Unit 2 第一课时 Words 1 (ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、Lead in Theme-based wordsbody-building exercise 健身运动1.lung n.2.routine n./adj.3.disease n.4.muscle n.5.protein n.6.sweat n.7.maintain v.8.stretch v.Speak out the meanings of these words.记忆有法狼心狗“肺”这一路线(route)是常规路线(dis-不)+ease n.舒适在强烈音乐(music)刺激下,肌肉慢慢鼓起保护(protect)我们机体的是“蛋白质”我们“吃饭”(eat)时“出汗”了在街上(street

2、)“伸展”身体他的主要(main)任务是维持“保养”车辆1.congratulation n._vt_ 祝贺某人某事 send/offer _ on sb./congratulate sb _ sth.congratulate v.s.celebrate 庆贺(=口头 v.s.行动)2.assume vt._ n._-sume (consume-n._)3.wonderful adj._ _ n.奇迹 v._do wonders_;Its no wonder that_(wonder v.s.wander_)4.tend vi._ vt._ n._ 趋势 _tend to do sth_;/h

3、ave a _ to do sth 有做某事的趋势tend恭喜,祝恭喜,祝贺贺congratulatecongratulationson假设,认为;承担;显露,显现assumptionconsumption极好的wonder想知道创造奇迹难怪游荡往往照顾tendencytrend往往tendencyattendanceextendattendpretendintentionextensionintend5.reduce vt._syn._ opp._ n._;reduceto._;reduceby_6.routine adj._ n._ 词根 route n._ 猜测词意 router n._

4、7.stretch v._ stretch ones legs_enlarge v._ expand v._;extend_8.range n._;山脉 v._arrange v._ 9.movement n._ v._ adj.moved_/moving_;remove_-duce减少,降低减少,降低decrease;declineincreasereduction降低降低降低降低produceintroduceproduction introduction 常规的常规的 常规;例行常规;例行路线路线路由器路由器伸展;拉长伸展;拉长活动活动腿脚活动活动腿脚放大放大扩大扩大延伸延伸范围范围在在

5、范围内变化范围内变化安排安排运动;活动运动;活动move感动的令人感动的touched/touching移除11.petrol 汽油 gas 汽油;_;oil 石油;油彩 oilman n._oil painting _patrol v._12.sweat n._ v._sweater n._ sweatshirt_ sweatshirt _sweet adj._13.injury n._ v._ adj._;suffer an injury_;wound;hurt;harm气体;天然气气体;天然气石油工人石油工人/商商油画油画巡逻巡逻汗水汗水 出汗出汗线衫线衫运动衫运动衫运动套装运动套装甜的

6、;甜蜜的甜的;甜蜜的受伤;伤害受伤;伤害the injured?injuredinjure10.energy n._ adj._full of energy_;solar/wind energy _ power(能量;权力);strength(体力;强度)能量;精力能量;精力energetic精力充沛的精力充沛的太阳能太阳能/风能风能受伤受伤13.prevent v._ n._ adj._阻止某人做某事_用from结构的词:14.equipment n.U_ v._;给配备_/be equipped with(被动)15.lack n./vt._ adj._;缺乏 _ _16.maintain

7、 v._ n._;maintain peace/a good relationship with_ 保护保护阻止阻止禁止禁止阻止;阻碍阻止;阻碍equippreventableprevent sb from(doing)sthprotect/preserveprevent/stop/keep/discourage(ps省略from)ban/forbid/prohibit设备;设施preventionequip sb with缺乏;短缺lackinga lack of/be lacking ina shortage of/be short of维持;保养maintenance维持和平/维持与的良

8、好关系Practice:1.He was wet through with s_,but he kept on working.2.When the horse suffered a back i_,Harvey cured it with his own expert hands.3.The two countries have always m_ close relations.4.She had started to devote her _(精力)to teaching rather than performing.5.This has contributed to the _(缺乏)

9、of confidence in the public.6.锻炼可以帮助你减轻压力并且克服消极情绪。Working out can help you reduce stress and _ _ _ _.7.你做的运动对你的身体健康有积极的影响 weatnjuryaintainedenergylackget over negative feelingThe exercise you do has a positive effect on your physical health.高考链接1.Race walking shares many fitness benefits with runnin

10、g,research shows,while most likely contributing to fewer_(injury)2.(2018II阅读)If you like,a squeeze of fresh lemon juice on the bananas will prevent them_(turn)brown.3.(2019天津)I had hoped to send Peter a gift to congratulate him _his marriage,but I couldnt manage it.4.(2019江苏阅读)A thoughtful official

11、passed on some of the copies to the park authorities on the _(assume)that they might make a nice blow-up for one of the visitors centers.5.The drug is effective but has a _(tend)to cause headaches.6.What he said yesterday is vey _(move)injuriesturningonassumptiontendencymovingAssignment Organize your notes and recite them Preview next part


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