2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册Unit5 单词(ppt课件).pptx

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1、人教版(2019)选择性必修四Unit 5Revision Learning aims and demands Learning aims and demands To master the language points and use them freely Step 1 Self-review and guidingI.词汇考查 1.vi./vt.(使)弹起;上下晃动 n.弹性;弹跳;活力 _ 2.n.天资;天赋have an aptitude for.:对有天赋 _ 3.起步前的优势;有利开端;占先;抢先 _ 4.n.雇主;老板 _ 5.n.律师 _bounceaptitudeboun

2、ce around:蹦来蹦去;弹来弾去;晃来晃去 spring:n.春天;弹簧;弹性;弹力;泉水jump:v.跳;跳跃;暴涨leaplip:vi.跳;跳跃;敏捷地移动 (leapt/leaped)(career)aptitude test:(职业)能力倾向测试attitude ttjud:n.态度;看法altitude lttjud:n.海拔have a gift/bent/talent for:对有天赋gift ft:n.礼物;天赋gifted ftd:adj.有天赋的;有才华的be gifted with.:具有talent tlnt:n.天才;人才;天资;天赋talented:adj.有

3、天赋的;有天资的 head starthave/get a head start(over.):占优势give sb a head start over.:使.比.占优势employer employee mpli:n.打工仔;雇工;雇员employ mpl:v.雇用;应用;运用;使用traineetreni:n.受训者;实习生trainer:n.培训师;教练员;驯兽师interviewerntvju:n.采访者;主持面试者intervieweentvji:n.被采访者;参加面试者refereerefri:n.仲裁人;裁判员lawyerlaw n.(针对某项罪行、协议等的一条)法律;法规;法学

4、;规律;定律;vt.控告;对起诉;lay down the law:发号施令;judge dd:n.法官;审判官;裁判court kt:n.法院;法庭词汇 6.vt.组装;装配vi.&vt.收集;聚集;集合 _ 7.n.抽屉,开票人,出票人,起草者,酒馆侍者 _assembleassemble a machine装配机器;assemble data.汇集数据put.together:组装collect:v.收集;采集;收藏;搜集 gather:v.聚集;集合;召集drawer draw dr:v.画;描绘;拖(动);拉(动);吸引 a chest of drawers:抽屉柜 The draw

5、er able to fulfill some rules.支票得出票人必须具备一定条件。8.n.熟练;娴熟;精通 _9.在方面成功 _10.就业指导;择业指导_proficiencyproficiency level 熟练程度proficiency in action 动作熟练professional proficiency 业务能力proficiency flight 熟悉飞行acquire proficiency in 熟练掌握proficient adj.精通的;熟练的;娴熟的;训练有素的;n.能手;老手;专家;master mst:v.掌握;精通have(a)good command

6、 of.:精通;通晓;掌握succeed in sthsucceed vi.达到目的;成功;取得预期效果;被继承;vt.接替;继任的职位;success n.成功 successfully adv.成功地 successful adj.成功的succeed in doing:成功做be successful in sth:在方面成功be successful in doing.:成功做career guidancemake a career plan:做一个职业规划career n.生涯;职业;经历;事业;vi.(尤指失控地)猛冲,疾驰,飞奔;adj.职业性质的;Career Center 职

7、业中心;就业指导中心;宇航科学职业发展Career Girls 职业女郎;红粉贵族词汇 11.vt.获得;购得_ 12.n.债务;欠款_acquireacquirable kwarbl adj.可获得的;可取得的(1)acquire knowledge/skill/reputation获得知识、技能、声誉 acquire a taste for喜欢上(2)acquired adj.后天的;已获得的debtin debt:欠债out of debt:不欠债get into debt:欠债pay off the debt:还清债务 grant rnt rnt:n.拨款loan ln:n.贷款;借款

8、13.vt.把分类(加以归类)_14.n.简介;概述;侧面轮廓vt.扼要介绍;概述;写简介_15.n.参与者;参加者 _categorise/categorize category ktri:n.种类;类别;范畴catalogue ktl:n.目录sort st:v.把分类;整理profileto have a high profile.保持高调;采取高姿态,introducentrdjus:v.介绍;引进introductionntrdkn:n.介绍;引进 participantparticipate ptspet:v.参加;参与participate in=take part in.=jo

9、in in.:参加词汇 16n.代码;密码vt.编码;把译成密码_ 17.vt.使适应;使面对;确定方向 _ code in code:用密码break/crack a code:破译密码password:n.密码(进入计算机/电脑的密码)enter your password:输入密码enter your pin number:输入密码(取钱用)orientbe oriented to/towards.:适应;面向;朝向orient oneself:确定自己的方向;适应;使自己熟悉新环境/形势adjust/adapt(oneself)to sb/sth:适应.face sb/sth/east

10、/south:面对facing.:面对(be)faced with.:面临;面对18.n.侦探;警探_19 .n.图表;图形;adj.绘画的;图案的_20.n.庄园;住宅区;工业区 _ detectivedetect dtekt:v.发现;查明;侦察出a detective story/novel:侦探故事/小说graphicGeographic a.地理(学)的,地区(性)的Biographic a.传记的,传记体的Zoographic a.动物志学Topgraphic 【计】地形学的Epigraphic a.题铭的Myographic 【医】肌动描记的graph rf:n.图;图表;曲线图

11、diagramdarm:n.简图;图解;图表;示意图chart tt:n.图表;海图estate(real)estate agent:房地产经纪人 real estate:房地产state n.状态;状况;情况;国家;州;邦;政府;正式礼仪,隆重仪式;美国;adj.国家提供(或控制)的;国事礼仪(或规格)的;州的;邦的;vt.陈述;说明;声明;规定;公布;词汇 21.考虑_ 22.(在.方面)领先/抢先一步;赢得起跑前的优势_ 23.总而言之总而言之;最后最后_ 24.为准备_ 25.热爱;狂热_ 26.为.作贡献._ take into account/considerationget a

12、head start(on/over.)in conclusion be meant for.make a contribution/contributions to.be passionate about.词汇 27.在现实生活中;在现实世界中;在真实的世界 _ 28.承担责任_ 29.承诺;致力于 _ 30.专门从事专门从事/经营经营_ 31.为了起见;因为.的缘故._ 32.不是因为不是因为而是因为而是因为_ in the real worldtake on responsibilitiescommit oneself to.specialise in.not thatbut that.

13、=not becausebut because for the sake of.II.单词拼写1.We shall urge humane principles and use our influence to promote _(正义).2.We decided not to _(控告)them,so as not to cause any trouble.3.Hes a _(贪婪的)boy,yesterday,for instance,he ate all our biscuits!4.I like to work with people who are honest,_(奉献)to th

14、eir work.5.From the terminal building Tom returned to the _(停车)lot.justice accuse greedy dedicatedparking II.单词拼写6.Thats why the _(骆驼)can go for many days without having to drink.7.Many development projects now give _(优先)to agricultural and rural development.8.Opening a _(笼子),she seized a rabbit and

15、 placed it on the board,belly up.9.It is impossible to disguise the fact that _(财政)is bad.10.Some people go back for their education to _(获得)another degree or diploma to impress the society.prioritycagefinance acquirecamel III.单句语法填空 1.The _(accuse)man was judged guilty in spite of his protest of hi

16、s innocence.2.Since the start of the survey in 2003 to its _(conclude)in 2016,Ash Center researchers found that Chinese citizen satisfaction has increased to over 90 percent with the central government.3.The _(reception)answered my call and made an appointment with the doctor.4.He expected the stude

17、nts to study hard,make progress every day,and be well-prepared to join the _(social)cause.5.The monument was _(dedicate)to the memory of the national hero.accused conclusion receptionist socialistdedicatedIII.单句语法填空6.The president of the Chinese Academy of Sciences encouraged the freshmen and gradua

18、te students _(attend)the opening ceremony to study hard.7.He edited,proofed and _(supervise)these books in production.8.Western-style fast food chains selling _(fry)chicken and burgers have succeeded in China.9.The development of green technology is one of the top _(priority)for Chinas high-tech sec

19、tor.10.Only through constant practice can we improve our language _(proficient)quickly.attending supervised fried prioritiesproficiencyIV.语法填空The Frog&Fox Summer Camp Council is looking(1)_enthusiastic high school students(2)_(join)their team as camp helpers at our summer camp next year!(3)_(they)pu

20、rpose is to build a team of keen(4)_(student)to take care of the foreign students in the camp.(5)_ applies for this position must be outgoing,have(6)_ good command of Chinese culture and good English level.forto join TheirstudentsWhoever aIV.语法填空 Kelly Xu(7)_(apply)to get this position.She has inter

21、mediate English level,and has the experience of(8)_(guide)a group of exchange students to tour the city;she is an animal lover and team(9)_(play);she is good at table tennis and(10)_(tradition)Chinese calligraphy;she is keen to use her skills and eager to get this position.guiding playerappliestraditionalHomework Homework To recite the language points and the key sentences.T Thank youhank you!Thank you!


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