小

16、时 toto7:7:3 35 5 twenty-five to eighttwenty-five to eight11:45 11:45 fifteen to twelve fifteen to twelve a quarter to twelvea quarter to twelvefour fifteenfour fifteenfifteen past fourfifteen past four小小试试牛牛刀刀eight fiftyeight fiftyten to nineten to nine小小试试牛牛刀刀twelve twenty-fivetwelve twenty-fivetwe

17、nty-five past twelvetwenty-five past twelve小小试试牛牛刀刀thirteen twenty-fivethirteen twenty-fivefifteen to fourteenfifteen to fourteen小小试试牛牛刀刀6486485 5,880880,0000009:409:407:157:152008 2008 年年 8 8 月月 8 8 小试牛刀小试牛刀648648six six hundredhundred and forty-and forty-eighteight小试牛刀小试牛刀5 5,880880,000000five fiv

18、e millionmillion eight eight hundred and eighty hundred and eighty thousandthousand小试牛刀小试牛刀9:409:40nine nine fortyforty 小试牛刀小试牛刀twenty to tentwenty to ten7:157:15seven seven fifteen fifteen 小试牛刀小试牛刀a quarter past sevena quarter past sevenfifteen past seven fifteen past seven 20202020 年年 1 1 月月 2424

19、JanuaryJanuary 24th24th,20202020小试牛刀小试牛刀1 1-Whats the date today?-Whats the date today?-Its().A Friday B time to goC cloudy D June 4th2 2 Look!There areLook!There are()in the in the sky.sky.A thousand stars B thousand of starsC thousands of stars D thousands of starD D小试牛刀小试牛刀C C3 3 My brother is inMy brother is in().A Three Class,One Grade B Class Three,Grade OneC Grade One,Class Three D class three,grade one4 4 Only three percent of the coats Only three percent of the coats()()perfect .perfect .A is B areC have D has小试牛刀小试牛刀B BB B


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