人教版八年级上册《英语》Unit 5-6 期末复习练习题 ppt课件(含2课时).rar

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Units56八年级 英语词汇与语法复习练习词汇与语法复习练习单词拼写单词拼写根据汉语提示拼写单词根据汉语提示拼写单词1.What _(发生发生)to Lucy?She broke her legs.2.My uncle often tells _(笑话笑话)3.UFO_(出现出现)in China in the 1960s.4.Rice is our_(主要的主要的)food.5.My brother joined the_(军队军队)two years ago.6.My parents are both _(厨师厨师)7.He wants to go to America to study _(教育教育)after high school.8.His aunt teaches in a famous_(大学大学)in Beijing.9.Do you often take _(身体的身体的)exercise?10.Liu Fang does her_(学校作业学校作业)the most carefully in her class.happenedjokesappearedmainarmycookseducationcollege/universityphysicalschoolwork11.Dont be surprised.This kind of weather is _(共同的)(共同的)here.12.Its just a _(玩笑)(玩笑)Dont take it seriously.13.My parents were out,so I had to make myself a _(简单的)(简单的)meal.14.I saw a relaxing _(电影)(电影)at the cinema yesterday.15.Although the man is _(有名的),(有名的),he doesnt live a happy life.16.As a green lover,Jane is going to _(在在上上刷刷油油漆漆)her bedroom green.17.The teacher asked us to learn these famous _(文文章章)by heart after class.18.Andy is the best player in our school football _(队队)commonjokesimplefilmfamouspaintarticlesteam19.These _(工程师)(工程师)are making a big plane.20.Lets read English every morning to _(提高)(提高)our English.21.Different people have different _(爱爱好好)Some like balls,some like painting,.22.How about your _(关系关系)with your classmates at school?23.Taras grandfather is a teacher in a _(综合性大学综合性大学)24.Are there any _(外国的外国的)students in your school?25.I want to be a _(飞行员飞行员)when I grow up.26.We do the _(每周的每周的)shopping every Saturday.27.Dad _(许诺许诺)that he would take me to the park the next Sunday.engineersimprovehobbiesrelationshipuniversityforeignpilotweeklypromised28.What do you think of _(卡通片卡通片)?29.Everything is _(准备好的准备好的)Lets start.30.I want to know whats _(发生发生)over there.cartoonsreadyhappening词的用法词的用法名词(单复数)名词(单复数)1Now more and more people in the world are interested in Chinese _ such as Chinese tea,Chinese food.AhistoryBcultureCbooks Dmenu2.What is your New Years _?Im going to read English more.Asurvey Bresolution Cjob Dsubject3.Can you tell me the _ for choosing the book?Yes,because I think it is the most interesting of all the books.Adifference Bplan Cprize DreasonBBD4.What does your brother do?He is a _He flies to the USA twice a month.Adriver Bpostman Cteacher Dpilot5.Do you have any _ for the winter vacation?Yes.I want to go to Hainan.Acartoons Bfilms Cplans Dsitcoms6.Whats your friends _?She likes to listening to music.Ateam Bhobby Crelationship Deducation7.To be a great _ like Lang Lang,my cousin practices playing the piano every day.Apianist Bengineer Cviolinist DpilotDCBA8.They had different ideas for the vacation place.After much _,they decided to go to New York.Adiscussion Bdifference Chousework DInformation代词代词1.Theres _ to eat in the fridge.Please go and buy some.Asomething Banything Ceverything Dnothing2.Why do you like this kind of movie?Because it always has _.Anothing enjoyable Bsomething enjoyableCenjoyable nothing Denjoyable somethingADB冠词冠词1.The Fate of the Furious(速速度度与与激激情情8)is _ action movie.I think _ action movie is very exciting.Aan,anBan,theCthe,anDa,an2.How do you know his aunt is _ scientist?Oh,I read _ article about her last week.Aa,an Bthe,a Ca,aDan,the3.Mulan is _ exciting movie.It comes from _ old Chinese story.Aan;an Ba;an Can;a Da;a4.Zhang Xin,is there _ university in the city?Yes.My good friend is studying in _ university now.Aan;an Ba;a Ca;the Dan;theBAAB动词动词(时态时态)1.There _ two art exhibitions this weekend.Aare going to be Bis going to beCare going to have Dis going to have2.Their parents _ to take them to Shanghai next month.Asaid Bagrees Cplans Dpromised3.Do you know the famous singer?Sure.She often _ on TV.I know her very well.Ahappens Bappears Cbecomes DtakesADB4That book is nice.Can you please _?Ashow it me Bshowing me itCshow it to me Dshow me it5.How are you going to _ your English?Im going to read English newspapers every day.Aimprove Bpromise Ckeep Dwonder6.Who _ dinner for you,Frank?My father,because my mother wasnt at home.Acooked Bcooks Cis cooking Dis going to cook7.What do you plan to do this weekend?We _ volleyball.We _ it once a week.Aplay;play Bplay;playedCare going to play;play Dplay;are going to playCAAC情态动词情态动词1.What will the weather be like tomorrow?It _ be windy or rainy.Im not sure.Amight Bmust Cmustnt Dneed2._ I borrow your English dictionary?Sure.Here you are.ANeed BWill CMust DMay3.If you try your best,Im sure you will be able _ the work in a week.Ato finish Bfinish Cfinishing Dto finishing ADA非谓语动词非谓语动词1.We planned _ the Great Wall.And I expected _ there earlier.Avisiting;going Bto visit;going Cvisiting;to go Dto visit;to go2.What do you want _ when you grow up?A teacher.Abe Bto beCdo Dto do3.Its easy to make a resolution,but its difficult _ it.Ado Bto make Cto keep Dkeeping4.What will you do after you finish school?My parents expect me _ a reporter.Abecome Bbecoming Cto become Dto becoming DBCC5.How about having a surprise party for Jane?Good idea.Lets _ when to have the party now.Aexpect Bdescribe Cdiscuss DQuestion6.Would you mind _ more slowly?I cant follow you.Aspeak BSpoke Cspoken DspeakingC形容词副词形容词副词1.Why do you go to the history museum?Because its _Aboring Beducational Cserious Dcomfortable2.My little sister is a _ girl.Atenyearsold Btenyearold Ctenyearolds Dten years old3.Mr.Wang bought a very expensive car last week.Really?He must be _Ashy Btalented Crich Dfriendly4.He was so excited to get his _ computer yesterday.Aown Bsame Ccommon DdifferentBBCA5.How do you keep healthy?I often take some _ exercise in the morning.Aforeign Bfamous Cboring DPhysical6.Youd better not ask her _ questions,such as her age and weight.Apersonal Beasy Cdifficult Dinteresting7.This movie is very _.All of the students enjoy it.Aeducational Bboring Cmeaningless Dserious8.Yu Min,one of _ scientist in the world,won Chinas top science award(中国最高科学技中国最高科学技术奖术奖)on January 9,2015.Afamous Bmost famous Cmore famous Dthe most famousDAAD9.Do you want to watch a game show?No,I dont.It is _.Aexciting BSuccessful Cinteresting DboringD疑问词疑问词1._ is he going to be a basketball player?He is going to practice basketball every day.AWhat BHow CWhere DWho2._?I love it.AWho will give the talk show BWhen do you want to watch the talk showCDid you watch the talk show DWhat do you think of the talk showBD连词连词1.What kind of movies do you like?Action movies._,Shaolin Temple.ABecause of BInstead of CSuch as DFor example2.I think being a teacher is great.X k B 1.c o m _ you want to be a teacher,you must be good with kids.ABut BIf CSo DAndCB介词介词1.What did you do _ class this morning,Alice?We had a discussion _ free time activities.Ain,about Bto,about Cin,at Dfrom,on2.What did you do _ class this morning,Alice?We had a discussion _ TV shows.Afrom;on Bon;about Cin;at Din;aboutAD词形变化词形变化1.Before we have history lessons,we often have a_(discuss)2.Do you like_(act)movies?Yes,I do.3.What do you think of the movie?Its_(mean)So I dont like it.4.He felt_(luck)today,because he lost his new iPhone 7.5.Everyone wants to be the_(rich)person.6.My father is a _(drive)7.The _(mean)of the two words are different.8.At the _(begin)of the class,we often sing songs.9.Do you have a _(person)computer?Yes,I do.discussionactionmeaninglessunluckyrichestdrivermeaningsbeginningpersonal10.I cant open the door because I _(lose)the key.11.After years of teaching,Mr.Lin _(become)a excellent teacher.12.Mr.Miller is studying the _(culture)of the Eastern countries these days.13.Dont worry.The children are old enough to look after(照照 顾顾)_(they)14.For me,a good _(begin)of the day is to have a good breakfast.15.Kelly wanted to be a _(piano),but at last she became a doctor.lostbecameculturethemselvesbeginningpianist16.The children have much _(schoolwork)every day.17.My mother usually _(cook)delicious food for us.18.I cant stand _(wash)too many clothes.19.Ann always tries her best _(learn)math.20.The talent show was very _(success)schoolworkcookswashingto learnsuccessful固定短语固定短语动词短语动词短语1.When I see these pictures,I always _ my English teacher.Athink over Bthink about Cthink of Dthink up2.Mr.Wang isnt feeling well this week.Miss Li might _ his place _ us math.Abring;to teach Btake;to teach Cbring;teaching Dtake;teaches3.My sisters resolution _ something _ her physical health.Ahas;doing to Bhave;to do withChave;do with Dhas;to do withCBD4.When are you going to _ the exercise program?Next week.I dont want to be fat.Amake sure Bwrite down Ctake up Dagree with5.What did the students do at the party?They all _ as different animals.Acut up Bdressed up Cgot up Dput up6.My parents _ me to get better grades next term.You can do it if you always work hard.Aremember Bhope Cexpect DgiveCBC7.We must _ what he is doing now and then we can take action.Awake up Bworry about Cfind out Dhelp with8.Julia _ as Mickey Mouse at the party yesterday.Adressed up Bcame out Clearned from Dthought of9.They are Larrys and Beckys phone numbers.Please _,John.Awrite it down Bwrite down it Cwrite them down Dwrite down them10.He may come to the party,but Im not quite _ it.Asure about Bafraid of Cfamous for Dready forCACA11.I feel bored with working all day.Why not _ some sports to relax yourself?Amake up Btake up Cstay up Dgrow up12.Johnny doesnt _ talk shows and Dale cant _ soap operas.Aminds;stands Bminds;standCmind;stand Dmind;stands13.It is a small party.You dont need to _.Aput up Bget up Cdress up Dcut upBCC14.Mrs.Liu likes _(打扮)(打扮)and she often wears new clothes.15.Im busy.Can you_(代替)(代替)to look after my brother?16.Guo Jingmings new book _(出版)(出版)last month.17.Our class _(做做得得好好)in the basketball game and won the prize.18.We must _(尽力)(尽力)to learn something from the story.19.Betty wanted to _(找出)(找出)who took away her book.20.He is not afraid to _(面(面对对任何危任何危险险)21.If you _(能)(能)paint very well,you can join the club.22.The child dreams of becoming a great scientist when he _(长长大)大)dressing uptake my placecame outdid a good jobtry our bestfind outface any dangerare able togrows up23.Different food may _ _ _ _(与与有关有关)different cultures.24.Can you _ _(想起想起)the name of the movie?Yesterday I _ _ _(代替他代替他)to finish the work.形容词短语形容词短语1.Do you know about Quanjude?Sure.It is _ its Beijing duck.Adifferent from Bfamous for Csimilar to Dgood with B have to do with think of take his place介词短语介词短语1.学生学生们们在九月初去上学。在九月初去上学。Students go to school _ _ _ _ September.2.由于由于这这个原因,格林先生打算搬到个原因,格林先生打算搬到乡乡下去。下去。_ _ _,Mr.Green is going to move to the countryside.3.Why do you like watching the film?Because I can learn a lot _ it.Afrom Bof Cfor Dwithat the beginning ofBecause of thisA口语交际词组口语交际词组1.What do you think of TV shows?_They are very interesting.AI dont know BYes,I do CI dont mind it DI like them2._Thank you.AWhat do you think of sports shows?BWelcome to Tell It Like It Is.CI cant stand sports shows.DWhats your favorite show?3.Are you going to your friend Lindas house this Saturday afternoon?_Maybe I will practice the piano at home.AOf course BYoure right CIm not sure DI hope not4.I dont know how to use it._?OK.ACan I help you BDo you mind helping meCWhat shall I do DWhat about youDBCB5.Is Mary going to study science?_.She thinks it is too boring.AYes,she is BNo,she doesnt CNo,she isnt DYes,she does6.If we want to get good grades,we should work hard._.ANo,it doesnt BSounds funny CWell,dont worry DYes,youre right7.What do you think of game shows?_.AI hope to watch a better oneBI hardly ever watch themCI watch them twice a weekDI love watching them very muchCDDUnits 56八年级 英语阅读与写作复习练习阅读与写作复习练习完形填空完形填空Walt Disney came from America.When he was very young,his family moved from the city to farm._1_ Disney was busy most of the time,he could still find _2_ to do interesting things.He spent much of his free time _3_ pictures of the animals on the farm.He then began _4_ stories about them.Later he even began taking art classes on Saturdays.As he grew older,Disneys art _5_ also grew.He began using a new way to tell his stories.To do this,he drew the same picture many times,changing(改改动动)each one a little.Using his camera(相相机机),he took a photo of each drawing.Next,he put the film(胶卷胶卷)through a movie projector(放映机放映机)3As the pictures ran _6_ through the projector,the characters looked _7_ and moving.Disney soon began to use this way.He made his drawings into cartoons.And the cartoons were just like _8_Walt Disney was _9_ after many years of hard work.He _10_ one of the worlds greatest entertainers(演艺人士演艺人士)His cartoons still make lots of people happy every day.3()26.A.Although BSo CIf DWhether()27.A.money Bplace Ctime Dpeople()28.A.drawing Btaking Cbuying Dreading()29.A.dressing up Blooking for Cmaking up Dcaring about()30.A.talent Breason Cservice DJoke()31.A.slowly Bcheaply Chardly Dquickly()32.A.real BRich Cfresh Dnecessary()33.A.pictures Bbooks Cstories Dmovies()34.A.poor BCommon Csuccessful Dserious()35.A.became BLost Cwon DexpectedACACADADCANew Years Day is coming.I believe that most of you have _11_ own New Years resolutions.But what kind of resolutions should you make?First,your New Years resolutions should be _12_ for you.Be sure that they can _13_ your studies or make you healthier.“Going to bed late”isnt a good _14_Its not good for your health.You should make resolutions like“drinking milk for _15_ every morning.”The resolution“_16_ eating junk food”is also a good one.Studying harder and spending _17_ time watching TV are good ones.Second,your New Years resolutions shouldnt be very _18_ to keep.Be sure that you can keep your resolutions.Dont make your resolutions too _19_Flying to the moon is a difficult resolution for anyone.You should keep your resolutions small and simple,_20_ you can keep them.After you make some good and realistic(现现实实的的)resolutions,dont forget to make a plan.Write down what you need to do every day,and then do it.()11.A.theirByourCourDones()12.A.necessary BImportant Cinteresting Dgood()13.A.change Bfinish Cimprove Dcare()14.A.way BPlan Cproblem Dresolution()15.A.breakfast BLunch Csupper DDinner()16.A.stopping Bbeginning Ctrying Denjoying()17.A.much Bmore Cless Dlittle()18.A.easy Bdifficult Cnice Dfun()19.A.early Blate Chigh Dlow()20.A.but Bso Cor DandBDCDAACBCB阅读理解阅读理解A Everyone has a dream job and we all hope our dreams can come true.Mr.Black works as a reporter at a TV station.He wants to know what jobs teenagers are going to do when they grow up.He went to the Evergreen School to do a survey last Friday.Mr.Black asked the students to discuss with each other and then fill in the form with a pen.He told them to tell the truth.Mr.Black thought most students would be teachers.The teacher is one of the best professions(职业职业)in the world.Maybe some students would be scientists.Rich knowledge would help them.A few students would be soldiers(士兵士兵)because they could keep our country beautiful and peaceful.A Everyone has a dream job and we all hope our dreams can come true.Mr.Black works as a reporter at a TV station.He wants to know what jobs teenagers are going to do when they grow up.He went to the Evergree
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