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1、Unit 3 The world onlinelanguage points(W-R)address 1)vt.Your essay doesnt address the issues we are talking about.针对,探讨针对,探讨 1.The main drawback of the Internet I will address today are that it has too much information that has not been evaluated for accuracy.(L32)The chairman will address the meeti

2、ng.称呼称呼You should address him as“Mr.President”.写姓名,地址写姓名,地址 The card was wrongly addressed to us.对对作演讲作演讲 Tell me if you change you address He is good at delivering/giving an address in public.地址地址 演说演说 2)n.Catherine bought a postcard of the place she was visiting,addressed_ to _and then posted it a

3、t the nearby post office.(安徽省高考题)(安徽省高考题)A.it;her B.it;herself C.herself;her D.herself;herselfevaluate vt.意为意为对对评估,对评估,对评价评价;对;对核定。核定。(1)We have to wait for months for the government to _our project.Aadapt BEvaluate Csupply DDivide(2)Teachers shouldnt _the ability of a student only based on his mark

4、s in the exams.Aevaluate Bvalue Ccomment Dcriticize2.This study shows that people who spend too much time on the Internet tend to withdraw from the people and the world round him.(58)withdraw vt./vi.withdrew,withdrawn1)收回收回,撤消撤消,撤退撤退The USA was called for to withdraw its troops from Iraq.美国被要求从伊拉克撤军

5、美国被要求从伊拉克撤军.The old coins have been withdrawn from circulation.旧硬币已经收回不再流通了旧硬币已经收回不再流通了.2)(从银行从银行)提取提取She withdrew all her savings from her account and left the country.她把全部存款从账户取出后离开了那个国家她把全部存款从账户取出后离开了那个国家.3)离开或脱离某处或某些人离开或脱离某处或某些人He talked to us for an hour and then withdrew.他跟我们谈了一小时的话就走了他跟我们谈了一小

6、时的话就走了.withdraw into oneself离群索居离群索居 withdrawal n.收回收回;取回取回;撤回撤回;撤走撤走the withdrawal of supplies/support/troops 撤消供应撤消供应/不再支持不再支持/撤回部队撤回部队She is showing signs of withdrawal and depression.她表现出孤僻与消沉的她表现出孤僻与消沉的迹象迹象.The milk is reported to have serious side effects and has been _from the market for furt

7、her tests.A.withdrawn B.cancelled C.renewed D.appointed3.They claim that surfing the Internet is a waste of time.(L13)claim v./n.1)声称声称;宣称宣称;断言断言 Scientists are claiming a major breakthrough in the fight against cancer.2)要求或索要(某物)要求或索要(某物)She claims ownership of the land.她对这块土地的产权提出要求(称她是合法她对这块土地的产权

8、提出要求(称她是合法所有人)所有人).3)(指灾难指灾难 事故等)使(某人)死亡事故等)使(某人)死亡 The earthquake claimed thousands of lives/victims.地震夺去数以千计人的生命地震夺去数以千计人的生命.知识拓展知识拓展nclaim to do声称做nclaim that-从句声称nhave a claim on/to 对有所有权nmake no claim 自认为不nmake a claim for 对(赔偿等)提出要求4.With the touch of a button or the click of a mouse,a student

9、 will find abundant information from the largest libraries and museums in the world at his or her command.an abundant supply of fruita land abundant in minerals(1)abundant adj.丰富的,充裕的,丰富的,充裕的,Peru has abundant plants from desert grasses to vast areas of jungle.The country is abundant in natural reso

10、urces.be abundant in=be ample in=be adequate inbe rich in富有富有;很丰富。很丰富。At the feast there was _of food and drink.2)Australia _various wildlife.The _resources and stable policy provide them with the _advantages of developing their businesses.Agenerous BlimitedCnarrow Dabundantan abundance is abundant

11、incommand n.命令命令,指挥指挥,掌握掌握General Smith is in command of the army.史密斯将军统率陆军史密斯将军统率陆军.The army is under the command of General Smith.这支军队由史密斯将军指挥这支军队由史密斯将军指挥at sbs command奉某人之命奉某人之命;受某人指挥受某人指挥;听候某听候某人吩咐人吩咐在下奉谕旨至此在下奉谕旨至此.I am here at the Kings command.Applicants will be expected to have(a)good command

12、 of English.应聘者需要精通英语。应聘者需要精通英语。v.命令命令,指挥指挥,掌握掌握=order The officer commanded his men to fire.军官命令士兵开火军官命令士兵开火.The leader commanded that all the hostages(should)be released.首领命令释放所有的人质。首领命令释放所有的人质。归纳拓展归纳拓展完成句子完成句子(1)哈撒韦法官完全控制着法庭的局面。哈撒韦法官完全控制着法庭的局面。Judge Hathaway was _ the courtroom.in complete comman

13、d of(2)每位国会议员都有一大群下属听从吩咐。每位国会议员都有一大群下属听从吩咐。Each congressman has a large staff _.at his command 5.Without the Internet,these people would have fewer avenues for meeting people.(L26)avenue:1)途径途径;手段手段 an avenue to success,fame 成功成功,成名之路成名之路 Several avenues are open to us.我们面前有几条可行之路我们面前有几条可行之路.We have

14、 explored every avenue.我们已经探索过了各种途径我们已经探索过了各种途径.2)林荫道;林荫道;(两旁有树木或高楼的)大街两旁有树木或高楼的)大街a hotel on Fifth Avenue 6.Whats more,people who are disabled and must stay in their homes can correspond and communicate with others around the globe who have similar interests.(L24)whats more 而且而且 类似的表达还有:类似的表达还有:bes

15、ides;furthermore;moreover,in addition;additionallycorrespond with通信通信Weve corresponded with each other for years but Ive never actually met him.我们已通信多年了,可是我从未见过他本人。我们已通信多年了,可是我从未见过他本人。correspond to/with相符合相符合Your account of events corresponds with hers.你说的情况跟她说的相符。你说的情况跟她说的相符。她的收入与支出不相称。她的收入与支出不相称。H

16、er expenses do not correspond to her income.correspondence n.通信通信,信件信件,相符相符8.The Red Cross has sounded the alarm about the threat of famine.红十字会已发出了饥荒威胁的警报。红十字会已发出了饥荒威胁的警报。alarm v.意为意为使惊恐使惊恐;alarmed adj.害怕的;害怕的;alarming adj.令人害怕的令人害怕的。be alarmed by/at sth.因因而惊恐而惊恐n.意为意为警觉警觉;警报警报,警报器,警报器in alarm惊恐地惊恐

17、地(常作状语常作状语)give/raise/sound the alarm发出警报发出警报a burglar/fire/smoke alarm防盗防盗/防火防火/烟火警报器烟火警报器巧学助记巧学助记(1)_by the sharp fall of the stock market,thousands of stockholders sold out their stock at a sacrifice.AProvided B.Alarmed CInspired DEncouraged(2)A small boy saw the smoke and _(发出警报发出警报)(3)_(我们都感到惊恐

18、我们都感到惊恐)the news that war might break out.(4)I was sleeping soundly in the early morning when a telephone _ me awake.I was even _to hear the _ news that another bombing had hit London.raised/gave/sounded the alarmWe were alarmed atalarmedalarmedalarmingTranslate:1.我今天要探讨的互联网的主要的优点就是我们我今天要探讨的互联网的主要的优

19、点就是我们 可以通过互联网与他人建立联系。可以通过互联网与他人建立联系。(address)The main strength I will address today is that we can relate to others through the internet.2.他想当然的认为,旧硬币如果收回不再流通,他想当然的认为,旧硬币如果收回不再流通,形势会好转。形势会好转。(assumption;withdraw)He made the assumption that if old coins were withdrawn from circulation,the situation w

20、ould turn for the better.3.在史密斯将军的带领下,我们控制了这块矿在史密斯将军的带领下,我们控制了这块矿 产丰富的土地。产丰富的土地。(command;abundant)Under the command of General Smith,we took control of the land abundant in minerals.4.我们已通信多年了,可是我从未见过他本人我们已通信多年了,可是我从未见过他本人.(correspond)Weve corresponded with each other for years but Ive never actuall

21、y met him.5.我觉得帮助辍学的孩子重返校园是我们的责任。我觉得帮助辍学的孩子重返校园是我们的责任。(drop out)I feel it our duty to help the kids who dropped out to return to school.6.在我看来,要么限制使用互联网,要么学会如何在我看来,要么限制使用互联网,要么学会如何 处理好互联网引起的问题,这对我们来说很重要。处理好互联网引起的问题,这对我们来说很重要。I feel it is important for us either to limit our use of the internet,or to

22、 learn how to handle the problems it has caused.Important sentences:1.They make the assumption that children spend too much time chatting and playing games instead of fucusing on their school work.同位语从句同位语从句2.The main drawbacks of the internet i will address today are that it has too much informatio

23、n that has not been evaluated for accuracy and that it is transforming the way people spend their time.that and that_定语从句定语从句定语从句定语从句3.These are all negative effects the internet has _ our lives.I feel it is important for us _ to limit our use of the internet,_ to learn how to handle the problems it

24、 has caused.on either orn Fill in the blanks using the new words in the text.1.Im s_ of his ability to finish the task.He seems so careless.2.One of the greatest d_ of the Internet is that it sometimes provides false information.3.It never _ to me that he might be in trouble.4.Could you give me the

25、a_ answer to this question.sceptical drawbacksaccurateoccurred5.The car crash _three lives.6.Have you been _ with him?7.This program is meant to help those who are _(上瘾上瘾)to smoking.8.It suddenly o_ to me that we went there by bike that day.9.For these reasons,I believe it has p_ effects on our live

26、s instead of n_ effects.claimed correspondingaddicted occurred positive negativeImportant phrases:支持,赞同支持,赞同 in favor of对对.有积极有积极/消极的影响消极的影响 have positive/negative effects on.通过互联网与他人建立联系的能力通过互联网与他人建立联系的能力 the ability to relate to others through the internet首选信息源首选信息源 the first source to turn to富有某事

27、物富有某事物;富于某事物富于某事物 be abundant in 奉某人之命奉某人之命;受某人指挥受某人指挥at sbs command命令,指挥命令,指挥 in command of在在.指挥之下指挥之下 under the command of sb.精通精通 have a good command of 通信通信 correspond with与与.相符合,相一致相符合,相一致 correspond to/with设想,假定设想,假定 make the assumption做调查做调查 conduct a survey 互联网第二大最常见的用途互联网第二大最常见的用途 the secon

28、d most common use of the internet建立社会联系建立社会联系 build social bonds基于共同的兴趣爱好而非外貌基于共同的兴趣爱好而非外貌 based on common interests rather than appearance形成终生的友谊形成终生的友谊 form friendship that will last ones entire life评价信息的准确性评价信息的准确性 evaluate the information for accuracy 获得最新的,精确的信息获得最新的,精确的信息 access to up-to-date,

29、accurate information 传统的参考资料传统的参考资料 traditional reference materials 游戏上瘾游戏上瘾 be addicted to games 辍学辍学 drop out往往与世界脱离往往与世界脱离 tend to withdraw from the worldMy name is _ and I am speaking in favor of _ I believe that _ has positive effects on our lives/studies.There are two main points which must be included when we analyse _.The first is _.The second is _.My name is _ and I will be speaking against _.In my opinion,_ has negative effects on our lives/studies.The main drawbacks of _ i will adress today are that _ and that _.


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