2022年中考英语一轮复习人教版九年级Units 11-12复习(ppt课件).pptx

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1、九年级Units 11-122022中考英语一轮复习中考英语一轮复习1.wealth(n.)财富财富_(adj.)富有的富有的2.discovery(n.)_(pl.)发现;发觉发现;发觉3.lady(n.)_(pl.)女士;女子女士;女子wealthydiscoveriesladies名词4.drive(v.)_(过去式过去式)_(过去分词过去分词)迫使迫使5.burn(v.)_(过去式过去式/过去分词过去分词)_(现在分词现在分词)着火;燃烧着火;燃烧_(被被)烧毁;烧毁;(火势火势)减弱减弱6.cancel(v.)_(过去式过去式/过去分词过去分词)取消;终止取消;终止 drovecan

2、celed/cancelleddrivenburned/burntburningburn down动词7.west(n.)西;西方西;西方_(adj.)西方的;西部的西方的;西部的(adv.)向西;朝西向西;朝西(adj.)向西的;西部的向西的;西部的western兼类词 8.power(n.)权力;力量权力;力量_(adj.)有权势的;有影响力的有权势的;有影响力的 _(adj.)无影响力的;无权的无影响力的;无权的_ 有很大的权力有很大的权力_ 失去某人的权力失去某人的权力9.examine(v.)(仔细地仔细地)检查;检验检查;检验_(n.)考试考试 powerfulpowerlessh

3、ave a lot of powerlose ones powerexamination10.disappoint(v.)使失望使失望_(n.)失望;沮丧;扫兴失望;沮丧;扫兴_(adj.)失望的;沮丧的;失意的失望的;沮丧的;失意的 _(adj.)令人失望的令人失望的_ 对某人失望对某人失望 11.oversleep(v.)_(过去式过去式/过去分词过去分词)睡过头;睡得太久睡过头;睡得太久12.fool(v.)愚弄愚弄_(adj.)愚蠢的愚蠢的 (n.)蠢人;傻瓜蠢人;傻瓜_ 愚弄某人愚弄某人disappointeddisappointingbe disappointed in/with

4、sb.oversleptfoolishfool sb.disappointment动词短语1._ 使人发疯使人发疯/发狂发狂2._ 忽略;不提及;不包括忽略;不提及;不包括3._ 召来;叫来召来;叫来4._ 使失望使失望5._ 开除某人开除某人6._ 齐心协力;通力合作齐心协力;通力合作drive sb.crazy/mad leave outcall inlet downkick sb.offpull together7._ 捎捎一程一程8._ 赶到;露面赶到;露面9._卖光卖光10._ 上交上交 11._ 冲出去冲出去 12._ 减肥减肥13._ 开某人玩笑开某人玩笑 14._ 转身转身gi

5、ve.a lift show upsell outhand inrush outlose ones weightplay a joke/jokes on sb.turn around15._ 首相;大臣首相;大臣16._ 化装舞会化装舞会17._ 关键词关键词18._ 逐字逐句地逐字逐句地prime ministercostume party key wordsword by word名词短语19._ 成为某人的朋友成为某人的朋友20._ 起初;开始时起初;开始时21._ 在在以前以前22._ 与与成一排成一排23._ 在在(某时间点某时间点)以前以前to start with24._ 既不既

6、不也不也不介词短语连词短语连词短语in line withby the end ofneither.nor.by the time.be friends with(sb.)25._ 越越越越;愈;愈愈愈26._ 而不是而不是27._ 对某人苛刻;对某人要求严厉对某人苛刻;对某人要求严厉28._ 一路上;自始至终一路上;自始至终the more.the more.rather thanbe hard on sb.all the way其他短语1.I walked to school with my best friend Holly,she didnt say much to me._我和我的最

7、好的朋友我和我的最好的朋友Holly步行去学校。她没有对我说太多话。那步行去学校。她没有对我说太多话。那使我很沮丧。使我很沮丧。2.Sad movies dont make John _.They just make him _悲伤的电影不会让约翰哭。它们只会让他想睡觉。悲伤的电影不会让约翰哭。它们只会让他想睡觉。That made me upsetwant to sleepcry3.By the time I walked into the classroom,_ _当我走进教室的时候,老师已经开始上课了。当我走进教室的时候,老师已经开始上课了。4.When I got home,I rea

8、lized _当我到家时,我意识到我把我的钥匙落在了包里。当我到家时,我意识到我把我的钥匙落在了包里。started teaching alreadyI had left my keys in the backpackthe teacher had5.I _ when I decided to get a coffee first.我正准备去我办公室的时候,我决定先买一杯咖啡。我正准备去我办公室的时候,我决定先买一杯咖啡。6.As I was waiting in line with the other office workers,_当我和其他办公室职员一起排队时,我听到一声巨响。当我和其他

9、办公室职员一起排队时,我听到一声巨响。I heard a loud soundwas about to go up to my office7.Peter _ there was a heavy weight on his shoulders as he walked home alone.It was _ of his life.彼得一个人走回家时,觉得肩上有很重的负担。这彼得一个人走回家时,觉得肩上有很重的负担。这是他一生中最糟糕的一天。是他一生中最糟糕的一天。8._,his teammates all nodded in agreement.令他惊讶和宽慰的是,他的队友们都点头表示同意。

10、令他惊讶和宽慰的是,他的队友们都点头表示同意。felt likethe worst day To his surprise and relief 9.I think if we continue to pull together,_ _我想如果我们继续同心协力,我们就会赢得下一场比赛。我想如果我们继续同心协力,我们就会赢得下一场比赛。10.Winning or losing is only half of the game.The other half is learning how to communicate with your teammates and _ _.赢或者输只是比赛的一半,

11、另一半是学赢或者输只是比赛的一半,另一半是学会如何和你的队友交流,和学会从你的错误中吸取教训。会如何和你的队友交流,和学会从你的错误中吸取教训。11._ the unexpected.生活充满意外。生活充满意外。were going to win the next match learning from your mistakes Life is full of1.weight A.n.重量重量;分量分量 B.v.在在上加重量上加重量 C.n.重物重物(2021 苏州)The young animal was saved and soon doubled his weight._The doc

12、tor said he should not lift heavy weights._We weighted some stones on the bag in case it is flown away._ACB2.coach A.n.教练教练;私人教师私人教师 B.v.训练训练 C.n.长途汽车长途汽车(2021 黔东南)Then I want to thank my basketball coach,Mr.Long._Parking cars and coaches is free here._(2021 台州)And Ive been coaching a soccer team in

13、 a local primary school for the last two years.Weve won most of our matches._ACB3.pull A.v.拉拉;拽拽;扯扯;拖拖 B.v.抽出抽出Jack pulled the slip of paper from his shirt pocket._(2021 江西)In fact,some spiders webs are among the worlds strongest materials,but they can be pulled longer than elastic(橡皮筋)._BASad movie

14、s make me cry.(P81)悲伤的电影让我流泪。悲伤的电影让我流泪。makemake sb./sth.+adj.使某人使某人/某物某物make sb.do sth.使使/让某人做某事,在被动语让某人做某事,在被动语态中变成态中变成sb.be made to do sth.make sb.+n.使某人成为使某人成为,选某人当选某人当make sb./sth.+done 使某人使某人/某事被某事被教材链接Sad movies make me cry.(P81)悲伤的电影让我流泪。悲伤的电影让我流泪。如:What he said makes us happy.他所说的话使我们很高兴。We

15、all make him our monitor.我们都选他当班长。The boss made them work for a long time.老板让他们长时间工作。I raised my voice to make myself heard.我提高声音让人们能听见我说话。教材链接Sad movies make me cry.(P81)悲伤的电影让我流泪。悲伤的电影让我流泪。wash understand she believe1.(2021 重庆 A卷)Ann has got a letter from her best friend.It makes _quite excited.2.

16、(2021 德阳)That can make them _ you and respect you.3.When visiting a foreign country,I sometimes find it difficult to make myself _.4.Jane was made _ the truck for a week as punishment.her believe understood to wash教材链接Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating

17、.(P81)would ratherwould rather(not)do sth.宁愿(不愿)做某事宁愿(不愿)做某事would rather do sth.than do sth.=prefer sth.to sth.宁愿做某事,也不愿意做某事宁愿做某事,也不愿意做某事Shed rather work in the countryside.她宁可到农村去工作。I would rather watch TV at home than go to the cinema.我宁愿在家看电视也不愿去看电影。教材链接Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like t

18、o listen to quiet music while Im eating.(P81)1.(2021 天水)Would you like to go out for dinner tonight?No,Id rather_(eat)at home.2.(2021 达州)Nowadays most people would rather pay online than use cash.(改为同义句)Nowadays most people_ paying online _ using cash.3.My uncle is against wasting anything.No wonder

19、 he would rather repair the old bike _ buy a new one.(盲填)eat prefer to than教材链接above 表示位置时,笼统指“在上方”,不一定垂直,且不与其宾语相接触on “在表面上”,强调两物相接触over “在上面”,侧重指在垂直的上方如:The plane flew above the clouds.飞机在云层上面飞行。That book on the desk is about science.桌上那本书是关于科学的。They jumped over the stream.他们跳过了小溪。We stared in disb

20、elief at the black smoke rising above the burning building.(P91)教材链接above on over1.(2021 绍兴)The moon was _ the tall tree in the east.2.There is an old bridge _the river.3.Its time for our class.Please put your books _the desk.We stared in disbelief at the black smoke rising above the burning buildin

21、g.(P91)aboveover on教材链接alive adj.活着的,在世的 keep alive 活着alive adj.情绪饱满的;有生气的;有 活力的be alive with happiness高兴得眉飞色舞live v.活着;生活;居住 live in sp.居住在某处live adj.现场直播的 be covered live 被现场直播lively adj.有生气的;生机勃勃的 a lively girl 一名充满活力的女孩living adj.活着的,作表语或前置定语 living things 生物living n.生计 make a living 谋生I felt lu

22、cky to be alive.(P91)我很庆幸还活着。我很庆幸还活着。教材链接alive live lively living1.(2021 宿迁)This years Beijing Music Awards will be covered _ on Sunshine TV this Saturday.2.A man who went missing yesterday during a snowstorm has been found_.3.(2021 泸州改编)A group of elephants in Yunnan Province have trouble findingpr

23、oper_ place.We should help them.4.He shows a _ interest in science and he wants to be a scientist to change the world.I felt lucky to be alive.(P91)我很庆幸还活着。我很庆幸还活着。live aliveliving lively教材链接一、一、盲填盲填1.Im right here watching _ you come back.2.The facts listed _ are only a part of what 5G will make po

24、ssible and popular.3.We got so wet.We had neither umbrellas _ raincoats with us!4.Peter went to soccer practice with courage _than fear in his heart.5.Bert was always late and made his coach very angry.Finally he was kicked _ the team.till above nor rather off二、二、语篇语篇填空填空 My parents were away for a

25、whole week.They were working on a project with other 1._(worker).Before they left,we reached an 2._(agree)that I would do everything well.I was really excited about the thought of being at home alone and doing everything by 3._(I).Nothing could go wrong.4._ something unexpected happened.I was watchi

26、ng television one night when the screen 5._(sudden)went black.workersagreement myselfButsuddenlyWhen I checked,I found that the lights could not work either.There was no electricity.At that time I felt I was 6._ poor and lonely girl.It was too late at night to do anything,so I went to bed and waited

27、 7._ the morning.I couldnt help 8._(miss)my parents.Then I called my parents up and asked them what to do.They were so worried that they 9._(cancel)their work and drove home in no time.I thought I must make them 10._(disappoint).But I still hope I could see them soon.until/tillmissingcancel(l)eddisappointedaBye-bye!


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