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1、吻手礼吻手礼新课导入kiss hand吻颊礼吻颊礼kiss face碰鼻礼碰鼻礼touch nose课程标准课程标准 能向别人介绍其他国家初次见面的方能向别人介绍其他国家初次见面的方式式,了解其他国家的餐桌文化。了解其他国家的餐桌文化。知识与能力知识与能力 通过词汇和文章的学习,能够介绍其通过词汇和文章的学习,能够介绍其他国家见面礼仪及国家的餐桌文化。他国家见面礼仪及国家的餐桌文化。情感态度与价值观情感态度与价值观 了解更多国家的礼仪及风俗,同时希了解更多国家的礼仪及风俗,同时希望养成良好的就餐习惯。望养成良好的就餐习惯。教学目标重点重点词汇词汇shake bow wipe napkin st

2、ick chopstick manner behave fork full gradually compliment toast unfamiliar spoon dead-end succeed subject military army soldier sacrifice 重点难点短语短语be supposed to 应该应该 shake hands 握手握手 after all 毕竟毕竟 pick up 拾起拾起 table manners 餐桌文化餐桌文化 be/get used to 习惯于习惯于 cut up 切碎切碎 at the end of 最后最后 get into tro

3、uble 使陷入困境使陷入困境 give up 放弃放弃语言目标语言目标告诉应该怎样去做及告诉应该怎样去做及Tell what you are supposed to do。重点难点难点难点be supposed to do 的用法的用法;It is+adj 的用法;的用法;used to do/be,get,become used to doing 的区别的区别。1abowshake handskissBrazilThe United StatesJapanKoreaMexicoWhat do people do when they meet for the first time?Know

4、your social etiquette and youll impress everyone around you.Social Etiquette Social Etiquette Learn to Mind Your Manners!Answers1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.a1aNow ListenClick to it 1b1.c 2.b 3.a 4.b 5.a1bAnswersPair workA:What are people in Brazil supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B:Theyre supp

5、osed to kiss.eg.1cA:What are people in China supposed to do when they meet for the first time?B:Theyre supposed to shake hands.一、一、suppose的基本含义为认为,以为。的基本含义为认为,以为。He supposed it was too late to change his mind.他认为改变主意为时已晚。他认为改变主意为时已晚。I shall suppose him to be about fifty.我认为他有我认为他有50岁左右。岁左右。这个词常用被动结构

6、这个词常用被动结构be supposed to 意为被期望意为被期望或要求应该(出于习俗的原因或职责的原因)或要求应该(出于习俗的原因或职责的原因)Is he supposed to clean the outside of the windows or only the inside?他应该把窗户外面擦干净,还是只擦窗户里面就他应该把窗户外面擦干净,还是只擦窗户里面就可以呢?可以呢?be supposed to He is supposed to arrive on the five oclock train.他理应乘五点的火车到。他理应乘五点的火车到。这个句型的否定结构为这个句型的否定结构

7、为be not supposed to 常用常用 于口语中,意为于口语中,意为“不被许可不被许可”“”“不应当不应当”。You are not supposed to do that.你不应当做那种事情。你不应当做那种事情。二、二、You should have asked what you were supposed to wear.情态动词有时和动词的完成式构成谓语,表示情态动词有时和动词的完成式构成谓语,表示“应当已经应当已经”,“想必已经想必已经”这类意思,作为一这类意思,作为一种虚拟语气的表达法。种虚拟语气的表达法。I should have thought of that.这一点我

8、是应当想到的。(但没想到)这一点我是应当想到的。(但没想到)They shouldnt have left so soon.他们不应当走得这么早(但已经走了)他们不应当走得这么早(但已经走了)Maria,an exchange student from India,went to her American friend Dans place and had dinner there.Now listen to the tape for the mistakes Maria made there.Marias mistakesArrive late;ate the wrong food;gree

9、ted Pauls mother the wrong way;wore the wrong clothes.Listening and checking2a1.arrive at 7:e later.3.shake hands4.wear.Listening again2bB:Well,it was OK,but I made some mistakes.I was supposed to shake hand with Pauls mother,but I kissed her.Group work2cA:How was the dinner at Pauls house last nigh

10、t?usually plan to do something interesting,or go somewhere togetherAttitude Attitude aboutaboutColombiaColombiaSwitzerlandSwitzerlandBeing on timePretty relaxed about timevery important to be on timeVisiting a friends houseOften just drop by friends housenever visit a friends house without calling f

11、irstMaking plans with friendsDont usually have to make plans to meet friendsusually plan to do something interesting,or go somewhere together3aPair workA:What kinds of rules do they have in Switzerland?B:Well,they have strict rules.A:Like that?B:Well,your friend will be angry if you are late for fif

12、teen minutes.3cused to do/be,get,become used to doing 的区别。的区别。1.used to表示表示“过去如此,现在不这样了过去如此,现在不这样了”。后。后 面接动词原形。面接动词原形。He used to play basketball when he was young.他年轻时常打篮球。他年轻时常打篮球。2.be used to 是是“习惯于习惯于”某一客观事实或状态。某一客观事实或状态。不强调动作,不强调动作,to是介词,后面接名词或动名是介词,后面接名词或动名 词。词。如:如:I am used to the weather here

13、.我已经习惯这里的天气了。我已经习惯这里的天气了。3.get(或(或become)used to 指的是从不习惯到指的是从不习惯到 习惯这一过程的转变,后面接名词或动名习惯这一过程的转变,后面接名词或动名 词。词。You will soon get used to the weather here.你会习惯于这里的天气的。你会习惯于这里的天气的。In the end,you got used to doing hard work.最终你会习惯艰苦工作。最终你会习惯艰苦工作。used to do/be,get,become used to doing 的区别。的区别。1a How much do

14、 you know about table manners around world?Mind your manners1.In the United States,youre not supposed to eat with your hands.2.In Peru,you are not supposed to talk at the table.3.In China,youre not supposed to pick up your bowl to eat.TFF4.In Korea,the youngest person is supposed to start eating fir

15、st.5.In Brazil,you should wipe your mouth with your napkin every time you take a drink.FTReading1.Its even better than I thought it would be.它(指这次交流项目)甚至比我想象的还要它(指这次交流项目)甚至比我想象的还要 好。好。2.They go out of their way to make me feel at home.go out of ones way to do 是个词组,意为特是个词组,意为特 意,特地,想尽办法。意,特地,想尽办法。他们想

16、尽一切办法,让我感觉像在家里一样。他们想尽一切办法,让我感觉像在家里一样。3a3.Youre not supposed to eat anything with your hands except bread,not even fruit!除了吃面包以外,你不应该用手吃任何除了吃面包以外,你不应该用手吃任何 东西,甚至是水果东西,甚至是水果。4.And you wouldnt believe how quickly my。French has improved.你不能相信我的法语进步得多快!你不能相信我的法语进步得多快!划线部分本来为感叹句,在本句中划线部分本来为感叹句,在本句中又成了宾语从句

17、。又成了宾语从句。5.I have to say,I find it difficult to remember everything,but Im gradually getting used to things and dont find them so strange more.我不得不说,我发现记得一切很难。但是我不得不说,我发现记得一切很难。但是 我渐渐地适应它们,而且觉得它们不再陌生。我渐渐地适应它们,而且觉得它们不再陌生。I find it+adj to do sth.我发现做什么事很我发现做什么事很 难难It is rude to stick your chopsticks i

18、nto your food.把你的筷子插入你的食物是非常粗鲁的。把你的筷子插入你的食物是非常粗鲁的。It is helpful to eat more fruit and vegetable.多吃水果和蔬菜是有益的。多吃水果和蔬菜是有益的。It is+adj+to do 的用法的用法a bita littleon timein timequizexamat tableat the tablepoint atpoint topoint outreachget toarrive at/inexceptbesideswithinbyfinallyat lastin the endtypekindha

19、bitcustom particularspecialespecialused tobe used to重点词汇重点词汇课堂小结1 shake hands 握手握手2 drop by ones home=drop in at+地点地点 拜访拜访3 after all 毕竟毕竟4 pick up 捡起、拾起、开车接某人捡起、拾起、开车接某人5 make noise 发出令人不愉快的声音、制造噪音发出令人不愉快的声音、制造噪音6 table manners 餐桌礼仪餐桌礼仪7 beget used to sth/doing 习惯于习惯于sth/doing8 learn by oneself 自学自

20、学9 be supposed to do=should do被期望做某事被期望做某事 应该做某事应该做某事10 greet sb(in a right/wrong way)问侯问侯11 shake hands(with sb)和某人握手和某人握手12 different customs 不同的风俗不同的风俗13 kiss sb(on the face/cheek/forehead)亲吻脸亲吻脸/脸颊脸颊/前额前额14 feel/be relaxed/nervous 觉得轻松觉得轻松,紧张,紧张 have relaxed/strict rules 有松有松/紧的规则紧的规则15 drop by

21、访问访问 visit sb 拜访拜访 come over to16 the land of sth/watches 王国王国17 after all 毕竟毕竟 first of all 首先首先18 pick up your bowl(of rice)端起你的饭碗端起你的饭碗19 wipe ones mouth with the napkin用纸巾插嘴用纸巾插嘴短语集锦短语集锦20 point at sb 指向指向21 mind ones(table)manners 注意注意礼仪礼仪(1)eat with hands 用手抓着吃用手抓着吃(2)talk at the table 在餐桌上讲话在

22、餐桌上讲话(3)pick up ones bowl of rice 端起饭碗端起饭碗(4)start eating first 先开始吃先开始吃(5)wipe ones mouth with the napkin 用餐巾纸檫嘴用餐巾纸檫嘴 (6)make noise while eating 吃时发出声音吃时发出声音(7)stick chopsticks into the food 用筷子插进食物里用筷子插进食物里(8)point at sb with the chopsticks用筷子指向某人用筷子指向某人(9)eat or drank while walking down the stre

23、et 边走边喝边走边喝(10)put the hands in/on ones lap把手放在大腿上把手放在大腿上(11)say youre full 说吃饱了说吃饱了(12)sit down from the left side 从右手边坐下从右手边坐下23 be/get used to sb/doing sth 习惯于习惯于 be used to do sth 被使用做被使用做Sth used to do sth 过去常常过去常常24 eat sth with a fork/knife/spoon/chopsticks 用(餐具)吃用(餐具)吃25 feel/be full/hungry/

24、empty 感觉很饱感觉很饱/饿饿 be full of sth=be filled with sth 充满充满/装满装满26 put the hands in/on ones lap 把手放在大腿上把手放在大腿上短语集锦短语集锦27 sth.occur(in sth)发生发生 happen to sb 发生发生28 give sb compliments 称赞称赞sb29 toast sb=make a toast to sb 向向sb敬酒敬酒30 be unfamiliar to sb/sth 熟悉熟悉 He looks familiar to me.我对他熟悉我对他熟悉31 hold t

25、he spoon in the left/right hand 把把抓在左抓在左/右小手右小手32 Questions crowded my mind.我脑袋里充满问题我脑袋里充满问题be crowded with people 挤满了人挤满了人33take out the rubbish/junk/garbage/litter/trash 把垃圾拿出去把垃圾拿出去 drop litter about 乱丢垃圾乱丢垃圾34 seek sb/sth 寻找寻找sb.sth I seek you=i c q 我找你我找你35 e-mail chat line 网上聊天热线网上聊天热线36 have

26、online conversations with friends和朋友上网聊天和朋友上网聊天37 type quickly/slowly 快速打字快速打字很慢很慢38 form good habits 养成好习惯养成好习惯 39 combine sth to sth 把把sth和和sth结合结合40 use punctuation marks 使用标点符号记号使用标点符号记号短语集锦短语集锦41 show the emotion you are feeling把你正感觉着的感情表现出来把你正感觉着的感情表现出来42 e-mail sb/a friend(v)传送电子邮件给传送电子邮件给sb

27、send an e-mail to sb(n)e-mail English 电子邮件英语电子邮件英语43 write riddles 写迷语写迷语44 learn sth.by oneself 自学自学 teach oneself teach+sb.+学科学科 教教sb学科学科45 at the proper/right time 在合适的时间在合适的时间46 be pleased/happy/pleasant(物物)=nice/pleasure 47 cut in line=jump in a queue 插队插队 wait in line=wait in a queue 排队等待排队等待4

28、8 seat oneself=have a seat=sit down 就坐就坐49 arrive a bit/a little late 迟到一点点迟到一点点50 be relaxed about sth.对对sth放松放松51 make plans to do sth.=plan to do sth.计划做计划做sth52 walk around 随意走随意走,四处走四处走53 as many friends as I can/possible尽可能多的朋友尽可能多的朋友54 be+分钟分钟+late 迟到迟到(多久多久)55 get/be angry with sb.对对sb生气生气ge

29、t/be angry at sth 对某事生气对某事生气短语集锦短语集锦56 wear a fancy dress 穿一件舞会的裙子穿一件舞会的裙子57 make some mistakes 犯错犯错58 a disaster 一个灾难一个灾难59 wear the wrong clothes 穿错衣服穿错衣服60 be excited about sth.对对sth很激动很激动61 leave for+目的地目的地 离开去离开去sp62 how to use chopsticks 怎样使用筷子怎样使用筷子 how to behave at the dinner table怎样在餐桌上表现怎样

30、在餐桌上表现63 be allowed to do sth.被允许做被允许做sth 64 whats more 而且而且65 thanks for 为为.感谢感谢66 exchange program 交换生项目交换生项目67 no reason 没有理由没有理由68 host family 房东家房东家69 be different from 不同于不同于70 find/feel it+adj.+to do sth.发现发现感觉做感觉做sth71 have a good school year 有一个好学年有一个好学年72 older people 长辈长辈73 eat meals 吃饭吃饭

31、74 give compliments 称赞称赞75 make appointments 约会约会短语集锦短语集锦76 give sb.lesson on sth.给给sb上关于上关于的课的课77 be made in+地点地点 由某地制造由某地制造 be made of/from 由由.制成制成78 in a western restaurant 在一个西餐厅在一个西餐厅79 eat with+餐具餐具 用用.来吃来吃80 begin with 从从.开始开始81 hold the spoon in ones left hand把汤匙放在左手边把汤匙放在左手边82 get/be bored

32、觉得厌烦觉得厌烦83 cant stop doing sth.忍不住做忍不住做sth84 in the traditional way 用传统的方法用传统的方法85 make faces 做鬼脸做鬼脸86 a left/right bracket 左左右括号右括号87 send a message to sb.on a mobile phone用手机发短息给用手机发短息给sb88 save time 省时省时89 written English 书面英语书面英语短语集锦短语集锦be supposed to 句型;句型;It is+adj to do 的句型;的句型;used to do/use

33、d to doing 的用法。的用法。知识要点及语法知识要点及语法重点句型重点句型What are you supposed to do?Youre supposed to Its rude toWhen were you supposed to arrive?I was supposed to arrive at 7:00,but I arrived at 8:00.You should have asked what you were supposed to wear.1.Everyone is supposed _ a seat belt in the car.A.Wearing B.t

34、o wear C.to be worn2.Your mother look a bit disappointed.You _ have told her the truth.A.should B.must C.can课外练习一一.单项选择单项选择BA3.I find _ difficult to remember everything,though Im still young.A.that B.this C.it4.The box is _ heavy _ I cant lift it.A.too,to B.so,that C.very,that D.too,that CB二二.完形填空:完

35、形填空:Manners(礼貌)(礼貌)are important to happy relations(关系)(关系)among people.No one 1 a person with bad manners.A 2 with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble.Instead,he 3 to help them.When he asks for something,he says“4 .”And when he receives something,he 5 says“Thank you”.He doe

36、s not interrupt(打扰)(打扰)6 people when they are talking.He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly 7 public.When he sneezes or spits(吐痰)(吐痰),he uses a 8 .If you are late,you 9 make an apology(道歉)(道歉)to the teacher either at the time 10 after class.1.A.thinksB.likes C.hates D.loves 2.A.boyB.man C.person D

37、.give 3.A.tries B.wants C.has D.enjoys 4.A.Give me B.PleaseC.Yes D.Hello 5.A.never B.sometime C.usually D.still 6.A.every B.some C.his D.other 7.A.on B.at C.of D.in 8.A.book B.cup C.handkerchief D.hand 9.A.should B.will C.could D.may 10.A.or B.nor C.and D.but In western countries,especially in Ameri

38、ca,some social customs have lasted still today.For example,ladies firs t,that is to say,women in those countries are respected in many ways.三三.阅读理解阅读理解 In the U.S.and Europe,you will see men usually open doors for women and women generally walk ahead of men into a room or a restaurant unless the man

39、 have to be ahead of the ladies to choose the table,to open the door of a car or to give other services.On the street,men almost walk or across the street on the side of the ladies which is closer to traffic,but if a man walks with two ladies,he should walk between them.()1.In this passage“customs”r

40、efers to _.A.what a group of people usually do B.what people in western countries do C.what people in eastern countries do D.what people in united states do()2.When you address a group of people in English,you will probably begin with _.A.Men and womenB.Women and menC.Gentlemen and ladies D.Ladies a

41、nd gentlemen BD()3.In which country people may think it strange that men should open doors for women?A.England B.Italy C.Japan D.GermanyC()4.Which of the following statements is not true?A.In Europe,a man generally follows a woman when they enter a restaurant together.B.In America a man who walks ah

42、ead of a women always gives services.C.In the U.S.,women almost always walk closer to the running cars.D.In the U.S.men should always walk by the side of the ladies.D()5.Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of this passage?A.In western countries,some social customs have lasted till today.B.Women in western countries are respected in many ways.C.Men usually open doors for women in the U.S.as well as in Europe.D.Men show respect for women by giving them good services.A


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