吉林省长春市一〇三中学 2022-2023 学年上学期九年级英语期末质量检测.pdf

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1、 1/9 时间:100 分钟 满分:95 分 考试考试说明:说明:英语考试满分 120 分,其中听说部分 25 分,于 12 月 23 日晚 19:00-20:00 在驰声 APP 完成。笔试部分 95 分,其中 1-55 题,61-70 题于问卷星作答,问卷星二维码如下图,开放时间为 14:10-14:30,注意字母大小写及空格问题。笔试部分 56-60 题及书面表达请工整书写在答题卡上,上传至钉钉家校本,截止时间为 14:35。I.单项选择。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(单项选择。从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个正确答案。(15 分)分)()1.-What _ unusu

2、al journey we had!-Well,life is always full of _ unexpected.A.an;an B.a;an C.a;the D.an;the()2.-Sorry,we cant hear you clearly.Will you please _ your phone number?-Ill write it down.A.repeat B.review C.repair D.pronounce()3.-Whats the meaning of“One Belt and One Road”?-Let me _ the words in the new

3、dictionary.A.look at B.look for C.look after D.look up()4.-Do you often get online?-Yes.I _ most of my time _ on it.Its a good way to search for information.A.cost;surfing B.spend;surfing C.pay;playing D.take;playing()5.-_ sweet song it is!-Yeah.Its My Heart Will Go On sung by Celine Dion.A.How B.Ho

4、w a C.What a D.What()6.-Have you ever read the novel _ by the young writer?-No.But I hear its very interesting.A.written B.write C.to write D.writing()7.He _ go out with his parents,but now he _ staying at home alone.A.used to;is used to B.is used to;used to C.use to;is used to D.used to;used to 202

5、22022-20232023 学年度上学期学年度上学期九九年级年级 英语英语期末质量检测期末质量检测2022.12.22022.12.23 3 出 题 人:出 题 人:郑 楠、商 叶郑 楠、商 叶 审 题 人:审 题 人:张 艾张 艾静静 2/9 ()8.The expressions they use might _ whom they are speaking to or how well they know each other.A.instead of B.lead in to C.because of D.depend on()9.-James,can you tell me _?-

6、Paul?I havent seen him for years.He used to be a shy boy.A.what is Paul like B.what Paul is like C.what does Paul like D.what Paul likes()10.I cant tell when the house was built _,but it must be very old.A.exactly B.differently C.simply D.quickly()11.-Look!The goldfish is dying.-What a pity!This kin

7、d of goldfish _ a lot of care.A.receives B.offers C.requires D.gives()12.The thief _ stole a mans purse on a bus _ by a policeman just now.A.who,was caught B.that,has been caught C.who,caught D.that,is caught()13.Mr.Green has gone abroad.You _ see him here.A.must B.can C.cant D.mustnt()14.His cousin

8、 is a humorous man.He makes us _ all the time.A.laughs B.laughing C.to laugh D.laugh()15.-Peter,how long have you been in the ice-skating club?-Not long.I didnt join the club _ I enjoyed the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics.A.when B.until C.unless D.after II.交际运用。交际运用。根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选根据对话内容,从

9、方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(项。(5 分)分)A:Have you ever lived in America?B:Yes.16 Why?A:Well,tomorrow Ill go to an American friends home to celebrate Christmas.17 B:OK,with pleasure.A:Should I arrive on time or five to ten minutes late?B:Both are OK.18 A:Im worried that traffic might be terrible.B:Well,if yo

10、ure more than fifteen minutes late,it might be a good idea to call the host and tell him or her youre going to be late.A:OK.19 B:Certainly.Flowers are always welcome.A:What should I do at dinner?3/9 B:20 A:I see.Thanks a lot.B:Youre welcome.A.If you watch the other guests and do what they do,youll b

11、e OK.B.But dont get there early.C.Could you please tell me what I am supposed to do?D.Youre supposed to get there on time.E.I lived there for five years.F.Should I bring some flowers?III.完形填空。阅读短文,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(完形填空。阅读短文,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。(15分)分)Eighty-year-old Li Xinsheng clearly rem

12、embers the day her husband was diagnosed(诊断)with Alzheimers(阿尔茨海默病).“It was March 4,2019,”she says.“We ate fish at a restaurant,and he 21 taking one to go.When we got home 15 minutes later,he asked me what was in the takeout box and where I got it from.When I told him,he looked blankly(茫然的)at the bo

13、x and said he had no 22 of it.I was shocked.I realized it was a symptom(症状)of an illness rather than the memory loss which is 23 to the old.The next day,I took him to the hospital for testing.He was diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimers.”She says its lucky she 24 quickly and took her husband to the

14、hospital right away.Since then,she has done everything she can to 25 the process of the illness.She wasnt used to her husbands illness at first,so she would often feel anxious and angry when he kept asking 26 questions.Now,shes learned to take care of 27 so that her husband has someone to depend on.

15、“I have to live 28 and do things that make me happy.29 as time goes on,Id become ill,too.Im actually very 30 because I cant have a proper conversation with him.As a 31 ,I took up drawing and writing to look on the bright side.”she says.32 ,the couple took part in the dance-therapy(治疗)program,Time to

16、 Dance.The program 33 dance classes to people living with Alzheimers and their caregivers(看护者).It has done 34 very meaningful.At the same time,it brought 35 to people with Alzheimers,who are often left unnoticed and forgotten in a corner.()21.A.risked B.suggested C.required D.tried()22.A.ability B.a

17、ttention C.memory D.background 4/9 ()23.A.common B.only C.special D.private()24.A.spread B.discovered C.acted D.treated()25.A.stop B.change C.slow D.control()26.A.different B.the same C.difficult D.boring()27.A.him B.them C.it D.herself()28.A.comfortably B.peacefully C.actively D.quietly()29.A.But B

18、.And C.So D.Or()30.A.nervous B.lonely C.patient D.hopeless()31.A.result B.rule C.wife D.gift()32.A.Clearly B.Recently C.Finally D.Luckily()33.A.offers B.produces C.teaches D.directs()34.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing()35.A.heat B.pride C.convenience D.warmth IV.阅读理解(阅读理解(30 分)分)(A)One

19、 school in Linfen surveyed 500 students in Grade 9 about how their life have changed.Since they were in Grade 9.There is no doubt that they spend so much time on their schoolwork that they sleep less than they did in Grade 7.Most of the students sleep less than 8 hours because they have to stay up l

20、ate to finish the homework and get up at 6:00 in the morning.One good thing is that students in grade 9 exercise more because schools of PE.in the Senior High School Entrance Exam are 50 points,so the schools also pay attention to the time of exercising.The survey showed the students also had no tim

21、e to relax themselves after school,such as watching TV,chatting on the phone and so on.Some students said even though they were watching TV while having lunch,their parents only allowed them to watch news.They think it can help the kids get good grades in some subject tests.5/9 Some students said th

22、ey sometimes didnt pay attention to the teachers in class,but now they are more active.根据短文和图表内容,选择最佳答案。(5 分)()36.We can know how the 500 students lives_ have changed from the diagram.A.from Monday to Sunday B.from Monday to Friday C.from Sunday to Saturday D.from Saturday to Friday ()37.How many ho

23、urs do the students in Grade 9 sleep on average every day?A.8.5 hours.B.1.4 hours.C.6.2 hours.D.7.1 hours.()38.The students in Grade 9 spend 0.3 hours relaxing.It is_ than that belongs to the students in Grade 7.A.1.2 hours longer B.1.5 hours longer C.1.2 hours shorter D.1.5 hours shorter ()39.Which

24、 activity did the students spend the least time on when they are in Grade 7?A.Relaxing.B.Doing homework.C.Exercising.D.Sleeping.()40.According to the diagram,we can know _.A.the students have much time to relax than before B.no students spend time doing homework now C.students have less time to slee

25、p than before D.students have less time to exercise than before(B)Jerry is a world-famous mountain climber.He has climbed many high mountains in the world.Starting in 2015,he and his friends spent two years on an adventure(探险)in South America,covering 7,800 miles.He was even named Adventurer of the

26、Year by a famous geography magazine in 2018.Although Jerry had achieved great success,he didnt feel fulfilled.He asked himself,“Is it enough to climb the highest mountains?Am I doing something helpful?How can I turn my adventures into something that can help the world?”Jerry learned that scientists

27、need plants,rocks and water samples(样本)from places far away to do research.But scientists cant get there themselves as such places are hard to reach-only the bravest adventurers can make it.Jerry thought he could do something to help.He then came up with an idea.He set up a team of top adventurers t

28、o collect samples for scientists.By studying the samples,scientists could know more about the earth and find ways to protect it.Recently Jerry and his adventurer friends have discovered a special plant life on Mount Qomolangma.The samples they brought back have helped scientists learn how plants liv

29、e in extreme(极端的)conditions.For Jerry,this kind of adventure is most satisfying.“Such adventures have made us see life in a different way.Now,being the best climber isnt important for 6/9 me.What matters is doing something helpful while climbing mountains.There is still much more we can do,”Jerry sa

30、id to a newspaper.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5 分)()41.What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?A.Jerrys friends.B.Jerrys achievements.C.High mountains.D.A geography magazine.()42.What does the underlined word“fulfilled”in Paragraph 2 mean?A.Satisfied.B.Lonely.C.Patient.D.Worried.()43.Why did Jerry set up a team of top

31、adventurers?A.To make friends.B.To help scientists.C.To study plants.D.To train scientists.()44.Which is the right order of the following events?Jerry and his adventurer friends have discovered a special plant life on Mount Qomolangma.He and his friends spent two years on an adventure(探险)in South Am

32、erica,covering 7,800 miles.He set up a team of top adventurers to collect samples for scientists.He was even named Adventurer of the Year by a famous geography magazine A.B.C.D.()45.Which can be the best title for the passage?A.Dangerous Mountain Climbing B.Important Scientific Discoveries C.Plants

33、Found on High Mountains D.Adventures Turned into Something Greater(C)From my father,I have learned a lot.I remember when I was a child,my father always got up very early.To arrive in time to open his tiny store at 8:30,he needed to leave our apartment at 6:30.He had to take a bus and then the subway

34、.The last journey was a long walk through a neighborhood.I learned:it is very important to work.No excuse.When I was 12,I would,on some Saturdays,go to my fathers store to help out.After helping set up the outside clothing display,Id watch the store to make sure no one stole anything.When I noticed

35、someone who looked unusual or strange,I would look the person in the eye,smile and say,“May I help you?”Usually that worked,but sometimes,someone would run off with something.The first time,I ran after the thief but my father shouted,“Martin,stop!There is no need to do that.”Its true that safety is

36、more important than money.After 10 years of hard work,he saved up enough money to buy his first car,a cheap one:he wouldnt buy one until he could afford to pay for it without 7/9 borrowing money.I learned:or buy what you can afford.Buying necessary food and clothing wont make us get into debt(债务).Th

37、e unnecessary things wont give us happiness,which comes from achievements only.根据短文内容,判断下列各句正(T)、误(F)。(5 分)()46.In order to open the store in time,the writers father always got up at 8:30 a.m.()47.It was far away from the writers house to the writers fathers store.()48.The writer learned the importa

38、nce of working from his father.()49.The father didnt let the writer run after the thief because he thought it was dangerous.()50.The writer thinks enjoying something necessary usually makes people get into debt.(D)When you meet an accident or a dangerous situation,you need to call the emergency oper

39、ators(紧急接线员)first.But not everyone feels its easy when talking to emergency operators.Sometimes they dont know what they can say.51._ Nature(性质性质)of the emergency.Be simple.Dont tell the story of a car going all over the road.Simply tell the operator what you have seen.52._ If youre calling on a mob

40、ile phone,do not think that the operator knows where you are.You need to tell them where you are.53._ If you dont know,describe the area clearly,including information like stores names,shopping centers or crossings.Information of the emergency.Information about whether someone gets hurt.Do your best

41、 to tell them how many people get hurt.It helps the operators to know the detailed(详细的)situation of the accident.Leave your own phone number.54._If someone needs to keep in touch with you about being a witness(目击者),this is also a good way to find you.Correct answers of the emergency.In addition to t

42、hose mentioned above,if you dont know the answer to a question,then say no to the operators.55._They would rather you didnt answer the question than give wrong information.I hope you dont need to make these calls.If you need,stay calm and give as much information as you can.阅读短文,把 AE 五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文

43、内容完整。(5 分)8/9 (E)For pupils at a village school in Yiyuan county Shandong Province,Ren Jilan has not only been teaching them but also showing them how to face life bravely,especially when things just dont seem to be working out.Ren came from a poor family in a village of Yiyuan county.She had to do

44、more housework than other children when she was young because both her father and mother were in ill health.With support from her relatives and villagers,Ren completed her12-year school study and was accepted by Qufu Normal University.But the four-year university experience didnt go well.Her father

45、died and then she had to care for her mother.At the difficult moment,it was her teacher,Li Zhenhua,who came to her and offered help.After graduation,Ren was faced with chances to work as a teacher in cities,but she chose to return to her hometown and work as a country teacher at Fuluping Primary Sch

46、ool.“Mr.Li gave up a well paid job in a big city to teach children at the village school.Id like to follow his path to play my part in the education in my hometown,”Ren says.Fuluping Primary School is 50 kilometers away from downtown Yiyuan county.It was once among the schools with the worst conditi

47、ons in the county.But the school has its own beautiful and comfortable playground now.Ren works hard on teaching and taking care of her students.She also spends a part of her money helping two poor students.She received the China Youth May 4th Medal-the countrys top honor for excellent young people.

48、“Life was not easy for me,but luckily I had nice people around me.They gave me a helping hand when I was in need,and it encouraged me to go on,”says Ren.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(10 分)56.Who helped Ren complete her 12-year school study?57.Where did Ren choose to work after graduation from university?58.How is

49、the playground of Fuluping Primary School now?59.What honor did Ren get from the country?60.According to Ren,what encouraged her to go on?V.短文填空短文填空。(。(10 分)分)If you were 90 years old,what would you plan to do?Few people would like to have new challenges at that age.61._,an old man named Jing Kui di

50、d something that surprised a lot of people.As a man of 93,he 62._(meet)a challenge.One day,a film director came to him and asked if he wanted to act in 63._(he)movie.“What can I A.The place of the emergency.B.Dont try to guess the answer.C.Heres what you need to say when you call 120 or 110.D.By thi


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