Unit 1 Reading and thinking (ppt课件) --2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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1、B2U1 Reading and ThinkingFrom Problems to SolutionsLearning ObjectivesuUnderstand how a problem is solved,taking Aswan Dam as an example.uLearn how to use a timeline and mind maps to analyse a reading text.uUnderstand the significance of international cooperation in terms of cultural heritage protec

2、tion.Look at the pictures.What are they?Which country do they belong to?Lead-inPyramids/prmd/Sphinx/sfks/Abu Simbel Temple/abu simbl/temp()l/Lets explore the answer from the text(P4)!Read the title and look at the pictures on P4.What do you think the text is about?(5W1H)Prediction What were the prob

3、lems?Where,when,and why did they happen?How to solve them?Who solved the problems?Why did the Abu Simbel Temple change from the first picture to the second one?Read the text quickly and to find the answer Fast-reading for the main idea and the structureThe passage is mainly about _.Fast-reading How

4、the Egyptian government successfully solved the problem of building Aswan project.Para.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5Para.6How to balance progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.The proposal leads to protests.A committee was established to limit damage.The project brought gov

5、ernments and environmentalists together.The project was completed and successful.The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today.inspirationinspirationproblemsproblemssolutionssolutionsHow to divide the passage?Fast-readingPara.1Para.2Para.3Para.4Para.5Para.6Part 1Part 2Part 31.Why did the

6、Egyptian government want to build a new dam?To control floods,produce electricity,and supply water to more farmers in the area.(Para.2.Why did the Egyptian people protest(抗议抗议)the governments proposal?Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples and destroy cultural relics that were an

7、 important part of Egypts heritage.Para.1-2Detailed-reading Ask for contributions from different departments Raise funds internationally Investigate the issue Conduct several testsRead para.3,how did the committee deal with this problem of building Aswan Dam?Make a proposal Sign a documentDetailed-r

8、eadingRead para.4,how were the temples and other cultural sites saved?_piece by piece to other placestaken down moved_ togetherput backScan the numbers to make a timeline from problems to solutionsDetailed-readingin the 1950sin 1959in 1960in 1961over the next 20 yearsin 1980The project _.The temples

9、 and cultural relics were _._ _ moved the first temple.The project _.The govern-ment asked _ for help.A committee was established.The _ _ wanted to build a new dam.The proposal led to _.reasons:to control _ _ to supply water to _ reasons:waterwould likely damage _ and destroy _Egyptiangovernmentfloo

10、dsto produce electricityfarmersproteststemples cultural relicsthe UNstartedGermanengineersbeing rescuedwas completedProblemsSolutionsBBC1960CCReading skill learning 1:how can a timeline help us while reading?19591961over the next 20 years1980in the 1950sIn what order is the passage organized?What is

11、 the text type of the passage?in the order of timea narrative text give us a clear picture of how the events happen give us a better understanding of how the events are connected to each other see the time it takes for events to happenfiguresin para.4 22 temples fifty countries 80 million 20 years T

12、hink:What do these figures show us?It took a long time to finish the project.The project was so hard and cost a lot of money.A lot of money was spent to protect the temples.Do you think it was worthwhile?Why or why not?Yes.Because their value is priceless as cultural heritage.thousands of countless

13、cultural relicsScan the numbers in Para.4Detailed-readingPara 5Detailed-readingWhy did the project is considered as a great success?the success of the projectIt found a path to balanceIt showed the importance of working together between countries.the progress/the future/the economic developmentthe p

14、rotection of the past cultural relics.Para 6Detailed-reading How do you understand the sentence in the last paragraph“The spirit of the Aswan Dam project is still alive today”?Try to make a summary according to the structurel hard to keep balancel build a new dam vs.damage temples&cultural heritagel

15、 turn to UN for help l cooperate with other countriesl take down piece by piece,then move and put back togetherl successl global communityl team spiritProblems Solutions Inspiration Five steps to solve a problemFind out the problemAnalyze the problemDevelop a solutionImplement the solutionGet the re

16、sult1.Why do you think so many countries contributed funds and offered help to the Egyptian project?Because Egyptian history and relics are world-famous,and are highly valued around the world as part of our shared cultural history.2.Now you are invited to make a report on what we can do to protect t

17、he cultural heritage in Guangdong Provincial Museum,plz discuss with your group members and make the report.Good morning,ladies and gentlemen.Its my honour to be here to share/present.First,.Additionally,.Last but not least,.Thats all.Thank you for your listening.Further-thinking developmentprogress

18、proposalpreservetempledamage heritageestablishpreventActivity 3 Complete the news report with the correct forms of the words in the box.Then suggest a suitable title._Cairo,16 March,1956In a speech today,a scientist gave her view on the new_.She said that_is important and our area needs economic_as

19、well.But she added,“We should not accept the project if it puts our cultural _in danger.We must protect the _ and make sure that no_ is done.”Before she ended her speech,the scientist suggested that we need to _a committee of experts to _ the cultural heritage and_ it from being harmed.proposalprogr

20、essdevelopmentheritagetemplesdamageestablishpreservepreventScientist Says Progress Shouldnt Damage Cultural Heritage 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)It is a big challenge 1_(find)and keep the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites.However,big challenges can sometimes lead 2_ great

21、solutions.When the Egyptian government made a proposal 3_(build)the Aswan Dam,they were faced with various problems,including destroying an important part of Egypts 4_(culture)heritage.As a result,the government turned 5_ the United Nations for help in 1959.A committee 6_(establish)to limit damage t

22、o the Egyptian buildings and prevent the 7_(lose)of cultural relics.Finally,a document was signed and the work began in 1960.Temples and other cultural sites were taken down piece by piece,and then moved and put back together in a safe place.When the project was completed,it was considered a great 8

23、_(succeed).Not only had the countries found a path to the future 9_ did not run over the relics of the past,but they had also learnt that it was possible for countries to work together to build a better tomorrow.Therefore,if a problem seems too difficult for a single nation,the 10_(globe)community c

24、an sometimes provide a solution.to findtoto buildculturaltowas establishedlosssuccessthatglobal1from problems to solutions 2economic development3give way to4preserve everything from our past5move towards the future 6keep the balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites7lead to great

25、 solutions经济发展经济发展给给让路让路保存我们过去的一切保存我们过去的一切走向未来走向未来保持发展与文物保护的平衡保持发展与文物保护的平衡Language Points:Important phrases(P4 P5)从问题到解决办法从问题到解决办法带来伟大的解决方案带来伟大的解决方案8control floods9produce electricity10 supply water11 The proposal led to protests.12 destroy cultural relics 13 turn to sb for help14 the loss of cultur

26、al relics15 raise funds16 investigate the issue控制洪水控制洪水发电发电供水供水这项提议引起了抗议。这项提议引起了抗议。破坏文物破坏文物Language Points:Important phrases(P4 P5)向某人寻求帮助向某人寻求帮助文物的流失文物的流失调查这个问题调查这个问题筹集资金筹集资金17make a proposal for18bring.together19be taken down piece by piece20countless cultural relics21It was considered a great suc

27、cess.22find a path to the future23work together to build a better tomorrow24run a programme25the global community对对提出建议提出建议把把聚在一起聚在一起被一块块地拆开被一块块地拆开无数的文物无数的文物Language Points:Important phrases(P4 P5)它被认为是巨大的成功。它被认为是巨大的成功。找到通往未来的道路找到通往未来的道路运营一个项目运营一个项目国际社会国际社会携手共建更加美好的明天携手共建更加美好的明天Language points单击此处编辑

28、母版标题样式2023-1-925教材原句 p.4There comes a time when the old must give way to the new.新旧更替的时代已经到来 核心词汇 1 give way to 让步;屈服 If you identify your way,the world is going to give way to you.如果你认清了自己的道路,这个世界就会给你让路。The storm gave way to bright sunshine.暴风雨过后阳光灿烂。【归纳拓展】【归纳拓展】give in 让步,屈服,投降;呈上,交上 give in to.向屈

29、服 give up doing sth.放弃做某事 give away 泄露;赠送,分发 give back 归还;使恢复 give out 用完,耗尽;分发,散发 give off 发出,放出(光、热、气味等)题组练领悟方法单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-926单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Would you please give way _ other passengers?(2)The children were required to give _ their examination papers straight away.(3)If a person has not had

30、 enough sleep,his actions will give him _ during the day.(4)He should _(让 位于)a younger,more decisive leader.toinawaygive way to单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-927教材原句 p.4Finding and keeping the right balance between progress and the protection of cultural sites can be a big challenge.在发展与文化遗址保护之间找到恰 当的平衡点,并加以保持,

31、这可能是一项巨大的挑战。2 balance n.&vt.(1)n.平衡;均衡;均匀;天平keep ones balance 保持平衡 搭配搭配 lose ones balance 失去平衡 keep a balance between A and B 保持 A 与 B 之间的平衡 the balance of nature 自然界的平衡 I struggled to keep my balance on my new skates.我穿着新溜冰鞋,努力保持平衡。Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation.尽量保持工作与休闲平衡。(2)vt

32、.使平衡;使均衡 搭配:搭配:balance A with/and B 同等重视(相对的两个事物或方面)She tries to balance home life and career.她力图兼顾家庭生活和事业。【词语积累】【词语积累】balanced adj.保持平衡的;均衡的 a balanced diet 均衡饮食单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-928单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)词汇复现While promoting economy we should keep _ balance between develop-ment and protection.(2)It can be

33、 hard to find the right balance between advising your children _ controlling them.(3)It is pretty important for teenagers to have a _(balance)diet.(4)When he was running after his brother,the boy _(失去平衡)and had a bad fall.(5)词汇复现This umbrella is likely to help you _(保持平衡).(6)Many approaches have bee

34、n tried to _(保持自然界的平衡).aandbalancedlost his balance keep your balancekeep the balance of nature 单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-929教材原句 p.4Big challenges,however,can sometimes lead to great solutions.然而,巨大的挑战有时候会带来伟大的 解决方案。3 lead to导致,造成(后果);通向,通往搭配搭配lead to the traffic accident 导致这场交通事故 lead to the top of the h

35、ill 通往山顶 Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.食用过多的糖会引起健康问题。All roads lead to Rome.条条大路通罗马。【学法点拨】【学法点拨】lead to 中的 to 为介词介词,后加名词或动名词作宾语。“导致,引起”的 多种表达:result in;bring about;contribute to。Does drinking polluted water contribute to the disease?饮用被污染的水会导致这种疾病吗?单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-930写出写出 lead

36、 to 在句中的意思在句中的意思(1)Some people fear that air pollution may lead to changes in the climate around the world._(2)Which door leads to the yard?_ 完成句子完成句子(3)War never settles anything.It only _(导致暴力).(4)It doesnt matter whether you turn right or left at the crossingboth roads _(通向公园).导致通向leads to violen

37、celead to the park单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-931教材原句p.4.the Egyptian government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile in order to control foods.埃及政府打算在尼罗河上新建一座大坝,可以防洪4 in order to 为了,以便(表示目的)Mary jogs every morning in order to keep fit.为了保持健康,玛丽每天早上慢跑。(in order to 可替换为 so as to)动词不定式的一个主要作用是在句中作目的状语。in

38、order to 与 so as to 则使目的更加明确。(1)in order to 可以放在句首或句中句首或句中,否定形式是 in order not to。(2)so as to 一般不放在句首不放在句首,否定形式是 so as not to。In order to find the missing child,the villagers have been doing all they can over the past five hours.为了找到失踪的孩子,村民们在过去的五个小时里竭尽全力。(in order to 不可替换为 so as to)单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-

39、1-932单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)All these gifts must be mailed immediately in order _(receive)in time.完成句子(2)He worked extra hours _(为 了 完 成)the task ahead of time.(3)_(为了不被听到),she pointed her finger upwards to signal that someone was moving about upstairs.to be receivedin order to finish/so as to finishIn orde

40、r not to be heard单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-933教材原句p.4But the proposal led to protests.但是该提案引发了抗议。5 proposal n.提议;建议make a proposal 提出建议搭配搭配put forward/submit a proposal 提出/提交建议come up with a proposal 想到一个建议draw up a proposal 起草提案The government made a proposal to build a new dam.政府提议建一座新大坝。【词语积累词语积累】propose

41、 v.提议;建议;打算【学法点拨学法点拨】propose(建议)后的宾语从句及 proposal 后的同位语或表语从句应使用虚拟从句应使用虚拟语气语气,即从句谓语用“should+动词原形动词原形”,should 可以省略。He proposed that the Chinese calligraphy should be widely promoted throughout primary school.他提议中国书法应当在小学期间广泛提倡。单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-934单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)The _(propose)he put forward is to be d

42、iscussed at the meeting.(2)_(proposal)for a new public library are under discussion.(3)In his speech he proposed that the UN_(set)up an emergency centre for the environment.(4)The proposal that we _(send)another satellite into space is to be discussed at the meeting.完成句子完成句子(5)词汇复现 Experts investiga

43、ted the issue,conducted several tests,and then _(提出建议)to the committee.proposalProposals(should)set(should)sendmade a proposal单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-9356 protest n.抗议 vi.&vt.(公开)反对;抗议(a)protest(n.)against sth.对某事的抗议搭配搭配protest(v.)against sth.抗议某事(a)protest from 来自的抗议without protest 一声不吭地ignore ones prot

44、ests 不顾某人的反对a storm of protest 抗议风潮The announcement raised a storm of protest.这个声明引起了一场抗议风潮。完成句子完成句子(1)People held _(对的抗议游行)the war.(2)He accepted his punishment _(一声不吭地).a protest march againstwithout protest单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-936教材原句p.4 Water from the dam would likely damage a number of temples.大坝

45、泄流可能会损坏许多寺庙7 likely adj.&adv.(1)adj.可能的可能的be likely to do sth.可能做某事搭配搭配Its likely that.很可能Its more likely that.更可能A new committee is likely to be established to raise funds.=Its likely that a new committee will be established to raise funds.可能会成立一个新的委员会来筹集资金。(2)adv.可能地可能地He said that he would likely

46、 run for President.他说他很可能竞选总统。【句式比较句式比较】It is likely/possible/probable that.()It is possible(for sb.)to do sth.()Sb./Sth.is likely to do sth.()Sb./Sth.is possible/probable to do sth()提示:提示:likely 既可用人又可用物既可用人又可用物作主语;possible 和 probable 作表语时不能用人或物作表语时不能用人或物作主语。单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-937单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)If

47、you find something you love doing outside of the office,youll be less likely _(bring)your work home.(2)It is likely _virtual reality will become a part of modern life in the near future.完成句子完成句子(3)People with a positive attitude towards life _.(对生活持积极态度的人更容易成功。)辨析填空:辨析填空:likely/possible/probable(4)I

48、t is highly _that he will take over his fathers business.(5)He is _to make rapid progress in English because he is studying hard.to bringthatare more likely to succeedlikely/possible/probablelikely单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-938教材原句p.4.the government turned to the United Nations for help in 1959.埃及政府于1959年向联

49、合国寻求帮助。8 turn to 向求助;致力于;翻到;转向(to 是介词是介词)She has nobody she can turn to.她求助无门。Open your book and turn to Page 236.打开书,翻到 236 页。Lets now turn to our primary problem.让我们现在转到我们的主要问题上。Go straight,turn to the left and youll find the post office.直走,向左转,你就会找到邮局。单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-939【归纳拓展归纳拓展】turn to sb.fo

50、r help 向某人求助 turn on 打开(水、煤气、电灯等)turn off 关掉(水、煤气、电灯等)turn up 调高;出现turn down 调低;拒绝 turn in 上交;交还turn into 变成 turn out 结果是,证明是turn over 翻转;移交“Im thirsty,”she said,turning on the tap.“我渴了。”她说着,打开了水龙头。If you turn over you might find it easier to get to sleep.你若翻个身,也许入睡容易些。单击此处编辑母版标题样式2023-1-940完成句子完成句子


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