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1、Unit 5 First AidPre-reading:Prediction Choking.A first-aid technique to help choking victims.1.What does the boy on the right suffer from?2.Have you heard of Heimlich Manoeuvre?slap/pat sb.on the backHeimlich was an American surgeon,who in 1974 developed the Heimlich Maneuver,a technique of ejecting

2、(弹出)an obstruction from the airway of a choking victim.如果是成人站在病人背后,用两手臂环绕如果是成人站在病人背后,用两手臂环绕病人的腰部,然后一手握拳,将拳头的拇病人的腰部,然后一手握拳,将拳头的拇指一侧放在病人胸廓下和脐上的腹部。再指一侧放在病人胸廓下和脐上的腹部。再用另一手抓住拳头、快速向上重击压迫病用另一手抓住拳头、快速向上重击压迫病人的腹部。重复以上手法直到异物排出。人的腹部。重复以上手法直到异物排出。自救是应该稍稍弯下腰去,靠在一固定自救是应该稍稍弯下腰去,靠在一固定的水平物体上,以物体边缘压迫上腹部,的水平物体上,以物体边缘压

3、迫上腹部,快速向上冲击。重复之,直到异物排出。快速向上冲击。重复之,直到异物排出。A.Choking victims usually have only about four minutes before the collapse and sometimes die B.If you see someone choking,first call the emergency servicesC.Chen wasted no time D.With choking victims,every minute counts E.Doing the Heimlich manoeuvre on a sma

4、ll child is not recommended351421 Read the article and put A-E in the correct place in the text.While-Reading Read for the structure of a narrative essay.Part 1(Para.1-2):the story of _Part 2(Para.3-5):_ the Heimlich manoeuvrePart 3(Para.6):_ the choking incident a choking incidentthe introduction t

5、ocomments on1 desperate friends2 slap sb.on the back34 take small bites5 make a fist6 stand by7 call the emergency services拍某人的背拍某人的背Language Points:Important phrases(P56 P57)焦急的朋友焦急的朋友细嚼慢咽细嚼慢咽握拳握拳;握紧拳头握紧拳头坐视不理坐视不理;袖手旁观袖手旁观呼叫紧急服务呼叫紧急服务1.Chen Wei,a high school student in Beijing,had his dinner _(inte

6、rrupt)when he heard someone _(scream)from another table.He had his son _(clean)the car.He had us _(laugh)all through the meal.While playing basketball,he had his leg _(break).Language Points:Important sentencesLanguage Points:Important sentences(P56)interruptedscreamingclean laughing broken2.He was

7、now holding his throat with his face _(turn)red,while his desperate friends were slapping him on _ back.这时这时他手按着喉咙,满脸通红,而他的朋友们正拼命拍打他的后背。他手按着喉咙,满脸通红,而他的朋友们正拼命拍打他的后背。With much homework _(do),Tom cant go out to play.The manager felt relieved with problems _(settle).With time _(go)by,I came to understan

8、d my parents.The granny took the little girl _ the hand.An apple hit Tom on _ head while he was under an apple tree.Language Points:Important sentencesLanguage Points:Important sentences(P56)turningtheto dosettledgoingbythe3._ the help of Zhangs friends,he was able to help Zhang to his feet.help sb

9、to ones feet 意思为意思为:_to ones feet 意思为:意思为:_ He was so weak that he could hardly struggle to his feet.His wifes call brought him quickly to his feet.Language Points:Important sentencesLanguage Points:Important sentences(P56)With扶某人站起来扶某人站起来挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来立即起身立即起身站起来站起来To treat a choke,you should make hi

10、m/her spit by patting him/her on the back.What happened in the pictures?And do you know how to deal with it urgently?What do you think the boy and the man are suffering from?chokingWhat do you think the Heimlich manoeuvre is?a way to help the choking victimPre-Reading3岁以内小孩岁以内小孩 应该把孩子抱起来,应该把孩子抱起来,一只


12、放在患儿胸廓下和脐上的腹部,快速向在患儿胸廓下和脐上的腹部,快速向上重击压迫,但要很轻柔。重复,直上重击压迫,但要很轻柔。重复,直至异物排出。至异物排出。.Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer.1.What did Chen do to Zhang?A.With the help of Zhangs friends,he was able to help Zhang lying on the ground.B.Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre without hesitation.C.Stand

13、ing in front of Zhang,Chen did the Heimlich manoeuvre.D.With the help of the doctor,Chen rushed Zhang to the hospital at once in the ambulance.While-ReadingReading Comprehension 2.Why did an American doctor,Henry Heimlich,create the Heimlich manoeuvre?Because .A.victims will always die because of ch

14、okingB.choking is an urgent case without time to wait for the ambulanceC.ambulance will not come in timeD.it is quick,practical,and easy to do the Heimlich manoeuvre3.What can we infer from Paragraphs 45?A.If someone is choking,first slap the victims back.B.When doing the Heimlich manoeuvre,wrap you

15、r arms around his neck.C.If slapping does not work,do the Heimlich manoeuvre right away.D.Make a fist with one hand and place it in the lower part of his stomach.4.Which of the following is NOT true?A.We should not do the Heimlich manoeuvre on a small child in order not to hurt him.B.Let the child l

16、ying on your lap face down,with the head lower than the rest of his body.C.Dont stop performing firm slaps to his upper back unless he can breathe again.D.If a child choke,call 120 at once and wait patiently.5.From which is the text probably taken?A.A health magazine.B.A biology textbook.C.A researc

17、h paper.D.A travel brochure.While-Reading1 Chen Wei was a friend/complete stranger to Zhang Tao.2 When Chen Wei reached Zhang Tao,Zhang Tao was sitting an the chair/standing.3 The Heimlich manoeuvre is quite easy/difficult to do.4 You will know that the victim is choking if he cannot speak/stops bre

18、athing.5 To help a small child who is choking,you need to lay the child face up/down on your lap and slap his upper back.6 Chen Wei was able to save Zhang Tao because he learnt the Heimlich manoeuvre at school/from a first-aid manual.2 Read the article again and choose the correct words to complete

19、the sentences.While-Reading:the set-upwhowhatwhere the conflicta challenge or difficulty the conclusionthe end of the story Writing:审题定调审题定调写一篇关于急救的记叙文,应注意:写一篇关于急救的记叙文,应注意:1.按时间发生的按时间发生的顺序顺序来写;来写;2.需要一些必要的需要一些必要的连接词连接词把实施急救的步骤连贯起来把实施急救的步骤连贯起来3.时态以时态以过去时过去时为主。为主。谋篇布局谋篇布局Part 1:简述事件发生的:简述事件发生的背景背景(who

20、,what and where)Part 2:细致描述实施急救的具体:细致描述实施急救的具体步骤步骤Part 3:总结经验教训总结经验教训Writing:1.One day Mike was studying in his room when he heard a scream from the kitchen.2.Chen Wei,a high school student in Beijing,had his dinner interrupted when he heard someone screaming from another table.开篇1.First,he took off

21、 the clothes that his mother was wearing near the burns.2.Then,he put clean cloth in the cold water,squeezed water out and placed it on the burned area.3.At last,he put his hands on a dry and clean bandage,holding the bandage in place to the burned area.主体部分Ending1.Mikes experience shows a knowledge of first aid does make a difference.2.In short,only if we master the knowledge of first aid can we help others in an emergency.


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