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1、 Practice Production Unt 14Conjunctions常用连词常用连词 Presentation Warm up Warm upTomorrow we will have a picnic in the park,but(表转表转折折)I cant go,because(表原因表原因)I am ill.I have to stay at home and(连接两个相同的句子连接两个相同的句子)have a rest.When(表示表示时间两个动作同时发生时间两个动作同时发生)I heard this news,I felt unhappy.While(然而然而)my t

2、eacher and my classmates help me a lot.I think if(引出条件引出条件)I was not ill,I would have a good time.Although(表让步表让步)I dont go,I am still happy.Presentation Look and SayWarm up听了上面的故事,请你找出句与句,词与词之间的连接词,听了上面的故事,请你找出句与句,词与词之间的连接词,并说一说它们在句中的作用。并说一说它们在句中的作用。连词连词在词和词,短语和短语,句子和句子,从句和从在词和词,短语和短语,句子和句子,从句和从句之间

3、起连接作用的词叫做连词。连词是虚词,在句子中句之间起连接作用的词叫做连词。连词是虚词,在句子中一般不重读,在句子中不能单独做句子成分。连词在句子一般不重读,在句子中不能单独做句子成分。连词在句子中所起作用的角度来看,连词分为两大类:并列连词和从中所起作用的角度来看,连词分为两大类:并列连词和从属连词。属连词。Presentation Sentences并列连词用来连接具有平行关系的词、短语或句子。常用的并列连词用来连接具有平行关系的词、短语或句子。常用的并列连词有:并列连词有:and,but,or,so,bothand,eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut also等

4、。等。and是把两个或两个以上的有并列关系、动作先后关系或者是把两个或两个以上的有并列关系、动作先后关系或者是有条件和结果关系的句子连接起来。是有条件和结果关系的句子连接起来。如:如:After lunch Aunt Huang came in and she looked worried.午饭后黄阿姨进来了,她看起来很着急。午饭后黄阿姨进来了,她看起来很着急。(表示并列关系表示并列关系)Mary brushed her teeth and she went to bed.玛丽刷完牙,然后上床睡觉。玛丽刷完牙,然后上床睡觉。(表示动作先后关系表示动作先后关系)Presentation Sent

5、encesUse your head,and youll find a good way.动动脑筋,你就会找到好的方法。动动脑筋,你就会找到好的方法。(表示条件和结果表示条件和结果)该句相当于:该句相当于:If you use your head,youll find a good way.“祈使句,祈使句,+and+一般将来时的句子一般将来时的句子”这是一个固定句型,这是一个固定句型,表示如果做到了祈使句表示的事情,就会有后面句子表示的表示如果做到了祈使句表示的事情,就会有后面句子表示的结果。如:结果。如:Work hard,and you will pass the exam.努力学习,你

6、就会通过考试。努力学习,你就会通过考试。Presentation Sentences(错错)They sat down and talk about something.(错错)They started to dance and sang.(错错)I saw two men sitting behind and whisper there.(对对)They sat down and talked about something.(对对)They started to dance and sing.(对对)I saw two men sitting behind and whispering t

7、here.Presentation Sentences解析:解析:第一句:第一句:and 连接两个并列的谓语,所以连接两个并列的谓语,所以 talk 应改为应改为 talked。第二句:第二句:and 连接两个并列的动词不定式,第二个不定连接两个并列的动词不定式,第二个不定 式往往省略式往往省略to,因此,因此sang 应改为应改为 sing。第三句:第三句:and 连接感观动词连接感观动词saw 后面的用作宾补的两个后面的用作宾补的两个 并列分词结构,因此并列分词结构,因此whisper应改为应改为whispering。Presentation Sentences or:我是一位和蔼可亲的老

8、师,一般情况下我不会强迫某人我是一位和蔼可亲的老师,一般情况下我不会强迫某人去做某一件事情,我可以让他去做某一件事情,我可以让他(她她)自己做出选择。有时,我也自己做出选择。有时,我也会比较严厉,这时候我会用命令的语气说会比较严厉,这时候我会用命令的语气说“做好某事,否则做好某事,否则(要不然要不然)就会就会”You may do it yourself,or you can ask someone to help you.你可以自己做,你也可以请人来帮你。你可以自己做,你也可以请人来帮你。Work hard,or you cant pass the exam.=If you dont wor

9、k hard,you cant pass the exam.努力学习,否则你考试会不及格。努力学习,否则你考试会不及格。“祈使句,祈使句,+or+一般将来时的句子一般将来时的句子”是一个固定句型,表是一个固定句型,表示如果不做到祈使句表示的事情,就会有后面句子表示的结示如果不做到祈使句表示的事情,就会有后面句子表示的结果。果。Presentation Sentencesand 和和or 的区别:并列结构中,的区别:并列结构中,or通常用于否定句,通常用于否定句,and用于肯定句。用于肯定句。(对对)There is no air or water in the moon.(错错)There i

10、s no air and water in the moon.(对对)There is no air and no water on the moon.(错错)There is no air or no water on the moon.解析:在否定中并列结构用解析:在否定中并列结构用or 连接,但含有两个否定词的句连接,但含有两个否定词的句子实际被看作是肯定结构,因此要用子实际被看作是肯定结构,因此要用and。Presentation Sentences but:我的功能是把两个意思相反或相对的句子连接起来。我:我的功能是把两个意思相反或相对的句子连接起来。我的同事还有:的同事还有:yet

11、(可是可是),while(而而)等。等。I heard a big noise and I looked out,but I didnt see anything.我听到一声巨响,就往外看,但是我什么也没看见。我听到一声巨响,就往外看,但是我什么也没看见。Im poor,but I always enjoy myself.我很穷,但是我总是过得很开心。我很穷,但是我总是过得很开心。My elder brother likes playing basketball while I like playing football.我哥哥喜欢打篮球,而我喜欢踢足球。我哥哥喜欢打篮球,而我喜欢踢足球。so

12、:“因此、所以因此、所以”。我能迅速地把含有因果关系的两个简我能迅速地把含有因果关系的两个简单句连接起来。单句连接起来。This is our first lesson,so I dont know all your names.这是我们的第一节课,因此并不是所有人的名字我都知道。这是我们的第一节课,因此并不是所有人的名字我都知道。I am rich,so I can buy lots of nice things for myself.我很富裕,所以我能给自己买很多好东西。我很富裕,所以我能给自己买很多好东西。Presentation Sentences Presentation Sente

13、ncesboth and:两者都:两者都She plays(both)the piano and the guitar.她能演奏钢琴和吉他。她能演奏钢琴和吉他。not onlybut(also),不但不但而且而且,谓语动词采用就近,谓语动词采用就近原则,与原则,与but(also)后的词保持一致。后的词保持一致。as well as不但不但而且而且She plays not only the piano,but(also)the guitar.她不仅会演奏钢琴也会弹吉他。她不仅会演奏钢琴也会弹吉他。注意:注意:not only but also 关联两个分句时,一个分句因有否关联两个分句时,一

14、个分句因有否定词定词not 在句首时必须倒装。在句首时必须倒装。Not only does he like reading stories,but also he can even write some.他不但喜欢读故事,而且还能编写一些故事。他不但喜欢读故事,而且还能编写一些故事。It is important for you as well as for me.这对你和对我都很重要。这对你和对我都很重要。Presentation Sentences Presentation Sentencesneithernor 意思为既不意思为既不也不也不,谓语动词采用就近,谓语动词采用就近原则,与原则

15、,与nor后的词保持一致。后的词保持一致。Neither you nor he is to blame.你和他都不用自责。你和他都不用自责。The weather is mild today,it is neither hot nor cold.今天天气很温暖,不冷也不热。今天天气很温暖,不冷也不热。either.or.或者或者或者或者,谓语动词采用就近原则,谓语动词采用就近原则,与与or后的词保持一致。后的词保持一致。Either he or I go to the meeting.我和他都去参见会议。我和他都去参见会议。Presentation Sentences呈现从属连词:从属连词用来

16、连接主句和从句。常用的从呈现从属连词:从属连词用来连接主句和从句。常用的从属连词有:属连词有:when,before,after,as soon as,because,if,though,although等。等。When 和和whileWhen I left home,my mother was cooking.我离开家的时候,我妈妈正在做饭。我离开家的时候,我妈妈正在做饭。I was reading a book,while my brother is watching TV.我哥哥看电视时我正在读书。我哥哥看电视时我正在读书。We listened while the teacher re

17、ad.老师朗读时我们听着。老师朗读时我们听着。when和和while:两者都表示:两者都表示“当当时候时候”。注意以下两句:。注意以下两句:I was doing homework when the phone rang.当我做作业的时候,电话响了。当我做作业的时候,电话响了。While I was doing homework,the phone rang.当我做作业的时候,电话响了。当我做作业的时候,电话响了。Presentation Sentencesbefore:在:在以前,常与一般过去时、一般现在时连用。例:以前,常与一般过去时、一般现在时连用。例:Try to finish you

18、r work before you leave.离开前设法把工作做完。离开前设法把工作做完。Ill stay here before my mother comes back.在你妈妈回来前,我一直在这。在你妈妈回来前,我一直在这。Presentation Sentencesafter:在:在以后,通常用于过去时、现在时或完成时以后,通常用于过去时、现在时或完成时态的句子中。例:态的句子中。例:After we have finished tea,we will sit on the grass.喝完茶之后我们将坐在草地上。喝完茶之后我们将坐在草地上。I went to bed after I

19、 finished my homework.完成作业后我去睡觉。完成作业后我去睡觉。as soon as 引出的时间状语从句应用一般现在时表示将来引出的时间状语从句应用一般现在时表示将来要发生的动作。例:要发生的动作。例:Ill tell him as soon as I see him.我一看见他我就告诉你。我一看见他我就告诉你。Presentation Sentencesif连接条件状语从句,表连接条件状语从句,表”如果如果”。例:例:Do you mind if I open the window?开窗你不介意吧开窗你不介意吧?because表原因,用于解释某事的原因和动机,强调直接的原

20、表原因,用于解释某事的原因和动机,强调直接的原因和因果关系。有因和因果关系。有because不能有不能有so、相反有、相反有so不能有不能有because。例:例:I do it because I like it.因为我喜欢它所以我做它。因为我喜欢它所以我做它。I cant buy the book because I have run out of my money.或或I have run out of my money so I cant buy the book.我不能买这本书,因为我钱花光了。我不能买这本书,因为我钱花光了。Presentation Sentences在在altho

21、ugh和和though引导的让步状语从句中,是尽管或虽引导的让步状语从句中,是尽管或虽然的意思。主句里不可用然的意思。主句里不可用but,若要强调前后两部分的对比意若要强调前后两部分的对比意义,可在主句前加义,可在主句前加yet或或still。例:。例:Though/Although it was late,they went on working.虽然很晚了,但是他们仍然在继续工作。虽然很晚了,但是他们仍然在继续工作。Although/Though he has a lot of money,yet/still he is unhappy.他虽然有很多钱,但并不幸福。他虽然有很多钱,但并不幸

22、福。Presentation Grammar Box连词连词并列连词并列连词and,but,or,so,bothand,eitheror,neithernor,not onlybut also等。等。从属连词从属连词when,before,after,as soon as,because,if,though,although等。等。Practice Oral Practice()We bought Granny a scarf,_ she didnt like it.A.but B.and C.or D.so()Ill tell the news to him _ he comes back.

23、A.since B.as soon as C.though D.until()Be careful,_ you will fall off the wall.A.so B.or C.but D.and ABB()Lucy and Lily are twins.Lucy likes playing the piano,_ Lily doesnt.A.and B.as C.but D.or()Mr Brown knows little English,_ he cant understand the instructions(用法说明用法说明)on the bottle of the pills.

24、A.so B.or C.but D.for()My uncle doesnt have much money,_ he always enjoys himself.A.but B.so C.and D.or Practice Oral PracticeCAA Practice Oral Practice将两个句子用适当的连词连接,使句意完整,将两个句子用适当的连词连接,使句意完整,并朗读句子并朗读句子He went to the cinema.He saw an exciting film.She came to see me.I was ill.The TV program ends.The

25、 girl will go to bed.The lessons ends.The children will run out of the classroom.He went to the cinema,and he saw an exciting film.She came to see me,because I was ill.The TV program ends,so the girl will go to bed.The lessons ends,so the children will run out of the classroom.Practice Oral Practice

26、She was going out to play football.It rained.I am right.He is right,too.I cant skate.You cant skate,either.She was going out to play football although it rained.Both I and him are right.Neither I nor you can skate.Practice Oral Practice连词成句,并朗读句子连词成句,并朗读句子 you,by boat,or,can,go,by bus,there,either.n

27、ot only,her father,mother,but also,likes comedies.both Tom,are watching TV,and Lucy,now.your,put on,coat,youll,or,have a cold.he,he,was very tired,so,had a rest.Not only her father but also her mother likes comedies.Both Tom and Lucy are watching TV now.Put on your coat,or youll have a cold.He was v

28、ery tired,so he had a rest.You can either go there by boat or by bus.Practice Oral PracticeHe can neither speak _(or;nor)read English.Hurry up,_(and;or)you will be late.He is very tired._(If;But)he still works very hard.He asked me _(if;or)I was 13 years old.The boy is short _(and;or)fat.He doesnt l

29、ike football _(and;or)basketball.Which is yours,the red one _(but;or)the black one?选择正确的词填空,并朗读句子选择正确的词填空,并朗读句子 nororBut if and oror Practice Exercise 1 Although when soorandPractice Exercise 2She is happy,but she is poor.He couldnt walk here,because he was tired.He can play both soccer and basketba

30、ll.It was dark so I couldnt see anything.Practice Exercise 3 but and Ifbefore so Practice Exercise 1 Although as soon assoorandPractice Exercise 2It was dark,so I couldnt see anything.She is poor,but she is happy.He couldnt walk there,because he was tired.He can both play soccer and play basketball.

31、Practice Exercise 3 but andIfbeforeso Practice 小结小结 Practice 小结小结 Practice 小结小结 Practice 小结小结Production Grammar ShowI like music and art.Which do you like better,swimming or skating?Lily can swim,but she cant swim well.Its raining outside,so I cant go outside.You will pass the exam if you study hard.Production 真枪实练真枪实练()_ he is very old,he can walk very fast.A.If B.But C.Though D.Whether()Action movie is my favorite,_ I think its exciting.A.and B.because C.but D.soCB


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