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1、 请看请看20062006年天津高考英语试题中的第年天津高考英语试题中的第8 8小题和重庆小题和重庆第第2626小题:小题:Most of us know we should cut down on Most of us know we should cut down on fat,but knowing such things isnfat,but knowing such things isnt of t of much help when it _shopping and much help when it _shopping and eating.eating.A.refers to

2、B.speaks of A.refers to B.speaks of C.focuses on D.comes to C.focuses on D.comes to 本题主要考查本题主要考查when it comes to(doing)sth.when it comes to(doing)sth.其短语表示其短语表示“当涉及(做)某事的情况、事情或问当涉及(做)某事的情况、事情或问题时题时”;refer torefer to“参考,提及参考,提及”;speak of speak of“说说起起”;focus on focus on“注意,聚焦于,集中于注意,聚焦于,集中于”。因此。因此本题应

3、该选本题应该选D D。本题主要考查考生的动词短语意义。本题主要考查考生的动词短语意义的区别,另外的区别,另外refer torefer to和和come tocome to中的中的toto是介词。是介词。1.get down to1.get down to Isn Isnt it time you got down to _the t it time you got down to _the papers?papers?A.mark B.be marked A.mark B.be marked C.being marked D.marking C.being marked D.marking

4、本题主要考查动词短语及非谓语动词的用法,本题主要考查动词短语及非谓语动词的用法,get down toget down to“着手干某事着手干某事”。to to 是介词,是介词,因此后应该接名词或动名词。因此后应该接名词或动名词。在英语中有许多常用带在英语中有许多常用带toto的短语,是高中教的短语,是高中教学的难点,尤其是高三复习中的难点。这种学的难点,尤其是高三复习中的难点。这种短语的特点是在介词短语的特点是在介词toto后只能跟名词、代词后只能跟名词、代词或动名词。本文就高中阶段带有或动名词。本文就高中阶段带有toto的动词短的动词短语归纳并讲解如下。语归纳并讲解如下。get down

5、to get down to 着手做(认真考虑)例如:着手做(认真考虑)例如:LetLets get down to work.s get down to work.让我们静下心来工作吧。让我们静下心来工作吧。While the weather is fine,I must get down to While the weather is fine,I must get down to painting the house.painting the house.当天晴时,我一定要油漆房子。当天晴时,我一定要油漆房子。解释:其后宾语一般用解释:其后宾语一般用“business,workbusin

6、ess,work等等”。downdown是副词。是副词。2 2keep tokeep to 遵守(坚持,坚持遵守(坚持,坚持方向)例如:方向)例如:I Id rather d rather keep tokeep to the original arrangement.the original arrangement.我宁愿坚持原先的安排。我宁愿坚持原先的安排。Ill as he was,he kept to studying far into Ill as he was,he kept to studying far into the night.the night.他虽然有病,但仍然学习到

7、深夜。他虽然有病,但仍然学习到深夜。解释:同义词组是解释:同义词组是“stick tostick to”。当表示。当表示“不偏主题,不不偏主题,不跑题跑题”时,其宾语经常用时,其宾语经常用subject,pointsubject,point等。等。3 3contribute tocontribute to 有助于,为有助于,为做贡献,投稿,捐款做贡献,投稿,捐款例如:例如:This can This can contribute tocontribute to the solution of the the solution of the problem.problem.这有助于问题的解决。这

8、有助于问题的解决。He offered to He offered to contribute tocontribute to the Red Cross.the Red Cross.他主动提出向红十字会捐款。他主动提出向红十字会捐款。HeHe contributed contributed an article an article to to China Daily.China Daily.他向他向中国日报中国日报投了一篇稿件。投了一篇稿件。4.4.admit toadmit to 承认承认 例如:例如:The young man The young man admitted toadmi

9、tted to stealing the stealing the jewels.jewels.那个年轻人承认了偷了珠宝。那个年轻人承认了偷了珠宝。He He admitted toadmitted to the murder.the murder.他承认犯了谋杀罪。他承认犯了谋杀罪。解释:例句中的解释:例句中的toto可省略。可省略。5 5take totake to 喜欢上,从事,沉湎于,走向等例如:喜欢上,从事,沉湎于,走向等例如:The robbers have The robbers have taken totaken to the hills,where it the hills

10、,where it will be difficult to catch them.will be difficult to catch them.盗贼们上山了,那里很难抓到他们。盗贼们上山了,那里很难抓到他们。For some reason he For some reason he took totook to walking in the walking in the New York streets at night.New York streets at night.不知为什么,他养成夜间在纽约街道上溜达的习惯。不知为什么,他养成夜间在纽约街道上溜达的习惯。解释:请注意解释:请注意t

11、ake sth to sth.take sth to sth.的用法,意思是:的用法,意思是:to to use a tool or piece of equipment in order to do use a tool or piece of equipment in order to do sth,especially sth violentsth,especially sth violent用(工具或设备)做某事用(工具或设备)做某事(尤指)用(尤指)用打击。例如:打击。例如:He He took took a hammera hammer to to the radio.the ra

12、dio.他用锤子把收音机砸了。他用锤子把收音机砸了。6 6turn toturn to 求助于(依靠,转而从事于)例如:求助于(依靠,转而从事于)例如:No matter when he is in trouble,he always No matter when he is in trouble,he always turns toturns to me for help.me for help.他每当陷入困境时,他总是求助于我。他每当陷入困境时,他总是求助于我。Refused permission to work in the country,Refused permission to w

13、ork in the country,he was able to he was able to turn toturn to writing to earn a living.writing to earn a living.他在这个国家找不到工作,以写作谋生。他在这个国家找不到工作,以写作谋生。7 7look up tolook up to 尊敬(敬仰)例如:尊敬(敬仰)例如:He always He always looks up tolooks up to his younger sister.his younger sister.他一向尊敬他的姐姐。他一向尊敬他的姐姐。解释:解释:l

14、ook up tolook up to可用于被动语态。例如:可用于被动语态。例如:She was She was looked up tolooked up to by the rest of her family.by the rest of her family.她受到家人她受到家人的尊敬。的尊敬。8 8lead tolead to导致(引起,通向)例如:导致(引起,通向)例如:Living in damp conditions can Living in damp conditions can lead tolead to serious serious health problems.

15、health problems.生活在潮湿环境中会引发严重的健康问题。生活在潮湿环境中会引发严重的健康问题。The increase in the number of motor vehicles The increase in the number of motor vehicles has has led toled to an increase in autocrimes.an increase in autocrimes.机动车辆数目增加,结果导致汽车相关罪的增长。机动车辆数目增加,结果导致汽车相关罪的增长。解释:注意解释:注意lead sb.to dolead sb.to do短语的

16、用法。同义词:短语的用法。同义词:result in,causeresult in,cause 9 9look forward tolook forward to 期望(盼望)例如:期望(盼望)例如:Are you Are you looking forward tolooking forward to your trip?your trip?你期待着这次旅行吗?你期待着这次旅行吗?We are all We are all looking forward tolooking forward to hearing hearing from you.from you.我们都盼望收到你的信。我们都

17、盼望收到你的信。1010run torun to 达到(发展到等);向某人求助帮助达到(发展到等);向某人求助帮助 例如:例如:His latest book His latest book runs toruns to 300 pages.300 pages.他最近写的书已经达到他最近写的书已经达到300300页。页。If you get hurt,donIf you get hurt,dont come t come running torunning to me.me.你要是受伤害了,可别来找我。你要是受伤害了,可别来找我。1111point topoint to指向(面向,表明等)例如

18、:指向(面向,表明等)例如:The children were The children were pointing topointing to the animals,the animals,shouting with excitement.shouting with excitement.孩子们指着动物,兴奋地喊着。孩子们指着动物,兴奋地喊着。The presendentThe presendents remarks seemed to be s remarks seemed to be pointing topointing to an early election.an early e

19、lection.总统的讲话好象指的是以前的竞选。总统的讲话好象指的是以前的竞选。12.12.stick tostick to 坚持(忠于等)例如:坚持(忠于等)例如:When writing an article,When writing an article,stick tostick to one style one style throughout.throughout.写文章时,要坚持一种风格。写文章时,要坚持一种风格。If you If you stick tostick to practising the piano every day,practising the piano e

20、very day,you could become quite a good musician.you could become quite a good musician.如果你每天坚持练习弹钢琴,就能成为一个优秀的音乐如果你每天坚持练习弹钢琴,就能成为一个优秀的音乐家。家。13.13.object toobject to 反对例如:反对例如:Many local people Many local people object toobject to the the building of the new airport.building of the new airport.许多当地的居民

21、反对修建新机场。许多当地的居民反对修建新机场。I really I really object toobject to being charged being charged for parking at the hospital.for parking at the hospital.我坚决反对医院收取停车费。我坚决反对医院收取停车费。14.14.hold tohold to 抓住,坚持抓住,坚持 例如:例如:She always She always holds toholds to her her principles.principles.她始终坚持自己的原则。她始终坚持自己的原则。解

22、释:同义词组:解释:同义词组:stick to,keep tostick to,keep to等。等。15.15.be equal tobe equal to 等于,胜任,经得起例如:等于,胜任,经得起例如:He He is equal tois equal to this task.this task.他胜任这件工作。他胜任这件工作。He He is equal tois equal to doing this task.doing this task.他胜任做这件工作。他胜任做这件工作。1616see tosee to 注意(处理,照料等)例如:注意(处理,照料等)例如:I really

23、will I really will see tosee to painting the living painting the living room next week.room next week.我真的在下周油漆起居室。我真的在下周油漆起居室。Excuse me,I must go and Excuse me,I must go and see tosee to the the dinner.dinner.真对不起,我必须去做饭了。真对不起,我必须去做饭了。解释:解释:see to it thatsee to it that=make sure thatmake sure that 务

24、必务必要,注意例如:要,注意例如:See to it thatSee to it that your are back your are back before 4 obefore 4 oclock.clock.务必四点钟之前回来。务必四点钟之前回来。1717pay attention topay attention to 注意,认真听讲注意,认真听讲 Pay attention toPay attention to me,children.me,children.孩子们,请认真听讲。孩子们,请认真听讲。You must You must pay attention topay attenti

25、on to the teacher.Don the teacher.Dont t let your attention wander.let your attention wander.你必须专心听教师讲课,注意力不要分散。你必须专心听教师讲课,注意力不要分散。1818come tocome to 合计;共计;突然出现在脑海中;谈到;苏合计;共计;突然出现在脑海中;谈到;苏醒例如醒例如 The idea The idea came tocame to me in the middle of the me in the middle of the night.night.我在午夜时突然想到了这个

26、主意。我在午夜时突然想到了这个主意。When it comes toWhen it comes to maths,I know nothing.maths,I know nothing.当谈到数学时,我一无所知。当谈到数学时,我一无所知。解释:解释:come to oneselfcome to oneself表示表示“恢复常态恢复常态”。同义词组。同义词组有:有:amount to,add up toamount to,add up to。1919agree toagree to同意同意(计划、建议和安排计划、建议和安排)Do you Do you agree toagree to my pl

27、an?my plan?你同意我的建议吗?你同意我的建议吗?20.20.add toadd to使(数量等)增加,使(规模)使(数量等)增加,使(规模)扩大扩大 例如:例如:Taking the children with us Taking the children with us would only would only add toadd to our problems.our problems.带着孩子只能给我们添乱。带着孩子只能给我们添乱。Music playing in the background Music playing in the background added toa

28、dded to the atmosphere.the atmosphere.背景音乐渲染气氛。背景音乐渲染气氛。21.21.appeal toappeal to 使感兴趣,对使感兴趣,对有吸引力,打动人心有吸引力,打动人心例如:例如:The The Harry PotterHarry Potter books books appeal toappeal to readers readers of all ages.of all ages.哈里哈里波特波特系列的书吸引着不同年龄的读者。系列的书吸引着不同年龄的读者。Maybe if you Maybe if you appeal toappeal

29、 to her better nature,you her better nature,you can get her to help.can get her to help.也许你动之以情,就能得到她的帮助。也许你动之以情,就能得到她的帮助。解释:其后只跟解释:其后只跟sb.sb.或或sth.sth.22.22.attend toattend to 处理,对付,照料,关怀处理,对付,照料,关怀 例如:例如:I have some urgent business to I have some urgent business to attend toattend to.我有一些急事要处理。我有一

30、些急事要处理。Are you being Are you being attended toattended to?有人接待你吗?有人接待你吗?解释:其后只跟解释:其后只跟sb.sb.或或sth.sth.,很少接,很少接doingdoing。23.23.belong tobelong to 属于,是属于,是成员成员 The blue coat The blue coat belongs tobelongs to Mary.Mary.这件蓝色上衣是玛丽的。这件蓝色上衣是玛丽的。I donI dont t belong tobelong to any political any political

31、 party.party.我没有加入任何政党。我没有加入任何政党。24.24.bow tobow to屈从于屈从于,鞠躬鞠躬 I I bow tobow to your opinion.your opinion.我接受你的意见。我接受你的意见。The government eventually The government eventually bowed tobowed to public pressure.public pressure.政府终于在公众的压力下让步了。政府终于在公众的压力下让步了。25.25.date back todate back to Her problems Her

32、 problems date back todate back to her childhood.her childhood.她的这些问题小时候就有了。她的这些问题小时候就有了。The building The building dates back todates back to 1902.1902.这个建筑是这个建筑是19021902年建造的。年建造的。解释:同近义词组是:解释:同近义词组是:date fromdate from。注意:不用被动,只。注意:不用被动,只用于一般现在时态。用于一般现在时态。26.26.devote oneself todevote oneself to把把专用

33、于,专心致力于,专用于,专心致力于,把把奉献给例如:奉献给例如:He has He has devoted his life todevoted his life to the struggle for the struggle for justice.justice.他毕生为正义而斗争。他毕生为正义而斗争。Several courses are Several courses are devoted todevoted to improving improving customer care.customer care.有几个关于提高客户服务水平的课程。有几个关于提高客户服务水平的课程。27

34、.27.drink todrink to 为为干杯,举杯祝贺干杯,举杯祝贺例如:例如:They all They all drank todrank to my father my fathers health.s health.他们都举杯祝我父亲健康。他们都举杯祝我父亲健康。“Things can only get better.Things can only get better.”“I will I will drink todrink to that.that.”“情况只会更好。情况只会更好。”“”“我举杯赞成。我举杯赞成。”28.28.fall tofall to(责任,职责责任,职

35、责)落在落在身上,应由身上,应由做;开始做做;开始做 例如:例如:The task of telling them the news The task of telling them the news fell fell toto me.me.把这件事通知他们的差事落在我的头上了。把这件事通知他们的差事落在我的头上了。Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf Little Red Riding Hood and the wolf fell tofell to talking.talking.小红帽和大灰狼交谈起来。小红帽和大灰狼交谈起来。29.29.get tog

36、et to做起(某事)来,开始做,令某人忍无做起(某事)来,开始做,令某人忍无可忍例如:可忍例如:Seeing him so sad really Seeing him so sad really got togot to me.me.看见他如此伤心,我实在于心不忍。看见他如此伤心,我实在于心不忍。He He got togot to thinking that perhaps she thinking that perhaps she wouldnwouldnt come after all.t come after all.他开始琢磨着也许她根本不会来了。他开始琢磨着也许她根本不会来了。3

37、0.30.give oneself up togive oneself up to 献身于,致力于献身于,致力于 例例如:如:After his wifeAfter his wifes death,he seemed to s death,he seemed to give himself up togive himself up to despair.despair.妻子死后,他似乎万念俱灰。妻子死后,他似乎万念俱灰。I want to I want to give myself up togive myself up to writing writing fulltime.fulltime

38、.我希望全时间投入写作。我希望全时间投入写作。31.31.go togo to 开始做,进入,给予例如:开始做,进入,给予例如:The two countries are set to The two countries are set to go togo to war over the dispute.war over the dispute.因这一争端两个国家准备诉诸武力。因这一争端两个国家准备诉诸武力。The property The property went towent to his eldest his eldest daughter when he died.daughter

39、 when he died.他死后财产遗留给长女。他死后财产遗留给长女。32.32.prefer.toprefer.to (两者中)宁愿选择其中之一,(两者中)宁愿选择其中之一,更喜欢例如:更喜欢例如:I I preferprefer dogs dogs toto cats.cats.猫和狗之中我更喜欢狗。猫和狗之中我更喜欢狗。I I prefer prefer singing singing toto acting.acting.我愿意唱歌而不愿演戏。我愿意唱歌而不愿演戏。33.33.key key toto使某事物适合使某事物适合,使某事物与,使某事物与一致一致例如:例如:The farm

40、 was The farm was keyed tokeyed to the needs of the the needs of the local people.local people.农场是根据当地人的需要而经营的。农场是根据当地人的需要而经营的。The timing of the concerts was The timing of the concerts was keyed tokeyed to the the World Cup soccer games.World Cup soccer games.这些音乐会是配合世界杯足球赛来安排时间的。这些音乐会是配合世界杯足球赛来安排时间

41、的。解释:解释:toto之后只跟之后只跟sth.sth.或或sb.sb.34.34.leave sb.to sthleave sb.to sth.(固定句式)离开某人让其继续(固定句式)离开某人让其继续(或独自)(或独自)例如:例如:If you donIf you dont need me any more,It need me any more,Ill ll leave you leave you to it.to it.你要是不再需要我,我就走了。你要是不再需要我,我就走了。I Ill ll leave you toleave you to your lunch.your lunch.我

42、走了,你用午饭吧。我走了,你用午饭吧。35.35.lend itself(themselves)to sth.lend itself(themselves)to sth.适合于例如:适合于例如:Science in elementary schools Science in elementary schools lends itself lends itself well towell to learning through play.learning through play.小学科学课很适合在游戏中学习。小学科学课很适合在游戏中学习。Not all materials Not all ma

43、terials lend themselves tolend themselves to scientific scientific dating.dating.并非所有材料都能用科学方法鉴定年代。并非所有材料都能用科学方法鉴定年代。36.36.limit sth.to sb.(sth.)limit sth.to sb.(sth.)使限于使限于内例如:内例如:The teaching of history should not be The teaching of history should not be limited tolimited to dates and figures.date

44、s and figures.教授历史不应该局限于讲年代和人物。教授历史不应该局限于讲年代和人物。Violent crime is not Violent crime is not limited tolimited to big cities.big cities.暴力犯罪并不局限于大城市。暴力犯罪并不局限于大城市。37.37.live up tolive up to 达到,符合,(他人的期望)例如:达到,符合,(他人的期望)例如:The hotel failed to The hotel failed to live up tolive up to expectation.expectati

45、on.这个旅馆没有期望的好。这个旅馆没有期望的好。Mr Wang Mr Wang lived up tolived up to his name and died a his name and died a millionaire.millionaire.王先生果真名副其实,去世时还是个百万富翁。王先生果真名副其实,去世时还是个百万富翁。38.38.be used tobe used to 习惯于例如:习惯于例如:I have I have been used tobeen used to getting up early.getting up early.我已经习惯了早起。我已经习惯了早起。

46、I Im not used tom not used to spicy food.spicy food.我不习惯吃加有香料的食品。我不习惯吃加有香料的食品。解释:要注意和解释:要注意和used toused to的区别。的区别。40.40.help oneself tohelp oneself to 自用,擅自取用例如:自用,擅自取用例如:Help yourself toHelp yourself to some fruit.some fruit.吃点水果吧。吃点水果吧。“My I use your bike?My I use your bike?”“Of course.Of course.H

47、elp yourselfHelp yourself.”“我用一下你自行车好吗?我用一下你自行车好吗?”“”“当然可以。自当然可以。自己推吧。己推吧。”41.41.make up tomake up to 奉承,讨好例如:奉承,讨好例如:HeHes always s always making up tomaking up to the boss.the boss.他总是拍老板的马屁。他总是拍老板的马屁。解释:同义词组解释:同义词组kiss up to sbkiss up to sb.或或suck up suck up to sb.to sb.41.41.pretend topretend to

48、 声称,自称,自诩例如:声称,自称,自诩例如:I donI dont t pretend topretend to any great any great knowledge of the situation.knowledge of the situation.我不敢说自己对局势了解得很多。我不敢说自己对局势了解得很多。解释:通常用在否定句和疑问句中。解释:通常用在否定句和疑问句中。42.42.put sb.up toput sb.up to 怂恿,撺掇,唆使怂恿,撺掇,唆使 例如:例如:Some of the older boys must have Some of the older b

49、oys must have put him up toput him up to it.it.那件事准是一些大孩子怂恿他干的。那件事准是一些大孩子怂恿他干的。Her sister Her sister put her up toput her up to climbing climbing into the house through an open window.into the house through an open window.她姐姐让她从开着的窗子爬进屋里。她姐姐让她从开着的窗子爬进屋里。解释:解释:toto后可接名词也可接后可接名词也可接doingdoing。43.43.be

50、reduced tobe reduced to 被迫做被迫做,陷入境地,陷入窘,陷入境地,陷入窘境例如:境例如:I I was reduced towas reduced to borrowing money from friends.borrowing money from friends.我被迫沦落到了向朋友借钱的地步。我被迫沦落到了向朋友借钱的地步。The building The building was reduced towas reduced to a heap of rubble.a heap of rubble.这座建筑物化成了残垣断壁。这座建筑物化成了残垣断壁。解释:原短语


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