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1、Unit9 What does he look like?What words can What words can you think of to you think of to describe the people?describe the people?Pre-writing:useful wordsshort (矮的)tall(高的)tubby(矮胖)plumb(丰满)elegantly(优雅)skinny(太瘦的)overweight(胖)slim,thin(苗条的)slender(苗条的)fat,stout(肥胖的)Handsome(英俊的)ugly(丑陋的)Beautiful(

2、美丽的)charming(迷人的)Good-looking(长的好看)plain(长的一般)blond(金发碧眼的)trendy(时髦的)tanned(皮肤黝黑的)pale(苍白的)dimple(有酒窝的)freckled(有雀斑的)wrinkled(起皱纹的)bald(秃顶的)Oval face(鹅蛋脸型的)pony tail(马尾)wavy hair(卷发)pimpled(有粉刺)翻译短语Pre-writing:useful phrases 1.long hair_2.short straight hair _ 3.long curly blonde hair _4.a big nose

3、_5.a small mouth_6.a round face _7.a long face _ 8.big eyes_ have/has 翻译短语Pre-writing:useful phrases9.(be)of medium height _10.(be)of medium build _11.Wear glasses _12.Light brown_ 13.Dark brown_Pre-writing:useful sentences 连词成句。1.She has bright eyes.2.Hes short-sighted.(近视的近视的)3.His mouth is kind o

4、f small.4.The boy is 1.7m tall/in height.5.Ann is short with long straight hair.6.As for his build,hes a little heavy.7.Who is the person under the big tree?8.That person with glasses looks a little thin.9.My father has small eyes./My fathers eyes are small.While-writing 每个人都有好朋友。请你根据实情况,介绍一下你最好的朋友。

5、提示:重点介绍他/她的外貌特征。While-writing Example:My best friend is Lily.She is a beautiful girl.She has big eyes.Shes a tall girl.She is of medium build.She has a round face,a small nose and long curly hair.She often wears red clothes.She also likes to wear jeans.Post-writing1.The girl in the black shirt is Ma

6、ry.2.She is a little bit quiet.2.She is a little bit quiet.3.She has eyes as blue as the sky.4.The boy with a hat is Tony.4.The boy with a hat is Tony.5.Lisa likes drawing a lot.6.She has hair as black as the 6.She has hair as black as the night.night.7.The girl in white skirt next to Tom is Sue.8.H

7、er smile(8.Her smile(微笑微笑)is as warm as the sun.)is as warm as the sun.好好 句句欣欣赏赏Post-writing9.Hehas long arms and long legs.10.There is a scar(疤痕疤痕)on my face.11.There is always a smile on her face.12.Tim has a pair of(一副一副)beautiful glasses.13.She is a young beautiful woman with glasses.14.The boy

8、wearing black trousers is Tom.15.My father has short grey(灰色的灰色的)hair.16.He wears glasses with heavy black frames(框架框架).好好 句句欣欣赏赏 请根据下面的提示,写一则寻人请根据下面的提示,写一则寻人启事。启事。6060个词左右。个词左右。Mike Mike,于,于1 1月月8 8日在大街上走失。日在大街上走失。Mike Mike,男孩,男孩,1111岁,中等个子,岁,中等个子,短黑头发,小圆脸,眼睛不大,戴着短黑头发,小圆脸,眼睛不大,戴着眼镜。身穿白色眼镜。身穿白色T T恤,

9、蓝色牛仔裤。恤,蓝色牛仔裤。脚穿黑色运动鞋。如有知情者请与脚穿黑色运动鞋。如有知情者请与Mr.Smith Mr.Smith 联系。电话是联系。电话是68585966858596。1.Writing is not as difficult as you expected.写作没有你预想的那么难。2.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。3.All things are difficult before they are easy.万事开头难。4.A bold attempt is half success.勇敢的尝试就是成功的一半。5.Never give up,never lose the opportunity to succeed.不放弃就有成功的机会。ThankThank you!you!


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