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必修一必修一 Unit 1 Back to school 词汇词汇1.senior high school life 高中生活2.welcome to 欢迎来到3.a promising future 一个有前途的未来4.cant wait to do sth.迫不及待地做某事5.lead to 通向,导致6.ways of thinking 思维方式7.lie in 存在,在于8.rise to 能够处理9.have the opportunity to do sth.有机会做某事;10.acquire great knowledge 获取知识11.put simply 简单地说;简言之12.works of art 艺术作品13.make a difference to 对有影响,起作用14.make the most of 充分利用,尽情享受15.take advantage of=make good/full use of 利用16.make use of 利用17.take an active part in 积极参加18.of equal importance.同等重要的是19.last but not least 最后但同样重要的20.in time 最终,终于;及时 21.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下22.begin with 以开始;开始与23.be responsible for doing sth.对负责24.look forward to 盼望,期望25.give a speech 发表一个演讲26.set goals 设立目标27.live/lead a happy life 过着一个快乐的生活28.as a result of 由于e true 实现30.make progress 做出进步31.be based on 以为基础32.remind sb of sth.提醒某人某事33.stick to 坚持;固守,维持34.give up 放弃35.in the end 最后36.realize ones goals 实现的目标37.achieve goals 实现目标38.pay off 还清;获得回报;成功39.sign up for 报名参加40.in terms of 从方面;就而言41.at a British secondary school 在英国的一所中学42.an exchange student 一名交换生43.get on well(with)相处融洽44.move around 四处走动45.puttogether 组合,拼凑46.make a great contribution to 对做出巨大贡献47.over time 随着时间流逝,久而久之48.make friends with 和交朋友49.start with 开始50.move on to 继续51.laid out 安排,设计52.optional courses 选修课53.traditional art form 传统艺术形式54.put on a calligraphy show 上演一个55.in advance 提前56.take part in 参加,参与57.a world full of challenges 一个充满挑战的世界58.open the door to your potential 打开你的潜力之门59.over the next three years 在未来的三年里60.join a club 加入一个俱乐部61.make efforts to 尽力62.in the future 在未来63.pay attention to 注意64.put up 张贴;举起65.develop good habits 发展好习惯66.stay positive and confident 保持积极信心67.give sb.lots of encouragement 给许多鼓励68.once a week 一个星期一次69.in the beginning 起初70.be used to 习惯于71.arouse ones interest 激发某人的兴趣72.build up ones strength 强身健体73.make posters 制作海报74.refer to 参考必修一必修一 Unit2 Lets talk teens 词汇词汇1.melt away 融化2.unconditional love 无条件的爱3.seem to 似乎4.turn into a battle 变成一场战斗5.see eye to eye with sb.(on sth.)(在某事上)与某人看法一致6.heated arguments 热烈的争论7.physical changes 身体变化8.result in 导致9.at a different rate 以不同的速度10.shoot up 快速长高,蹿个儿11.develop mental needs 日益发展的精神需求12.no longer 不再13.desire for sth.渴望14.on ones own 独自;靠自己15.let go 放手16.on the other hand 另一方面17.struggle to do sth.挣扎做某事18.a rough ride 一个艰难的过程19.expect sb.to do sth.期望某人做某事20.lead to a breakdown in your relationship 导致你们关系的破裂21.get along with sb.与某人合得来22.take action/steps to 采取行动23.improve the situation 改善情况24.the key to doing sth.做某事的关键25.keep the peace 保持和平26.disagree with 不同意27.calm down 平静,镇静,安静28.from ones point of view 从某人的角度、观点出发29.go through 经历30.think sth.through 充分考虑,全盘考虑,想透31.back down 承认错误,认输32.work together 共同工作33.turn out 结果是34.in the end 最后35.prepare for 为.做准备36.parent-child relationship 亲子关系37.ask for advice 寻求建议38.to tell the truth 说实话39.be anxious about 对感到忧虑40.put stress on 把压力放在41.all the time 所有的时间42.send sb.to sp.送某人去43.be meant to do sth.注定要做某事,应做某事44.take an interest in 对感兴趣45.physical and mental health 身心健康46.look through 浏览47.be proud to 感到骄傲48.It is likely that.很有可能49.on forum 在论坛50.take steps to do sth.采取措施做某事;51.take some time to 花点时间52.look around 看看周围53.be made up of 由组成54.at least 至少55.personal information 个人信息pare with 与比较57.There is no point in doing sth.做某事没有意义58.take/play a passive role in 在中起被动作用59.have a bad influence on sb.对某人有不好的影响 60.cheer up(使)变得高兴,振奋起来61.as if 好像 62.in ones life 在某人的一生中63.be happy with 对满意64.leave sb.alone 不管;不顾65.take a break 休息一下66.once in a while 偶尔,有时67.be eager for 渴望某物68.be stressed about 对.感到紧张69.show concern 关心70.at the weekend 在周末71.care for 介意;在乎72.be a time for 是时候73.be on sbs back about sth.缠磨,烦扰74.protectfrom doing sth.保护不受75.get hurt 受伤76.in ones spare time 在业余时间77.make a deal with 和达成协议78.put yourself in sbs shoes 换位思考79.count out 数出来 count out the money 数钱80.with anxious 带着焦虑81.hurry over to 赶过去82.for the first time 第一次83.feel secure 有安全感84.wait for a response 等候一个答复85.continue doing sth./to do sth.继续86.draw sth out of sth.提取,支取87.give out 分发;公布;放出;筋疲力尽88.give up 放弃89.graduate from 毕业于90.write down 写下,记下91.depend on/upon 依靠,依赖92.give him a bright smile 给他一个灿烂的微笑93.go downtown 去商业街;到市区94.draw money 取钱95.have trouble in making friends 在交友上有困难96.take/follow my advice 采纳我的建议97.by asking about their likes and dislikes 通过询问他们的好恶98.people with the same interests 志趣相投的人99.join in a discussion 参加讨论100.provide you with some new people 给你带来一些朋友101.begin/start talking with people 开始与人交谈102.find something you have in common 找到你们的共同点必修一 Unit3 必修一 Unit3 Getting along with others 词汇词汇1.get along with 与相处2.have difficulty/trouble/problems(in)doing sth.(做)什么有困难3.turn to sb.for advice 向某人寻求建议4.maintain friendships 保持友谊5.on the rocks(关系)陷于困境,濒临崩溃6.be willing to do sth.愿意做某事7.make friends with 和某人交朋友8.hang out 闲逛,闲荡;晾晒(衣服)9.out of ones sight 脱离某人的视线10.break ones heart 使人伤心11.pick up 捡起;(偶然)学会;收拾整理;用车接;(身体好转);便宜买到12.post a message 发了一条消息13.on social media 在社交媒体上14.make it 准时到达;获得成功;能够出席15.chat with sb.和某人聊天16.avoid sb.避免某人17.respond to 回复18.instead of(doing)而不是19.feel like doing 想要做20.at a loss 不知所措,困惑21.be(well)worth doing(很)值得做22.in the wrong 有错,应承担责任23.have a simple explanation for 对.有一个简单的解释24.in any case 无论如何,不管怎样25.have a full and frank talk 进行全面且坦诚的交谈26.be sure to 一定做某事27.let go of 放弃,放开,摒弃;松手28.move on(to)继续29.give a reply to 答复30.under a lot of stress 饱受压力31.spend sth.(in)doing sth.花(时间)做32.explode with anger 勃然大怒33.face to face 面对面地34.agree on 达成共识35.imagine doing sth.想象36.count on 依靠,依赖,指望37.eat away at 腐蚀,侵蚀,逐渐破坏e betweenand 损害之间的关系,离间,妨碍39.take the place of 代替,取代40.express the values 表达价值观41.put down 放下,镇压 put down our smartphones 放下我们的手机42.in person 亲自,亲身43.take good care of 好好照顾,爱护44.run away from 逃跑,逃离45.be faced with 面对46.long to do sth.渴望做某事47.in the end 最后48.high point 最有意思(或最令人愉快的、最好)的部分49.through thick and thin 不顾艰难险阻,同甘共苦50.in ones opinion 在某人看来;依某人的看法51.form the basis of friendship 形成友谊的基础52.encourage sb.to do sth.鼓励某人做某事53.take action to 采取行动54.get over 克服;恢复常态55.struggle with his schoolwork 努力学习56.take up 从事;占据57.bring out 使显现,拿出,阐明58.be along with 独自待着59.quiet periods of reflection 安静的思考时间60.lead to 导致;造成(后果);通向61.personal improvement 自我改善62.seek to do sth.试图去63.more often than not 通常;往往;一贯64.smooth out 消除(问题),克服(困难)65.be meant to do 注定要做某事,应做某事66.generally speaking 总体而言;一般来说;通常67.advise the head 启迪思维68.achieve the goals 实现目标69.double advantage 双重优势70.take on 呈现,具有71.result from 源自于,由引起;因造成72.in full measure 最大程度地,最大限度地73.depend on 依赖74.recognize other peoples weaknesses 认识到别人的弱点75.as a result 结果76.on the other hand 另一方面77.be able to 能够78.offer advice on important decisions 提供有关重要决定的建议79.put our thoughts into words 把我们思想用语言表达出来80.with the help of 在帮助下81.point out 指出82.in this way 这样;用这种方法83.form a lasting friendship 形成一个持久的友谊e down to 下来,降落;流传下来;倒塌;失势85.a couple of 几个86.shared interests 共同的兴趣爱好87.fix up 安装88.get down to doing sth.开始着手做某事89.piece by piece 一块一块的90.with a broad smile 面带灿烂的笑容91.at the moment 在那一刻92.beyond description 难以描述,无法形容必修一必修一 Unit4 4 Looking good,feeling good 词汇 词汇1.lose weight 减肥2.plastic surgery 整形手术;整形外科3.skip/miss breakfast 不吃早饭4.pass out 昏迷,失去知觉5.be rushed to 被迅速送往6.out of danger 脱离危险7.make a full recovery 完全康复8.in a day or two 一两天内9.struggle with 与作斗争10.reach ones target weight 达到某人的身体目标11.have trouble concentrating in class 在课堂上很难集中精力12.a reminder of 提醒13.turn to 转向14.slim down 变苗条,减肥 slim down quickly 快速减肥15.according to 根据16.one fifth 五分之一17.one in ten 十分之一18.take weight-loss medicine 服用减肥药19.be concerned about 关心20.side effects 副作用21.be harmful to=do harm to 对有害22.there is no reason why 没有理由为什么23.point out 指出24.a healthy balanced diet 健康均衡的饮食25.function well 功能很好26.take in 摄入,吸收27.whats more 另外,而且28.plenty of 大量的29.stay energetic and fit 保持精力充沛和健康30.follow these lifestyle tips 遵循这些生活方式小贴士31.get into shape 强身健体32.rather than 而不是33.every other day 每隔一天34.suffer from 忍受,遭受35.fall asleep 入睡36.someother 有些另一些37.in the middle of 在中间38.get enough sleep 得到充足的睡眠 39.contribute to 促成,造成;贡献;有助于;投稿40.in the short/long term 从短期/长期看41.at increased risk of doing sth.有增加的风险42.have a poor memory 记性不好43.slow down 放慢44.make some changes 做出一些改变45.refer to 指代;参考;涉及46.the amount of+n.u 的数量47.stick to your sleep schedule 坚持你的睡眠时间表48.be caught in 遇到49.be happy with 因为某人、某事高兴50.be pleased with 对.感到满意51.return to a normal life 回归正常生活52.in addition 此外53.facial expressions 面部表情54.result of 由于结果55.turn out 结果是56.regret doing sth.后悔做某事57.Dont judge a book by its cover 不要以貌取人58.hang over sb.使忧心忡忡,担心可能发生59.all the time 一直,总是60.have a negative effect on sb.对某人有负面影响 61.guard against 防范,防止,提防62.have a big influence 有很大的影响63.fight a losing battle 打一场无望取胜的仗64.live up to 达到,符合,不辜负65.end up 最终成为,最终处于 end up doing sth.以做某事而告终66.feel like 想(做某事)67.live in ones shadow 活在某人的阴影下68.digital age 数字时代69.make problem even worse 使问题更加严重70.show off 炫耀 71.have a negative effort on 对有负面影响72.external influence 外部影响73.deal with 处理;对付;涉及;与做交易74.focus on 集中于75.out of reach 遥不可及,不在能力范围内76.keep in mind 将记在心中77.build ones confidence 建立自信78.take pride in 为自豪,为骄傲79.direct ones attention away from 把注意力从.引开80.social activity 社会活动81.take your mind off matters 使某人的心思从解脱出来82.be concerned about 关心83.keep a balanced diet 保持均衡的饮食84.be on a diet 节食85.adopt a positive attitude 采取积极的态度86.have a bad effect on 有坏的影响
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