第24课 九下 Modules5-6 2021年中考英语基础知识复习(ppt课件)(外研版).pptx

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1、第一篇第一篇 中考语言基础知识中考语言基础知识第第2424课课 九下九下 Modules 56 56重点易错单词1._(n.)协议;协定2._(adj.)失明的;瞎的3._ (v.)需要4._(adj.)身体的;体力的5._(n.)力气;精力6._(n.)日历;历书7._(n.)餐叉8._(n.)匙;勺子9._(adj.)意大利(人)的;意大利语的10._(v.)端上;服侍进餐11._(n.)西方人12._(n.)翅膀;翼13._(adj.)相似的14._(n.)先生;男士15._(n.)餐刀;刀具 agreement blind requirephysical effort calendar

2、 fork spoon Italian serve Westerner wing similar gentleman knife 一词多义1._(adj.)生气的 (v.)穿过 (n.)十字形记号2._(n.)油漆;颜料 (v.)(给)上油漆;画,绘画;涂以颜色 cross paint词形变换1.catch(v.)_(第三人称单数一般现在式)抓住2.agree(v.)_(n.)同意 _(反义词)不同意3.health(n.)_(adj.)健康的 _(adv.)健康地4.invite(v.)_(n.)邀请;请柬5.paint(v.)_(n.)绘画(作品)6.knife(n.)_(pl.)餐刀;刀

3、具7.Italy(n.)_(adj.)意大利的;意大利语的;意大利人的 _(n.)意大利人;意大利语 catches agreement disagree healthy healthily invitation painting knives Italian Italian 词形变换8.Western(adj.)_(n.)西方人9.lady(n.)_(pl.)女士;夫人10.gentleman(n.)_(pl.)先生;男士11.slow(adj.)_(adv.)缓慢地12.nineteen(num.)_(序数词)第十九13.choose(v.)_(n.)选择14.tradition(n.)_

4、(adj.)传统的15.usual(adj.)_(adv.)通常地 _(反义词)不寻常的 Westerner ladies gentlemen slowly nineteenth choice traditional usually unusual 中考词组短语1._ 赶上2._ 在的后部3._ 待在一起4._ 摔倒5._ 没什么严重的6._ 取消;决定终止7._ 医疗保健(服务)8._ 在田地里9._ 发胖10._ 一块/片 catch up at the back of.stay together fall over nothing serious call off health care

5、 in the fields put on weight a piece of.中考词组短语11._ 的气味12._ 死于13._ 治疗疾病 14._ 一道传统的菜15._ 在的开端16._ 乔装打扮17._ 偶尔;有时18._ 使变热;给加热19._ 请自便20._ 用做成 the smell of.die from treat illnesses a traditional dish at the start of.dress up once in a while heat up help yourself be made with.中考句型回顾语法句型1.It _ _ _ in the

6、future more and more people will celebrate their _ birthdays.人们认为,将来会有越来越多的人庆祝他们的百岁生日。2._ takes me at _ one hour _ _ 10,000 steps.走一万步至少要花费我一个小时。3._ up late once in a while is all right,_ _ _ you usually get about eight _ sleep a night.只要你通常能达到一晚大约8小时的睡眠,偶尔熬夜是可以的。4.Lunch _ _ after 12 pm.中饭在中午12点之后吃。

7、is thought that hundredth It least to walk Staying as long as hours is eaten 中考句型回顾语法句型5.You _ _ _ _ someone.你将被人服侍。6.Im _ glad _ youre _ to China!你将来中国我真高兴!7._ _ _ the sixteenth birthday is their first step towards being _ adult.那是因为十六岁生日是他们迈向成年的第一步。will be served by so that coming That is because

8、an 中考句型回顾功能句型1.急救和锻炼:He has _ his head and his leg hurts 他碰伤了他的头并且他的腿疼。_ _ better health care,most people are living _ and longer lives 多亏更好的医疗保健服务,大多数人生活得更健康、更长寿。_ _ fit,you have to walk at least 10,000 _ every day.为了保持健康,你必须每天走至少一万步。Teenagers do not need _ much sleep as _,but it is important _ you

9、 _ _ about eight hours sleep _ night.青少年不需要像婴儿那么多的睡眠,但是每晚有8小时左右的 睡眠对你来说很重要 hit Thanks to healthier To stay/keep steps as babies for to get a 中考句型回顾功能句型2.饮食习惯:_ is important _ _ food that is fresh and natural,_ _,fruit and vegetables 要吃新鲜的、天然的食物,例如,水果和蔬菜,这一点很重要。Knives and forks _ _ for most Western f

10、ood.刀和叉被用于大多数西餐中。_ you are offered more food _ cannot eat _ _,just say,“No,thanks.It was delicious,but Ive _ _.如果给你提供了更多的食物,但你不能再吃了,只要说:“不,谢谢,很好吃,但我已经饱了。”It to eat for example are used If but any more had enough 中考句型回顾功能句型 If you _ _ _ dinner by Western friends,you will _ _ to stay and talk around t

11、he dinner table long _ the last dish is served,and it is not polite _ you leave as soon as you finish _.如果你被西方朋友邀请吃晚餐,最后一道菜上来后,你将被期 望待在餐桌上谈论很久,如果你一吃完就离开是不礼貌的。are invited to be expected after if eating 一、cross 1.n.十字架;十字架形物件。如:Ive put a cross on the map to show where the hotel is.我已在地图上打叉标出了旅馆的位置。2.v

12、.穿越;越过;交叉。如:He crossed over the road and joined me.他穿过马路和我会合。3.adj.恼怒的;生气的。如:Please dont get cross.Let me explain.请别发火,让我来解释一下。常用搭配:be cross with sb.生某人的气。【派生词】crossly adv.生气地;气愤地。如:“Well,what did you expect?”she said crossly.“咳,你还想怎么着?”她气愤地说。across prep.从一边到另一边;横过;在对面。相关短语:across from=opposite 在对面。

13、根据句意,在横线上填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I was cross _ him for being late.2.They _(cross)the finish line together.3.Theres a school just _(cross)from our house.4.When my name was called,he looked _(cross)at me.5.“Ive been waiting over an hour for you,”he said _(cross).with crossed across across crossly 二、until

14、 1.prep.直到;直到才。如:He continued working up until his death.他一直工作到去世。2.conj.到为止;直到才。如:Youre not going out until youve finished this.你不把这事做完就不准出去。近义词:till。常用搭配:not.until.直到才。用在一些固 定搭配里的时候,till与until是不能互换的,如:from morning till night 从早到晚。根据句意,在横线上填入适当的词完成句子。1.He _ go to bed until his mother came back.2.I

15、_ come back until next Friday.3.They are out together with their friends from morning _ night.didnt/did not wont/will not till 三、end 1.n.(时间、事件、活动或故事等的)终止,终结,结局,结尾;末端;尽头;末梢。如:We had to hear about the whole journey from beginning to end.我们只好从头到尾把整个旅行情况听完。2.v.结束;终止。如:Her note ended with the words:“See

16、 you soon.”她的便条以“再见”结束。at the end of,by the end of与in the end1.at the end of.在末/底/结束时,既可接时间名词,也可接地点名词。反义短语为at the beginning of.,意为“在初”。如:There is a shop at the end of the street.在这条街的尽头有家商店。There will be an important test at the end of the term.在期末,将有一场重要的测验。2.by the end of.到末/底为止,常用于一般将来时或完成时。如:I h

17、ad learnt about 1,000 English words by the end of last term.到上学期末,我已经学了大约一千个英语单词。I will learn about 2,000 English words by the end of next term.到下学期末,我将学大约两千个英语单词。3.in the end=at last=finally最后,常用于一般过去时。如:In the end,she got her money back.她最终拿回了自己的钱。根据句意,在横线上填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1._ the end,we found t

18、he house.2.How _ the famous story end?3.World War II _(end)in 1945.4.We are all tired _ the end of the day.5.They decided _(end)their relationship.6.There is a clothes shop _ the end of the street.7._ the end,we all decided to organize a concert for Easter.8._ the end of last term we had learnt five

19、 English songs.9.The programme is expected to be finished _ the end of the year.10.Li Ming came across a few new words _ the end of the article.In does ended at to end at In By by at Its thought that in the future more and more people will celebrate their hundredth birthdays.人们认为将来会有越来越多的人庆祝他们的百岁生日。

20、例句所展示的句型为:It is/was said/reported/believed/thought/known/considered that.意为“据说 /据报道/据信/据认为/大家知道/大家认为”。其中it是形式主语,后面的从句才是真正的主语。如:It was reported that a famous writer died several days ago.据报道,一个著名作家几天前去世了。It is considered that Confucius was the most successful teacher in China.孔子被认为是中国最成功的老师。It is sai

21、d that in the near future there will be more e-books than paper books.据说在不久的将来,电子书籍会比纸质书籍多。根据汉语意思翻译句子。1.据说,很快就有一场考试。_ there will be an exam soon.2.众所周知,那位影星去巴黎了。_ the movie star has gone to Paris.3.据报道,天气会变糟。_ the weather is getting worse.4.据说每年有成千上万的游客到长城游玩。It _ of visitors visit the Great Wall eve

22、ry year.5据说中国将要发射另一枚火箭。It _ China will launch another rocket.Its said that Its known that Its reported that is said that thousands is said that 一、选词填空 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。1.Have you got the _ to the party,Betty?2.He comes to our room for a chat every _.3.Reaching this _ so quickly was a great ach

23、ievement.4.Shes almost _ in her right eye and cant see things clearly.5.Prepare some fresh vegetables before youre ready to _ the soup.agree invite serve blind once in a while invitation once in a while agreement blind serve 二、单词拼写1.Pollution can _(伤害)sea life.2.We have very _(相似的)interests.3.I was

24、_(生气的)with him for being late.4.The little girl is _(绘画)on the wall happily.5.Youve got something on the _(末端)of your nose.6.Put the three _(刀具)in the kitchen drawer,Sarah.7.This kind of watch is very popular with _(女士).8._(直到)she spoke I hadnt realised she wasnt English.9.There was a _(日历)on the wa

25、ll above,with large squares around the dates.10.We all know that learning a foreign language requires time and _(力气;精力).harm similar angry/cross painting end knives ladies Until calendar effort 三、语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。An old man went to India.When he got there,he saw some fruit fo

26、r sale,but most of it was very cheap.The 1 (cheap)thing was a basket of red fruit.“How much per kilo?”the old man 2 _ (ask).“Two rupees(卢比),”the shopkeeper answered.Two rupees in India is almost nothing,3 the old man bought a whole kilogramme and started eating it.cheapestaskedso However,as soon as

27、he started eating,his mouth began 4_(burn),his eyes began to water,and his whole face became as red 5 the fruit.As he coughed and struggled to breathe,he jumped up and 6 ,screaming“Ah!Ah!Ah!”And yet he continued to eat the fruit.Some people who were looking at him shook their 7 (head)and said,“You a

28、re crazy!Those are chili peppers(辣椒)!You cant just eat them by the handful!”The old man said to 8 (he),“I paid for them,so I must eat them.”to burn/burningasdownheadshimself This old man seemed pretty stupid.But are we so much smarter?All of us have 9 (spend)money and time on somethingmaybe a relationship,or a business,or a joband sometimes,even if we know theres no hope that things will change,we still continue with it.What we can learn 10 the old man is this:If youve lost a lot over something that doesnt work,let it go and move on.Its better than continuing to lose.spentfrom


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