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1、2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训酒店餐饮服务英语培训酒店餐饮服务英语培训2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训Good morning(afternoon,evening),sir(madam)How do you do?How do you do?Glad/Nice to meet you.How are you?Fine,thanks.And you?Welcome to our hotel(restaurant).Wish you a most pleasant stay in our hotel.I hope you will enjoy your stay with us.I

2、hope you are enjoying your stay with us.I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.Have a good time!2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训 Restaurant.Can I help you?Sorry,Ive dialed the wrong number.May I speak to your General Manager?-Speaking.Sorry.He is not in at the moment.Would you like to leave a message?I beg yo

3、ur pardon?/Pardon?2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训 祝贺语:祝贺语:Congratulations!Merry Christmas!Have a nice holiday!Wish you every success!答谢和应答语:答谢和应答语:Thank you for your help(advice,information)Its very kind of you.You are welcome.Not at all.Dont mention it.Its my pleasure.With pleasure.My pleasure.I am always at y

4、our service.Thank you for staying in our hotel.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训I am sorry.Excuse me.Im sorry.Its my fault.Sorry to have kept you waiting.Sorry to interrupt you.Im sorry about this.I apologize for this.Thats all right.Lets forget it.It doesnt matter.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训 征询语:征询语:Can I help you?What

5、can I do for you?Is there anything I can do for you?Just a moment,please.May I use your phone?指路用语:指路用语:Its opposite our hotel.Its on the second(third)floor.Excuse me.Where is the washroom(restroom,elevator)?This way,please!Turn left/right.Its in the lobby near the main entrance.Its at the end of th

6、e corridor.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训 提醒用语:提醒用语:Mind/Watch your step.Please be careful.Please dont leave anything behind.Dont worry.Take it easy.Please dont smoke here.告别语告别语:See you later.Good night.See you tomorrow.Goodbye and thank you for coming.Goodbye and hope to see you again.Have a nice trip.Have a

7、 nice trip home.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训一一 餐厅用具餐厅用具餐桌 The Table 桌布 Tablecloth(cloth)lay the cloth for dinner lay the cloth for four 餐具 cover Covers are laid for four.Another cover,please.盘,碟 plate(供个人用)/dish(全桌人吃用)刀 knife 叉 fork 碗 bowl 勺子 spoon杯 cup 玻璃杯 glass 茶杯和垫碟 a cup and saucer 毛巾 hand towel 毛巾夹 towe

8、l tong席位巾 service cloth 餐巾 napkin2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训水瓶 carafe 茶壶 tea pot 咖啡壶 coffee pot糕点夹 cake tongs 糖夹 sugar tongs 糕饼盘 pastry server 餐具垫 placemat 调味品套具 condiment set 调味瓶 cruet盐瓶 salt cellar 芥末盅 mustard pot 花瓶 vase 花盆 flower pot 牙签 toothpick 烟灰盅 ashtray盖上有许多小孔的瓶 castor 胡椒瓶 pepper shaker/pepper cast

9、or2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训二二.刀叉餐具刀叉餐具 cutlery餐刀 table knife 餐叉,大叉 table fork 鱼刀 fish knife 鱼叉 fish fork 有锯齿或锋利的牛排刀 steak knife 牛油刀 butter knife 面包刀 bread knife 水果刀 fruit knife芝士刀 cheese knife 点心餐刀 dessert knife 结婚蛋糕刀 wedding cake knife 切菜刀 vegetable knife 2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训雕花刀 French cook knife 剔骨刀 bone

10、 knife 烧烤用叉 roasting fork 糕点叉 dessert fork 海鲜叉 seafood fork 蚝叉 oyster fork饼叉 cake fork 水果叉 fruit fork 蜜饯叉 pickle fork 餐匙 tablespoon 汤匙 soup spoon 茶匙 teaspoon咖啡匙 coffee spoon 冷饮匙 iced tea spoon 蛋匙 egg-spoon三三.筷子筷子 chopsticks竹筷 bamboo chopsticks 象牙筷 ivory chopsticks木筷 wood chopsticks 银筷 silver chopsti

11、cks2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训四四.陶瓷器陶瓷器 chinaware碟垫 under plate 餐碟 dinner plate 圆碟 round plate 椭圆碟 oval plate 鱼型碟 fish-shaped plate 糕点碟 cake dish 调味瓶碟 relish plate 水果碟 fruit dish 芥末碟 mustard dish 调味碟 sauce dish 汤碗 soup bowl 有盖汤碗 tureen粥碗 congee bowl 面碗 noodle bowl 调料碗 sauce bowl 饭碗 rice bowl 菜盘 vegetable di

12、sh 肉盘 meat dish 毛巾托 towel plate 托盘 server 有盖杯 covered cup 茶杯 tea cup2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训咖啡杯 coffee cup 酒杯 wine glass 啤酒杯 beer glass 香槟杯 champagne tulip 鸡尾酒杯 cocktail glass红葡萄酒杯 red wine glass 白葡萄酒杯 white wine glass果汁杯 juice glass 饮料杯 drink mixer2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训五五.调味品调味品 condiments油 oil 芝麻油 sesame

13、oil 辣椒油 chilli oil 花生油 peanut oil 色拉油 salad oil 菜籽油 vegetable oil 橄榄油 olive oil 豆油 soy bean oil 猪油 lard 盐 salt 食盐 common salt 酱 paste 酱油 soy 番茄汁 tomato sauce 番茄酱 ketchup 蚝油 oyster sauce 咖喱 curry 咖喱粉 curry powder 醋 vinegar 糖 sugar 白糖 white sugar 红糖 red sugar 蜂蜜 honey 奶酪 cheese2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训胡椒粉 p

14、epper powder 黄油 butter大蒜garlic 蒜蓉 garlic bulb姜 ginger 味精 gourmet powder豆瓣 in black bean sauce鱼香 with fish flavor六六.烹调方法烹调方法 common cooking methods水煮 boiled 炖 stewed 卤stewed in gravy红烧 braising with soy sauce 炒 fried 切片 sliced切碎 minced 捣烂 mashed 切丁 diced 煎 pan-fried 炸炸 deep-fried 蒸 steamed2022-11-4酒店

15、餐饮服务英语培训七七.味道味道 flavor味淡的 milder 辣的 hot 有香料的,香的 spicy咸的 salty 酸的 sour 苦的 bitter油腻的 greasy/rich 甜的 sweet 松脆的 crisp 清淡的 light 味重的 heavy 无味的 insipid老的 tough 嫩的 tender 糊的 starchy2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训猪肉pork twice-cooked pork slices回锅肉牛肉beef 羊肉mutton 鸡肉chicken duck goose 鹅 鸽 pigeon海鲜seafood 矿泉水 mineral wate

16、r Food and Beverage manager 餐饮部经理Restaurant Captain 餐厅领班Waiter/Waitress 餐厅应接员Hostess餐厅预订员Restaurant ReservationistKitchen Waiter走菜员 Chef 厨师长厨房主管Head Chef Dishwasher洗碟工2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训一一.A Reservations Call1.Good morning,sir。Restaurant,May I help you?2.Id like to reserve a table for tonight,please

17、.Id like to make a reservation for three for dinner this evening。3.How many people do you want a table for?How many people in your party,please?Well,a table for six or seven people.What time would you like your table?About seven oclock.What time do you open in the evening?We open at 5:00,and we take

18、 the last orders at 10:00 2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训4.Would you like a table in the main restaurant or in a private room?Would you like to have your dinner in the dining hall?Would you like to take the table in the corner?Can I get a table by the window?We have a booth by the window.Well arrange it for you

19、.5.Whats going to be,Chinese food or Western food?Do you have pot service?6.May I have you name and telephone number?2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训7.We look forward to seeing you.8.Thank you for calling.二二.席位已满席位已满1.Sorry,we are full.2.Sorry,were all booked up tonight.Sorry,all the tables are booked tonight.So

20、rry,there arent any table left tonight.3.Just a moment,sir.Ill check our reservation list.Thank you for waiting,sir.Im afraid we are fully booked for tonight.劳您久等了,今晚的席位恐怕已经订满了.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训1.Welcome to our restaurant,sir and madam.Welcome,sir.Step right in,please.Welcome back.Nice to see you

21、again.2.We have a window table reserved for you.Please leave your umbrella here.3.Do you have a reservation?Waiter,is there any table available now?Im sorry to say that we don have a vacant table at the moment.I have a reservation.May I ask who made it?Could you tell me who made the reservation?2022

22、-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训 Please come this way.Ill show you to your table.Follow me,please.After you,please.This way,please.4.How about the charge of a private room?雅间怎么收费?An extra 100 yuan for service charge.加收100元服务费5.Im sorry,sir.The sign here shows that its already been reserved.Would you please go upstai

23、rs?Do you want to wait?Please take a seat in the waiting area.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训6.Is this table all right?Here is your table.Is it all right?How do you like this table?What about that table near the window?This is the best table I can give you.7.Take a seat,please.Ill show you to your new table.8.E

24、xcuse me,sir.Would you mind moving over a little?Excuse me,sir.May I pass?9.Heres menu.Ill return in a few minutes to take your order.Please take your time.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训1.Are you ready to order?您准备好点菜了吗?Would you like to order now?May I take your order now?Have you ordered already?您点好菜了吗?2.Wha

25、t would you like?您想要点什么?What are you going to have?What kind of dishes do you want?What dishes would you like?What would you have for breakfast/lunch/supper?2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训3.We have everything you wish.What would you like?应有尽有,你想要什么?Are you interested in Chinese cooking?Would you like to try Chi

26、nese food?What is your favorite dishes/drink?4.Would you have something to drink?What kind of drink would you like?What would you like for a drink?Would you like to drink a bottle of beer?Which brand would you prefer?Anything cold you want?2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训5.Would you like something else?Is there

27、anything else you would like to have?What else do you want?6.If you need anything else,please tell us.烧菜要求烧菜要求1.How do you want your steak?牛排要几分熟?How would you like your steak?2.How would you like that?How would you like that done?How would you like your eggs?3.Id like that without MSG,please.No MSG

28、,please.Does this contain MSG?2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训询问特色菜询问特色菜1.Could you recommend me something special?What do you recommend?We have a very nice vegetable today.Its our chefs recommendation.Many guests give high comments on it.很多客人对这道菜赞赏备至 Its delicious and worth a try.2.Whats your speciality?What ar

29、e the specials?What is the special of the day?2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训 Its the speciality of our restaurant.Special spicy chicken is our speciality.怪味鸡是我们餐厅的特色菜 Is it very spicy?辣吗?No,but it is very tasty.很有味儿.Would you like to try some hot food?您想吃点辣的菜吗?3.Mapo beancurd is the famous speciality of Sichua

30、n food.麻婆豆腐是有名的四川菜.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训 Some famous Sichuan dishes are pork shreds with fish flavor,chicken cubes with chili peppers,and spicy braised cruciancarp.四川名菜还有鱼香肉丝,辣子鸡丁4.Its not on the menu.菜单上没有这道菜 There isnt grill in Room Service.客房服务部不卖烧烤的食品 It is not in season.这道菜已经不合时令了2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英

31、语培训1.You order should take about 20 minutes,sir.您点的菜要20分钟左右才能做好,Would you mind waiting?您介不介意等一下?The set menu will not take as much time.Your order will be with you very soon.Your dishes will come at once.Ill be back with your order in a little while.I shall not keep you waiting long.我不会让您久等的2022-11-

32、4酒店餐饮服务英语培训2.Here are your dishes.Anything else?This dish is yours.What is the next course?May I bring your rice now?This is complete course.If you would like any additional dishes,please call me.菜上齐了,如果您还想加菜,请叫我.Are you ready for your dessert now?Shall/May I bring dessert now?Your soup,sir.Shall I

33、put the soup in the middle of the table?2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训3.Enjoy your drink.Take your time and enjoy it.Hope youll enjoy your dinner.I hope that everything is satisfactory.4.Is everything all right?所有的菜都好吃吗?Is everything OK?How are you doing?您觉得怎样?Are you enjoying your meal?Its delicious!Im glad y

34、ou like it.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训5.Im afraid this is not the dish I ordered.恐怕这不是我点的菜.Im awfully sorry.I do apologise for giving you the wrong dish.Ill change it immediately for you.Thank you for telling us.I assure you it wont happen again.Please take your time and enjoy yourself.And I hope you have a

35、 good time.6.Where is the washroom?7.Could you wrap this,please?请您将这打包?Id like to take the rest.我向把剩下的打包带走.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训1.Waiter!Im leaving.2.Could I have the bill?Here you are.That 100yuan.3.Would you like to have the bill now?Check,please.Here is your bill.Its 120 yuan in all.Can I fill the

36、bill?可以买单了吧?4.How much is the bill?One dish is free.The other is special.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训 Thats for the drinks/the cake/the ice cream.5.May I have the receipt,please?6.How would you like to pay?Shall I charge this to your room?我把账记在您的房间账下好吗?Would you like to put it on your hotel bill?7.Id like to pay by cash,but Ive got discount card and voucher.我想付现金.但我有打折卡和优惠券 Im sorry.Discount card and voucher are not used together.2022-11-4酒店餐饮服务英语培训


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