Unit 2 Natural Disasters 词组归纳(ppt课件) -2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第三册.pptx

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1、译林牛津英语单译林牛津英语单元元词组归纳词组归纳必修三必修三Unit 2 Natural disastersUnit 2 Natural disasters1.know about the signs of a natural disaster 了解自然灾害的迹象(P16)【语境助记】What do you know about the signs of a natural disaster?2.at large 整个,全部(P16)【语境助记】Only 5 students suffered slight injuries,despite the current figures of 7 k

2、illed and over 200 injured in the disaster area at large.The disaster killed thousands of people in the area(2)at large.(P19)Food prices pose a serious challenge to society at large.I think the chances of getting reforms accepted by the community at large remain extremely remote.3.hold on to 抓住;坚持;控

3、制(P16)【语境助记】Her students reaction was quick and correctthey moved under their desks,head first,and held on to the legs of the desks.Hold on to your dreams and one day they may come true.Inspiration,passion,and motivation are difficult things to hold on to.4.at the same time 同时(P16)5.in case 以免;万一;如果

4、(P16)【语境助记】At the same time,Miss Brown quickly opened the classroom door,in case it became damaged during the shaking and could not open.Dad moved the dinner table against the door,in case the floodwater forced thedoor open.(P23)Its impossible to get everybody together at the same time.The system ha

5、s the ability to run more than one program at the same time.The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel in case hostilities break out.In case you should need any help,heres my number.6.signal to sb.to do/for sthg 指示某人做某事(P16)【语境助记】She signalled to her students to exit the classroom in an o

6、rderly line covering their heads with their hands.The customer signalled to the waiter for the bill.Mandy started after him,signalling to Jesse to follow.7.go down the stairs 走下楼梯(P16)8.rush to the playground 快速跑向体育场(P16)【语境助记】Within one minute and twenty seconds,the whole class went down the stairs

7、 and rushed to the playground.Every year,as hurricane season approaches,citizens rush to stock up on canned food.Friends are people who will rush to your defence when you are criticized by others.9.roll call 点名(P16)10.safe and sound 安然无恙的(P16)【语境助记】After a roll call confirmed that all were safe and

8、sound,they relaxed,laughing,crying and hugging each other.These tips will help keep you(8)safe and sound in the face of atyphoon.(P19)Our teacher takes roll call every morning at the beginning of class.All Im hoping for is that wherever Trevor is he will come home safe and sound.We hope that he is s

9、afe and sound,and we are in constant contact with his family.11.practice earthquake safety procedures 演练地震安全规程(P16)12.twice a year 一年两次(P16)13.protect oneself 自我保护(P16)【语境助记】“We practise earthquake safety procedures twice a year,”said Miss Brown,“so the kids were calm enough to protect themselves du

10、ring the earthquake.”14.learn about 了解;学习(P17)15.occur to(sb)被想到,浮现在脑中(P17)【语境助记】Sabrina had just learnt about tsunamis in a Geography lesson.It immediately occurred to her that these were signs of an approaching tsunami.In biology this week,students will learn about the bones in humans.The UN encou

11、rages people to learn about other lands and their customs.It did not occur to me to check my insurance policy.Not once did it occur to Michael that he could one day become a top student in his class.16 keep ones head(在困境中)保持冷静(P17)17 warn sb of警告某人某事(P17)【语境助记】Sabrina was frightened,but she soon kep

12、t her head.She warned her parents of the danger,though at first they just thought she was joking.During a typhoon,you should do your best to(5)keep your head.(P19)What was her parents first reaction when Sabrina warned them of the approaching tsunami?(P18)Police have warned the public of possible de

13、lays.The athlete was warned of the dangers of sailing alone.18 on the/ones way 在途中;在路上(P17)19 talk to a safety officer 告知安全员(P17)【语境助记】However,Sabrina was certain that a terrible disaster was on its way and kept asking her parents to talk to a safety officer.Yes.That morning,I turned on the TV for s

14、ome local news,only to hear that a hurricane was on its way.(P20)Could you stop by the store on the way home for some bread?He is well on the way to establishing himself among the top ten players in the world.20 to ones great relief 让人安心的是(P17)21 realize the coming danger 意识到即将到来的危险(P17)【语境助记】To her

15、 great relief,the officer immediately realized the coming danger.The beach was rapidly cleared of people,just before the huge waves crashed into the coast.Much to my relief the car was not damaged.22 there is no way to prevent a typhoon 没有办法阻止台风(P19)23 get prepared for 为做好准备(P19)24 protectfrom/again

16、st保护;免受(P19)25 follow the proper safety procedure 按照合适的安全规程(P19)【语境助记】Although there is no way to prevent a typhoon,you can get prepared for it.In order to protect yourself from a typhoon,follow the proper safety(3)procedure.What should we do get prepared for future changes?Whats more,keep studying

17、some new knowledge every day and get prepared for next term.So,what can women do to protect themselves from heart disease?26 close and lock all windows 关闭所有的窗户(P19)27 tie down large outdoor objects 绑紧室外大的物体(P19)28 blow away 吹走;驱散(P19)【语境助记】If a typhoon is approaching,close and lock all windows and d

18、oors,and tie down large outdoor objects so that they do not blow away.Wed agreed from the beginning not to tie each other down.Tom didnt want a family because he didnt want to be tied down.A storm is coming!Tie things down before they blow away!Strong cold air is in the forecast to blow away the smo

19、g.29 stay away from 远离;躲避(P19)30 inform sb of 告知某人某事(P19)31 go on 发生;继续下去(P19)【语境助记】When you are out,stay away from trees,large signs and light poles.Remember to inform yourself of what is going on.Stay away from the floodwater.It may be polluted and unsafe to touch.(P22)Over time animals have devel

20、oped many ways to stay away from predators(捕食者).If you are driving,stop the car as soon as possible,stay away from bridges and tall buildings.We must first inform people of the dangers of a poor environment.I hope you will write to me from time to time and inform me of your progress.While this conve

21、rsation was going on,I was listening with earnest attention.32 run out of 用完,耗尽(P20)【语境助记】Anna:Were you afraid of running out of supplies?Mr Li:Actually,no.I had enough food and water to last a whole week!Weve nearly run out of paper.Do you think theres enough for today?He said the government had ru

22、n out of excuses for the failure of its economic policy.【联想比较】run out用完,耗尽,是不及物动词词组,其后不能接宾语。Conditions are getting worse and supplies are running out.Soon,the money began to run out and they couldnt afford the lessons anymore.33 cause a lot of damage and suffering 导致许多破坏和损失(P20)34 donate to捐献给(P20)【

23、语境助记】Anna:The hurricane must have caused a lot of damage and suffering.Mr Li:Yes.Luckily,many people came to help,donating food and clothes to charities.The company donated thousands of pounds to charity.I think it would be better to donate money to a temporary shelter for the homeless.35 in great d

24、etail 详尽地;详细地(P21)36 raise funds for the disaster area 为灾区筹集资金(P21)【语境助记】Mr Li described the hurricane in great detail.He also mentioned a charity event to raise funds for the disaster area.The coach analysed in great detail the various possibilities of winning the game.We have talked in great detai

25、l with doctors about the changes ahead,and privately about our personal feelings.37 go through 仔细检查;完成;通过;经历(P21)【语境助记】Next I went through my notes of Mr Lis experiences and at 5 p.m.Lets go through the numbers together and see if a workable deal is possible.Most teenagers go through a period of reb

26、elling.Food should be allowed to go through immediately with fewer restrictions.38 complete ones research 完成调查工作(P23)39 write a story about 写故事(P23)40 a family caught in a flood 被困在洪水中的一家人(P23)【语境助记】After completing his research,Leo began to write a story about a family caught in a flood.41 beat on

27、the roof and windows 击打屋顶和窗户(P23)【语境助记】She had never seen a storm this bad.It was making her nervous.The wind roared and the rain beat on the roof and windows.The storms come,winds and rain beat on the lighthouse,and it falls terribly.42 listen to a weather report on the radio 听广播天气预报(P23)43 putinto

28、 a bag把放到口袋里(P23)【语境助记】Dad was listening to a weather report on the radio,while Mum was putting their important documents and disaster supplies into a bag.44 wash away 冲走;洗掉(P23)【语境助记】“We cant do that,honey,”explained Mum,“otherwise the moving water could wash the car away!”The local people think th

29、at water can wash away bad things and bring good luck.Let the wind blow away my thoughts,let the rain wash away my tears,when everything has not happened.45 walk to the door 走到门前(P23)46 be curious to do sthg 好奇做某事(P23)【语境助记】Mary walked to the door.She was curious to see how much water there was outs

30、ide.I was curious to find out what she had said at the conference.47 wave to sb to do sthg 示意某人做某事(P23)48 try ones best to do sthg 尽力做某事(P23)【语境助记】Mum waved to Mary to sit on the sofa.“Mary,dont worry.Everythings going to be OK,”she said softly,trying her best to comfort Mary.Her voice was calm,but

31、Mary could tell she was worried too.The best way to test ones ability is to try him out in practical work.Second,if ones dream is to become an artist,he should try his best to achieve his goal.49 match the first half of the story 匹配故事的前半部分(P24)50 in terms of 就而言;依据;按照(P24)【语境助记】Does your writing mat

32、ch the first half of the story in terms of characters and content?The job is great in terms of salary,but it has its disadvantages.The difficulty of a problem was defined in terms of how long it took to complete.Theyre actually trying to figure out what theyre going to do in terms of making ends mee

33、t.51 give suggestions on(doing)sthg 提出建议做某事(P24)【语境助记】What suggestions does your partner give on improving your writing?My best friend,whose math was pretty good,give me some Suggestions on how to learn math well.This paper tries to give suggestions by the state in the form of analysing environmenta

34、l color.51 leave a/ones mark on 留下深刻影响(P25)【语境助记】Edward Bulwer-Lytton(18031873)was a talented British writer who left his mark on the English language.Telasi is a dynamo(精力充沛的人)thats determined to leave a mark on the world.No matter what your opinion is-one thing is for sure.Harry Potter will always

35、 leave a mark on us.52 look upwards 向上看;往上看(P25)53 shoot from the top of the volcano 从火山顶部喷发(P25)【语境助记】The crowd looked upwards,and saw,with unspeakable fear,a hugecloud shooting from the top of the volcano.54 take the form of 呈现的形状;采取的形式(P25)【语境助记】It took the form of a huge tree:the trunk,blackness

36、,the branches,fire!Group interviews take the form of group problem-solving sessions where each candidates contributions are noted.This energy can take the form of fats,cholesterol,carbohydrates or proteins,and each of these has a respective number of calories.55 break out 突然开始,爆发(P26)【语境助记】The cries

37、 of women broke out;the men looked at each other,but were silent.The authorities have urged people to stock up on fuel in case hostilities break out.There are concerns that a new civil war may break out if no solution is found.Creating a new product category is essential for Apple to break out of it

38、s current trading pattern.56 at that moment 在那时;就在那时(P26)57 beyond in the distance 在远处(P26)58 the crash of falling roofs 屋顶塌落的声音(P26)【语境助记】At that moment,they felt the earth shaking beneath their feet;beyond in the distance,they heard the crash of falling roofs.In the distance,the sky was beginning

39、to brighten.59 throw out(a shower of ashes)喷出(一阵烟灰);扔掉;说出;伸出(P26)【语境助记】A moment later,the mountain-cloud seemed to roll towards them,dark and rapid,like a river;at the same time,it threw out a shower of ashes and huge pieces of burning stone!When youre finished with your breakfast banana,dont throw

40、out the peel.In other instances,searches will throw out information such as concert dates for musicians.60 far and wide 到处,各处(P26)61 many a 许多的(P26)【语境助记】Over the empty streetsover the forumfar and widewith many a noisy crash in the stormy seafell that awful shower!The artist ranges far and wide in

41、search of inspiration for his paintings.Ehrhart said climate migration could climb to staggering levels,its consequences reaching far and wide.Many a student is looking forward to visiting the United States of America at present.Many a mother tries to act out her unrealized dreams through her daught

42、er.62 roll away 慢移过去;滚过去(P26)【语境助记】Nearly seventeen centuries had rolled away before the city of Pompeii was dug from its silent resting place.Its walls were fresh as if painted yesterday;not a single colour changed on the rich pattern of its floors.63 be helpful in rescue efforts 在救援工作中有帮助(P27)64 d

43、ue to 由于;应归于(P27)【语境助记】Dogs have been very helpful in rescue efforts on land.Due to the effort of well-trained search and rescue dogs,thousands of human lives are saved every year.Role-play is helpful in developing communication skills.And here we are under the impression that rising pump prices(油品零售价)were due to strengthening demand!Overall police numbers hit a nine-year low in 2020,due to tighter budget constraints slowing recruitment(增长).


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