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1、 牛津牛津8BU1 单词课件单词课件past 1.adj 以往的,过去的,结束了的以往的,过去的,结束了的Great changes have taken place in my community in the past ten years.2.nIn the past,I lived a happy life.3.prepgo past a fruit market/at half past seven 4.advHe ran past and even knocked me down.present n 1.礼物礼物My uncle bought me a present/gift la

2、st year.birthday/Christmas presents2.目前,现在目前,现在At present we are living a hard life because of diseases.He is in hospital at present.just adv.1.刚才刚才Where is my food?I have just eaten it.2.正好,恰好正好,恰好just then/just at that time 就在那时就在那时3.只是,仅仅只是,仅仅just a minute/second/moment 等会儿等会儿 I am just a little

3、tired.4.just now 刚才刚才 right now 现在现在used to 曾经曾经1.used to do sth I used to play cards with my parents every day.=I played cards with my parents in the past.我过去常常骑车上学。我过去常常骑车上学。他曾经是一个科学家。他曾经是一个科学家。I used to _ to school.He used to _ a scientist.(否定)否定)过去常常做。过去常常做。beridebe used to do被用来做。被用来做。木材被用来造纸。木

4、材被用来造纸。Wood is used to make paper.筷子是用来吃饭的。筷子是用来吃饭的。Chopsticks are used to have meals.be used to doing/sth 习惯于。习惯于。小时候我习惯于早起。小时候我习惯于早起。I was used to getting up early when I was young.我奶奶习惯于农村的新鲜空气。我奶奶习惯于农村的新鲜空气。My granny is used to the fresh air in the countryside.他将会适应这里的生活。他将会适应这里的生活。He will be us

5、ed to the life here.since conj.自.以来 prep.自.以来自从我出生我就住这里。自从我出生我就住这里。I have lived here since I was born.自从自从20032003 我就在这里教英语。我就在这里教英语。I have taught English here since 2014.I have taught English here for 5 years.It is five years since I taught English here.It has been five years since I taught English

6、 here.since 既然,因为引起原因状语,常句首既然,因为引起原因状语,常句首既然大家都来了,我们就开始我们的讨论。既然大家都来了,我们就开始我们的讨论。Since everyone is here,lets begin our discussion.既然他这么说,它一定是真的。既然他这么说,它一定是真的。Since he says so,it must be true.ever adv 曾经曾经 否定否定/疑问疑问你曾经去过巴黎吗?你曾经去过巴黎吗?Have you ever been to Paris?以前(比较)以前(比较)/雨现在下的比以前大了。雨现在下的比以前大了。It is

7、raining harder than ever.northern adj 北方的,北部的北方的,北部的northern southern eastern westernHaian is in the northern part of NT.海安在南通的北面。海安在南通的北面。Haian is in the north of NT.Haian is to the north of Suzhou.Haian is on the north of Rugao.marry vt/vi marries/married/marriage 去年他和一个漂亮女孩结婚了。去年他和一个漂亮女孩结婚了。He ma

8、rried a pretty girl last year.He got married to a pretty girl last year.他什么时候结婚的?他什么时候结婚的?When did he get married?He has been married to a pretty girl since last year.It is one year since they got married.marry sb=be/get married to sb他结婚多久了?他结婚多久了?How long has he been married?Wife n (pl)wives-husban

9、d(S)那些包是他们的太太的。那些包是他们的太太的。The bags are their wives.block(S)街区街区我住在离你我住在离你3个街区远个街区远.I live 3 blocks away from you.over prep 在。期间在。期间My hometown has changed a lot over the years.=Great changes have taken place in my hometown over the years.这些年我的家乡发生了很大变化。这些年我的家乡发生了很大变化。over=more than a bridge over the

10、 riverjump over the wallbe overall over the worldturn into=change into零度以下水变成冰。零度以下水变成冰。Water changes/turns into ice below zero.政府已经把这个地方变成了花园政府已经把这个地方变成了花园。turn on/off/up/down/to/leftThe government has already changed the place into the garden/yard.pollution n uc 污染污染 污染物污染物air/water/noise pollutio

11、npollute v polluted adj空气、水、噪音、污染空气、水、噪音、污染那些被污染的蔬菜将会死去。那些被污染的蔬菜将会死去。我们应该组织人们污染空气我们应该组织人们污染空气。We should stop/prevent people polluting air.The polluted vegetables will die.空气里有太多的污染物空气里有太多的污染物。There is too much pollution.factory factoriesThere used to be 2 shoe factories here.他们曾经在服装厂工作他们曾经在服装厂工作。这里曾

12、经有这里曾经有2 2 个鞋厂个鞋厂。不要把废料排进河里去。不要把废料排进河里去。They used to work in the clothes factory.。waste n 废料,废品废料,废品 UC 浪费浪费v/nDont put the waste into the river.玩游戏就是浪费时间玩游戏就是浪费时间。it is a waste of time/money to play games.Dont waste time and money.realize v 意识到,实现意识到,实现know or understand sth that you dont know befo

13、reI am sure he will realize his mistakes.他意识到他要好好学习。他意识到他要好好学习。我相信他将会意识到他的错误。我相信他将会意识到他的错误。If you work hard,you will realize your dream。He realizes that he will work hard 如果你努力,你就会实现你的理想如果你努力,你就会实现你的理想.=If you work hard,you will make your dream come true.improve vt/vi -d-d-improving 改进,改善改进,改善 make

14、sth betterimprove our life提高提高 你的英语口语你的英语口语改善我们的生活改善我们的生活With his help,my life has improved a lot.。improve your spoken English 在他的支持下,我的生活改善了很多。在他的支持下,我的生活改善了很多。situation n 形势,情况形势,情况 improve the situation目前形势目前形势改善这个形势改善这个形势He is in a dangerous situation。the present situation 他处境危险。他处境危险。in some wa

15、ys 在某种程度上在某种程度上in a friendly way用用英语英语回答回答用一种友好的方式用一种友好的方式I agree with you in some ways.。answer sth in English 从某种程度上来说我同意你的观点。从某种程度上来说我同意你的观点。impossible adj 不可能的不可能的 impossiblysomething impossible可能真的可能真的不可能的事不可能的事Nothing is impossible if you put your heart into it.possibly true 只要你用心,一切皆有可能。只要你用心,

16、一切皆有可能。对我们来说,没有你的支持赢得比赛是不可能的。对我们来说,没有你的支持赢得比赛是不可能的。It is impossible for us to win the game without your support.before adv prep conj 以前(完成时)以前(完成时)ago 过去过去I have seen the film before.我以前看过这部电影。我以前看过这部电影。the day before yesterdayYou are much thinner than before.每次在我回家前他已经吃好晚饭了。每次在我回家前他已经吃好晚饭了。He has h

17、ad supper before I get home.我以前看过这部电影。我以前看过这部电影。lonely adj alone lonelier friendly lovely daily He lives alone,but he doesnt feel lonely.虽然他一个人住,但是他不感到孤单。虽然他一个人住,但是他不感到孤单。He lives in a lonely villiage他住在一个荒凉的村庄里他住在一个荒凉的村庄里。from time to time=at times=sometimesat all time 一直一直 at a time 一次一次at any time 任何时候任何时候


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