Unit 4 语法-过去将来时(ppt课件)-2023新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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Unit 4 语法-过去将来时(ppt课件)-2023新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx_第1页
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Unit 4 语法-过去将来时(ppt课件)-2023新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx_第5页
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1、Unit 4 Grammar过去将来时She said she would be there at seven o clock,and he thought she would keep her word.We didn t know if she was going to be here tonight.This was the call that announced there was about to be a whale hunt.I was just about to go to bed when he came to see me.James has just arrived,bu

2、t I didn t know he was coming until yesterday.When my parents were away,my grandmother would take care of me.He said that the students were to meet at the school gate the next day.自我探究自我探究would动词原形动词原形was/were going to dowas/were about to do过去进行时过去进行时总是,老是总是,老是was/were to do一、构成一、构成1肯定句肯定句(1)主语主语be(

3、was或或were)going to动词原形其他。动词原形其他。(2)主语主语would动词原形其他。动词原形其他。(3)主语主语was/were动词不定式其他。动词不定式其他。(4)主语主语was/were about to动词原形其他。动词原形其他。2否定句否定句(1)主语主语be not(wasn t或或weren t)going to动词原形其他。动词原形其他。(2)主语主语would not动词原形其他。动词原形其他。知识讲解知识讲解3一般疑问句一般疑问句(1)Be(Was或或Were)主语主语going to动词原形其他?动词原形其他?(2)Would主语动词原形其他?主语动词原形

4、其他?4被动语态被动语态(1)wouldbe动词的过去分词动词的过去分词(done)(2)was/weregoing to be动词的过去分词动词的过去分词(done)Everything was going to be just fine.(改为否定句改为否定句)_She determined that she would never see him again.(改为肯定句改为肯定句)_She was going to prepare for her trip.(改为一般疑问句改为一般疑问句)_Everything wasn t going to be just fine.She dete

5、rmined that she would see him again.Was she going to prepare for her trip?练习一、改写句子练习一、改写句子He would give a speech on how to reduce stress the next week.(改为被改为被动语态动语态)_Their children were going to learn English.(改为被动语态改为被动语态)_A speech would be given by him on how to reduce stress the next week.English

6、 was going to be learnt by their children.二、用法二、用法1would动词原形动词原形“would动词原形动词原形”构成过去将来时,常表示构成过去将来时,常表示从过去某一时间看将从过去某一时间看将要发生的事要发生的事。He said he would come to see me.他说他要来看我。他说他要来看我。He told me he would go to Beijing.他告诉我他将去北京。他告诉我他将去北京。知识讲解知识讲解2was/weregoing to动词原形动词原形(1)“was/weregoing to动词原形动词原形”表示根据表示

7、根据计划或安排即将发生的事计划或安排即将发生的事。She said she was going to start at once.她说她将立即出发。她说她将立即出发。I was told that he was going to return home.他告诉我他准备回家。他告诉我他准备回家。(2)“was/weregoing to动词原形动词原形”还表示还表示有迹象表明可能会发生某事有迹象表明可能会发生某事。It seemed as if it was going to rain.天看起来好像要下雨。天看起来好像要下雨。3was/were动词不定式动词不定式(1)“was/were动词不定式

8、动词不定式”构成过去将来时,常表示构成过去将来时,常表示过去计划或安排在过去计划或安排在过去的将来会发生的事过去的将来会发生的事。We were to leave at six the following day,but it rained.我们计划第二天六点出发,但下雨了。我们计划第二天六点出发,但下雨了。(2)“was/were动词不定式动词不定式”构成过去将来时,还表示构成过去将来时,还表示“注定要发生注定要发生”。They were to succeed because they worked so hard.他们那么努力,注定会成功的。他们那么努力,注定会成功的。4was/were

9、about to 动词原形动词原形“was/were about to 动词原形动词原形”构成过去将来时,常用在固定句型构成过去将来时,常用在固定句型“was/were about to do.when.”中,意为:中,意为:正打算做正打算做这这/那时那时We were about to go out when it began to rain.我们正打算出去,这时天开始下雨了。我们正打算出去,这时天开始下雨了。5位移动词用过去进行时表示过去将来位移动词用过去进行时表示过去将来come,go,leave,arrive,start等严格按照时间表发生的表起止的动词可用过等严格按照时间表发生的表起

10、止的动词可用过去进行时代替过去将来时。去进行时代替过去将来时。She told me she was coming to see me.她告诉我她要来看我。她告诉我她要来看我。6特定场合的一般过去时可表示过去将来时特定场合的一般过去时可表示过去将来时条件状语从句和时间状语从句中须用一般过去时代替过去将来时。条件状语从句和时间状语从句中须用一般过去时代替过去将来时。I didn t know when she would come,but when she came I would let you know.我不知道她什么时候来,但她来了我会告诉你。我不知道她什么时候来,但她来了我会告诉你。Sh

11、e was about _(go)to work when the telephone rang.I thought he said he _(come)today,but I must have misheard.Every time they met,they _(talk)about former classmates they remembered.He was going _(speak)at the meeting,but his heart attack prevented him.His discussion with his new boss,Hu Xin,was _(inf

12、luence)strongly his life as a journalist.to gowas comingwould talkto speakto influence练习二、单句语法填空练习二、单句语法填空练习三、单句填空练习三、单句填空1In addition,most newspapers had little in them that _(appeal)to a mass audience.2I forced myself to believe that I _(enjoy)it and succeed in the future.3Since then,whenever I vi

13、sited my grandmother s house,I _(rush)to the kitchen for the stinky tofu with excitement.4They were not sure how the Americans _(react)to the new type of music.would appealwould enjoywould rushwould react5I mentioned that we _(be)going to cross a mountain stream.6Being the coach of the new team,I wa

14、s excited because I knew we _(be)going to win,but to my disappointment we were defeated.7Some social app companies were _(blame)because they didn t adequately check their users registration.8They told her to stay still until the emergency personnel arrived,but she thought the car _(be)going to explo

15、de.9When I was 13 my only purpose was _(become)the star on our football team.10I was about _(get)out of the room when the door was opened.werewereto blamewasto becometo get练习四、完成句子练习四、完成句子1A party _ in a room above the store where some workers were busily setting the table.在在商店楼上的一个房间里将举行一个聚会,一些工人正忙

16、着摆桌子。商店楼上的一个房间里将举行一个聚会,一些工人正忙着摆桌子。2They _to leave the room only after the candidates papers were collected.只有只有在竞选者的论文都收集完毕后,他们才被允许离开。在竞选者的论文都收集完毕后,他们才被允许离开。3He said the train _ at six the next morning.他他说火车第二天早晨出发。说火车第二天早晨出发。was to be heldwould be permittedwas leaving4Looking back on his youth,he f

17、inally realised that his pain taking effort in Senior Three _ his bright future.回首自己的青春,他终于意识到,自己在高三的拼搏注定是为了塑回首自己的青春,他终于意识到,自己在高三的拼搏注定是为了塑造自己美好的未来。造自己美好的未来。5As a child,she _ do housework every day after school.作为一个孩子,她每天放学后都会帮妈妈做家务。作为一个孩子,她每天放学后都会帮妈妈做家务。was to shapewould/used to help her mother练习五、语

18、法填空练习五、语法填空用所给动词的适当形式完成下面短文。用所给动词的适当形式完成下面短文。Two years ago,my mom told me that she 1_(send)me to a private high school.I was so excited because I 2_(start)a new chapter of my life.But the first two weeks at the new school was the most difficult time of my entire life.I was so homesick and I 3_(not k

19、now)how to cheer myself up.To take my attention away from my sadness,I 4_(throw)myself into my studies.I wanted to keep every part of my day busy and occupied so I 5_(not think)about how lonely I felt.Gradually,I 6_(start)to adapt myselfwould send/was going to sendwould startdidn t knowthrewwouldn t

20、 thinkstartedto my new life.I just remember one afternoon,as I was about 7_(leave)the classroom after school,my head teacher walked to me and said that all my hard work 8_(pay)off soon.Now I 9_(be)in my dream university.So if you put your effort into something,the result 10_(not disappoint)you.to leavewould payamwouldn t disappoint


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