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1、2020年江苏中考英语写作指导话题9-人际沟通分析宿迁、盐城、淮安及江苏其他地市近分析宿迁、盐城、淮安及江苏其他地市近6年中考真题的书面年中考真题的书面表达可知,与表达可知,与“人际沟通人际沟通”这一话题相关的书面表达有以下命题角这一话题相关的书面表达有以下命题角度:如何与他人和谐相处,如度:如何与他人和谐相处,如2016盐城、盐城、2018淮安;人际交往淮安;人际交往中遇到的问题。中遇到的问题。命题探索教材链接九九(上上)Unit 3 Teenage problems(2019益阳改编益阳改编)最近,你的朋友在与同学的交往中遇到了烦最近,你的朋友在与同学的交往中遇到了烦恼,请你根据以下要点提

2、示,写一篇英语短文,恼,请你根据以下要点提示,写一篇英语短文,给他一些如何给他一些如何与他人相处的建议与他人相处的建议来帮助他改变现状。来帮助他改变现状。要点:要点:1.遇到困难时,可以和父母、老师、朋友交谈;遇到困难时,可以和父母、老师、朋友交谈;2.和朋友相处时,要尊重对方;和朋友相处时,要尊重对方;3.友好地对待你周围的人;友好地对待你周围的人;审主题:与他人相处的建议审文体:说明文审主题:与他人相处的建议审文体:说明文审时态:一般现在时审人称:第二人称审时态:一般现在时审人称:第二人称典例剖析典例剖析一阶 审好题三阶练语段&成篇章二阶写好句4.(自主发挥,至少两点自主发挥,至少两点)。

3、注意事项:注意事项:1.词数词数90左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数;2.文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息。文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息。Here are some suggestions for you if you have trouble in getting along well with your classmates._ 审要点:除以上审要点:除以上3点外,根据第点外,根据第4点可知需自由发挥点可知需自由发挥2点点内容,如:要诚实待人;当别人需要帮助时,要给予帮内容,如:要诚实待人;当别人需要帮助时,要给予帮助助一阶 审好题三阶练语

4、段&成篇章二阶写好句1.I broke my sisters favorite cup.I broke my sisters favorite cup by mistake.2.I have no friend to play with.I have no friend to play with even though I am eager to join them.3.My best friend doesnt trust me.My best friend doesnt trust me any more.人际沟通中遇到的问题人际沟通中遇到的问题角度角度1升格范例升格范例一阶 审好题三阶练

5、语段&成篇章二阶写好句1.I opened my best friends letter.(用用by mistake升格升格)_2.He is afraid of telling the truth.(用用even though升格升格)_3.My classmate didnt listen to my words.(用用not.any more升格升格)_I opened my best friends letter by mistake.He is afraid of telling the truth even though he knows he should.句句 子子 升升 格格

6、My classmate didnt listen to my words any more.一阶 审好题三阶练语段&成篇章二阶写好句4.When you get along with your friends,you are supposed to respect them.5.You should realize your mistakes and be more careful next time.6.You should talk to him face to face so that you can say youre sorry.7.Make sure you smile and

7、greet others in a friendly way,especially the first time you meet them.如何与他人友好相处如何与他人友好相处角度角度2好句范例好句范例一阶 审好题三阶练语段&成篇章二阶写好句4.当你交朋友时,你应该诚实待人。当你交朋友时,你应该诚实待人。_5.你应该试着更加有耐心。你应该试着更加有耐心。_6.我们应该换位思考以便于能更好地了解彼此。我们应该换位思考以便于能更好地了解彼此。_ _7.确保你清楚地表达了你所想的。确保你清楚地表达了你所想的。_When you make friends,you are supposed to be

8、 honest.You should try being more patient.句句 子子 仿仿 写写We should put ourselves in others places so that we can have a better understanding of each other.Make sure you express what you think clearly.一阶 审好题三阶练语段&成篇章二阶写好句一阶 审好题三阶练语段&成篇章二阶写好句练语段练语段 He/She is my best friend,but _(问题问题).I have no idea how t

9、o deal with the situation.语语 段段 练练 习习 1人际沟通中的问题人际沟通中的问题 I cant understand him/her better/he/she always misunderstands me/we always argue for some small things/.一阶 审好题三阶练语段&成篇章二阶写好句Here are some ways for us to get along well with others.First of all,_(具体做法具体做法1).Besides,it is important for us to _(具体

10、做法具体做法2).Whats more,we can _(具体做法具体做法3)._(表达期望表达期望)语语 段段 练练 习习 2如何与他人友好相处如何与他人友好相处we should respect others/be friendly to others/.communicate with each other and share our happiness and sadness/be kind to others/.offer necessary help to those who are in trouble/.I hope my ways will help you/Hope you

11、 can be better next time/.一阶 审好题三阶练语段&成篇章二阶写好句成篇章成篇章Here are some suggestions for you if you have trouble in getting along well with your classmates.First,when you have difficulties,you should talk to your parents,your teachers or your friends and share your sadness and happiness with them.They will

12、 help you solve the problems.Second,when you get along with your friends,you are supposed to respect them.Third,you should be friendly to people around you.Fourth,you have to be 一阶 审好题三阶练语段&成篇章二阶写好句honest to your friends.Only being honest can you get others trust.Last but not least,you should be rea

13、dy to help others around you when they are in trouble.If so,they will give you a hand when you are in need.Then you will make more friends.I hope these suggestions will be helpful to you and everything will go well with you soon.(2020原创原创)假如你是假如你是Alice,你家里的规矩很多,你的父母总是对你家里的规矩很多,你的父母总是对你有很多要求,不理解你的很多做


15、名等信息。文中不得出现真实的地名、校名、人名等信息。写作练兵写作练兵There are too many rules in my family._写作练兵写作练兵 My parents never allow me to go out with my friends at night.They dont allow me to choose my own clothes or hairstyle,either.Instead,they pay too much attention to my exam results.I think they dont understand me at all

16、.However,I try my best to understand them.Although they dont allow me to make my own decisions and give me too much pressure,I know that it is because they really love me and want me _写作练兵写作练兵 to have a bright future.In order to keep a good relationship with my parents,I decide to study hard and listen to them patiently when talking with them.Besides,I will share my troubles and happiness with them,and help them with more housework.


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