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1、大兴区20222023学年度第一学期期末检测试卷初三英语2022. 12考生须知1. 本试卷共10页,共两部分,共38题,满分60分,考试时间90分钟。2. 在试卷和答题卡上准确填写学校名称、姓名和准考证号。3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题卡上,在试卷上作答无效。4. 在答题卡上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其他试题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。第一部分本部分共33题,共40分。在每题列出的四个选项中,选出最符合题目要求的一项。一、单项填空(每小题0. 5分,共6分)从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. Grace likes reading books. J. K

2、. Rowling is _ favorite writer.A. heB. sheC. herD. his2. Its getting cold. Everyone needs to wear warm clothes _ winter.A. inB. onC. atD. to3. Jeff, whose book is this?It _ be Carlas. I found her name on its cover.A. canB. mayC. mustD. need4. How are you feeling, Jane?Much _. Thanks for your help.A.

3、 goodB. betterC. bestD. the best5. Betty prefers to watch horror movies on TV _ she is too scared to watch them alone.A. andB. butC. orD. so6. Peter didnt feel like eating anything and his face _ so pale yesterday.A. will lookB. looksC. has lookedD. looked7. Look! George _ an online lesson. Dont mak

4、e a noise.A. hasB. will haveC. hadD. is having8. If Jeff loses the game, his coach _ him out of the team.A. will kickB. kickedC. is kickingD. has kicked9. Susan _ in her room when the alarm clock went off. She was frightened.A. was sleepingB. sleptC. will sleepD. has slept10. Jim _ a lot from the so

5、cial work since he joined the projects at school.A. will learnB. learnedC. is learningD. has learned11. Lots of flowers _ on both sides of the street on National Day every year.A. showB. are shownC. showedD. were shown12. Do you know _, Mary?Yes. Perhaps in a few months.A. why the spaceship returned

6、B. when will the spaceship returnCwhen the spaceship will returnD. why did the spaceship return二、完形填空(每小题1分,共8分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。The Smart GameIn our P. E. classes at school, we played a game called dodgeball(躲避球)to celebrate the end of the quarantine(隔离). There were two

7、_13_ in each game. The players who join the game try to eliminate(淘汰)all members of the opposing(对方的)team by _14_ the balls at them. At the same time, they also need to dodge the balls to remain in the game. The team which manages to knock out all of their opponents(对手)first is _15_ as the winner.Wh

8、en we came into the court, I noticed that the other team had more experienced and athletic players than ours. At the beginning of the game, our team didnt have a good start. We looked _16_ because our team had lost a few important teammates in a short time. Then I shouted at the moment: “Guys! Just

9、keep our eyes on the balls and dodge!” To my joy, the light at the end of the tunnel(隧道)shone through. Our remaining teammates were making efforts to throw their balls and put many opponents out of the _17_. This made the other team disadvantaged with fewer numbers. Then all the members of our team

10、nodded to each other and reached an agreement with a smile. We didnt need to _18_ beat the other team. All we needed was just to have our last members try our best to avoid being hit and keep alive for the last five minutes! The plan _19_. All of our members played against the other team by dodging

11、the balls. When the game came to an end, we had more people on the court! We won the match when the last whistle (哨声)blew.After the game, we realized that dodgeball also _20_ critical(批判性的)thinking. I learned that we could get out of the difficult situations successfully if we made good use of our b

12、rains.13. A. coachesB. goalsC. teamsD. periods14. A. stoppingB. throwingC. passingD. catching15. A. acceptedB. imaginedC. supportedD. considered16. A. disappointedB. relaxedC. worriedD. regretted17. A. courtB. balanceC. sightD. control18A. completelyB. patientlyC. fairlyD. politely19A. cancelledB. w

13、orkedC. interruptedD. started20. A. promisedB. achievedC. preferredD. required三、阅读理解(每题2分,共26分)阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。AAdvice from GuidesWelcome to Disneyland in Los Angeles in the USA. Our guides are giving some advice on how to visit it properly.Guide: JuneSince Disneyland open

14、ed in 1955, it has already become one of the worlds hottest tourist attractions. It lies in the south of Los Angeles, California. John Wayne Airport in Orange County is the closest airport to Disneyland. If you are driving a car, take the Disneyland Drive exit off Interstate 5. Then follow the signs

15、 for Disneyland parking.Guide: FredThe best time to visit Disneyland is in the fall. Youd better avoid weekends and school vacations, as well as the time between Christmas Day, which is the busiest time of the year. When you visit, come about one hour earlier than the opening time so you can get to

16、popular places before the crowds.Guide: EmmaThere are several ways to buy its tickets. If you book tickets for Disneyland online, you cant print them at home. Make sure when you order them you have enough time for them to come by mail. You may also be able to buy tickets at a local Disney Store, aut

17、o club, and your work or school activities office.Guide: SamIf you have little children with you, visit Fantasyland first. Several of the most popular kids rides there, such as Dumbo and Peter Pan, can take only a few people at a time and very soon have long lines waiting. If no small children are w

18、ith you, as soon as the park opens, go west to Adventureland and New Orleans Square.13为信息匹配题,把导游与其谈论的内容的概括语句进行匹配。_21_ June_22_ Emma_23_ SamA. What attractions are supposed to visit in Disneyland.B. How tourists buy their tickets for Disneyland ahead.C. What is the best time or season to visit Disney

19、land.D. Where Disneyland lies and how tourists drive there.BThe Power of DreamAs Tony walked with his family along the river, he saw a man playing the saxophone (萨克斯管) by the river. The man was wearing a hat with a leather strap (皮带) around his neck. At the same time, he was dancing with the beautif

20、ul music from his saxophone. There was a large crowd of people around him. When Tonys family had already walked on up the river, he still lost his thought in the dream of playing the saxophone one day.Two weeks later, it was Tonys birthday. When he opened his present from his parents, he was glad to

21、 find it was a saxophone! He blew the mouth of the saxophone and tried to play it, but the saxophone wouldnt make a sound. Then his dad told him to read the instrument book to learn what to do. After about 15 minutes, he raised it slowly to his lips (嘴唇) as his family watched. But still there was no

22、 sound. He blew and blew but he couldnt get the saxophone to work. He was almost crying when suddenly the saxophone made the most beautiful sound which made him think of the music of the man by the river. He blew again, he moved his fingers on the saxophone and he made more sounds. Some of them were

23、 loud and clear but many of them werent. He was happy because he was playing very interesting sounds. But he wasnt able to play music with his saxophone.Then he began to take lessons. His teacher taught him how to play it. When he was learning, he always remembered the man playing the saxophone by t

24、he river. His skills of playing musical instrument were gradually improved and at last he could play music with his saxophone. Now Tony is in the TV studio (播放室) with his saxophone strapped to his neck and his hat on his head. He is waiting to be called to the stage to play his first saxophone solo

25、(独奏曲) on TV.24. Tonys attention was drawn to _ when he walked along the river.A. the singing of birds in the treesB. the ducks in the riverC. the hat on the mans headD. the music from the saxophone25. On Tonys birthday, _ gave him a saxophone as a present.A. a famous musicianB. his parentsC. the man

26、 by the riverD. one of his teachers26. What can we know from the passage?A. Tony had dreamt of becoming a music teacher one day.B. Tony learned to play the saxophone by himself at home.C. Tony was influenced by the man playing the saxophone.D. Tony often remembered the life staying with his parents.

27、CThe Rescue of WildlifeThroughout the world, there are millions of people working to protect animals. Many of these people work as volunteers in their spare time. WIRES is short for Wildlife Information and Rescue Service. It is an Australian organization which was set up in 1985 to care for injured

28、 and orphaned (失去母兽的) native wildlife in the local areas. WIRES has a network of hundreds of volunteers who rescue (救护) and care for native animals until they are well enough to be set free into the wild. Volunteers look after rescued animals in their own homes and are trained in the special needs o

29、f native wild animals.When Australians find a native animal in trouble, they often call WIRES for help. WIRES may be asked to look after a possum (鼠貂) that has been attacked by a cat, rescue a large lizard (蜥蜴) that has got its head caught in a drink can, or care for a baby animal who has lost its m

30、other. People call WIRES when they want to drive a dangerous snake out of their garden or when they find a seabird that has swallowed (吞下) a fishing line or an owl (猫头鹰) with a broken wing. Sometimes kangaroos jump onto the road in front of cars and are run over. Australians are encouraged to check

31、if there is a baby in the pouch(育儿袋) of dead kangaroos. WIRES volunteers find themselves caring for many babies without parents in this way.Each year, huge bush fires broke out in parts of Australia. These fires not only destroy human homes and put people in danger, but they also destroy animal habi

32、tats (栖息地) and endanger the animals living in the bush. After a big fire, WIRES and other organizations go into the district to pick up surviving animals. They are treated for burns, shock, smoke inhalation (吸入) and other problems and then cared for until new location can be found for them.WIRES is

33、also involved in educating people in the importance of caring for wildlife and wildlife habitats. Volunteers visit schools and other public places to talk about native animals. Sometimes they bring a bat or some other interesting animals with them to show to people who may never have seen one up clo

34、se before.27. According to the passage, WIRES is making efforts to _.A. rescue endangered animals to set them free into the wildB. save the wild animals and make them work on the farmsC. train the local animals to help them return to their homesD. provide medical service for the injured animals in t

35、he zoo28. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Australians always call the police to save the native animals in trouble.B. The volunteers of WIRES often look after a baby animal with its mother.C. WIRES often talks about caring for the native animals in the public places.D. The

36、 new locations are found for the other organizations after the big fires.29. Whats the passage mainly about?A. Why volunteers join WIRES in Australia.B. What WIRES usually does for the wildlife.C. How wild animals can be trained at WIRES.D. Where WIRES cares for the animals in danger.DYou should tim

37、e your meals, because a full stomach can be the reason why you cant get to sleep at night. A light snack at bedtime can promote (提升) sleep, but too much food can cause digestive (消化的) discomfort that leads to wakefulness. Moreover, youd better not drink coffee or tea in the evenings. Any food or dri

38、nk that contains caffeine can disturb (扰乱) sleep, especially if you are sensitive to caffeine.Peoples body is easily influenced by light and darkness. Doctors strongly suggest darkening the bedroom before you go to sleep. So, start from turning down the lights in your bedroom. Turn off laptops, TVs

39、and other sources of light in our bedroom. These things send out blue light which can cause wakefulness at night and break up the bodys natural inclination to sleep. Moreover, close your curtains (窗帘) and blinds at night, so you will be able to sleep calmly.Its important to change your sleep cycle g

40、radually in order to avoid stress and different sleep disorders. The most suitable way is to do it in 15-minute amount of increase. If you have to wake up earlier, try to fall asleep 15 minutes earlier each evening. It may be difficult to fall asleep at once, take some relaxing activities like a bub

41、ble bath. I think a few nights will be enough for you to feel comfortable with the new schedule (时间表). You should stick to the same sleep and wake up schedule. Dont forget about weekends! It is allowed to have an extra hour on Saturday, but you are to be back on track for Sunday. It will help your b

42、ody get used to this new routine.If you have done all possible things to fall asleep and you are still tossing and turning, you should get up and start doing things you have no time to do during the day. Dont torture (折磨) yourself! Do something low-stress and boring until you discover that you are t

43、ired. As a rule, 30 minutes of boring activities will be enough to bring you back to bed. A good nights sleep is an indispensable (不可或缺的) part of your life. It can refresh and restore your body. I hope these tips will help you change your sleep schedule.30. What can we learn from the passage?A. Some

44、 boring activities can make it difficult to fall into sleep.B. The blue light in the bedroom is helpful to get to sleep easily.C. The sleep schedule should be changed according to work time.D. Eating a light snack before going to bed could be good for sleep.31. What does the writer mainly tell us in

45、 the passage?A. The advantages of carrying out the sleep schedule every day.B. Some effective suggestions that can help to fall asleep in bed.C. Several kinds of relaxing sports should be taken before sleep.D. A few practical methods to save electrical energy in bedrooms.32The phrase “inclination to

46、 sleep” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”.A. state of being eager for sleepB. steps of forming a sleep cycleC. process of falling into sleepD. conditions of sleeping in bed33. What is the writers main purpose in writing this passage?A. To discuss the relationship between sleep and health.B. To intro

47、duce the bad effects caused by sleep disorders.C. To advise on how to drive wakefulness away from sleep.D. To introduce a suitable diet for a good nights sleep.第二部分本部分共5题,共20分。根据题目要求,完成相应任务。四、阅读表达(34-36每小题2分,第37小题4分,共10分)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。After school, its very difficult for Vishal Singh to make a cho

48、ice. He knows he should really go on with his homework, but the Internet is so attractive that he cant really pay much attention to his study.“Students have always faced distractions(分心) and time-wasters,” writes Matt Richtel in the New York Times. He says that computers are a real challenge for students. They need to pay more attention to their lea


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