第一部分 Grade 8 Book 2 Modules 3~ 4 教材复习(ppt课件) 2021年中考英语复习(ppt课件)(外研版)(广西).ppt

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1、教材同步复习第一部分 Grade 8Book 2Modules 34中考考点中考考点精讲精讲考点1 Has it arrived yet?它已经到了吗?Yes,it has arrived already.是的,它已经到了。【Module 3 P18】重点突破 辨析yet、already与still考点意义及用法yet意为“还;仍然”,常用于否定句中;意为“已经”,常用于疑问句中already意为“已经”,常用于肯定句中,强调某动作或状态已经发生或存在still意为“仍然”,多用于肯定句或疑问句中,强调原有的状态并未改变eg.He is still in the classroom,but I

2、m not ready to go there yet.他还在教室里,但我还没准备好去那儿。I have already called my father.我已经打电话给我爸爸了。活学巧练单项选择1I have _ eaten breakfast,but I havent washed the dishes _ Aalready;yet Balready;tillCstill;yet Dyet;yet A 单词拼写2There is a car accident.I have _(已经)called the police.3Dont worry.We _(仍然)have a few minut

3、es to catch the bus.4Mary hasnt come back _(还).Im waiting for her.already stillyet考点2 So have they discovered life on Mars?那么他们在火星上发现生命了吗?【Module 3 P18】重点突破 辨析discover、invent、create与find考点含义及用法图解助记discover“发现”,指发现本来就存在,但目前不为人知的事物invent(2020桂林82题)“发明”,指创造出原本没有的东西,如工具、方法、手段、灯泡、汽车、电视、合成材料等考点含义及用法图解助记cr

4、eate“创作;创造”,指产生出新的东西,其对象往往是精神上的,如艺术、文学作品中的人物及新的科学领域等find(2019北部湾经济区47题;2015南宁41题)“发现;找到”,指找到过去丢失的东西或走失的人,也指凭经验偶然发现了一种东西eg.Columbus discovered America.哥伦布发现了美洲。Edison invented the light bulb.爱迪生发明了灯泡。Hes creating a whole new language of painting.他正在创造一种全新的绘画语言。So far they have not found a way to figh

5、t against the virus.迄今为止,他们还没有找到一种对抗该病毒的方法。活学巧练单项选择1The car has greatly changed the way of travelling since it was _ in 1886.AinventedBdiscoveredCcreated Dfound2Walt Disney _“Mickey Mouse”and many other famous Disney characters.Afound BinventedCdiscovered Dcreated A D 3I dont know when the gold was_

6、 in California.In the 19th century.Amade BcreatedCinvented Ddiscovered4With the help of the policeman,the mother _ her missing boy in the end.Adiscovered BfoundCcreated Dinvented D B 单词拼写5Dont wait for anyone else to _(发现)your talent.You should try to find it by yourself.6He wants to _(发明)a machine

7、that can help fishermen catch fish.7The main purpose of industry is to _(创造)wealth.discoverinventcreateAstronauts have already been to the moon.宇航员已经去过月球了。【Module 3 P18】考点3 重点突破 辨析have been to、have gone to 与have been ineg.I have just been to Wuzhou to see an old friend.我刚才去梧州看望了一位老朋友。The children ha

8、ve gone to the park to play.孩子们到公园玩耍去了。I have been in London since last year.我自从去年就在伦敦了。拓 展 当have been to和have gone to后跟某些地点副词(here、there、home等)时,介词to要省略。eg.I have been there many times.我已经去了那里很多次了。活学巧练单项选择1I _ to Guilin twice and it is really an amazing city.Ahave goneBhave beenCwent Dwill go2We _

9、Nanning for thirty years.We think it is the most suitable place to live in.Ahave been to Bhave gone toChave been in Dhave been B C 3Is Jack at home?No.He _ the post office to send a letter.Ahas gone to Bhas been toChas gone Dhas been in4Jack and John _ the park to play football.Oh,thats why I cant f

10、ind them now.Ahas gone to Bhas been toChave gone to Dhave been to A C 5How many times _ Baise?Never,but I am going there this weekend.Ahave you been to Byou have been toChave you gone to Dyou have been in A 考点4 I always felt very sleepy and I was not happy.我总是感到很瞌睡,而且不开心。【Module 4 P28】重点突破 辨析sleepy、

11、sleep、asleep与sleeping考点含义及用法常见搭配sleepy形容词,可作表语,意为“瞌睡的;困倦的”feel sleepy犯困;昏昏欲睡sleep(1)作不可数名词,意为“睡觉;睡眠”;(2)作不及物动词(slept,slept),意为“睡觉”(强调睡的全过程,为延续性动词)go to sleep去睡觉(强调动作)sleep late睡过头考点含义及用法常见搭配asleep形容词,意为“睡着的”。通常用来作表语、宾语补足语,指状态fall asleep入睡;睡着sleepingsleeping是sleep的现在分词或动名词。通常作前置定语sleeping bag睡袋sleepi

12、ng pill安眠药活学巧练单项选择1Jane didnt _ well last night.It was too noisy outside.AsleepBasleepCsleepyDsleeping2Jacks mother was so tired.She fell _ as soon as she lay down on the bed.Asleep Basleep Csleepy Dsleeping3I always feel _ after lunch.A cup of coffee may wake you up.Asleep Basleep Csleepy Dsleeping

13、 A B C 词形转换4I am really_(sleep)now because I failed to fall asleep last night.5I wonder if we need to take our _(sleep)bags for the trip.6I fell _(sleep)on the sofa and didnt hear the alarm.7The wind blew all night,but I _(sleep)very well without any trouble.8I didnt get enough_(sleep)last night,so

14、I woke up late this morning.sleepy sleepingasleep slept sleep考点5 Whats wrong with me?我怎么了?【Module 4 P31】重点突破(1)询问病情常用语:常见生病就医的表达句型(2)自述病情常用语:“havea名词”。eg.have a fever/cold/cough/headache发烧/感冒/咳嗽/头疼“hurt(s)身体部位或反身代词”意为“受伤”。eg.He hurts his leg/himself.他伤了腿/自己。“(There is)something wrong with ones身体部位”。

15、eg.There is something wrong with my right eye.我的右眼有问题。拓 展 对于得知某人生病或者住院,通常回答“Im sorry to hear that./Sorry to hear that.”。活学巧练 单项选择1Are you all right?You look unhappy all day long.There is something wrong _ my right hand.AtoBfromCwithDby C 2You dont look well.Whats the matter with you?_AI won the game

16、BMaybe I have a feverCThats too badDIm sorry to hear that3My brother broke his leg yesterday.And he is in hospital now._ASorry to hear that BThats all rightCNot at all DYou are welcome B A 语法知识语法知识梳理梳理1.already、just与yet(见本书P154)(1)However,a spaceship has just arrived on Mars and it has already sent

17、back photos of the red planet.然而,一艘宇宙飞船刚刚抵达火星,而且它已经发回了这颗红色行星的照片。(2)Ive just made a model spaceship.我刚刚做了一个宇宙飞船模型。(3)Has it arrived yet?它已经到达了吗?(4)We have not found life on any other planets yet.我们还没有在任何其他行星上发现生命。【Module 3 P22】【Module 3 P22】【Module 3 P22】【Module 3 P22】2since与for(见本书P154)(1)I havent d

18、one much exercise since I got my computer last year.自从去年我买了电脑,我就没怎么锻炼。(2)I have had him for three months now.现在我养他三个月了。(3)How long have you had your bike?你的自行车买了多久了?Ive had it for about two years.我买了大约两年了。【Module 4 P30】【Module 4 P30】【Module 4 P30】热点素材热点素材专练专练If youve ever seen an alpaca(羊驼),you migh

19、t just think theyre fuzzy and cute.Now,it looks like these animals might be able to help scientists find a vaccine(疫苗)for COVID19.Australian scientists are studying alpacas.These animals have a unique immune response(免疫反应).Scientists used to use them to do research on viruses(病毒)like HIV.Now they ha

20、ve found that when alpacas are infected(感染)with COVID19,their bodies react in a special way.“Alpacas and animals like them(such as camels)actually create two different types of antibodies(抗体)One is similar to the type we(humans)make,but they also create these things called nanobodies(纳米抗体),”said Mic

21、hael James,a researcher who took part in the study.The alpacas produced these nanobodies after researchers put a COVID19 viral spike protein(棘突蛋白)into their bodies.It is this protein that allows COVID19 to infect our cells(细胞)The nanobodies,however,stop infection from happening by blocking(阻隔)the pr

22、otein.You can think of our cells as“locks”and the viral spike protein as a“key”.James said the nanobodies plug up the“lock”so that the“key”cannot get in.Although the results look good so far,it will take some time to produce a vaccine based on the findings.The nanobodies require far more research to

23、 make sure they are both effective and safe.Since the nanobodies are new,they must be tested very strictly in a laboratory before they can be tried on humans,according to James.1Why are scientists studying alpacas?_ATo help with research on HIV.BTo develop a vaccine for COVID19.CTo invent effective

24、medicines for HIV.DTo test new medicines for COVID19.2What is the role of nanobodies?_AProtecting cells from infection.BProducing viral spike proteins.CInfecting body cells.DKilling viruses.B A 3What are Paragraphs 34 about?_AHow animals create antibodies.BHow alpacas bodies react to viruses.CHow al

25、pacas get infected with COVID19.DHow animals protect themselves from danger.4What does the phrase“plug up”mean?_Aadd BconnectCfill Dstart A C 5What do we know from the passage?_AThe research on nanobodies uses a special method.BThe research on nanobodies hasnt gone well.CThe nanobodies have been tried on humans.DThe nanobodies will continue to be tested.D


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