人教版(七下)Unit 9 What does he look like -Section A 1a—2c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:b0359).doc

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人教版(七下)Unit 9 What does he look like -Section A 1a—2c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:b0359).doc_第1页
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人教版(七下)Unit 9 What does he look like -Section A 1a—2c-教案、教学设计-省级优课-(配套课件编号:b0359).doc_第2页
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1、 七 年级年级 英语英语 科教学设计科教学设计 教学目标教学目标 知识与技能: 1.能读、会写 8 个描述外貌的词汇:tall, short, of medium height, heavy, thin, of medium build, straight, curly. 2.能正确熟练地使用目标语言从身高、体格、发型三方面描述一 个人的外貌。 What does he/she look like? is tall/short/of medium height. heavy/thin/of medium build. He/ She long hair/short hair. has stra

2、ight hair/curly hair. black hair/brown hair. 过程与方法: 通过听说活动,能正确熟练地询问和描述一个人的外貌。 情感态度价值观: 让学生体会到一个人无论高低胖瘦,他都是独一无二的,都是美 丽的。世界正是因为有了形形色色不一样的人才变得丰富多彩。 教学重点 Describe peoples looks. 教学难点 The using of “is” and “has”. 教具使用 The computer and the PPT. 教法选择 Pairwork, free talk 教 学 过 程 教师活动 学生活动 个性思考 Step 1:Greeti

3、ng and Leading-in. T: Good morning, boys and girls. T: Today, were going to learn Unit 9 “What does he look like?” Who knows the meaning of this sentence? T: From this sentence, we know that were going to learn to “describe peoples looks” in Unit 9. Ss: Good morning, Ms. Zhai. S1: It means “他长什么样 子?

4、” 从标题导入话题, 自然顺畅。 T: There are many people in the world. And different people have different looks. Just because of the differences, our world becomes a colorful one. Do you think so? T: Then how to describe peoples looks? Lets have a look. Step 2: Presentation Show the picture of Yao Ming and his co

5、ach and the picture of Jackie Chan. T: Whos he? What does he look like? T: What about his coach? What does he look like? T: What about Jackie Chan? What does he look like? Teach the other structures in the same way. Step 3: Pairwork Show four pictures of different people. And give some description w

6、ords. Ask some pairs to show their conversations. Step 4: 1a Check the answers. Step 5: Listening T: This is a subway station. This girl is Amy. That girl is her friend. Theyre Ss: Yes, I think so. S2: Hes Yao Ming. Hes tall. S3: Hes short. S4: Hes not tall or short. Hes of medium height. Ss read th

7、e sentences after the teacher. Ss talk about what the people in the pictures look like in pairs. Ss read the words together. Ss match the words with the people in the picture. 情感渗透。教育孩 子“世界正是因为 有了形形色色不一 样的人才变得丰富 多彩”,让孩子用 积极正确的态度对 待外貌的差异,不 以貌取人,亦不对 自己的外表过分迷 恋或自卑。 利用特征明显的人 物呈现目标语言。 活动一: 目标语言的第一次 操练。为降

8、低难 度 ,给出了提示 词。让学生顺利迈 出第一步。 完成课本 1a 的词 汇练习。 听前观察图片,明 确语境,降低听力 难度。 waiting for Amys another friend. Listen to their conversation and fill in the blanks. And try to find out Amys friend. Play the recording for the students. Check the answers. T: Now, do you know who Amys friend is? Step 6. Pairwork T:

9、Describe your friend in our class, but dont say who he/she is. Your partner will find him or her. Ask some pairs to show. Step 7: Talk Show Ask some students to speak in front of the class. Step 8: Exercises Show some exercises on the screen. Check the answers. Step 9: Chanting Step 10: Summary and

10、Homework T: Today we have learnt how to describe peoples looks. Ss listen and fill in the blanks. Ss: H. Because “ hes really tall and he has curly hair.” Ss describe their friends in the class. Their partners try to find him/her according to the descriptions. Ss talk about one of their family membe

11、rs, friends, teachers or favorite stars. Ss finish the exercises. Ss chant a poem after the teacher. 完成课本听力练 习。 活动二: 课本 1c 的改良, 目 标语言的第二次使 用。采用“一个同 学描述自己在班里 的朋友,另一个同 学猜”的形式,使 机械枯燥的语言练 习变得生动有趣, 妙趣横生。 活动三: 目标语言的综合使 用,学生能力的拓 展提升。要求学生 动用所学知识,介 绍自己的一个家 人、朋友、老师 或 偶像。使新旧知识 融会贯通。 当堂检测 再次情感渗透,前 后呼应。 No matte

12、r one is tall or short, heavy or thin, we are all the same, we are all beautiful T: For todays homework, write what you said in the Talk Show. 板书设计 Unit 9 What does he look like?Unit 9 What does he look like? What does he/she look like? is tall/short/of medium height. heavy/thin/of medium build. He/

13、 She long hair/short hair. has straight hair/curly hair. black hair/brown hair. 教学反思 本节课学习描述人们的外貌,话题贴近学生生活。我通过“三大步九环节” 的教学设计,即: 导入话题-呈现目标语言-操练目标语言 1a(词汇练习)-1b(听力练习)-1c pairwork (使用目标语言) Talk Show -Exercises- Chanting (情感渗透) (目标语言的拓展提升) 使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中掌握了目标语言。尤其是三个目标语言的操练活动, 设计由浅入深,趣味性强,为学生逐步掌握目标语言构建了合理的梯度,学生热 情高涨、参与度广,课堂效果很好。美中不足的是准备的内容较多,担心时间不 够,因此在某些环节上有些赶。以后应避免贪多求全,把握重难点就好。


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