2019版高考英语一轮复习 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High 预习案 外研版必修1.doc

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1、【 精品教育资源文库 】 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High (主题语境 :人与自我 学校生活 ) .课标单词 在记忆中求准确在语境中求熟练 Practicemakesperfect. 话题必记单词 1.informationn.信息 2.attituden.态度 3.systemn.制度 ;体系 ;系统 4.behaviourn.行为 5.descriptionn.描述 阅读识记单词 prehension n.理解 ;领悟 2.method n.方法 3.previous adj.以前的 ;从前的 4.fluency n.流利 ;流畅 5.cover

2、vt.包含 ;覆盖 ;掩饰 ;行走 ;采访 ;(钱 )够用 构织连脉词族 1.instruction instructvt.指示 ;说明 ;指导 instructiveadj.有教育意义的 2.amazing amazevt.使吃惊 amazedadj.吃惊的 ;惊讶的 amazementn.惊讶 3.bored boringadj. 令人厌烦的 bore vt.使厌倦 4.embarrassed embarrassvt. 使尴尬 embarrassingadj. 令 人 尴 尬 的 embarrassmentn.尴尬 5.impress impressionn. 印象 impressivea

3、dj.印象深刻的 6.encouragement encouragevt. 鼓励 encouragingadj. 鼓 舞 人 心 的 encouragedadj.受到鼓舞的 7.fluency fluentadj.流利的 fluently adv.流利地 8.disappointed disappointingadj. 令人失 望 的 disappointvt. 使 失 望 disappointmentn.失望 (的人或事 ) 9.disappear appearvi. 出现 appearancen. 出现 ; 外貌 disappearancen.消失 语用规律归纳 1.否定前缀 dis-辈家

4、族展 : dislike 不喜欢 disagree 不同意 disappear消失 disappoint使失望 discourage 使泄气 discover 发现 2.“ 消息 ” 相同 ,用法不同 : informationn.信息 (不可数名词 ) newsn.新闻 (不可数名词 ) messagen.口信 (可数名词 ) wordn.U消息 (不可数名词 ) 3.不同表达的 “ 方法 ”: methodn. 方 法 。 搭配 :withthis/thatmethod; wayn.方法。搭配 :waytodo/ofdoing.; mannern.方法。侧重风格 ; meansn. 方 法

5、 。 单 复 数 同 形 。 搭配 :bythis/thatmeans/bymeansof; approachn.方法。后面介词用 to 语境活用 1.His lecture covers(包含 ) much useful information(信息 )on the methods(方法 )to improve our reading comprehension(理解 ). 2.Gui Lin is such an impressive city that it often makes a strong impression on visitors and its sights never

6、fails to impress foreign tourists.(impress) 3.His embarrassing questions made me embarrassed greatly.I felt my face burning with embarrassment.(embarrass) 4.He was disappointed at the disappointing news,so there was a disappointed look 【 精品教育资源文库 】 on his face.(disappoint) 5.It is an amazing discov

7、ery and we are amazed at it;to our amazement,it is a disabled man who made the discovery.(amaze) .课标短语 从表面理解到深层延伸从拓展中抓其规律 Observationisthebestteacher. 1.inotherwords 换句话说 2.lookforwardto 期待 ;盼望 3.gotocollege 上大学 4.bedividedinto 被(划 )分成? 5.takepartin 参加 6.besimilarto 与?相似 7.have fun 玩得开心 8.by oneself

8、 单独地 ;独自地 9.far from 远离 ;远非 10.nothing like 一点儿也不像 语境活用 1.His wife is my daughter;inotherwords,I am his mother-in-law. 2.Every one of us is lookingforwardto taking the summer holidays. 3.The children were dividedinto five groups and began to takepartin the campaign of planting trees. 4.The scene is

9、nothinglike what you described.It is greatly disappointing. . 重点句型 从 教 材 中 探 求 高 考 脉 动 从 仿 写 中 熟 练 运 用 Nothingisimpossibleforawillingheart. 领悟教材语境 1.Every room has a computer with a special screen,almost asbigas a cinema screen. 每间教室都有一台带有一个和电影院屏幕差不多大小的特别 屏幕的电脑。 (教材 Page 2) 考点提炼 “as.as.”意为 “ 像?一样? ”

10、 。 2.In other words,there are threetimesasmanygirlsasboys. 换句话说 ,女生是男生的三倍多。 (教材 Page 3) 考点提炼 “ 倍数高考写作情景 我的花园和你的一样漂亮。 Mygardenisasbeautifulasyours. 在广场跳舞的女士是男士的两倍多。 TherearetwiceasmanyladiesdancingontheSquareasmen. 我已通过考试了。李华也通过了。 IhavepassedtheexamandsohaveLiHua. 上午 ,我们有四节课 ,第一节课通常是英语课。 Wehavefourcl

11、assesinthemorning,thefirstofwhichisusuallyEnglish. 【 精品教育资源文库 】 +as.as.” 意为“ 是?的多少倍 ” 。 3.“.Ive just been to my first language class.”“Oh really?Sohave I.” “ ?我刚上了我的第一堂语言课。 ”“ 真的吗 ?我也是? ”( 教材 Page 8) 考点提炼 “so+ 助动词 /be动词 /情态动词 +主语 ”, 表示 “ ?也一样 ” 。 4.The school year is divided into two semesters,thef

12、irstofwhich is September through December,and the second January through May. 一学年有两个学期 ,第一学期是九月到十二月 ,第二学期是一月到五月。 (教材Page 9) 考点提炼 “ 序数词 /数词 +介词 +which” 引导的定语从句。 .语篇 旧材新用探究根源 Killtwobirdswithonestone. 话题与语篇填空 Im Li Kang.Now Im writing down my 1.thoughts (thought) about the first day at Senior High sch

13、ool.In my new school,the teachers are enthusiastic and 2.friendly(friend) and the classrooms are 3.amazing(amaze).Our English teacher,Ms Shen,is 4.a very enthusiastic woman,and her class is really interesting.In my opinion,her method of teaching is 话题与短文改 错 From Marshalls letter we have known about

14、the American school system.Secondary school in the US covers seven years,grades six to twelve. the end of the grade,students receive the high school diploma.If a student wants to go to the college,he needs a high school diploma.The school year is into two semesters,the 【 精品教育资源文库 】 5.nothing like 6

15、.that of the teachers at my Junior High school.In the first class,we 7.introduced(introduce) ourselves to each other.Everyone was very friendly 8.though some of them were 9.embarrassed(embarrass) at first.Then we followed Ms Shens instructions and worked 10.by ourselves.There are sixty-five students

16、 in my class and everyone is hard-working. first of is September through December, the second January through May.They have a long summer vacation.They start school at 7:50 am and finish at 3 pm.Marshall takes part all kinds of activities he plays football,basketball,volleyball,table tennis and he to theater club.In his letter he asks Li Kang for some about the Chinese school system. -温馨提示: - 本文档仅为 【 全套资料之一 】 ,欢迎点击下方按钮链接,下载全套资料! 请点此到 下载本文全套资料 【 精品教育资源文库 】


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