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1、Unit 3Looking good,feeling goodWhat Is Beauty?What is beauty?I am sure everyone has particular understanding,however,human beings have common value aspect about how to distinguish(辨别辨别)beautiful things or people somehow.Your beauty is not a true beauty until you get to know what a real beauty means.

2、Being attractive is like being richit can help you find happiness,but it doesnt always make you happy.Simply try to be an interesting person.For interesting people have interesting faces,and interesting faces are almost always attractive.话题导入The physical beauty,for example your skin color,is not sta

3、ble(稳稳定的定的)forever,while the soul beauty will live forever.Beauty is in good things that you do.Your nice behavior with others,the way you understand a person,the way you trust a person,the way you love a person,the way you care,the way you share,your honesty and your self-confidence make your perso

4、nality(个性个性)so beautiful.One thing to remember:People will forget what you say;people will forget what you do;but they will never forget what you made them feel.To live wonderfully,you have to feel wonderful!Somebody said so true that a beautiful woman is a diamond but a truthful,honest woman is a t

5、reasure.And finally I would like to say that the beautiful person is the one who does beautifully,who says beautifully and who feels beautifully and who helps other people to do the same!根据上文完成下列各题根据上文完成下列各题1.How can you make your personality so beautiful?_2.Fill in each blank with one word accordin

6、g to the text.It is not beauty but beauty that will stay forever.I should have nice behavior with others,be honest and self-confident.physical soul基础自测内容索引要点探究达标检测课文预读Period OneWelcome to the unit&Reading基础自测.重点重点单词单词1.adj.苗条的,纤细的苗条的,纤细的2.n.体形;数字;人物体形;数字;人物3.adj.惭愧的,羞愧的惭愧的,羞愧的4.vi.起作用,有效果,奏效起作用,有效果,

7、奏效5.adj.精力充沛的,充满活力的精力充沛的,充满活力的 n.能量;能量;精力精力6.vi.复原,恢复健康复原,恢复健康 vt.重新获得,重新获得,恢复恢复slimfigureashamedworkenergeticenergyrecover7.n.衰退,衰竭;失败;故障,失灵衰退,衰竭;失败;故障,失灵 vi.失败失败 vt.不及格;使失望不及格;使失望8.vt.包含;容纳包含;容纳9.n.化学化学物质物质 adj.化学的化学的 n.化学化学10.n.治疗;待遇;处理治疗;待遇;处理 vt.治疗;对待;款待治疗;对待;款待failurefailcontainchemicalchemist

8、rytreatmenttreat11.adj.令人疼痛的,痛苦的令人疼痛的,痛苦的 adv.痛苦地痛苦地 n.痛苦;疼痛痛苦;疼痛12.vt.&n.损害,伤害损害,伤害13.adj.有吸引力的,有魅力的有吸引力的,有魅力的 adv.有吸引力地有吸引力地14.adj.尴尬的,不好意思的,难为情尴尬的,不好意思的,难为情的的painfulpainfullypaindamageattractiveattractivelyembarrassed15.n.压力压力16.adj.肥胖的,体重超标的肥胖的,体重超标的17.vt.更喜欢更喜欢18.n.腰,腰部;腰围腰,腰部;腰围19.vt.&vi.受苦;遭受

9、受苦;遭受(磨难磨难)pressureoverweightpreferwaistsuffer1.锻炼锻炼;解决;弄清楚;解决;弄清楚2.减肥减肥3.对对感到羞愧感到羞愧/难为情难为情4.受受欢迎欢迎5.住院住院6.从从中恢复、痊愈中恢复、痊愈7.坚持坚持8.听从听从某人的建议某人的建议9.节食节食.重点重点短语短语work outlose weightbe ashamed ofbe popular amongbe in hospitalrecover frominsist onfollow ones advicego on a diet.重点句式重点句式1.as引导方式状语从句引导方式状语从句

10、I think you look great ,and youre a wonderful person.我我觉得你目前这个样子看上去就很棒,而且你是一个非常优秀的人。觉得你目前这个样子看上去就很棒,而且你是一个非常优秀的人。2.be always doing sth.总是总是做某事做某事Its the same in Chinamany people,some of whom are not overweight at all,or taking weight-loss pills,which are often dangerous.在中国也是一样的情况在中国也是一样的情况许多人,其中有些人

11、一点都不胖,却总是在许多人,其中有些人一点都不胖,却总是在节食,或者吃减肥药片,这些做法往往是危险的。节食,或者吃减肥药片,这些做法往往是危险的。as you areare always going on a diet课文预读.根据课文内容判断正根据课文内容判断正(T)误误(F)1.In Amys first e-mail to Zhou Ling,she is going on a diet to lose weight.()2.In the last two months Amy has lost 10kg.()3.In Amys second e-mail,she regrets tak

12、ing those weight-loss pills.()4.Zhou Ling didnt answer Amys e-mail in time because she had no computer.()5.In China,there are not many people who take weight-loss pills.()FFTF答案F1.We can learn from the first e-mail that .A.Amy used to go to the gym three times a day B.Amy has lost at least 10 kilogr

13、ams in the last two months C.Zhou Ling used to go to the gym every day D.Zhou Ling is also an actress.课文阅读理解课文阅读理解答案123452.When Amy took weight-loss pills to stay slim,her mother felt .A.excited B.worried C.touched D.amazed 答案123453.From Amy s story,we can learn that .A.it is not important to exerci

14、se regularly B.going on a diet is the best way to stay slim C.taking weight-loss pills is dangerous D.looking good is very important to women 答案123454.Amy finally realized that .A.it is more important to keep healthy B.it is more important to look slim C.weight-loss pills are not very harmful D.she

15、lost her weight in a right way 答案123455.In the replied e-mail,Zhou Ling .A.expresses her opinions about Amy s problems B.gives Amy some advice about her problems C.tells of her own experiences D.gives other examples similar to those of Amy 答案12345.课文阅读课文阅读填空填空Three periodsReasonsResultsThe First Per

16、iod(taking weight-loss pills)Amy is always 1._ of her body.She is preparing to 2._ in a new TV show.She 3.two pills a day so she doesnt need to exercise.She has 4.7 kilograms in the last two months.Sometimes she doesnt feel so 5.ashamedacttakeslostenergeticThe Second Period(in hospital)Those weight-

17、loss pills 6.a harmful chemical that caused her liver to 7.In hospital she received good medical 8.She is recovering from liver failure.containfailtreatmentThe Third Period(now)She follows her doctors advice.She 9.out for at least half an hour every day and eats lots of fruit and vegetables.Shes fee

18、ling better and 10._ taking those weight-loss pills.worksregrets.阅读课文阅读课文,并试着以约,并试着以约30个词概括第二封邮件个词概括第二封邮件(P42P43)的文章大意。的文章大意。Amy regrets taking the weight-loss pills to lose weight.Now she is aware that people should look after their bodies.The best way to keep fit is to work out regularly and eat l

19、ots of fruit and vegetables.随着社会的发展与进步,人们不仅注重外表美,更注重自己的身体随着社会的发展与进步,人们不仅注重外表美,更注重自己的身体健康,保持身体与精神的健康已深入人心。我们可以从网络和各种资料健康,保持身体与精神的健康已深入人心。我们可以从网络和各种资料中搜集一些谚语和警句,并从这些谚语和警句中吸取经验和教训,做快中搜集一些谚语和警句,并从这些谚语和警句中吸取经验和教训,做快乐、健康、美丽的自我。请试着把下面的谚语翻译成汉语。乐、健康、美丽的自我。请试着把下面的谚语翻译成汉语。核心素养提升1.Early to bed and early to rise

20、 makes a man healthy,wealthy,and wise._2.Happiness lies first of all in health._3.Cheerfulness is health;its opposite,melancholy,is disease._早睡早起身体好。早睡早起身体好。幸福首先在于健康。幸福首先在于健康。欢乐就是健康,忧郁就是病痛。欢乐就是健康,忧郁就是病痛。4.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy._5.Diet cures more than doctors._6.Better wear out s

21、hoes than sheets._7.An apple a day keeps the doctor away._只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。只会用功不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻。自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。自己饮食有节,胜过上门求医。与其与其(卧病卧病)磨破床单,不如磨破床单,不如(运动运动)磨破鞋子。磨破鞋子。一日一苹果,疾病远离我。一日一苹果,疾病远离我。8.Eat at pleasure,drink with measure._9.Life lies in movement._10.Wealth is nothing without health._随意吃饭,适度饮酒。随意吃饭,适度饮

22、酒。生命在于运动。生命在于运动。失去健康,钱再多也没用。失去健康,钱再多也没用。要点探究1Dying to be thin.渴望瘦身渴望瘦身be dying to do sth.渴望渴望做某事做某事be dying for sth.极极想要想要/渴望得到某物渴望得到某物be dying of hunger/thirst快要饿死了快要饿死了/渴死了渴死了be eager to do sth.渴望渴望做某事做某事long to do sth.渴望渴望做某事做某事重点词汇(1)The girls are dying to see the movie star.这些女孩渴望见到那位电影明星。这些女孩渴

23、望见到那位电影明星。(2)She is dying for a cup of coffee.她很想喝杯咖啡。她很想喝杯咖啡。(3)They havent eaten anything for a whole day and almost _ .他们一整天没吃东西,快要饿死了。他们一整天没吃东西,快要饿死了。aredying of hunger一句多译一句多译(4)这个年轻人渴望得到深造的机会。这个年轻人渴望得到深造的机会。The young man to study further.(die)The young man to study further.(eager)The young man

24、 to study further.(long)is dying to get the chanceis eager to get the chancelongs to get the chance2I used to go to the gym three times a week,but I dont work out any more.我我以前常去健身房,一周三次,但我现在不再锻炼了。以前常去健身房,一周三次,但我现在不再锻炼了。work out锻炼;制订出锻炼;制订出(计划等计划等);解决;计算出;解决;计算出;(事情事情)顺利进行顺利进行/发发展;弄清楚,分辨出;展;弄清楚,分辨出;

25、理解理解work on致力于致力于work as受雇于受雇于;从事;从事工作;担任工作;担任at/out of work在工作在工作/失业失业(1)He has been working on a new novel for over a year now.近近一年多来,他一直在写一部新小说。一年多来,他一直在写一部新小说。(2)My son is working as a teacher.我儿子是一名老师。我儿子是一名老师。一词多义一词多义写出下列句子写出下列句子中中加颜色加颜色词词的汉语意思的汉语意思(3)I have just worked out a plan._(4)I hope y

26、ou can work out what I think._(5)By working out every day,you will build up your body._(6)You are so clever that you can work out almost all the maths problems._制订出制订出理解理解锻炼锻炼解决,计算出解决,计算出单项填空单项填空(7)When you meet with difficulties,dont lose heart!Everything will all right in the end.(2018溧水高级中学高一上期中溧

27、水高级中学高一上期中)A.go out B.work outC.fall out D.figure out答案解析解析解析go out出去;出去;work out顺利进行,成功地发展;顺利进行,成功地发展;fall out发生,脱发生,脱落;落;figure out解决。句意为:当你遇到困难的时候,不要丧失信心!解决。句意为:当你遇到困难的时候,不要丧失信心!最后一切都会好起来的。故选最后一切都会好起来的。故选B。3Most young women want a slim figure these days,.当今大多数年轻女性都想要苗条的身材,当今大多数年轻女性都想要苗条的身材,figure

28、 n.体形,身材;数字;人物;体形,身材;数字;人物;v.计算;认为计算;认为keep ones figure保持身材保持身材figure out想出;计算出;理解,弄明白;看透想出;计算出;理解,弄明白;看透(某人某人)(1)We must figure out how to solve the problem.我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。我们必须想出解决这个问题的办法。一词多义一词多义写出下列句子写出下列句子中中加颜色加颜色词词的汉语意思的汉语意思(2)By 2017,this figure had risen to 14 million._(3)Several leading fig

29、ures resigned from the Party._(4)Take pride in your health and your figure._(5)I figured that if I took the night train,I could be in Scotland by morning._数字数字人物人物体形,身材体形,身材认为认为单项填空单项填空(6)I havent eaten meat for half a year to keep my .A.body B.figureC.head D.secret答案解析解析解析句意为:为了保持身材,我半年没吃肉了。句意为:为了保

30、持身材,我半年没吃肉了。figure身材,身材,keep ones figure是固定短语,意为是固定短语,意为“保持身材保持身材”,符合题意。,符合题意。body身体,身体,躯干;躯干;head头脑,大脑,头脑,大脑,keep ones head意为意为“保持冷静保持冷静”;secret秘密。秘密。4Im trying to lose weight because Im so ashamed of my body.我我在尽力减肥,因为我对我的体形感到羞愧。在尽力减肥,因为我对我的体形感到羞愧。ashamed adj.惭愧的,羞愧的惭愧的,羞愧的be ashamed of sb./sth.为为

31、某人某人/某事某事(物物)感到惭愧感到惭愧be ashamed of oneself for doing sth.某人某人因做了某事而感到羞愧因做了某事而感到羞愧be ashamed to do sth.耻耻于做某事;因做某事而羞愧于做某事;因做某事而羞愧be ashamed that.感到惭愧的是感到惭愧的是(1)He is ashamed of himself for having lied.他因撒了谎而为自己感到羞愧。他因撒了谎而为自己感到羞愧。(2)I you so many times.麻烦了你那么多次,我真的不好意思麻烦了你那么多次,我真的不好意思。句型转换句型转换(3)He wa

32、s ashamed of himself for having asked such a silly question.He was ashamed such a silly question.am ashamed to have troubledthat he had asked单项填空单项填空(4)We shouldnt feel of our weight because our inner beauty is more important.(2018常熟高一上期中常熟高一上期中)A.guilty B.ashamedC.energetic D.distant答案解析解析解析guilty有

33、罪的;有罪的;ashamed羞愧的;羞愧的;energetic精力充沛的;精力充沛的;distant遥遥远的。句意为:我们不应该对我们的体重感到羞愧,因为内在的美更重远的。句意为:我们不应该对我们的体重感到羞愧,因为内在的美更重要。要。feel ashamed of对对感到羞愧。故选感到羞愧。故选B。5Im now in hospital recovering from liver failure.我现在住院了,患的是肝衰竭,正在恢复中。我现在住院了,患的是肝衰竭,正在恢复中。(1)recover vi.复原,恢复健康;复原,恢复健康;vt.重新获得,恢复重新获得,恢复recover from

34、从从中恢复中恢复/痊愈痊愈recover oneself恢复健康;清醒过来恢复健康;清醒过来recover ones health/strength恢复健康恢复健康/体力体力(2)recovery n.恢复;痊愈恢复;痊愈make a recovery(from)(从从中中)恢复恢复(1)The economy is beginning to recover at last.经济终于开始复苏了。经济终于开始复苏了。(2)Three days later,Jack recovered his lost bag.三天后,杰克找回了他丢失的包。三天后,杰克找回了他丢失的包。(3)It took he

35、r a few minutes to .过了好几分钟她才清醒过来。过了好几分钟她才清醒过来。recover herself一句多译一句多译(4)我姐姐很快就从手术中恢复了健康。我姐姐很快就从手术中恢复了健康。My sister the operation.(recover)My sister the operation.(recovery)quickly recovered frommade a quick recovery from6My mother is right:dont damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.我我妈妈

36、是对的:不要为了苗条、动人的身材毁了自己的健康。妈妈是对的:不要为了苗条、动人的身材毁了自己的健康。damage vt.&n.损害,伤害损害,伤害damage ones health损害某人的健康损害某人的健康cause/do damage to.对对造成损害造成损害(1)As we know,smoking seriously damages our health.我们我们都知道,吸烟严重损害我们的健康。都知道,吸烟严重损害我们的健康。(2)The earthquake the city.地震对给这个城市造成了极大的破坏地震对给这个城市造成了极大的破坏。高级表达高级表达(3)They hav

37、e repaired the buildings which were damaged in the fire.(用过去分词短语作定语改写用过去分词短语作定语改写)They have repaired the buildings .caused/did great damage todamaged in the fire7I know that the pressure to stay slim is a problem,especially for an actress.我我知道,保持身材苗条的压力是问题的症结所在,对一个女演员来知道,保持身材苗条的压力是问题的症结所在,对一个女演员来说尤其

38、是这样。说尤其是这样。(1)pressure n.压力压力under pressure在压力下在压力下put pressure on sb.给某人施加压力给某人施加压力(2)press v.按,压;催促,强迫;竭力要求按,压;催促,强迫;竭力要求 press sb.to do sth./into doing sth.强迫某人做某事;恳请某人做某事强迫某人做某事;恳请某人做某事(1)He works best under pressure.他在压力下工作最出色。他在压力下工作最出色。(2)She a little longer.她她力劝客人们多待一会儿。力劝客人们多待一会儿。pressed he

39、r guests to stay/into staying解析解析从题干的后半部分从题干的后半部分“他决定回到安静的老家生活他决定回到安静的老家生活”可知,现代生可知,现代生活的快节奏带给了他极大的压力,故选活的快节奏带给了他极大的压力,故选pressure(压力压力)。effect影响;影响;convenience方便;方便;emptiness空虚。空虚。单项填空单项填空(3)The fast pace of modern life brought him great ,so he decided to return to live in the quiet village where he

40、 was born.A.effect B.convenienceC.pressure D.emptiness答案解析8Instead,I prefer to exercise at home,and it seems that I am always going on a diet.我却更喜欢在家锻炼,而且似乎我总是在节食。我却更喜欢在家锻炼,而且似乎我总是在节食。prefer vt.更喜欢更喜欢prefer doing/to do sth.宁愿做某事,更喜欢做某事宁愿做某事,更喜欢做某事prefer sb.(not)to do sth.宁愿某人宁愿某人(不不)做某事做某事prefer(doi

41、ng)A to(doing)B 喜欢喜欢(做做)A胜于胜于(做做)Bprefer to do A rather than do Bwould do A rather than do Bwould rather do A than do B宁愿做宁愿做A,而不愿做,而不愿做B(1)I prefer staying/to stay at home on Sundays.周日我更喜欢待在家里。周日我更喜欢待在家里。(2)Mother prefers us to go home early.母亲希望我们早点儿回家。母亲希望我们早点儿回家。句型转换句型转换(3)I prefer to do some e

42、xercise rather than play computer games on holidays.I do some exercise play computer games on holidays.I do some exercise play computer games on holidays.would ratherthanwouldrather than9There is news about a Canadian actress who suffered liver failure because of taking those pills.有一则关于因服用那种药片而导致肝衰

43、竭的一位加拿大女演员的有一则关于因服用那种药片而导致肝衰竭的一位加拿大女演员的新闻。新闻。(1)suffer vt.&vi.遭受,蒙受;受苦;感到疼痛遭受,蒙受;受苦;感到疼痛suffer from遭受遭受;患;患病病(2)suffering n.痛苦;疼痛;苦难;折磨痛苦;疼痛;苦难;折磨(3)sufferer n.患病者;受苦者;受害者患病者;受苦者;受害者易混辨析易混辨析suffer,suffer fromsuffer指指“遭受遭受”痛苦、损失,忍受侮辱等,其宾语通常为痛苦、损失,忍受侮辱等,其宾语通常为pain,loss,damage,punishment,defeat,hardshi

44、p,discouragement,disappointment等抽象名词。等抽象名词。suffer from指指“遭受遭受”战争、自然灾害等带来的苦难及患病之苦,战争、自然灾害等带来的苦难及患病之苦,其后常接表示疾病或造成不幸或痛苦的事物的名词。其后常接表示疾病或造成不幸或痛苦的事物的名词。注意:二者一般不用于被动语态。注意:二者一般不用于被动语态。图解助记图解助记解析解析句意为:对不起,我不能和你一起去,我头疼得厉害。表示句意为:对不起,我不能和你一起去,我头疼得厉害。表示“患患病病”,常用,常用suffer from。故选。故选C项。项。(1)The people in this coun

45、try have suffered a lot because of the war.战争让这个国家的人民深受其害。战争让这个国家的人民深受其害。(2)A lack of confidence can lead to a lot of suffering.缺乏自信会导致许多痛苦。缺乏自信会导致许多痛苦。单项填空单项填空(3)Sorry,I cant go with you.Im a serious headache.A.suffering B.sufferedC.suffering from D.suffered from答案解析1I think you look great as you a

46、re,and youre a wonderful person.我觉得你目前这个样子看上去就很棒,而且你是一个非常优秀的人。我觉得你目前这个样子看上去就很棒,而且你是一个非常优秀的人。经典句式as you are是方式状语从句,意为是方式状语从句,意为“你本来的样子你本来的样子”。as是连词,意是连词,意为为“按照,像按照,像一样,正如一样,正如”。as it is照原样;事实上;实际情况是照原样;事实上;实际情况是(1)Leave the glass on the table as it is.I will wash it later.别动别动桌子上的那个玻璃杯,我等会儿再洗。桌子上的那个玻

47、璃杯,我等会儿再洗。(2)I have changed it as you suggested.我已照你的建议作了修改。我已照你的建议作了修改。(3)We must do .我们必须按照党的指示办事。我们必须按照党的指示办事。(4)Wed better leave the things until the police arrive.我们最好别动那些东西,直到警察来为止。我们最好别动那些东西,直到警察来为止。as the Party tells us(to do)as they are2Its the same in Chinamany people,some of whom are not

48、overweight at all,are always going on a diet or taking weight-loss pills,which are often dangerous.在中国也是一样的情况在中国也是一样的情况许多人,其中有些人一点都不胖,却总许多人,其中有些人一点都不胖,却总是在节食,或者吃减肥药片,这些做法往往是危险的。是在节食,或者吃减肥药片,这些做法往往是危险的。(1)be always doing sth.总是做某事,频度副词与进行时连用,表示一总是做某事,频度副词与进行时连用,表示一种强调、反感、抱怨的语气。种强调、反感、抱怨的语气。(2)频度副词频度副

49、词always,constantly,continually,forever等和进行时连用等和进行时连用时,给现在或过去的动作披上一层感情色彩。常表示讨厌、不满,带时,给现在或过去的动作披上一层感情色彩。常表示讨厌、不满,带有埋怨情绪,指责某人一贯的行径;或者表示赞许、高兴,带有夸奖有埋怨情绪,指责某人一贯的行径;或者表示赞许、高兴,带有夸奖的口吻,称赞对方的一贯表现,并不强调动作正在进行。的口吻,称赞对方的一贯表现,并不强调动作正在进行。(1)You are always making the same mistake.你总是犯同样的错误。你总是犯同样的错误。翻译句子翻译句子(2)He is

50、 constantly asking silly questions._他老是问些愚蠢的问题。他老是问些愚蠢的问题。单项填空单项填空(3)He of how he can do more for the people.A.will always thinkB.is always thinkingC.has always been thoughtD.does think always 解析解析句意为:他总是在考虑如何为人们多做点事。此句中现在进行时句意为:他总是在考虑如何为人们多做点事。此句中现在进行时与与always连用,带有夸赞的口吻。连用,带有夸赞的口吻。答案解析难句分析句式分析句式分析这


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