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6、.3.还价(还价(Counter-offerCounter-offer)受报价方不接受报价的全部或部分条件,并且提出自己的条件,称还价。如果还价函符合报价构成要件,则构成报价。还价等同于拒绝接受报价,并且提出新报价(反报价)。还价函送达原报价方时,原报价失效,新报价(即还价)生效。三、三、虚盘(虚盘(Non-Firm OfferNon-Firm Offer)在外贸实践中,还有另外一种叫做虚盘的“报价”。所谓虚盘,是指不满足报价两大要件的“报价”。例如给对方寄送价目表,产品目录,只报个价格而没有数量等。虚盘不是报价,而是报价邀请,即邀请对方报价。虚盘对报价方没有约束力。四、接受(四、接受(Acc


8、ase1普通询盘Mark Matthews是哥本哈根一家纺织品进口商,通过丹麦驻华使馆得知Weishan是中国一家著名纺织品制造出口商。Mark Matthews对Weishan生产的纯棉床单和枕套感兴趣,于是来函询问,并索取产品目录和价目表。注明:普通询盘是指不涉及具体商品款式,不涉及具体交易细节,只表达交易意向的询盘。主题:Inquiry for All Cotton Bed Sheets and PillowcasesDear Sirs,We learn from the Commercial Counselors Office of our Embassy in your countr

9、y that you are a leading exporter of all cotton bed sheets and pillowcases in your country.We take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relations with you.We are a large dealer in textiles,located at the east of Copenhagen,having many years of experience in this line

10、 of business and there is a promising market in our country for your products.Wed like you to send us your catalogue and price list at your earliest convenience.We hope this will be a good start for our long term and profitable business relations.Yours faithfully,Mark Matthews9:25 2012-2-2At Copenha

11、gen注释:1.We learn from the Commercial Counselors Office of our Embassy in your country that you are a leading exporter of all cotton bed sheets and pillowcases in your country.我们从我国驻贵国大使馆商务参赞处了解到,贵司是贵国一家知名纯棉床单和枕套出口商。2.We take this opportunity to approach you in the hope of establishing business relat

12、ions with you.我们借此机会同贵司联系,希望同贵司建立业务关系。3.We are a large dealer in textiles,located at the east of Copenhagen,having many years of experience in this line of business and there is a promising market in our country for your products.我们是一家大型纺织品经销商,公司位于哥本哈根东部,具有多年纺织品经营经验,而且你们的产品在我们这里很有市场。4.Wed like you t

13、o send us your catalogue and price list at your earliest convenience.请贵司及早给我们寄来产品目录和价目表。5.We hope this will be a good start for our long term and profitable business relations.我们希望我们之间的长期互利的业务关系从现在开始。Case 2 Case 2 对普通询盘的回复对普通询盘的回复(接续Case1)Weishan阅读Mark Matthews的电子邮件后,得知客户对自己的纯棉床单和枕头套感兴趣,但来信中没有提及具体那款

14、产品。于是,他立即给客户回信,并按照客户的要求寄送一份带有插图的产品目录,另外邮寄样品,希望得到客户的具体询盘。主题:Reply to Inquiry Dated 2012-2-2Dear Mark Matthews,Thanks for your interest in our commodities and your enquiry of 2012-02-02.We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list,giving the details you ask for.By separa

15、te post,we are sending you some samples which will show you clearly the quality and craftsmanship.Youll find our products excellent in quality and reasonable in price.We offer a 3%discount for bulk purchase.Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight.Thank you again for your i

16、nterest in our products.If you would like to have more information,please let us know as soon as possible.Well be glad to assist you in any way we can.Yours faithfully,Weishan15:25 2012-02-03In Guangzhou1.Thanks for your interest in our commodities and your enquiry of 2012-2-2.您对我们的产品感兴趣并于2012年2月2日来

17、信,我们表示感谢。2.We are enclosing some copies of our illustrated catalogues and a price list,giving the details you ask for.我们随信附上带有插图的产品目录和价目表,列明您所需要的细节。3.By separate post,we are sending you some samples,which will show you clearly the quality and craftsmanship.另外,我们将给您邮寄一些样本,样本将向您清楚地展示产品的品质和做工质量。4.Youll

18、 find our products excellent in quality and reasonable in price.你会发现我们的产品不但品质出色,而且价格合理。5.We offer a 3%discount for bulk purchase.对于批量采购,我们给予3%的价格折扣。6.Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight.付款方式采用不可撤销的即期跟单信用证。7.If you would like to have more information,please let us know

19、as soon as possible.如果您向得到更多资料,请及时告知。8.Well be glad to assist you in any way we can.我们很乐意为您效劳。Case 3Case 3具体询盘具体询盘韩国进口商Kim Pyong在广交会上看到了出口商Sharon Lee展出的毛衣,记下自己感兴趣的毛衣款式,回国后立即来信询问具体交易细节,并索取样品。注明:具体询盘是指涉及交易细节,具体那款商品的询盘。主题:Inquiry for Sweater Item No.GE-0756Dear Sharon Lee,We are one of the leading impo

20、rters of sweaters in Korea.We have seen your products displayed at the Canton Fair.At present,we are in the market for 10,000 dozens of your sweater Item No.GE-0756.Will you please quote us the lowest price based on CIF Pusan,including our 5%commission,stating the earliest date of shipment and terms

21、 of payment?We would find it the most helpful if you could provide us with samples of different colors.Should your price competitive and delivery date acceptable,well place a large order with you.Your early reply will be appreciated.Yours faithfully,Kim pyong2012-2-6At Pusan Korea1.We are one of the

22、 leading importers of sweaters in Korea.我们是一家韩国知名的毛衣进口商。2.We have seen your products displayed at the Canton Fair.我们在广交会上看到贵司的产品。3.At present,we are in the market for your sweater Item No.GE-0756.目前,我们想购买商品编号为GE-0756.的毛衣。4.Will you please quote the lowest price based on CIF Pusan,including our 5%com

23、mission,stating the latest date of shipment and terms of payment?请您报CIF釜山最低价,包我方5%佣金,注明最早船期和付款方式。5.We would find it the most helpful if you could provide us with the samples of different colors.如果贵方能向我们提供各种颜色的样品,那将对我们的交易非常有利。6.Should your price competitive and delivery date acceptable,well place a l

24、arge order with you.如果你们的价格有竞争力而且交货期可以接受,我们将给你们一份大订单。7.Your early reply will be appreciated.敬请早日回复,我们将不胜感激。Case 4Case 4对具体询盘的回复对具体询盘的回复(接续Case 3)Sharon Lee收到邮件后,发现这位韩国人列出了具体的毛衣款式,觉得他很有诚意,于是按照他的要求给他报价,希望能拿下这份订单。主题:Offer for Sweater Item No.GE-0756Dear Kim Pyong,Thank you for your email inquiry for ou

25、r sweater on February 6,2012.We are pleased to make you a quotation as bellows,subject to your acceptance reaching us within 10 days.Commodity:Womens sweater in assorted colors,Item No.GE-0756Size:Large(L),Medium(M),Small(S)Quantity:10,000 dozens Price:US$40.00 per dozen,CIF C5%PusanShipment:within

26、25 days after receipt of L/CPayment:By irrevocable L/C at sightWe are sorry to tell you that we can not give you samples until you have placed order with us.The samples,which we provide you for free for the use of promotion,will be shipped together with your ordered consignments.You are cordially in

27、vited to take advantage of this attractive offer.We are anticipating a large order from Japan,and that will cause a sharp rise in price.Yours Faithfully,Sharon Lee2012-2-7In Guangzhou 注释:1.Thank you for your email inquiry for our sweater on February 6,2012.谢谢您2012年2月6日的邮件,询问关于毛衣之事宜。2.We are pleased

28、to make you a quotation as bellows,subject to your acceptance reaching us within 10 days.我们很高兴给您做如下报价,如果你方接受本报价,请在十天内把你方接受函送达我方,过期无效。3.Commodity:Womens sweater in assorted colors,Item No.GE-0756商品名称:女式毛衣,多种颜色,编号为GE-0756。4.Size:Large(L),Medium(M),Small(S)尺寸:大号、中号、小号。5.Minimum Export Quantity:100 doze

29、n per color最小订货量:每种颜色100打6.Price:US$40.00 per dozen,CIF C5%Pusan单价:US$40.00每打,CIF 釜山,含5%进口商佣金7.Shipment:within 25 days after receipt of L/C装船期:收到信用证后25天内装船8.Payment:By irrevocable L/C at sight付款方式:不可撤销即期跟单信用证8.We are sorry to tell you that we can not give you samples until you have placed order with

30、 us.很遗憾,在你们下订单之前,我们无法提供样品。10.The samples,which we provide you for free for the use of promotion,will be shipped together with your ordered consignments.我们免费向您提供的用于促销的样品将随同您订购商品一并装运。11.You are cordially invited to take advantage of this attractive offer.本次报价非常优惠,请不要错过。12.We are anticipating a large o

31、rder from Japan,and that will cause a sharp rise in price.我们将收到来自日本的大量订货,价格将随之上涨。1.黄惠琴小姐是Shenzhen Starryfuture Technology Co.,Ltdhttp:/starryfuture.en.made-in- Ms.Huang Huiqin,Your glasses displayed on your Show Room on Made-In-China(http:/starryfuture.en.made-in- really attractive and likely to be

32、marketable in our market.I have been in this line for many years and have imported various articles from China.Now I am interested in your 3D glasses and intend to purchase 10,000 pieces as a trail order.If it proves to be a good sale,regular orders will follow.I would like you to give me a catalogu

33、e for the items that are available and quote the lowest prices.Please note that your prices must be competitive.I also want to know other terms and condition such terms of payment,packing,time of delivery and so on.I hope this will be a good start for our long term and mutually profitable business c

34、ooperation.I am looking forward to your reply.Best RegardsYours FaithfullyNatasha2012-02-10Contact DetailsContact DetailsCompany:Sunny Sporting Company LimitedCompany:Sunny Sporting Company LimitedAdd:P O Box 232004 Office No 402,Al Mansur Building Damascus Street,Al Add:P O Box 232004 Office No 402

35、,Al Mansur Building Damascus Street,Al Quasars Moscow,RussiaQuasars Moscow,RussiaEmail:Email:Tel:Tel:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxFax:xxxxxxxxxxxxxFax:xxxxxxxxxxxxxNoteNote:1.Your glasses displayed on your Show Room on Made-In-China(http:/starryfuture.en.made-in- really attractive and likely to be mark

36、etable in our market.你们在中国制造网的展厅展出的产品确实很有吸引力,在我们这里也许会有市场。2.I have been in this line for many years and have imported various articles from China.我在这个行业经营多年,而且从中国进口各种产品。3.Now I am interested in your 3D glasses and intend to purchase 10,000 pieces as a trail order.我们对你的3D眼睛感兴趣,打算订购1万只来试销。4.If it prove

37、s to be a good sale,regular orders will follow.如果好销,我们将向你们长期订购。5.I would like you to give me a catalogue for the items that are available and quote the lowest prices.请你给我发来现有产品目录并报最低价。6.Please note that your prices must be competitive.请注意,你们的价格必须要有竞争力。7.I also want to know other terms and condition

38、such terms of payment,packing,time of delivery and so on.我们还想知道其他交通员条件,如付款方式、包装、交货期等等。8.I hope this will be a good start for our long term and mutually profitable business cooperation.我希望我们长期互利的合作将从现在开始。2.黄惠琴看了对方电子邮件,挑选了若干款产品做成一份图文并茂的文件,发给客户,同时给他报了FOB价格(虚盘),还列出了付款条件(注明:付款条件对黄惠琴有利)。回复虚盘,把主动权留给自己回复虚盘,

39、把主动权留给自己Dear NatashaThank you very much for your interest in our 3D glasses.We are pleased to send you our illustrated catalogue,which is attached to this email.The items shown on the catalogue are all available and are selling well in the international market.For an order of 10,000 pieces of 3D gla

40、sses,the price is US$4.00 per piece on FOB basis with payment by 30%of PI value to be remitted by T/T in advance and 70%upon receipt of faxed B/L.Please note that this offer is subject to our final confirmation.Best RegardsYours FaithfullyHuang Huiqin2012-02-11Note:1.Thank you very much for your int

41、erest in our 3D glasses.你对我们的3D眼睛感兴趣,我们非常感谢。2.We are pleased to send you our illustrated catalogue,which is attached to this email.很高兴给你发送插图目录,目录在本邮件的附件里。3.The items shown on the catalogue are all available and are selling well in the international market.目录所列产品都可以供货,而且它们在国际市场卖得很好。4.For an order of

42、10,000 pieces of 3D glasses,the price is US$4.00 per piece on FOB basis with payment by 30%of PI value to be remitted by T/T in advance and 70%upon receipt of faxed B/L.对于1万只3D眼镜的订单,我们的价格是每只4美元FOB离岸价,电汇预付形式发票金额30%,余款70%收到提单传真件时电汇支付。5.Please note that this offer is subject to our final confirmation.本

43、报价需经我方最后确认,敬请注意。(注明:这是虚盘的标志)3.Natasha收到虚盘后,觉得价格和付款条件无法接受,于是回函还价(还盘)。还价还价Dear Ms.Huang Huiqin,I am appreciative of your prompt reply and thank you for your offer.The terms and conditions listed in your offer dated 2012-02-11 are acceptable except for the price and payment terms.Your price is too high

44、,two third higher than that of other Chinese suppliers,leaving us no margin for profit.And payment in advance is not at all acceptable.I suggest US$2.00/piece based on FOB and payment by D/P at sight.If my suggestion is acceptable,I will place the first order soon.Best RegardsYours FaithfullyNatasha

45、2012-02-15Note:1.I am appreciative of your prompt reply and thank you for your offer.感谢您及时回信并感谢您的报价。2.The terms and conditions listed in your offer dated 2012-02-11 are acceptable except for the price and payment terms.你方2012年2月11日的报价,除了价格和付款方式外,其它条件都可以接受。3.Your price is too high,two third higher th

46、an that of other Chinese suppliers,leaving us no margin for profit.你们的价格太高,比其他中国供应商高出三分之二,我们根本没有利润。4.Payment in advance is not at all acceptable.我们不可能接受预付款条款。5.I suggest US$2.00/piece based on FOB and payment by D/P at sight.我方建议价格为每只2美元FOB离岸价,付款方式为见票时付款交单。6.If my suggestion is acceptable,I will pla

47、ce the first order soon.如果你方接受我方的还价(建议),我们将很快下第一笔订单。4.黄惠琴也不接受Natasha 还价,但还是考虑了Natasha 的意见,在经过仔细考虑后,做出了让步,于是给Natasha 重新报价,且报出实盘。重新报价,报出实盘重新报价,报出实盘Dear NatashaThank you for your counter-offer dated 2012-02-15.It is understandable that many purchasers focus on price.May I remind you of not ignoring the

48、 quality while bargaining for the price?We have been manufacturing 3D glasses for 6 years and have gained world wide reputation in this line.Quality comes first is always our principle.In the past 6 years,we have received no complaint on our quality even if on a small defect.Just because of our top

49、quality,our 3D glasses are selling well though they seem to be a bit higher in price than other suppliers.Considering your suggestion,however,and in view of long term business,we agree to lower the price down to US$3.00/piece based on FOB China port with payment by irrevocable L/C payable at sight d

50、raft for an order of 10,000 pieces of our 3D glasses.This is an exception for your case and it is the most we can do.Should you accept this offer,please send us your acceptance by email or by fax with 0086 20 87978765 within 7 days.We are looking forward to your reply.Best RegardsYours FaithfullyHua


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