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1、The skin is an _ part of your body and its largest _.You have _ layers of skin which act as a barrier _ disease,_ and the suns harmful rays.The _ of your skin are also very _:it keeps you _ or cool;it prevents your body from _ too much water;essentialorganthreeagainstpoisonswarmlosingcomplexfunction

2、s it is where you feel _,heat or _ and it gives you your _.So as you can imagine,if your skin gets _ it can be very serious.First aid is a very important first step in the _ of burns.coldpainsense of touchburnedtreatmentTo understand the passage about the story.To retell the story.Skim the headline

3、and the lead(线索线索),then answer the following questions.1)Who?_2)What?_ 3)Where?_ 4)When?_5)Why?_ _teenager John Jansonhonored at the Lifesaver Awardsin Rivertownlast nightfor giving first aid on his neighbor after a shocking knife attackThe story is about a young man who sets us a good example becau

4、se he could save ones life using his knowledge of first aid.Scan the form of the article.Where can you most probably read this passage?A.a novel B.a research paper C.a students composition D.a newspaper report1.Read the article carefully and then put these events in the order._ The attacker ran away

5、._ Anne was attacked and started to scream._ John performed first aid on Anne._ John was studying in his house._ The ambulance arrived._ John ran outside with his father._ John found Anne in her garden with terrible knife wounds.42617351.What was John honored for?2.What was John doing when he heard

6、the screaming?He was honoured for giving lifesaving first aid on his neighbour after a shocking knife attack.He was studying in his room.2.Answer the questions.4.What saved Ms Slades life?Johns quick action and knowledge of first aid saved her life.3.What happened to Anne?She had been stabbed repeat

7、edly with a knife and was bleeding heavily.Her hands had almost been cut off.5.What first aid did John perform on Anne?He used some tea towels and tape to treat the most severe injuries to Annes hands.He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.6.

8、What adjectives would you use to describe Johns actions?Give at least three.brave,quick-thinking,helpful,heroic,courageous,unselfish,fearless,confidentWho What did he hearWhere did he goJohn Janson _of Ms Slade3.Read the text and fill in the blanks.ScreamingFront gardenWhat did he doWhere did he get

9、 his knowledgeWhat did he receiveUsing some _ and tape to _ the injuries and _ pressure to the wounds to _Young Lifesaver Scheme at his _The Lifesaver Awardstea towelsdressapplyingslow the bleeding high school1.Do you think John was silly or brave to get involved in the situation?Give reasons.2.Woul

10、d you have done the same as John?Give reasons.3.Do you think it is worthwhile to take a course in first aid?Give reasons.Fill in the Blanks.Last night,John heard _ and _ outside.His neighbor Anne had been _.She was _ heavily.John and his father asked for _,but nobody could _ _ _ _ them.screamingblee

11、dingstabbedrushedput their hands onbandagesThey got some tea _ and _ from their house.John used these to _ the most severe injuries and _ the bleeding by _ _ to the wounds.It was Johns _ _ and _ of first aid that saved Annes life.knowledgeactionquickapplying pressuredressslowedtapetowels课文短文改错。课文短文改

12、错。A seventeen-year-old teenager,callingJohn Janson,was honoured at theLifesaver Awards last night.He waspresenting with his award at a ceremonyrecognizing the brave of ten people.All ofthem had saved the life of one another.John was studying in his room while he calledpresentedbraverywhenheard screa

13、ming.He and his father discovered that Anne Slade,mother of three,had been stabbed repeated with a knife.It was her quick action and knowledge of first aid which saved Ms Slades life.He was proud of that he did.It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make real difference.repeatedlyhisthatwhata Wh

14、y is first aid important in our daily life?Because seconds count in an emergency,and knowing what to do can mean the difference between life and death.Whats the most important thing to remember when dealing with an emergency?To stay calm and not to be panic.What do the letters“DR ABC”stand for?“D”st

15、ands for“Danger”;“R”stands for“Response”;“A”stands for“Airway”;“B”stands for“Breathing”;“C”stands for“Circulation”.To give first aid correctly,you can use the letters“DR ABC”to help you remember the things you need to do.How do we do the first aid correctly?First we should make sure that the acciden

16、t scene is no longer dangerous.Then we can ask the person simple questions to see if he/she is conscious and can breathe.We must make sure the persons airway is open and its easy to breathe by gently tipping the persons head back slightly.If the person is not breathing,we must try to start his/her b

17、reathing at once within five minutes,or he/she may die.At last,we can look for colour,coughing and eye movement to see if the persons blood is circulating.We can also put a finger on the persons wrist or neck to check his/her pulse.If the person is bleeding,we should cover the wound with a clean pie

18、ce of cloth and press on the wound to stop the bleeding.1.John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized the bravery of ten people who had saved the life of another.which 引导一个定语从句。引导一个定语从句。who引导一个定语从句。引导一个定语从句。present v.颁发,授予,赠送颁发,授予,赠送e.g.The mayor presented the prizes in person.p

19、resent sb.with sth.=present sth.to sb.授予授予/赠给某人某物赠给某人某物e.g.He presented a silver cup to the winner.他把银杯颁给了获胜者。他把银杯颁给了获胜者。present作动词还有作动词还有“呈现,显示;阐述,呈现,显示;阐述,表达;引见表达;引见”等意思。等意思。e.g.同样的问题又在她身上出现。同样的问题又在她身上出现。The same problem presented itself to her again.when作并列连词相当于作并列连词相当于and then“正正当当时突然时突然”,常用于以下句

20、型:,常用于以下句型:be doing when 正在做正在做突然突然be about to do when 即将做即将做突然突然be on the point to do when正要去做正要去做突然突然2.John was studying in his room when he heard screaming.has/have/had done when 刚刚刚刚 这时这时(突然突然)I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busy drying myself with a towel,_ I heard the steps.A.wh

21、ile B.when C.since D.after3.It was Johns quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slades life.It is/was that 强调句强调句e.g.It was his words that hurt her.It was her that his words hurt.It was yesterday that I met him.4.He immediately asked a number of nearby people for bandages,but 他立即向旁边的一

22、些人要绷带,但他立即向旁边的一些人要绷带,但 a number of 若干,许多若干,许多 number前可用前可用small,large,great等形容等形容 词修饰,词修饰,后跟复数名词。后跟复数名词。e.g.A number of valuable stamps were on exhibition at the Museum of Art.A small number of children are educated at home.A large/great number of invitations have been sent.a number of&the number of

23、a number of 许多,若干许多,若干+复数名词复数名词+复数谓语复数谓语the number of 的数量的数量+复数名词复数名词+单数谓语单数谓语e.g.A number of problems have arisen.The number of homeless people has increased.【即学即练即学即练】根据提示补全句子。根据提示补全句子。1)_(许多楼许多楼房房)were destroyed in the earthquake.2)The government made great efforts to reduce _(失业的人数失业的人数).the num

24、ber of people out of workA large number of buildings5.John used these to treat the most severe injuries to Ms Slades hand.1)treat 处理;治疗处理;治疗 e.g.He was treated for severe sunburn.2)treat 对待,把对待,把看作,请客看作,请客e.g.The stepmother treated Cinderella(灰灰 姑娘姑娘)very badly.Please treat everything I said as a jo

25、ke.Ill treat you all to dinner.6.He slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and ambulance arrived.apply v.申请,请求申请,请求 常用于常用于apply(to sb./sth.)(for sth.)或或apply to do sth.结构。结构。You should apply immediately,in person or by letter.John has applied to the banker for a loan

26、.I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them.He has applied to join the army.“应用,运用应用,运用”,apply sth.(to sth.)。These ideas are often difficult to apply in practice.The new technology was applied to farming.“涂,敷,搽涂,敷,搽”,apply sth.(to sth.)。You need to apply the glue evenly(to both s

27、urfaces).“适用,有效适用,有效”,apply(to sb./sth.)。These rules dont always apply.What I have said applies only to some of you.These remarks apply to every town in this kingdom.统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)P

28、PT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版【即学即练即学即练】翻译下面句子。翻译下面句子。1)同样的规定也适用于兼职的工人吗?同样的规定也适用于兼职的工人吗?_2)我今天上午向一家公司申请了秘书职位。我今天上午向一家公司申请了秘书职位。_3)新技术正在被应用于几乎每一个工业流程。新技术正在被应用于几乎每一个工业流

29、程。_ _New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process.Do the same rules apply to part-time workers?I applied to a company for a job as a secretary.统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PP

30、T)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版7.It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.make a(some,no,etc)difference有(一些,没有什么)区别有(一些,没有什么)区别 e.g.It makes no

31、 difference to you whether I like it or not,because you never listen to me.It doesnt make any difference to me where you come from.统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课

32、课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版 1 在救生员颁奖大会在救生员颁奖大会 2 在颁奖大会在颁奖大会 3 对某人实施急救对某人实施急救 4 紧急抢救紧急抢救 5 骇人听闻的持刀杀骇人听闻的持刀杀人人at the Lifesaver Awardsat a ceremonygive first aid on sb.lifesaving first aida shocking kn

33、ife attack统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部

34、编版人教版部编版 6 找到找到 7 手上的伤口手上的伤口 8 按住伤口按住伤口 9 敏捷的思维敏捷的思维10 产生差别产生差别put ones hands on=findthe injury to the hand/arm/leg apply pressure to the woundquick thinkingmake a difference统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共505

35、0张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版I.根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空一词)。(每空一词)。1.The _(压力压力)of the water caused the wall

36、of the dam to crack.2.They were awarded medals for their _(勇敢勇敢).pressure bravery 统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid

37、 Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版3.People all over the world are looking forward to the opening _(仪式仪式)of the Olympic Games.4.When the _(救护车救护车)came,I carried her out.ceremony ambulance统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First ai

38、d Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版II.选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填选用方框内合适的短语并用其正确形式填空(每个短语限用一次)。空(每个短语限用一次)。1.The r

39、ope is two feet longer than we needed,so we _ the extra length.2._ cars when you cross the street.be proud of,put ones hands on,cut off,watch out forcut off Watch out for 统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张

40、PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版3.Do you know where I can _ a second-hand television?4.The woman _ her little son,who called an ambulance when he saw someone injur

41、ed in the traffic accident.be proud of,put ones hands on,cut off,watch out forput my hands onwas proud of统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版

42、高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版III.根据括号内的提示翻译下面句子。根据括号内的提示翻译下面句子。1.如今,许多大学生都有兼职工作。如今,许多大学生都有兼职工作。(a number of)2.你的年龄将影响到你是否得到这份工你的年龄将影响到你是否得到这份工作。作。(make a difference)Nowadays,a number of college students have part-time jobs.You

43、r age will make a difference to whether you get the job or not.统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Uni

44、t 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版3.我们应该把理论应用于实践。我们应该把理论应用于实践。(apply)4.不要把我们当孩子看待。不要把我们当孩子看待。(treat)5.毫无疑问,他错了。毫无疑问,他错了。(There is no doubt that)We should apply a theory to the practice.Dont treat us like children.There is no doubt that he was wrong.统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载

45、PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版Write a short description

46、of an accident and how to deal with the injuries in the accident.统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5U

47、nit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版统编版优秀公开课课件下载统编版优秀公开课课件下载PPTPPT课件人教版高二英语必修课件人教版高二英语必修5Unit 5 First aid Using language5Unit 5 First aid Using language课件课件(共共5050张张PPT)PPT)人教版部编版人教版部编版


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