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1、BEC PreliminaryModule 55.1 Career choices 职业选择职业选择oFocus 学习重点学习重点o熟悉与职业相关的词汇o学会描述职业变化o练习在听力和阅读过程中寻找相关信息o能够表达自己对待工作与生活的态度o掌握现在完成时和过去时的不同用法New words&Expressionsostock broker 股票经纪人oLondon Stock Exchange 伦敦证券交易所obank account 银行帐户obankrupt adj.破产的oa modest life 简朴的生活oaccommodation n.住处,膳宿oget started 开始N

2、ew words&Expressionsosource of income 收入来源oolive n.橄榄ofarm products 农产品obusiness contact 生意场的熟人/关系odeal in 经营omake enquiries 询问orecord shop 音像店New words&Expressionsohuman resource 人力资源oHR manager 人力资源经理ophotography exhibition 摄影展oaccountancy job 会计工作opassion n.热情,激情ocompetitive adj 竞争的ogive up sth.a

3、ll together 完全放弃New words&Expressionsoprofessional photographer 职业摄影师oportrait n.肖像,人像ostudio n.照相馆,画室,摄影室,演播室oBirmingham 伯明翰(英格兰中部城市)oLuxembourg 卢森堡(西欧国家)5.1 Career choices 职业选择职业选择oEscaping the rat race 躲避无休止的竞争躲避无休止的竞争oBackground knowledgeoWhat is rat race?oThe rat race refers to a working life w

4、here people compete hard for power and money,and dont have time to enjoy themselves.Speaking:Elements of career choices 择业时需考虑的因素择业时需考虑的因素oDiscussion oElements of career choiceso1.salaryo2.positiono3.working conditiono4.interesto5.venue(location)o6.further studiesElements of career choiceso7.promoti

5、 toward work 对待工作的态度对待工作的态度oDo you live to work or work to live?oThree attitudes toward work:o1.Workaholic 工作狂o2.Work lover 工作爱好者o3.Work hater 工作仇恨者Reading:Change your life 改变你的生活改变你的生活oNew Words&Expressionsostoc

6、kbroker 股票经纪人oStock Exchange 证券交易所oreward n.报酬,回报ogo bankrupt 破产,倒闭ochange into 把.改变为otrade in shares 股票交易New Words&Expressionsoresign from the job 辞职ofarmhouse n.农舍obed and breakfast accommodation 只提供床铺与早餐的住宿oreorganise vt.重新组织,重新安排osource of income 收入来源oas though 仿佛,好像othe best of luck 好运Back to t

7、he land 回归土地回归土地Name Peter Van Der GrootcareerSuccessful stockbrokerLiving placeMoving from London to the countrysideMake a livingGrowing fruit and vegetables,trade in sharesChange of lifeMore relaxed,spent more time with children,have a modest,but comfortable lifeLife in the sun 阳光下的生活阳光下的生活Name Ro

8、b and Manda BrentcareerteachersLiving placeMoving from Birminghams city centre to the Tuscan hills in Italy.Make a livingOffer bed and breakfast accommodation,growing olive trees and sell olive oils.Change of lifeMore challenge and busyVocabulary:Money expressionsoborrow money olend moneyospend mone

9、yosave moneyolose moneyoearn moneyoget moneyowaste moneyVocabulary:Money expressionsoearn an incomeomake a profitomake a fortuneomake a lossomake a budgetomake both ends meetogo over budgetoget into debt/be in redoget a loanGrammar:The present perfect 现在完成时现在完成时oThe form of the present perfect 现在完成时

10、的构成o现在完成时用于描述:o最近已发生的动作,而且对现在有影响或有一个看得见的结果。o起始于过去,持续到现在的动作。o某段时间内的动作,尚未完成。have(has)+p.p.(动词的过去分词)The present perfectoThe adverbs which indicate the present perfect tense.现在完成时中常用的副词有:oalready,yet,ever,never,not yet,just,since,for(days,weeks,months,years),in the past years,recentlyVocabulary:Name of

11、Occupation 职业名称职业名称oMake a list of the name of career/occupationoprofessor,doctor,lawyer,police,pilot,actor/actress,manager,engineer,nurse,secretary,salesperson,businessman Listening:Career changes 职业变化职业变化oJob hopping 跳槽跳槽oDiscussion oReasons of job hoppingoAdvantages and disadvantages of job hoppi

12、ng5.2 Achievements and plans 业绩和计划业绩和计划oFocus 学习重点学习重点o熟悉与业绩和计划相关的词汇o学习与业绩和计划相关的技能o掌握将来时的用法o学会写电子邮件和工作进展报告New words&Expressionsodesign office 设计室obook cover 书的封面oprinter n.印刷商,印刷工;打印机oquotation n.报价oin full colour 用彩色oin black and white 用黑白oa full progress report 详细的进展报告New words&Expressionsorefer t

13、o 参考,查阅,查看obook fair 书展,书市oa series of 一系列oItalian 意大利人,意大利语;意大利的ocoincidence n.巧合,巧事omove n.行动,步骤;措施;方法;vi.移动oconsolidate ones strong position 巩固某人的强势地位oremoval company 搬运公司New words&Expressionsostationery n.文具,信纸okeep sb.up-to-date 使某人信息灵通outility n.公用事业,公用事业设备obank loan 银行贷款opaperwork 日常文书工作oloan

14、 application 贷款申请oadditive n.添加剂New words&Expressionsoflavour n.味道,风味,香味oon a small scale 小规模oCaf n.小餐馆,咖啡馆osnack bar 小吃店,快餐柜ooutlet n.直销店;市场;销路ostrawberry n.草莓opear n.梨omango n.芒果New words&Expressionsotake on 雇佣omeet demand 满足需求ohealth club 健身俱乐部obe in business 做生意oPoland 波兰(中欧国家)oHungary 匈牙利(中欧国家)

15、oSpain 西班牙(欧洲南部国家)New words&ExpressionsoPortugal 葡萄牙(欧洲西南部国家)oSlovakia 斯洛伐克(中欧国家)oBratislava 布拉迪斯拉发(捷克斯洛伐克中南部城市)Writing 4 oFrom:Elena GonalezoTo:SynapseoDate:3 OctoberoSubject:Price quotation oCould you please send us a price quotation for three designs,for both full colour and black and white?oI at

16、tach two of the designs,and tomorrow Ill send the third one.oLooking forward to your reply.oBest RegardsoElena GonzalezWriting 5oHi Andres,oI called the design office and spoke to Octavio.Only two of the designs were ready.Ive sent them to the printers and asked them for a price quotation.Ill send t

17、hem the third one tomorrow afternoon.oElenaReading:Talking about results 谈论成果谈论成果oComplete the conversation with present perfect form of a suitable verb.P51Grammar:Going to 一般将来时一般将来时o“Be going to”is used to express future plans and intentions.o我们用going to+不定式表示计划或意图oWere not going to use that compa

18、ny again.They are very expensive.oShes going to look for a new job in the summer.Exercise 3 P52oToday,Im going to phone the removal companies and arrange the date.oTomorrow,Im going to change the details on our company stationery,then Im going to send the file to the printers.oIm going to phone the

19、telephone company later to make sure that we keep the same telephone numbers.oTomorrow morning,Im going to send an email to all of our clients and suppliers informing them about the change of premises.oIm going to send memos to all staff,to keep them updated.oTomorrow,Im going to call the utilities

20、companies to arrange for new contracts.Listening:Negotiating a bank loan 商谈银行贷款商谈银行贷款oQuestions from bank clerkoWhat do you do?oWhy do you want a loan?oHow much do you earn?oDo you have any other income?oHave you ever borrowed money before?oDo you have any debts?Negotiating a bank loanoDo you have a

21、 credit card?oHow long have you been in business?oDo you have other properties such as stocks,bonds,treasures or collections?oDo you own your house or rent it?oDo you have a guarantee?5.3 Reading Test:Parts One to ThreeoFocus 学习重点学习重点oGet familiar with the format of BEC Reading Test:Parts one to thr

22、ee(熟悉BEC考试阅读1-3部分的考试形式).oMaster the key words in the description of a chart(掌握与图表描述相关的词汇).oMaster the tips of the test(掌握考试技巧).New words&Expressionsoposter n.海报,招贴ooffice equipment 办公设备oprefabricated hut 预制营房,活动房opharmaceutical company 制药公司oprevious adj.以前的,在先的odisastrous fall 损失惨重的一跌oreach the high

23、est level 达到最高水平New words&Expressionsorise/increase/improve/ascend/go up/move up/mount up 上升osoar 飙升ofall/drop/decrease/decline/descend/go down下降ostay stable/steady/the same 保持平稳olevel off 持平orecover 反弹opeak up 达到顶峰,最高点New words&Expressionsodramatically 喜剧地,引人注目地oconsiderably 相当大地oobviously 明显地ogradually 渐渐地osharply 急剧地,明显地oslightly 轻微地oa little bit 一点儿


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