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1、Icy Step 1 Lead-in What do you know about Africa?Mediterranean SeaRed SeaIndian Ocean54 countries over 1 billion peoplea rich diversity of languages and cultures.the worlds second-largest and second most-populous(人口稠人口稠密的密的)continent.Atlantic OceanAccording to the video about Africa,what adjectives

2、can you think of?Step 1 Lead-invastvariousdrymysteriouscharmingby zyhBY ZYHby zyhFast readingWhich two countries did they cover in Africa?Reading for structureReading for structureDetailed Reading 1-Morocco MarrakeshMerzougaSaharacamp Which three places did they cover in Morocco?Reading for detailed

3、 informationReading for detailed informationBahia Bahia PalacePalace巴伊亚宫巴伊亚宫Chefchaouen舍夫沙万舍夫沙万老城老城Djemaa el Djemaa el Fna SquareFna Square德吉玛广德吉玛广场场the Sahara the Sahara DesertDesert撒哈拉沙漠撒哈拉沙漠MoroccoMarrakeshMerzougaSaharadesert campnarrow mountain _with sharp bendsenormous sand _blow _of sand The

4、_beat down hard The _was a deep shade of blue Not a_,emptybrightly shining _darkening_chewing _What did they see in these places?roadsdunes grainssunskyplantstarsskycamelsDetailed Reading 1-Morocco 1.What was firstly seen by the author when reaching Sahara Desert?2.Why the author decided to respect

5、and protect this unique landscape?3.How did the author feel about the desert?4.How did the author feel when he arrived at the camp?The unending sand dunes.Because its a“fragile natural environment.”Calming and threatening at the same time.Cold and hungry.1.What do we know about the writers trip from

6、 Marrakesh to Merzouga?A.The road is wide and flat.B.The road is narrow and flat.C.There are many sharp bends.D.There are unending sand dunes.2.What was the weather like during the writers trip between Merzouga and his desert camp?A.Snowy.B.Rainy.C.Cloudy.D.Sunny.3.When did the writer arrive at his

7、desert camp?A.In the morning.B.At noon.C.At dusk.D.At midnight.Reading for detailed informationReading for detailed informationMount Mount KilimanjaroKilimanjaro乞力马扎罗乞力马扎罗山山Amboseli Amboseli National ParkNational Park安博安博塞塞利国利国家公园家公园WildbeestsWildbeestsMigrationMigration角马角马大大迁徙迁徙Great Rift reat Rif

8、t Valleyalley东非大东非大裂谷裂谷Kenya1.What happened to them after their departure from the camp?Their car got stuck in the mud and two locals helped push them free.2.How did they overcome the difficulty?Two kind local people noticed their helplessness,and offered help.3.Why did Father smile weakly?Father ap

9、preciated their help and felt sorry for the trouble brought to them.Reading for detailed informationReading for detailed information.Answer the following questions after reading paragraph 3,4 and 5 carefully.They were stuck in the mud.4.What impressed the author most in Kenya?Mount Kilimanjaro,tall

10、grasses and trees on the plains,and the African wildlife.5.What happened when the author got into the hut?And how did he feel?A monkey stole their banana.He felt it pleasant to get closer to nature and wild animals.Reading for detailed informationReading for detailed informationIn what tone did he w

11、rite about the monkey?why A.shy B.serious C.honest D.humorous(L44)“So cute,”I thought to myself,until I realized it was my banana that he was eating!He was looking at me intently as he enjoyed the final mouthful.I was sure he was saying,“Thank you.”“Youre welcome,”I replied.Detailed Reading 2-KenyaS

12、ummary Summary (Morocco+Kenya(Morocco+Kenya)MerzougaSahara desertDesert campAmboseli National ParkMount KilimanjaroAn adventure in AfricaAn adventure in AfricaMoroccMorocco oKenyaKenya drove from 1._ and arrived at 2._ what they saw in 3._ arrived at our 4._ and began the barbecueMarrakeshMerzougaSa

13、haradesert camp decided to drive through a large pool of 5._ found a 6._ space next to our hut 7._ out of the car,carrying things into the hutwaterparkinggotTravel journeyMoroccoMoroccoKenyaKenyaSummaryHuman being should live with in harmony with nature.What should we do?Step 5 Critical thinkingAvoi

14、d flying if possible.Travel on local public transport or on foot.TransportDress according to the dress code.Respect the right to privacy.cultureCut back on water consumption.Avoid having bedding washed every day.Accommodation Choose locally owned businesses like hotels,restaurants and travel agencie

15、s.EconomyNever buy wildlife products made from animal skins or other parts.Never throw about plastic items which can injure wildlife that mistakenly eats them.wildlifeAvoid disturbing the balance of nature.nature Respect nature,culture and peopleBeing a sustainable tourist回归课本 In the distance,elepha

16、nts were eating grass,ears flapping lazily as they moved slowly over the plains.远处,大象正在吃草,耳朵懒洋洋地拍打着,在平原上缓缓移动。6 6 独立主格结构In the distance,.were eating grass with their ears _ lazily as.If weather permits,well have a picnic at the beach.Weather _,well have a picnic at the beach.After the storm was over,

17、everything was in peace again.The storm _,everything was in peace again.permittingoverflapping独立主格结构:构成:_ 作用:在句中作状语,表示时间、原 因、条件、方式、伴随等。拓展:分词作状语、独立主格结构和with复合结构三者的区别:分词作状语:分词的逻辑主语是句子的_ 独立主格结构:独立主格结构有自己的_ with复合结构:在独立主格结构前加_构成 归纳拓展归纳拓展 名词/代词+分词/不定式/形容词/副词/介词短语。一句多译 _(take)everything into consideration

18、,I think his plan seems to be more workable.With everything_(take)into consideration,his plan seems to be more workable.Everything _(take)into consideration,his plan seems to be more workable.TakingtakentakenAppreciationSplendid sentences Before us stretched the unending sand dunes that marked the b

19、eginning of the Sahara.We set off,our vehicle quietly running over the sand and small stones.The wind was.,the sun was.and the sky was.The desert appeared completely empty,which was calming and threatening at the same time.It was then that I noticed a small grey monkey sitting on a tree a few meters

20、 away and eating banana.倒装倒装独立主格独立主格排比排比定语从句定语从句Inversionabsolute constructionParallelism sentenceAttributive clause Emphatic sentencenon-infinitive 强调句强调句非谓语动词非谓语动词Post-reading1 sharp 2 arrive 3 environment 4 resolution 5 surrounding 6 appear 7 threat 8 dark 9 depart 10 amuse 11 reflect 12 lazy 13

21、possess 14 intent(专注的,热切的专注的,热切的)sharpen arrival environmental environmentallyresolute(有决心的有决心的)resolve (解决困难,决定解决困难,决定)surrounding adj.surroundings n.appearance disappear disappearance threatendarkness darken darkeningdeparture amusement reflectionlazilypossessionintention n.intently adv.1 sharp 1

22、sharp sharpensharpen 2 arrive 2 arrive arrival arrival3 environment 3 environment environmental environmentallyenvironmental environmentally4 resolution 4 resolution resolute resolute(有决心的有决心的)resolve resolve (解决困难,决定解决困难,决定)5 surrounding 5 surrounding surrounding adj.surroundings n.surrounding adj.

23、surroundings n.6 appear 6 appear appearance disappear disappearance appearance disappear disappearance7 threat 7 threat threaten threaten8 dark8 dark darkness darken darkening darkness darken darkening9 depart9 depart departure departure10 amuse 10 amuse amusement amusement 11 reflect11 reflect refl

24、ection reflection12 lazy12 lazy lazily lazily13 possess13 possess possession possession14 intent(14 intent(专注的,热切的专注的,热切的)intention intention n.n.intently adv.intently adv.1急转弯急转弯2下决心做某事下决心做某事3出发出发4不久就不久就5高于,超过高于,超过6(阳光阳光)强烈照射,曝晒强烈照射,曝晒7深蓝色深蓝色8与与强烈对比强烈对比the sharp bendsmake a resolution to do sthtowe

25、r abovea deep shade of blueImportant words&phrasesImportant words&phrasesset offit is not long beforebeat down hard and brightcontrast strikingly with9落日余晖落日余晖10 抓住包抓住包11 head towards12完完全全陷入泥潭完完全全陷入泥潭13 驶过一大片水洼驶过一大片水洼14 stretch across the road15 使站成一队,排队使站成一队,排队16look at.intently17吃最后一口吃最后一口grab a

26、bag朝(某方向)行进朝(某方向)行进be well and trulystuck in the mudthe last rays of sunlightdrive through a large pool of water横越于路面上横越于路面上line upenjoy the final mouthful目不转睛地看着目不转睛地看着.Important words&phrasesImportant words&phrasesby zyhBY ZYHby zyhBY Z.HAn adventure in AfricaMy parents and I finally arrived at Me

27、rzouga,1._ I made a resolution to respect and protect this unique landscape because of a sign 2._(say)“fragile natural environment”.It wasnt long 3._ we were surrounded by enormous sand dunes towering above us on all sides.The colors of the dunes contrasted strikingly 4._ the blue sky.Eventually,wit

28、h the last rays of sunlight 5._(fall)on the sand,we arrived at our desert camp.A few days after our 6._(depart)from the camp,our car was stuck in the mud.Two tall slim local people,7._ were wandering over,helped us.In the distance,elephants were eating grass,ears 8._(flap)lazily when moving slowly o

29、ver the plains.It was indeed the 9._(great)show on the Earth.I returned to the car and fetched more possessions.10._ was then that I noticed a small grey monkey sitting on a tree a few meters away and eating a banana.LanguageLanguagepointspointscontrast contrast possessionpossessionmake a resolution

30、 to do make a resolution to do get stuck inget stuck inIt wasnt long beforeIt wasnt long beforeabsolute structureabsolute structure(1)contrast with A 把.与.做对比(2)contrast.with.B 与.形成对比(3)in/by contrast C 与形成对比;和相对照(4)in sharp/striking contrast with D 与此相反;比较起来;相比之下(5)make a contrast with E 与.鲜明对比;强对比,

31、强烈对比原句赏析(L14):The colors of the dunes contrastedcontrasted strikingly with the blue of the cloudless sky.Language pointLanguage point1 1短语对对碰短语对对碰与与.形成对比形成对比 1.When you look at their new system,ours seems very old-fashioned _ contrast.2.It is interesting _ the British legal system _ the American one

32、.把英国的法制与美国的加以对比很有意思。3.There is an obvious contrast between the cultures of East and West.翻译:_byto contrastwith东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。东西方文化之间存在着明显的差异。语境练习与沉迷于游戏的哥哥们形成鲜明对比,这些旧书是她最珍贵的财产。_ striking _ _ her brothers _are addicted to games,her most precious_ are these old books.Incontrast withwho possessions 完成句

33、子完成句子 2 2原文语境:I returned to the car and fetched more possessions.(L43)possess vt.拥有,占有;具有,具备Possession in some phrases You cannot legally take possession of the house until three weeks after the contract is signed.He was caught in possession of stolen goods.She lost possession of all her precious bo

34、oks in the fire.The house has been in the possession of the family since the 1980s.拥有,占有(动)拥有,占有(动)拥有,占有(介短)拥有,占有(介短)失去失去为为.所拥有所拥有A few days after our departure from the camp,our car was well and truly stuck in the mud.stick v.刺,戳;粘贴;卡住,陷住-stuck-stuckstick to 坚持(做某事,不怕困难)be sunk/stuck/trapped/caught

35、 in,fall into,sink into陷于 1.因为他的不小心,我们陷入了麻烦。(stick)_2.陷入交通堵塞是一场可怕的经历.(be stuck in)_.3.Should you_ _(坚持)studying hard,you would pass the exam definitely.Because of his carelessness,we got stuck in troubleIt is a terrible experience to get stuck in a traffic jam.stick to课本例句(L24)3 34 4语境赏析:I made a re

36、solution to respect and protect this unique landscape while I was here as a yellow roadside sign told us we were entering a “fragile natural environment”.V.resolveV.resolve解决;决定解决;决定resolve a problem 解决问题解决问题resolve a conflict 解决冲突解决冲突fail to resolve 解决未果解决未果resolve to do 决定做某事决定做某事solvework outfigu

37、re out.It will not be 3 months _ we take our academic proficiency test(学业水平测试),so we should make a _ to study harder and try to succeed in_(pass)it.before resolutionpassing 5 5回归课本1.It wasnt long before we were surrounded by enormous sand dunes towering above us on all sides.(L8-9)2.It wont be long

38、before virtual museums and interactive three-exhibitions become common.(XB2 Page54)没过多久就没过多久就要不了多久就要不了多久就 in other sentencesIt was a few months before we solved the financial problem of our company.()The camp manager told me a helicopter was on its way,but it would be 30 minutes before it arrived.()Before I knew it an hour had passed and it was time to move on to lunch.()Before I could say a word,she had rushed out of the room.()Do it before you forget it.()才才才才不知不觉不知不觉没来得及没来得及趁早做,以免忘了趁早做,以免忘了by zyhBY ZYHby zyhBY Z.H


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