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1、darkness n.黑暗explain v.解释,说明coast n.海岸storm n.暴风雨towards prep.朝,向,接近rock n.岩石shore n.海岸light n.灯光ahead adv.在前面cliff n.峭壁struggle v.挣扎hospital n.医院New words and expressinosdarkness n.黑暗;暗黑暗;暗out of the darkness 冲出黑暗冲出黑暗The room was in darkness.房间一片漆黑房间一片漆黑dark (黑暗的黑暗的)+ness(名词后缀名词后缀)=darknesscareful(

2、细心的细心的)+ness=carefulness(仔细仔细)good+ness=goodness(仁慈仁慈)explain vt&vi 说明说明,阐明阐明;解释解释,辩解辩解The girl was able to explain what had happenedThe manager explained to the customer why the goods were late.Explain what this word means.explain away 搪塞(过失搪塞(过失,怀疑)怀疑)explain oneself 说明自己的意思,为自己辩解说明自己的意思,为自己辩解expl

3、ain sth as sth 把把解释为解释为explaination n.说明解释说明解释You must give me an explanation.辨析:辨析:explain interpret都含有都含有“解释解释”的意思的意思explain 指解释不明之事,指解释不明之事,interpret侧重用特殊的知识,信念,判断,了解侧重用特殊的知识,信念,判断,了解去阐明特别难懂的事情去阐明特别难懂的事情1)He is explaining how a machine operates.2)How do you explain this poem?storm n.暴风暴风(雨雨)搭配:搭配

4、:be caught in a storm 遭遇暴风雨遭遇暴风雨storm in a teacup 小题大做小题大做 take by storm 突然巧夺突然巧夺3)一阵暴风雨般的掌声)一阵暴风雨般的掌声a storm of applause4)我们应该经风雨,见世面)我们应该经风雨,见世面We ought to face the world and brave the storm.5)雨过天晴,否极泰来)雨过天晴,否极泰来After a storm comes a calm.联想:联想:a rainstorm 暴风雨暴风雨 a snowstorm 暴风雪暴风雪 a duststorm 沙尘暴

5、沙尘暴 towards prep.向向,朝朝,接近接近We have to try hard towards success.我们要努力朝成功前进我们要努力朝成功前进He is walking towards here.他正朝这边走来。他正朝这边走来。rock n.岩石岩石,礁石礁石;摇滚乐摇滚乐;摇摆摇摆 v,摇摆摇摆;震惊震惊n.岩石,大石头岩石,大石头The house is built on a rockMountains are made of rock.climb up a rock爬上岩石爬上岩石v.摇摆摇摆 震动震动当我走到船的一边时,船摇晃了当我走到船的一边时,船摇晃了Whe

6、n I stepped onto the side of the boat,it rocked.rock a baby to sleep/rock a baby asleep 摇婴儿睡觉摇婴儿睡觉Our boat rocked to and from on the waves.The Presidents death rocked the nation.prezd()nt 总统的死震动了全国总统的死震动了全国搭配:搭配:as firm as a rock 屹立不动的,值得信赖的屹立不动的,值得信赖的rock the boat 破坏团体的合作破坏团体的合作 light n.灯光,光线灯灯光,光线

7、灯能借个火吗?能借个火吗?Can you give me a light,please?Please turn on the light.请开灯请开灯light tower 灯塔灯塔From the TV tower,we can see the lights of Beijing.从电视塔上,我们可以看到北京的万家灯火。从电视塔上,我们可以看到北京的万家灯火。To look at the matter in a new light 以新见解看这个问题以新见解看这个问题light v.点亮,点灯,点火点亮,点灯,点火 light a cigarette 点燃一支烟点燃一支烟You light

8、up my life.你照亮了我的一生你照亮了我的一生light adj.轻的,温柔的轻的,温柔的=gentle ahead adv.在前面在前面 放在被修饰词的后面作定语放在被修饰词的后面作定语,定语后置定语后置There is a light ahead 前方的前方的灯光灯光Walk straight ahead until you reach the river.一直朝前走到河边一直朝前走到河边Full speed ahead!全速前进!全速前进 ahead of 在在前面前面 He went ahead of me.go ahead 朝前走;请随便朝前走;请随便(回答请求时用回答请求时

9、用)-Would you mind my using your phone?/Can I use your telephone?-Ok,go ahead.-Can I smoke here?-Go ahead./Sorry,youd better not.cliffn.悬崖悬崖eg:站在悬崖上:站在悬崖上 stand on the edge of a cliff struggle n.v.斗争,挣扎斗争,挣扎1)v斗争斗争struggle with sb /fight with sb和和打斗打斗The landlord struggled with the thief.struggle for

10、 sth 为为斗争,努力斗争,努力struggle against sth 反对反对而斗争而斗争fight for freedom/struggle for freedom为自由而战为自由而战The people are struggling for freedom.Chinese people struggle against Japanese for eight years.2)v挣扎,艰难的前进挣扎,艰难的前进She struggled up the cliff她艰难的爬上悬崖。她艰难的爬上悬崖。The chick finally broke through the shell and

11、struggled out.3)n挣扎,手脚乱动,奋斗挣扎,手脚乱动,奋斗Don t give up without a struggle.搭配:搭配:struggle against/with 与与做斗争做斗争 struggle along 挣扎着生活下去挣扎着生活下去 struggle for 为了为了而斗争而斗争 struggle on 拼命活下去,继续努力拼命活下去,继续努力 hospital n.医院医院field hospital 战地医院战地医院be in hospital 住院住院go to hospital&go to the hospital去住院去住院&去医院去医院+th

12、e 只表示地点只表示地点in hospital&in the hospital 在住院在住院&在医院在医院hospitality nu殷勤招待,厚待殷勤招待,厚待hspitlitigive hospitality to a personshow hospitality to a person款待(某人)款待(某人)Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and

13、 was caught in a storm.Towards evening,the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea.Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.During that time she covered a distance of eight miles.Early next morning,she saw a light ahead.She knew she was near the shore becaus

14、e the light was high up on the cliffs.On arriving at the shore,the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light she had seen.That was all she remembered.When she woke up a day later,she found herself in hospital.几乎过了一个星期,那姑娘才能讲述自己的遭遇几乎过了一个星期,那姑娘才能讲述自己的遭遇.一天下午,她乘小船从海岸出发,遇上了风暴。一天下午,她乘小船从海岸出发,遇上了风暴。天将


16、.Nearly a week passed before the girl was able to explain what had happened to her.He passed my house this morning.Past?past不是动词,它可以用作介词、形容词、副词和名词:不是动词,它可以用作介词、形容词、副词和名词:He walked past my house.(介词介词)He told me about his past experience.(形容词形容词)He seems似乎似乎 to live in the past.(名词名词)can表示表示总的能力或客观存在

17、的能力总的能力或客观存在的能力,而,而be able to 表示的是表示的是特定特定的、具体的能力的、具体的能力,强调不仅具备了某种能力,而且还,强调不仅具备了某种能力,而且还实际做到了实际做到了或将会做到。或将会做到。He could walk forty miles a day in the past.(具备这种能力,但不一定实际去做。具备这种能力,但不一定实际去做。)He was able to walk forty miles a day last year.(不仅具有这种能力,而且实际做了。)(不仅具有这种能力,而且实际做了。)We will be able to finish th

18、e work next month.You might be able to persuade him.pswed 说服说服2.One afternoon she set out from the coast in a small boat and was caught in a storm.set off 出发,使爆炸出发,使爆炸Do be careful with those fireworks;the slightest spark could set them off.这些烟火要格外小心,稍有火星就能引起爆炸。这些烟火要格外小心,稍有火星就能引起爆炸。set to 动手干动手干,认真开

19、始干认真开始干Having enough data in hand,we can set to work.手头有足够的资料我们可以开始工作了。手头有足够的资料我们可以开始工作了。set about 开始开始,着手着手He set about learning Chinese at age ten.be caught in往往是指遇上往往是指遇上“灾难、困难灾难、困难”。I was caught in a snowstorm.3.Towards evening,the boat struck a rock and the girl jumped into the sea.towards&to的区

20、别的区别 Suddenly,one of the children kicked a ball very hard and it went towards/to a passing boat.上句可知,上句可知,towards和和to都有朝什么方向去的意思,都有朝什么方向去的意思,但但towards可以表示时间,含义为可以表示时间,含义为“接近接近”或或“将近将近”,而而 to 并无此含义并无此含义 如文中的如文中的 towards evening4.Then she swam to the shore after spending the whole night in the water.S

21、hore:是这三个词中最普通的一个,可指湖、是这三个词中最普通的一个,可指湖、海等的海等的the western shore of the Pacific 太平洋西岸太平洋西岸Bank:河岸:河岸 Some children were playing games on the bankCoast:海岸,通常特指与海洋相接的整个一长:海岸,通常特指与海洋相接的整个一长条陆地;还常与地图、气候及海防有关条陆地;还常与地图、气候及海防有关 China has a very long coast.中国的海岸很长。中国的海岸很长。Coast guard 海岸警卫队海岸警卫队 5.During that

22、time she covered a distance of eight miles.during that time 是一般过去时的标志词是一般过去时的标志词During that time she was responsible for typewriting.在那段时间里,她负责打字在那段时间里,她负责打字.cover vt.覆盖覆盖;采访采访,报导报导;涉及涉及;包括包括 vi.代替代替;覆盖覆盖n.盖子盖子,覆盖物覆盖物;(书等的书等的)封面封面;隐蔽隐蔽,遮蔽遮蔽;(保险公司保险公司的的)保险保险不管是不管是“游过游过”,还是,还是“飞过飞过”,还是,还是“爬过爬过”等等,都可以用

23、等等,都可以用“cover”(覆盖)来表示(覆盖)来表示the bird covered three miles in three minutes.The front cover of the novel has been torn off.6.Early next morning,she saw a light ahead.Go ahead of her.(动态)(动态)走在她的前面走在她的前面 She sits in front of me.(静态)(静态)她坐在我前面。她坐在我前面。ahead of time 事先事先 Can you tell me ahead of time if y

24、oure coming?go ahead Go ahead and do what you like.去吧,喜欢干什么就干什么。去吧,喜欢干什么就干什么。7.She knew she was near the shore because the light was high up on the cliffs.那人跳下悬崖自杀。那人跳下悬崖自杀。The man committed suicide by jumping off the cliff.8.On arriving at the shore,the girl struggled up the cliff towards the light

25、 she had seen.on+doing相当于相当于as soon asOn hearing the news,she fainted.=When she heard the news,she faint.On arriving home,it began to rain.When she arrived home,it began to rain.如果是两个不同的主语,则不能使用如果是两个不同的主语,则不能使用“on+动名词动名词”的结的结构构!struggle vi努力,斗争努力,斗争 n.努力,斗争努力,斗争他努力控制住自己的脾他努力控制住自己的脾气气。He struggled to

26、 control his temper.在打斗中,有几在打斗中,有几个个人受人受伤伤。Several people were hurt in the struggle.9.That was all she remembered.When she woke up a day later,she found herself in hospital.she found herself in hospital.主主 谓谓 宾宾 宾补宾补I find myself stupid 我发现自己很笨。我发现自己很笨。I found the film boring 我发现这部电影很枯我发现这部电影很枯燥。燥。I

27、 found him dishonesty 我发现他不诚实。我发现他不诚实。We found him a liar 我们发现他是个大骗子。我们发现他是个大骗子。He is finding the trip very exciting.他发现旅途非常刺激。他发现旅途非常刺激。关键句型关键句型Key structures表方向介词:表方向介词:to,from,into,out of,for,towards,at等与动等与动词的搭配问题。词的搭配问题。from door to door 挨家挨户挨家挨户from cover to cover 从头读到尾从头读到尾from beginning to e

28、nd 从头到尾从头到尾from hand to mouth 所挣的钱仅够糊口所挣的钱仅够糊口He flew to Washington last night.He will be flying from Washington to Chicago on Wednesday.他在昨天晚上飞往华盛顿。他将于周三从华盛顿飞往芝加他在昨天晚上飞往华盛顿。他将于周三从华盛顿飞往芝加哥。哥。into and out of1)into:entrance 进入进入in:position 在在.里在里在.地方地方2)out of:exit 离开,出去离开,出去Where is Carol?She has jus

29、t gone into the kitchen.Where did you throw that piece of paper?I threw it out of the window.for:the destination for journey 一个旅途的目的地一个旅途的目的地We set out for the village at six o clock next morning.我们第二天早上我们第二天早上6点出发去那个村庄。点出发去那个村庄。George has left for Scotland.乔治己动身去苏格兰了。乔治己动身去苏格兰了。leave somewhere离开某地离

30、开某地leave for somewhere离开去某地离开去某地towards:The car came towards me 车朝我开来了。车朝我开来了。She swam towards the shore 她朝岸边游了过去。她朝岸边游了过去。She swam to the shore 她游到到了岸边。她游到到了岸边。at 放某些动词后含有放某些动词后含有“不礼貌不礼貌”“”“攻击性攻击性”的含的含义。义。She threw the ball to me 她把球扔给了我。她把球扔给了我。The boy threw a stone at the dog.这个男孩拿石头砸向了狗。这个男孩拿石头砸

31、向了狗。Don t shout at others 不要对别人大喊大叫。不要对别人大喊大叫。It is so noisy that we have to shout to each other.这里太吵了,以至我们不得不喊着说话。这里太吵了,以至我们不得不喊着说话。It is rude to point at people 用手指着别人是不礼貌的。用手指着别人是不礼貌的。用于表示方向和目的地的介词和副词用于表示方向和目的地的介词和副词(也被称为小品词也被称为小品词)(1)表示表示“上上”、“下下”的两对小品词是的两对小品词是on和和off,up和和down:Jims standing on t

32、he roof.I hope he wont fall off.吉姆正站在房顶上。我希望他不会掉下来。吉姆正站在房顶上。我希望他不会掉下来。Toms climbing up the tree.I hope he wont fall down.汤姆正在爬树。我希望他不要摔下来。汤姆正在爬树。我希望他不要摔下来。(2)表示表示“来来”、“去去”的一对小品词是的一对小品词是from和和to、towards的意义与的意义与to相近,表示相近,表示“朝朝”、“向向”、“接近接近”等等;for在有些动词后面也表示在有些动词后面也表示“往往”、“向向”的意思:的意思:(3)He came from Mosc

33、ow.Hes going to New York.(4)他从莫斯科来。他将要去纽约。他从莫斯科来。他将要去纽约。(5)He went towards the shop quickly.(6)他快速地向商店走去。他快速地向商店走去。(7)He left/set out for New York yesterday.(8)他昨天动身去纽约了他昨天动身去纽约了。(3)表示表示“进去进去”、“出来出来“这两种方向的介词为这两种方向的介词为into和和out of;表示表示“在在某个地方某个地方”或或“在在里面里面/外面外面”可用可用 at,in,out of等等;表示目的表示目的地或位置往往用地或位置

34、往往用at:When did you come into the restaurant?你什么时候进的餐馆你什么时候进的餐馆?We arrived in the country on Sunday.星期天我们到达乡下。星期天我们到达乡下。(范围大时用范围大时用in)We arrived at the station in the evening.晚上我们到达车站。晚上我们到达车站。(范围小时用范围小时用at)(4)表示表示“穿过穿过”等动作时,往往用等动作时,往往用 through,across,under,over,round等等We plan to travel through Japan

35、(to travel in Japan)this summer.我们计划这个夏天去日本旅游我们计划这个夏天去日本旅游Go across the brige and you will see a red house过了桥你会看到一座红房子。过了桥你会看到一座红房子。I looked back _the girl,who was giving me a smile.The plane flies Moscow New York.(从莫斯科飞往纽从莫斯科飞往纽约)约)We ran the house.(从屋里跑出来从屋里跑出来)You werent the restaurant when I com

36、e .(我进来的时候你不在餐馆。我进来的时候你不在餐馆。)语法小测语法小测out offromtotoininSpecial Difficultiespast/passed与与next/other的练习:的练习:1.I tried to telephone you the other day.You must have been out.(the other day/the next day)我前几天给你打电话,你出去了。我前几天给你打电话,你出去了。2.Have you passed your driving test?(past/passed)你通过驾驶考试了吗?你通过驾驶考试了吗?3.On the first day all went well.But on the next day there was a storm.(next/other)第一天还是一切正常,但是第二天就有暴风雨。第一天还是一切正常,但是第二天就有暴风雨。4.The crowd cheered as the soldiers marched past.(past/passed)当士兵队伍经过的时候,人群欢呼雀跃。当士兵队伍经过的时候,人群欢呼雀跃。Thank you!See you next time!


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