第22课 九下 Modules1-2 2021年中考英语基础知识复习(ppt课件)(外研版).pptx

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1、第一篇第一篇 中考语言基础知识中考语言基础知识第第2222课课 九下九下 Modules 12 12 重点易错单词1._(n.)航班;飞行2._(adv.)径直地;直接地3._(n.)飞行员4._(v.)成功5._(n.)毕业生6._(adv.)确切地;完全7._(n.)军官;官员;警察8._(adj.)笨的;糊涂的9._(n.)短上衣;夹克10._(pron.)我们的(名词性物 主代词)11._(v.)及格;通过(考试或 检查)12._(adj.)中等的;次要 的;间接的13._(adj.)缺席的;不在的 flight direct pilot succeed school-leaver e

2、xactly officer stupid jacket ourspass secondary absent 一词多义1._(v.)(用绳、线等)系;拴;扎 (n.)领带;绳 子;联系2._(v.)及格;通过(考试或检查);经过;传递3._(n.)一排;一行;一列 (v.)使成排;划(船)tie pass row词形变换1.fly(v.)_(n.)飞行2.exact(adj.)_(adv.)确切地;完全3.office(n.)_(n.)军官;官员4.stupid(adj.)_(近义词)蠢的;笨的 _(反义词)聪明的5.absent(adj.)_(反义词)出席的6.tour(v.)_(n.)游客

3、fort(v.)_(adj.)舒服的 _(adj.)不舒服的8.here(adv.)_(对应词)在那儿9.weekday(n.)_(对应词)周末10.finish(v.)_(第三人称单数一般现在式)结束;完成 flight exactly officer foolish/silly clever/bright present tourist comfortable uncomfortable there weekend finishes 中考词组短语1._ 乘小船2._ 在的末尾3._ 只要4._ 毕业晚会5._ 当心6._ 等一会儿7._ 经过8._ 对做某事感到惊讶9._ 脱下;起飞10.

4、_ 到达11._ 以的速度 take a boatat the end of.as long as the school-leavers party take care wait a moment go past be surprised to do sth.take off arrive in at the speed of.中考词组短语12._ 中学13._ 出席14._ 缺席15._ 家长会16._ 尤其是;最重要的是17._ 做一个项目18._ 二十分钟的休息19._ 参加考试20._ 发生21._ 成功做某事 secondary school be present be absent

5、parents meeting above all do a project a twenty-minute break take exams take place succeed in sth./doing sth.中考句型回顾语法句型1.Wed _ _ back to work.我们最好回到学习上来。2.Im _ youre _ in my seat.恐怕你坐了我的座位。3.I thought it _ my seat.我以为这是我的座位。4.I _ we can have _ match _ them.我希望我们能和他们来场比赛。5.How _ of _!我真笨呀!6._ _ we do

6、nt have exams _ every subject.真是幸运,我们不用每门功课都考试。better get afraid sitting was hope a with stupid me lucky Its in 中考句型回顾功能句型1.旅行:The train was _ _ people,and I had _ _ for over three hours!火车里挤满了人,我不得不站了三个多小时!Winter is the _ season in Chinabecause _ _ Spring Festival.因为春节的缘故,冬天就成了中国最忙的季节。We _ up the t

7、ent and fell _ 我们支起帐篷,然后进入了梦乡。The baby bear _ _,and ran _ me 小熊向上看了看,并且向我跑来。full of to stand busiest of the put asleep looked up towards 中考句型回顾功能句型2.教育:Some people learn German _ _ French.一些人学习德语而不学习法语。I did really _ _ English 我真的很擅长英语。After-school sports practice and matches _ _ _ Wednesday afterno

8、ons and Saturday mornings.课外体育锻炼和比赛都在周三下午和周六早上进行。instead of well in take place on 一、elderly adj.年长的;上了年纪的。如:Not all elderly people can live with their relatives.并不是所有上了年纪的人都能和他们的亲戚生活在一起。elder,older与elderly1.elder表示“年纪较长的”,经常用于同一家庭中成员的比较;older 表示“岁数更大的”。2.elder在句中只用作定语,不作表语;older两者皆可作。3.elder只能用来指人;o

9、lder既可修饰人,也可修饰物。4.elderly是形容词,表示“上了年纪的”。elderly是委婉用语,一般不 说old man,而用elderly man代替。the elderly泛指“老人”。用older,elder或elderly填空。1.This dog is _ than any other dog here.2.His mothers sister is an _ woman now.3.My younger son is five and my _ son is nine.4.It is said that Mr Chen is over ten years _ than M

10、rs Li.5.My _ brother joined the army when he was only fifteen.older older elderly elder elder 二、stand v.站立;忍受。如:She was too weak to stand.她虚弱得站都站不住。The noise is so loud that I cant stand it any more.这噪音太大了以至于我再也忍受不了了。常用短语:stand up站立,起立;stand for代表,主张;cant stand无法忍受;stand out突出,出色;stand still站着不动,静 止

11、不动。根据句意,在横线上填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.What does“USA”stand _?2.The girl stood _ when she saw the bear.3.They all _(stand)and welcomed his coming.4.How can we make our programme stand _ from the rest?for up stood out 三、succeed v.达到目的;实现目标;成功。如:He succeeded in getting a place at art school.他被艺术学校录取了。常用搭配:su

12、cceed in doing sth.成功地做某事;succeed to.继承 (王位等);succeed sb.接替某人;succeed in sth.在某方面获得成 功。succeed相关的词有:success n.成功;successful adj.成功的;unsuccessful adj.不成功的;successfully adv.成功地;unsuccessfully adv.不成功地。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The party is a big _(succeed).2.Hard work leads to _(succeed).3.At last he succeeded in

13、 _(solve)the problem.4.They did their best and in the end they _(succeed).5.He feels he is _(success)and very disappointed.6.The boy worked so hard that he _(success)in the end.7.This is a _(success)meeting and the leader is very pleased.8.The painting was _(success)repaired in time for the opening

14、of the exhibition.success success solving succeeded succeeded unsuccessful successful successfully 一、It was really exciting,wasnt it?它确实令人激动,不是吗?例句展示的是反意疑问句。反意疑问句指说话人对所陈述的事情有所怀疑或不确定,想通过对方的 回答来加以肯定或否定,其结构为“陈述句+反意疑问句”,遵循“前 肯后否,前否后肯”的原则。反意疑问句的前后两部分要求人称、数、时态一致。如:Your sister isnt coming back today,is she

15、?你姐姐今天不回来,是吗?注意:注意:1.陈述句中若含有no,not,never,few,little,seldom,hardly,nothing等表示 否定意义的词时,后面疑问部分用肯定形式。如:You have never seen him before,have you?你以前从未见过他,是吗?The old man made no answer,did he?那个老人没有回答,是吗?2.祈使句的反意疑问句无论前肯定还是前否定后面都用will you,但 Lets.的反意疑问句要用shall we。如:Lets go home,shall we?我们回家吧,好吗?Dont do that

16、 again,will you?别那样做了,好吗?3.陈述部分主语是指示代词或不定代词everything,that,nothing,this等,疑问部分主语用it。如:Everything is ready,isnt it?一切都准备好了,是吗?陈述部分主语是不定代词everybody,anyone,somebody,nobody,no one 等,疑问部分常用复数they,有时也用单数he。如:Everyone knows the answer,dont they/doesnt he?每个人都知道答案,是吗?Nobody knows the answer,do they/does he?没

17、有人知道答案,是吗?4.think引导的宾语从句:(1)主语是第一人称。如:I dont think he is bright,is he?我认为他不聪明,是吗?I think she can do it better,cant she?我认为她能做得更好,不是吗?(2)如果主语不是第一人称,则疑问部分与主句相对应构成反意疑问 句。如:He thought they were wrong,didnt he?(不能说werent they?)他认为他们是错的,不是吗?完成反意疑问句。1.Nobody says a word about it,_?2.Dont make a noise in th

18、e reading room,_?3.Lets go to the library,_?4.Your mother teaches English,_?5.There were a few students twenty years ago,_?6.You have to stay at home now,_?7.Theres little tea in the cup,_?8.Tim can hardly drive a car,_?9.Everything is ready,_?10.He hasnt been to Beijing,_?does he/do they will you s

19、hall we doesnt she werent there dont you is there can he isnt it has he 二、So am I!我也是!“so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”,这是一个倒装句,意为 “某人/某物也一样”。“so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”,“so+主语+be动词/助动词 /情态动词”,“主语+do+so”与“neither/nor+do/does(be,have,can,will)+主语”1.“so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”,这是一个倒装句,意 为“某人/某物也一样”。be动词/助动词/情态动词一般要与 前面句子的谓语动

20、词保持时态的一致,并与本句主语保持单复 数的一致。如:John likes fish,and so does Mary.约翰喜欢鱼,玛丽也是。My brother can play football,and so can I.我的兄弟会踢足球,我也会。2.“so+主语+be动词/助动词/情态动词”表示对前文提及的情况给予肯 定。如:Tom speaks English well,and so he does.汤姆英语讲得很好,事实也的确如此。3.“主语+do+so”表示该句中的主语做了前面所说的事。如:The teacher asked me to fetch some chalk,and I

21、 did so.老师让我去取些粉笔,我就去了。4.“neither/nor+do/does(be,have,can,will)+主语”表示上文所说的情 况同样不适用于下文。如:He cant speak English and neither/nor can I.他不会说英语,我也不会。Daming has never been to Beijing,and neither/nor have I.大明从没去过北京,我也没有。温馨提示:温馨提示:掌握本组语法的关键:(1)so用于肯定句,neither/nor用于否定句。(2)分清是“赞同”还是“另一主语的情况也是如此”。(3)前后两分句的时态应

22、保持一致。根据汉语意思翻译句子。1.昨天他没去上学,我也没去。He didnt go to school yesterday,and _ _ _.2.凯特汉语说得很好,我也一样。Kate speaks Chinese very well,and _ _ _.3.吉姆将要回家。的确如此。Jim will go home._ _ _.4.汤姆叫我说英语,我就说了。Tom asked me to speak English,and _ _ _.5.她在学校吃午饭,我也是。She has lunch at school,and _ _ _.neither/nor did I so do I So he

23、 will I did so so do I 一、选词填空 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。1.The twins look _ the same.2.If we leave now,we can catch the earlier _.3.These are not our photos._ are over there.4.How _ I am!I have taken someones bike by mistake.5.The meeting has begun but several of them are absent _ the heavy snow.exact f

24、light our stupid because of exactly flight Ours stupid because of 二、单词拼写1.I have to wear a _(夹克)to work.2.She hasnt _(通过)her driving test yet.3.The accident was caused by a _(飞行员).4.Yes,_(军官;官员),I saw what happened.5.She can teach you how to _(成功)in tennis.6.We should be polite to and help the _(年老的

25、).7.We sat in a _(排;行)at the back of the room.8.I bought a _(领带)for my dad as his birthday present.9.How can you _(忍受)such noise?Lets leave immediately.10.Id like to go home _(径直地;直接地).I miss my parents so much.jacket passed pilot officer succeed elderly row tie stand direct/directly 三、语法填空 阅读下面短文,在

26、空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。This is Tammela School,a primary school in Finland.The students are having a maths class with their robot teacher.The“teacher”is 1 small blue machine about 25 cm high,Reuters reported.Whenever students have problems,it helps them very 2_(patient)and never gets bored.“The

27、robot can make students 3 _ (active)in class than usual.I see Elias as one of the 4 (tool)to get different kinds of practice and activities into the classroom,”a teacher told Reuters.apatientlymore activetools So far the school 5 (introduce)four robot teachers,one of whom is a language teacher that

28、can speak 23 languages and dance to music.“6 is necessary to encourage kids to come up 7 new ways to make use of technology in school life,”the head of the school 8 (add)in the interview.The robot teachers are used 9 (help)improve learning.This doesnt mean that human teachers will lose their jobs.The robots can teach well,10 they are not able to keep class in order.The school still needs human teachers.has introduced Itwithaddedto helpbut


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