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1、Dragon Boat Festival(Double Fifth Festival)端午节1Today,Dragon Boat Festival in the Chinese people is still a very 时至今日popular grand festival.Country attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage,May 20,2006,the State Council approved the inclusion of the folk first batch

2、of national intangible cultural heritage,端午节在中国人民中仍是一个十分盛行的隆重节日。国家非常重视非物质文化遗产的保护,2006年5月20日,该民俗经国务院批准列入第一批国家级非物质文化遗产名录。The Dragon Boat Festival,the 5th day of the 5th month in the Chinese lunar calendar,has had a history of more than 2,000 years.It is usually in June in the Solar calendar.端午节(农历五月初五

3、)是中国古老的传统节日,始于春秋战国时期,至今已有2000多年历史。通常在阳历的六月份。2The origins of Dragon Boat Festival The origins of Dragon Boat Festival 端午节的起源端午节的起源Qu Yuan,a famous poet,served as minister to the Chu Emperor.A wise and articulate man,he was loved by the common people.He did much to fight against the rampant corruption

4、 that plagued the court-thereby earning the envy and fear of other officials.Therefore,when he urged the emperor to avoid conflict with the Qin Kingdom,the officials pressured the Emperor to have him removed from service.屈原,我国战国时代的伟大诗人,曾在战国时任左徒和三闾大夫等官职.是一位很人们很爱戴的明智且善辩的人!他对当时的贪官污吏等朝庭不满,所以遭到同列的排挤;因为他举

5、张联齐抗秦,所以被楚怀王驱逐流放In exile,he traveled,taught and wrote for several years.Hearing that the Chu had been defeated by the Qin,he fell into despair and threw himself into the Milou River on the fifth day of the fifth month.People were sad over the patriotic poets death.They tossed rice and meat into the

6、river to feed the fish,which would protect Qus body.在他流放的几年期间,他游说国家和人民抗秦.当他听说楚国被秦灭后非常绝望,即在农历5月初5投汩罗河自尽.人们很悲伤,于是向河里抗食物喂鱼,以避免屈原的尸体被鱼吃掉3Other legends?源于纪念伍子胥?端午节的第二个传说,在江浙一带流传很广,是纪念春秋时期(公元前 770-前476年)的伍子胥。伍子胥名员,楚国人,父兄均为楚王所杀,后来子胥弃暗投明,奔向吴国,助吴伐楚,五战而入楚都郢城。当时楚平王已死,子胥掘墓鞭尸三百,以报杀父兄之仇。吴王阖庐死后,其子夫差继位,吴军士气高昂,百战百胜,

7、越国大败,越王勾践请和,夫差许之。子胥建议,应彻底消灭越国,夫差不听,吴国大宰,受越国贿赂,谗言陷害子胥,夫差信之,赐子胥宝剑,子胥以此死。子胥本为忠良,视死如归,在死前对邻舍人说:“我死后,将我眼睛挖出悬挂在吴京之东门上,以看越国军队入城灭吴”,便自刎而死,夫差闻言大怒,令取子胥之尸体装在皮革里于五月五日投入大江,因此相传端午节亦为纪念伍子胥之日。?源于纪念孝女曹娥?端午节的第三个传说,是为纪念东汉(公元 23-220年)孝女曹娥救父投江。曹娥是东汉上虞人,父亲溺于江中,数日不见尸体,当时孝女曹娥年仅十四岁,昼夜沿江号哭。过了十七天,在五月五日也投江,五日后抱出父尸。就此传为神话,继而相传至

8、县府知事,令度尚为之立碑,让他的弟子邯郸淳作诔辞颂扬。?孝女曹娥之墓,在今浙江绍兴,后传曹娥碑为晋王义所书。后人为纪念曹娥的孝节,在曹娥投江之处兴建曹娥庙,她所居住的村镇改名为曹娥镇,曹娥殉父之处定名为曹娥江。4?The customs vary a lot in different areas of the country,but most of the families would do like that.在中国,不同的地方有不同的民间端午节传说故事和过节的庆祝方式,但以下几种大家最熟悉一Hanging Pictures of Zhong Kui大门上挂钟馗像二Hanging Calam

9、us and Moxa 大门上挂菖蒲和艾叶草三Dragon Boat Race划龙舟比赛四The Culture of Zongzi吃棕子五Spice Bag作香袋六Realgar Wine喝雄黄酒春春秋秋战战国国时时期期,至至今今已已有有2000多多年年历历史史,从2008年年起起为为国国家家法法定定节节假假日日5一一.Hanging Pictures of Zhong Kui大门上挂大门上挂钟馗像钟馗像?People would paste on their front doors pictures of Zhongkui,a legendary Chinese Since childre

10、n are generally the most vulnerable to disease,they received extra care at this special time.?传说大门上挂钟馗像,即可使小孩子们得到避邪和保护6Hang calamus and moxa(oriental plants)on the front door This is also to ward off evil.大门上挂菖蒲和艾叶草用于避邪二二.Hanging Calamus and Moxa大门上挂菖蒲和艾叶草7三.Dragon Boat Race龙舟比赛?Anindispensable part

11、of thefestival,heldalloverthecountry 全国最流行不可缺小的庆祝节目?As thegunis fired,peoplewillsee racersindragon-shaped canoes pulling the oarshurriedly,accompaniedby rapid drums,speedingtowardtheirdestination.参赛者坐在一条形如龙的船上,手执划撑,一声枪响,朝终点站疾速前行?Folk talessaythegameoriginates fromtheactivities ofseekingQuYuansbody.?

12、民间传说,龙舟比赛是寻找屈原的尸体?Expertsconcludethatdragonboatracingisa semi-religious,semi-entertainingprogramfrom the Warring StatesPeriod(475-221BC).?有专家说龙舟比赛来源于宗教,也可能是战国时代的一种大型娱乐8“鼓声三下红旗开,两龙跃出浮水来。棹影斡波飞万剑,鼓声劈浪鸣千雷。”端午节最应景的节目就是赛龙舟。9四四.The Culture of Zongzi棕子的文化棕子的文化?An essentialfood of the Dragon Boat Festival.端午

13、节庆祝的主要美食?It is said that peopleate them in the SpringandAutumnPeriod(770-476 BC).传说吃棕子起源于春秋时期?Nowthefillingsare morediversified,includingjujubeand bean paste,freshmeat,and ham andegg yolk.至今的棕子有很多样式,有红枣心的,绿豆糕式的,还有肉类的,还有火腿粒和蛋黄夹心的?people will soak glutinousrice,wash reed leavesand wrapup zongzithemsel

14、ves.Otherwise,theywill go to shops to buy whatever stuff they want.人们包棕子时,要先浸好糥米,然后包入食物?The customof eatingzongziis nowpopularinNorthandSouthKorea,JapanandSoutheastAsiannations.吃棕子的风俗在朝鲜,韩国,日本以及东南亚国家皆很流行10“粽粽包包分分两两髻髻,艾艾束束著著危危冠冠。旧旧俗俗方方储储药药,羸羸躯躯亦亦点点丹丹。”端端午午节节不不可可不不吃吃的的美美味味食食物物就就是是(粽粽子子),这这种种传传统统源源于于汨汨

15、罗罗江江边边的的渔渔夫夫,将将米米丢丢入入江江中中平平息息江江中中的的蛟蛟龙龙,希希望望它它们们不不要要伤伤害害屈屈原原。11五.Spice Bag 香包?Carry the small spice bag around with you,it not onlydrives away evil spirits but also brings fortune andhappiness to those who wear it.?带上香包在身上,不但可避邪,而且可给你带来好运和快乐?The small bags are hand-made by local craftsmen.?小香包一般是人们手

16、工制作?Theyre made with red,yellow,green and blue silk,fine satin or cotton.Figures of animals,flowers andfruits are often embroidered onto the bags and insideare mixed Chinese herbal medicines.?香包可作成红/黄/绿/蓝等很多颜色,用上等丝绸或棉料制作,外表常刺绣动物,花,水果,里面装一些中草药12端端午午节节最最有有特特色色的的饰饰物物就就是是香香包包。小小孩孩佩佩戴戴香香包包,传传说说有有避避邪邪驱驱瘟瘟

17、之之意意。用用含含有有多多种种香香味味的的药药用用植植物物做做成成的的香香包包也也可可以以预预防防疾疾病病。13六.Realgar Wine 雄黄酒?It is a very popular practice to drink this kind of Chinese liquor seasoned with realgar at the Dragon Boat Festival.雄黄酒是一种将雄黄在烈酒中浸泡后的酒,在端午节很受欢迎?This is for protection from evil and disease for the rest of the year.喝了雄黄酒,整年可避

18、邪避病?In one word,all of the activities are to protect themselves from evil and honor the poet Qu Yuan?总之,以上所述的活动皆是庆祝人的自身避邪和纪念屈原的方式14Once upon a time on E-Mei mountain there lived two snakes,White Snake and Green Snake.These snakes,being magical,turned themselves into beautiful maidens and set off on

19、a journey to the West Lake of Hang Zhou.很久以前,一座山上有一条白蛇和青蛇,她们修成正果后变成美少女后游杭州西湖When they arrived at West Lake they met a man named Xu Xian.White Snake fell in love with Xu Xian and they were soon married.A Buddhist monk,named Fa Hai,warned Xu Xian of his wifes deceptive appearance and suggested to him

20、a plan.当她们游西湖时,白蛇遇上且爱上了一个名叫许仙的男子,后结婚!另一位名叫法海的和尚,曾警告他们不要在一起,否则用计分开他们On the day of the Dragon Boat Festival White Snake wished to stay home.Her husband prepared,according to Fa Hais instruction,some realgar wine,as this was a tradition during the Dragon boat festival.White Snake,thinking her magic wou

21、ld protect her from the effects of the realgar wine accepted a cup.After she drank the wine she became very ill and was barely able to get to her bed.在一个端午节的一天,白蛇在家许愿,许仙依法海之许给雄黄酒给白蛇喝;因为是端午节,白蛇怕引起许仙的怀疑,就喝了一杯,她原以为自身法术高强不会有事,结果她现原形了,且躲在被子里Another interesting storyWhite Snake and Xu Xian另外的一个故事是白蛇和许仙的故事

22、15?When her husband came to her side,he found not his wife but a huge white snake.So great was Xu Xians shock that he fell to the floor dead.After recovering from the realgar wine and regaining her human form,White Snake was grief-stricken to find her husband dead.She loved her husband so much,so sh

23、e set off on a journey to obtain a potent medicinal herb,which could revive her husband.At last,she succeeded.?当许仙回来时看到这一切,即刻倒地晕死而去,当白蛇醒后,发现许仙已死,即找到一种叫香草的药救回了许仙16“樱樱桃桃桑桑椹椹与与菖菖蒲蒲,更更买买雄雄黄黄酒酒一一壶壶。”端端午午节节尝尝试试一一下下雄雄黄黄酒酒吧吧。端端午午节节这这天天,人人们们把把雄雄黄黄倒倒入入酒酒中中饮饮用用,并并把把雄雄黄黄酒酒涂涂在在小小孩孩儿儿的的耳耳、鼻鼻、额额头头、手手、足足等等处处,希希望望这这样样可可以以使使孩孩子子们们不不受受蛇蛇虫虫的的伤伤害害。17


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