Unit 2 Reading Language points (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》选择性必修第三册.pptx

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1、1.My six-month stay on a space station has come to an end,and it has been a challenging but magical adventure.(L1)e.g.Time flies,our semester has come to an end.Para.1译文:我在空间站的六个月译文:我在空间站的六个月已经已经结束,这是一次充满挑结束,这是一次充满挑 战但又充满魔力的冒险。战但又充满魔力的冒险。come to an end 结束结束and连接两个并列句连接两个并列句it指代指代my six-month stay时间过

2、得真快,一个学期的时光就这样结束了。时间过得真快,一个学期的时光就这样结束了。2.I bet youd love to know what daily life is like up in space and how it differs from that on the Earth.(L3)译文:我敢打赌你很想知道太空中的日常生活是什么样译文:我敢打赌你很想知道太空中的日常生活是什么样 子的,以及它与地球上的生活有什么不同子的,以及它与地球上的生活有什么不同 省略了宾从的引导词省略了宾从的引导词thatdiffer from 与与不同不同that指代指代daily lifeit指代指代dai

3、ly life in spacePara.2due to the near absence of gravity in space 由于太空几乎没有重力由于太空几乎没有重力absence n.缺乏;缺席缺乏;缺席absent adj.缺席的缺席的absent-minded adj.心不在焉的心不在焉的be absent from 缺席缺席e.g.e.g.他经常翘英语课。他经常翘英语课。He is often absent from English classes.3.Its strange that we try to sleep with no pressure against our ba

4、ck,but the unusual beds dont bother us any more.(L8)译文:译文:试着背部没有压力入睡是奇怪的,但我们不再为这些特试着背部没有压力入睡是奇怪的,但我们不再为这些特 别的床而烦恼了。别的床而烦恼了。形式主语形式主语真正的主语真正的主语(主语从句主语从句)but连接两个主句连接两个主句bother v.使烦恼,打扰使烦恼,打扰bother to do 费心去做费心去做Para.31.conduct scientific research(L12)进行科学研究进行科学研究 2.evaluate the effects of low gravity o

5、n animals and plants(L13)评估低重力对动植物的影响评估低重力对动植物的影响evaluation n.评估,评价评估,评价 3.do these biological experiments(L16)做这些生物实验做这些生物实验4.carry out experiments in other research fields(L16)开展其他研究领域的实验开展其他研究领域的实验5.locate and track lightning over large regions of the earth(L18)定位并追踪地球上大片区域的闪电定位并追踪地球上大片区域的闪电4.The

6、 routine tasks that occupy most of the day are demanding,but they can also be extremely rewarding.(L11)译文:占用了一天里大部分时间的日常工作要求很高,但是也会译文:占用了一天里大部分时间的日常工作要求很高,但是也会 非常有意义。非常有意义。引导定语从句引导定语从句they指代指代 the routine tasksoccupy v.占用占用;居住居住;占领;使忙于占领;使忙于occupied adj.已占用的已占用的;无空闲的无空闲的occupation n.职业职业;占用占用;占领占领oc

7、cupy sb.with sth 某人忙于某人忙于 in doing sth.(做做)某事某事 be occupied with sth.忙于忙于(做做)某事某事 (in)doing sth5.Hopefully,it will cast new light on the Earths climate and lead to better lightning protection.(L18)Recent research _ new light on the causes of the disease.最近的研究已经使人进一步了解导致这种疾病的原因。What he said _ new lig

8、ht on the problem.他所说的话使人们对这个问题有了新的认识。译文:译文:希望它能让人们对地球气候有进一步的了解,并有助于希望它能让人们对地球气候有进一步的了解,并有助于 更好地避雷。更好地避雷。it指代指代 one experimentcast new light on 使进一步了解使进一步了解cast cast castand连接两个动词短语连接两个动词短语has castcast6.With so much going on,the space station needs a lot of maintenance,so we constantly check support

9、 systems and do some cleaning.(L18)go on 发生,继续发生,继续with的复合结构的复合结构maintenance n.维护维护,保养保养;维持维持maintain v.保养保养;维持维持译文:译文:空间站发生那么多事情,需要大量的维护,所以我们经空间站发生那么多事情,需要大量的维护,所以我们经 常检查空间站的支撑系统,并做一些清洁工作常检查空间站的支撑系统,并做一些清洁工作。with+名词名词/代词代词+非谓语非谓语1.With so much homework _(do),I wasnt permitted to watch TV.2.With hom

10、ework _(do),I was permitted to watch TV freely.3.With my little brother _(play)around,I cant focus on my work.to dodoneplayingPara.41.perform tasks(L22)执行任务执行任务 2.in/under the circumstances(L24)在这种情况下在这种情况下in/under no circumstances 绝不绝不,无论如何不无论如何不3.put on our spacesuits(L25)穿上我们的太空服穿上我们的太空服4.protect

11、 us from exposure to the cold and radiation(L25)保护我们免受寒冷和辐射的伤害保护我们免受寒冷和辐射的伤害exposure n.遭受遭受;揭露揭露;报道报道expose v.暴露暴露;揭露揭露;接触接触be exposed to 接触接触;遭受遭受;暴露暴露7.Splendid as the view of the Earth is,spacewalking is not as exciting as you might think.(L27)改写:Though you may be strong,you cannot lift the box.T

12、hough he is a child,he knows a lot about history.译文:译文:虽然地球的景色十分壮观,但太空行走并不像你们可虽然地球的景色十分壮观,但太空行走并不像你们可 能想象的那么激动人心。能想象的那么激动人心。as 引导的让步状语从句引导的让步状语从句(需把表语和状语提到需把表语和状语提到as之前之前)asas像像一样,同一样,同一样一样 Strong as/though you may be,you cannot lift the box.Child as/though he is,he knows a lot about history.Para.51

13、.in view of sth.(L31)鉴于鉴于;考虑到考虑到 =considering/given sth2.luxury(L32)n.奢侈品奢侈品,不常有的乐趣不常有的乐趣 luxurious adj.奢侈的奢侈的,豪华的豪华的 3.take pills(L38)服药服药,吃药吃药 8.Salt and pepper are only in liquid form,so that they will not float away and block the airpipes.that指代指代 salt and pepper9.Spending some time in the gym i

14、s of vital importance to astronauts health.(L39)be of+名词名词(importance/significance/help/value/use)=be+adj(important/significant/helpful/valuable/useful)Reading is of vital importance in language learning.Para.6be of vital importance 至关重要至关重要译文:译文:花些时间在健身房锻炼对宇航员的健康至关重要。花些时间在健身房锻炼对宇航员的健康至关重要。e.g.e.g.阅

15、读在语言学习中至关重要。阅读在语言学习中至关重要。Reading is vitally important in language learning.1.He disciplined himself to exercise at least 2 hours a day.2.This is a good way to discipline your kid in memory.3.As a student,he keeps good discipline in class.严格要求自己严格要求自己训练训练纪律纪律discipline oneself to do sth.(L42)执严格要求自己做

16、某事执严格要求自己做某事 discipline vt.要严格要求要严格要求(自己自己);惩罚惩罚;训练训练;n.训练训练,纪律纪律;行为准则行为准则;自制力自制力9.During our leisure time,theres nothing we like more than to sit back with the rest of the crew and watch our remarkable planetgo by,taking pictures for our family and friends back home.译文:在空闲时间,我们最喜欢做的事就是和其他工作人员一译文:在空

17、闲时间,我们最喜欢做的事就是和其他工作人员一 起舒服地坐下来,看着我们非凡的星球从身边经过,拍起舒服地坐下来,看着我们非凡的星球从身边经过,拍 点照片给地球上的家人和朋友看。点照片给地球上的家人和朋友看。Para.7leisure time 空闲时间空闲时间我们最喜欢的是我们最喜欢的是go by 经过经过v-ingv-ing形式作伴随状语形式作伴随状语there is nothing we like more than to do 我们最喜欢的是我们最喜欢的是 sth.there is nothing we like less than to do 我们最不喜欢的是我们最不喜欢的是 sth.e

18、.g.1.1.我最不喜欢的就是撒谎我最不喜欢的就是撒谎。2.2.我最喜欢的就是看英文电影我最喜欢的就是看英文电影There is nothing I like less than lying.There is nothing I like more than to watch English movies.I.Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the word or phrases in the box below.occupy come to an end differ from in the circumstances cast ne

19、w light on1.The English corner did not _ until about ten oclock last night.2.These discoveries may _ the origins of the universe.3._ he felt hed been very restrained(克制的).4.How much memory does the program _?5.Things in the world _ each other in a thousand e to an endcast new light onIn the circumst

20、ancesoccupydiffer fromvisible circumstance absence cast new light onbother evaluate mission of vital importanceP19 B1missionscast new light onevaluatevisibleof vital importancebothersabsence circumstancesThe lecture transcript uses the words in the table below.Complete the table with words from the

21、same word family.adventureadventurous adventurouslydifferencedifferentdifferentlydefinedefinitiondefinite,definingrewardrewardrewardinglyremarkremarkremarkablyThen try to think of more word families.adventurerP19 B2翻译句子翻译句子1.颁奖仪式到此结束。(come to an end)2.阅读在语言学习中至关重要。(of vital importance)3.鉴于目前这种情况,我们不

22、得不改变原来的计划。(in view of)4.我们无论如何都不得能离开这所房子。(under no circumstances)5.照顾三个小孩把他忙得不可开交。(be occupied)6.他最喜欢在春天放风筝。7.尽管她尽力了,她还是打不开门。(as)1.颁奖仪式到此结束。2.阅读在语言学习中至关重要。3.鉴于目前这种情况,我们不得不改变原来的计划。4.我们无论如何都不得能离开这所房子。5.照顾三个小孩把他忙得不可开交。6.他最喜欢在春天放风筝。7.尽管她尽力了,她还是打不开门。1.Now the award ceremony has come to an end.2.Reading i

23、s of vital importance in language learning.3.In view of the present situation,we have to change our original plan.4.Under/In no circumstances can we leave the house.5.He is fully occupied(in)looking after three little children.6.There is nothing he likes more than to fly kites in spring.7.Try as she might,she couldnt get the door open.


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