Unit 2 Let's talk teens 单元复习(ppt课件)-2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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1、B1U2B1U2单元复习单元复习 重点词汇复习重点词汇复习 单元话题观点句复习及微写作单元话题观点句复习及微写作 应用文写作应用文写作亲子关系的建议信亲子关系的建议信重点词汇复习重点词汇复习词性转换词性转换 n.屋顶,顶部_ (pl)_ n.争吵,争论;论点_ vi 争论,辩论 vt 说理,论证_ n.紧张关系;紧张;拉伸_ adj.紧张的,绷紧的_ adj.忧虑的,担心的;令人焦虑的;渴望的_ n.焦虑;渴望;担心_ vi/vt 射击;摄影;投篮;冲 _-_(过去式)-_(过去分词)n.担心,忧虑;关心 vt 涉及;让(某人)担忧_ adj.关心的,关注的_ prep.关于_roofroof

2、roofsroofsargumentargumentarguearguetensiontensiontensetenseanxious anxious anxietyanxietyshootshootshotshot_sho_shot tconcernconcernconcernedconcernedconcerningconcerningbeliefs/chiefs/chefsbeliefs/chiefs/chefsregarding regarding n.精神压力,紧张;强调 vt强调,着重_ adj.焦虑不安的_ adj.令人感到压力的,紧张的_ n.主编,编辑;剪辑师_ vt.编辑_

3、 n.版本;版次;一期_ adj.可能的,预料的,有希望的_ n.可能性_ adj 消极的,被动的_ 反义词:adj.积极的,主动的_ adj.正面的,积极乐观的,阳性的_ 反义词:adj 否定的,负面的,消极悲观的,阴性的_ n.表现;表演;执行,履行_ vt/vi _ n.表演者;执行者_stressstressstressedstressedstressfulstressfuleditoreditoreditediteditioneditionlikelylikelylikelihoolikelihood d passivepassiveactiveactivepositiveposit

4、ivenegativenegativeperformanceperformanceperformperformperformer performer n.冒险,冒险经历,奇遇_ adj.有冒险精神的;惊险的_ adj.灵活的,可变动的;柔韧的_ 反义词:adj.不灵活的,僵化的,死板的_ n.灵活性_ adj.安心的;可靠的;牢固的_ 反义词:adj.不安全的,无把握的_ n.安全感;安保措施_ vi/vt 毕业_ n.毕业_ n.毕业生_ n.回复;反应;响应_ vi/vt 回答,回应;作出反应,响应_adventureadventureadventurousadventurousflexi

5、bleflexibleinflexibleinflexibleflexibilityflexibilitysecuresecureinsecureinsecuresecuritysecuritygraduategraduategraduationgraduationgraduategraduateresponseresponserespondrespond重点词汇复习重点词汇复习用法及搭配用法及搭配1、battle和癌症作斗争:battle _/_ cancer 为更好的校园设施而斗争:battle _ better school facilities against against with

6、 with for for 2、关于某事与某人看法一致:_ (=agree sb sth)an eye for an eye(and a tooth for a tooth)以眼还眼,以牙还 turn a blind eye to sth _see eye to eye with sb on see eye to eye with sb on sth sth with with on on 以眼还眼以牙还牙以眼还眼以牙还牙 视而不见视而不见 3、argue与某人就某事争论争辩:argue sb sth 劝说某人做/不做:argue sb /doing sthwith with about/ov

7、erabout/overintinto o out of out of 4、tension 缓和紧张:r /r /e tension reduce reduce relievrelieve e ease ease 5、anxious担心忧虑某人:_渴望得到某物:_ be anxious about sbbe anxious about sbbe anxious for sthbe anxious for sth6、rate以.的平均速度:_a highly-rated-rated university _的大学at an average rate/speed/pace at an averag

8、e rate/speed/pace of of 受到高度评价的受到高度评价的7、spot旅游景点:_当 场当 场 抓 住 某 人 作 弊:c a t c h s b _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _(cheat)_ v.发现,看见Neighbors _(spot)smoke coming out of the house.a tourist a tourist spotspotcheatingcheatingon the spoton the spotspottedspotted8、target击中/错失靶子:_/_ the target 实现目标:r_/m_/a_ a target设定

9、目标:s_ a target target audience/group:_The campaign is clearly _(target)at the young.这个宣传计划显然是针对针对青年人的。be targeted at be targeted at=_ /_/_ /_hit hit miss miss reach reach meet meet achieve achieve seset t 目标群体目标群体/目标受众目标受众 targeted targeted be aimed at be aimed at be intended be intended for for be

10、meant for be meant for be designed be designed for for 9、desire 对的渴望:a desire _ sth 做某事的渴望:a desire _ sth达到希望的效果:achieve _(desire)effectsfofor r to do to do desired desired 10、struggle为独立而奋斗:_与癌症搏斗:_ 奋力做某事:_struggle to ones feet _ struggle for struggle for independence independence struggle against/

11、with cancer struggle against/with cancer struggle to do struggle to do sth sth 挣扎着站起来挣扎着站起来 11、rough艰难时期,艰难行程:_according to rough estimate _There were _(rough)200 people there.a rough a rough ride ride 据粗略估计据粗略估计 roughly roughly 12、concern引起人们对的关注:_担心:_与安全相关的措施:measures _ safety就我而言:As _.raise publi

12、c concern for raise public concern for sth sth be concerned about be concerned about concerned with concerned with As far as I am As far as I am concerned concerned 13、stress着重强调某事:_强调均衡饮食的重要性:_put/lay/place stress on put/lay/place stress on sth sth stress the importance of a balanced stress the imp

13、ortance of a balanced diet diet 14、likely词组:_ 句型:_(sb/sth)be likely to do(sb/sth)be likely to do sth sth It is likely that It is likely that 15、press新闻界:_记者招待会,新闻发布会:_她把脸贴在窗子上。She _ her face _ the window.the the presspresspress press conference conference against against pressed pressed 16、account详细

14、描述事故:_由于,因为:_解释,说明原因;占(比例):_give a detailed account of the give a detailed account of the accident accident on account of on account of account for account for 17、scene在现场,当场:_behind the scenes:_on the scene/spot on the scene/spot 在幕后在幕后18、response_(作为对的回应)the questions in your last letter,Im writin

15、g to give my personal suggestions.In response In response to to 单元话题观点句复习单元话题观点句复习IntroductionParent-child tension is common.Cause 1:physical changes,like.Cause 2:mental needsFor example Solution:communicationConclusion:will turn out all rightIntroductionIntroduction2.火爆的争吵和冰冷的沉默在青少年和他们父母之间是司空见惯的。(c

16、ommon)_ Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents.1.你觉得你已经无法在任何事情上与父母达成一致。(see eye to eye)_ You feel that you just cannot see eye to eye with your parents on anything.Cause 1Cause 11.青少年的生理变化可能会导致这样紧张的家庭关系。(result in)_ Teenagers physical changes may result in

17、such family tensions.2.你可能会感到焦虑,因为你发现自己发育的速度和朋友们不同,要么是个头猛窜,要么是远远落在其他人后面。(.or.)_ You may feel anxious that you are developing at a different rate to your friends,shooting up in height or getting left far behind.Cause 2Cause 21.如何平衡日益发展的心理需求,也是个颇让人头疼的大问题(headache)_ It can be a big headache to balance

18、your developing mental needs too.2.你既对独立有新的渴望,却又不断索取着父母的关爱和支持。(both.and.)_ You have both a new desire for independence and a continued need for your parents love and support.3.另一方面,当你努力控制自己的情绪时,你又希望父母能够更加体贴,更有耐心有时候,他们会忘记成长是一个艰难的过程。(a rough ride)_ On the other hand,when you are struggling to control

19、your feelings,you wish they could be more caring and patient sometimes they forget that growing up is a rough ride.SolutioSolution n1.维持和睦关系的关键在于定期、坦诚的沟通。(the key to)_ The key to keeping the peace is regular and honest communication.2.你要心平气和地向他们解释你的行为和感受,仔细地倾听,打消他们的顾虑。(address)_After you have though

20、t it through,explain your actions and feelings calmly,listen carefully,and address their concerns.ConclusionConclusion1.你只要记住,亲子关系紧张会产生压力,由此带来的困扰再正常不过,而你和父母可以齐心协力,改善你们的关系。(struggle)_Just remember that it is completely normal to struggle with the stress that parent-child tensions create,and that you

21、and your parents can work together to improve your relationship.2.到最后,一切都会好转,而你在青少年时期经历的变化和挑战会让你为成年时光做好准备。(turn out)_Everything will turn out all right in the end,and the changes and challenges of your teenage years will prepare you for adulthood.单元话题微写作单元话题微写作主题:主题:Parent-child tensions 亲子关系紧张的表现及产

22、生的原因亲子关系紧张的表现及产生的原因:青少年与父母之间火爆的争吵和冰冷的沉默非常常见,经常是由青少年身体发育带来的变化所导致,如身高、声音、体重等。此外,青少年难以平衡他们的日益发展的心理需求。解决解决方法方法:沟通。青少年心平气和地向父母解释的他们的行为和感受,仔细地倾听,从而打消父母的顾虑 亲子关系紧张的总结亲子关系紧张的总结:亲子关系紧张是人人都会遇到的,但这段关系紧张的阶段不会持续很久,到最后,一切都会好转。写作要求:1、词数100左右;2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。Heated arguments and cold silences are very common betwe

23、en teenagers and parents.Such parent-child tensions are often caused by teenagers physical changes,such as height and weight problems,changing voice or spots.Besides,it can be a big headache to balance teenagers developing mental needs.They have both a new desire for independence and a continued nee

24、d for parents love and support.However,teenagers can take some actions to improve the situation-they can communicate with their parents regularly and honestly.Through such healthy communication,teenagers explain their actions and feelings calmly,listen carefully,and address their parents concerns.In

25、 fact,it is quite normal to struggle with the stress that parent-child tensions create.The stormy period will not last long and everything will turn out all right in the end.应用文写作应用文写作亲子关系的建议信亲子关系的建议信假定你是李华,是学校广播站Teen Time的主持人。一位叫王佳的高一新生给你来信说,从小她的妈妈就过度保护她,进入高中后,她的妈妈担心和焦虑她的高中生活,王佳对此很苦恼,请用英文给她写一封回信,内容

26、包括:1.表示理解;2.提出建议;3.你的希望。注意:1.词数80左右;2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。审题谋篇审题谋篇1.1.确定体裁确定体裁:应用文中的应用文中的“建议信建议信”2.2.确定人称:第一人称确定人称:第一人称3.3.确定时态:一般现在时为主确定时态:一般现在时为主4.4.段落安排:段落安排:Para 1 Para 1:表示理解,引入建议主题:表示理解,引入建议主题 Para Para 2 2:2-32-3点建议,沟通是关键;用行动证明点建议,沟通是关键;用行动证明 Para 3 Para 3:表示希望:表示希望建议信的首段常用句型建议信的首段常用句型l Knowing t

27、hat you.,Im writing to offer my conductive suggestions.l I am glad to share with you my opinions on l Im delighted to learn that youI feel honored to offer you some practical suggestions.l Im sorry to hear that youId like to offer you some advice.l Im,a.,writing to propose my solutions to 建议信结尾段常用句型

28、建议信结尾段常用句型lI hope my suggestions will be of some help to you.lI will be more than glad if you find my suggestions helpful.lI hope that you can take my suggestions and Im convinced that you will make a right decision.lI would appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into consideration/account.D

29、ear Wang Jia,Im sorry to hear that youre upset about your mothers anxieties.Actually,its normal for your mother to worry about your new high school life.Id like to offer you some suggestions.First of all,find a chance to have a face-to-face talk with your mother,which will help you two understand ea

30、ch other.Secondly,try your best to work hard and balance your lessons and physical health,and your mother will have confidence in you.Thirdly,tell your mother that you have grown up and can deal with some things on your own,so there is no need to be concerned about you.In addition,tell her that you are anxious to be independent and long for more freedom.I hope my suggestions will be of some help to you and Im looking forward to seeing the smile back on your face.Yours,Li HuaHomeworkl Complete blanks filling exercises on the students sheet l Recite some arguments on parent-child relationship


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