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1、如何读?如何读?2016年年10月浙江高考读后续写月浙江高考读后续写Interpretation of the Text 文本解读A storyhowwherewhenwhywhowhatTomTomInterpretation of the Text 文本解读(Who)JaneJane coupleInterpretation of the Text 文本解读(When)Interpretation of the Text文本解读(How)1.Jane与丈夫Tom去森林中的湖边野营,2.发生了争吵,3.Jane独自进入森林后迷路,露宿一宿.4.第二天仅以溪水野果为食,并沿溪而行5.有直升机飞

2、过,Jane准备以黄色衬衣吸引直升机注意。故事情节情感线:情感线:如何读?如何读?Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para.1 But no more helicopter came and it was getting dark again.Given InformationInterpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写

3、首句解读(G-N策略)New Information How did Jane feel at the How did Jane feel at the beginning?beginning?What did Jane do in the forest?What did Jane do in the forest?What happened to Jane?What happened to Jane?How did Jane feel and what did How did Jane feel and what did Jane do then?Jane do then?1.Interpr

4、etation of given information首句解读:Para.1But no more helicopter came and it was getting dark again.Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para.2 It was daybreak when Jane woke up.Given InformationInterpretation of underlined w

5、ords and given information划线词和续写首句解读(G-N策略)New Information What did Jane do the next day?What did Jane do the next day?What/Who did Jane find?What/Who did Jane find?How was the story ended?Did she find her way out How was the story ended?Did she find her way out by herself or?by herself or?How did J

6、ane feel in the end?/What did Jane learn How did Jane feel in the end?/What did Jane learn from this experience?from this experience?1.Interpretation of given information首句解读:Para.2 It was daybreak when Jane woke up.2.Interpretation of underlined words下划线词解读:Jane,Tom,lake,walked,climbed,at a distanc

7、e,stream,To her great joy,helicopter,yellow blouse。Interpretation of underlined words and given information划线词和续写首句解读划线词和续写首句解读Characters人物类 Jane,TomPlaces 地点类lake,at a distance,streamObjects 事物类helicopter,yellow blouseBehaviour 行为类 walked,climbedFeelings 情感类To her great joyhelicopterhelicopter Inte

8、rpretation of writing ideas 写作思路解读 1JaneJaneTomTom caught her eyes caught her eyesfrightened frightened and missed and missed Interpretation of writing ideas 写作思路解读 2JaneJaneTomTom called the called the policepoliceFeeling Feeling disappointeddisappointed如何得高分?如何得高分?The Micro-skills Training in writ

9、ing 表达微技能:之之准确的动作神态描写:后悔心理篇准确的动作神态描写:后悔心理篇Para.4:She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him.读后续写的评分原则之一是“内容的丰富性”。所谓“内容的丰富性”,就是要求续写部分详细、生动地描述情景、态度和感情等。上面这一段文字情节完整,但是存在着字数不足,信息量不够,表达干瘪的缺点,无法准确传达故事类文章的情感因素。我们在描写情感的变化时,关注名词、动词、形容词、副词等在文本和续写作文中的使用,还可以通过面部表情、体态语言、虚拟语气、直接引语和修辞手法等体现心理。I.词的积累

10、:名词:regret,remorse动词:regret,repent形容词:regretful,repentant副词:regretfully,repentantlyThe Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能:表达微技能:之准确的动作神态描写:后悔心理篇之准确的动作神态描写:后悔心理篇II.词块和句的积累:1.to ones regret,much to ones regret,to my great regret,in deep remorse,be seized with remorse2.If only she had not left her

11、mobile phone in that bag with Tom.3.I now regret saying what I said4.If I had followed hadnt quarrelled with Tom,I wouldnt have got lost.5.Instead of letting regret dominate life,savor what you do have and what did go right.6.I stood there,with regretful tears in my eyes.7.She was struck dead with r

12、egret,heart beating painfully and banging against her ribs.The Micro-skills Training in writing 表达微技能:表达微技能:之准确的动作神态描写:后悔心理篇之准确的动作神态描写:后悔心理篇2.2.如果我听了他的建议,我们现在会玩得很开心。如果我听了他的建议,我们现在会玩得很开心。(if)(if)_Have a try 牛刀小试:句子翻译与句型转换1.1.要是我没有单独离开农场那多好啊!要是我没有单独离开农场那多好啊!(if only)(if only)1.1._If only I had not lef

13、t the farm alone!If I had followed his advice,we would be having fun together.bathing us in extreme joy.which bathed us in extreme joyPossible version 1 Paragraph 1 But no more helicopters came and it was dark.There was nothing but silence.Jane was extremely frightened and missed her husband,Tom,a g

14、reat deal.She couldnt help crying,clutching her hair.However,having a deep breath,Jane kept her way bravely.Jane concentrated all efforts on walking down along the stream.To her great joy,she eventually reached an open area.Feeling a little uneasy,she fell asleep.Possible version 1Paragraph 2 It was

15、 daybreak when Jane woke up.The sun shone lightly,bringing warmth and hope to the world.Jane stayed at the open area patiently to wait for others help.Two hours later,the helicopter which she had seen yesterday caught her eyes.Jane took off her yellow blouse to flag them and yelled out to make the h

16、elicopter notice her.Fortunately,the helicopter noticed her and came closer,finally landing at the open area.Her husband,Tom,got out of the helicopter.Surprised and overjoyed a great deal,Jane hold him tightly and told him how much she loved him.At the moment,the mountain was filled with love.评点:文章以

17、情感为线索,从害怕、后悔、不安,最后得救后的喜悦。正是有了前面的那些感受才能凸显得救后的喜悦。通过动作描写体现出Jane的后悔之意,直接的形容词描写体现了她的不自在,最后非谓语动词和动作描写的运用让我们真切地感受到她得救后的喜悦。Possible version 2Paragraph 1 But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again.“I shouldnt have left Tom”,thought Jane.Feeling disappointed,Jane had to stay alone for another

18、night.After walking a long distance again,it occurred to her that she had a box of matches with her.She was wild with joy and used them to burn some branches so that she could get some warmth.Staring at the jumping fire,Jane thought of all the things that she and Tom had experienced together.Only in

19、 this way could Jane feel better and fall asleep.Possible version 2Paragraph 2It was daybreak when Jane woke up.Feeling refreshed,she continued to walk along the stream to find the way out.At noon,to her great joy,she finally caught sight of a wide water surface at a distance.It was the lake!Also sh

20、e spotted a crew of policemen seeking along the bank!It seemed that they also spotted her because they were moving towards her!It was Tom who called the police.Finally,they led her to her husband.And the minute they met,they hugged together firmly as if they would never separate again.They got home

21、and have led a happy life ever since.评点:随着故事的进展,Jane的内心感受发生变化。通过直接引语的表述表达了她的后悔之意,运用分词体现失望之意,直接用形容词体现喜悦之情,最后的动词描写让我们深深地感到他们重逢后的喜悦和珍惜生活的决心。1.第一眼看到你会被那抢眼、近乎妖艳的色彩震撼,更会迷醉于她独特的,蕴涵巫女般迷幻魔力的风格之中。2.她选择以代表强烈欲望的紫色来包装其化妆品系列,以黯紫色为主色的包装,周围布满了红艳的蔷薇,像极了年代妩媚的面粉盒;复古俏丽的化妆品系列让城中女子爱不释手。3.古琦品牌时装一向以高档、豪华、性感而闻名于世,以“身份与财富之象征



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