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1、高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVINGUNIT 8 GREEN LIVINGLESSON 3“WHITE BIKES”ON THE ROAD高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING题组练领悟方法词汇一词汇一 therefore adv.因此;由此因此;由此教材原句Amsterdam is a good city for cycling because its flat and therefore convenient for bikes.阿姆斯特丹是个适合骑行的城市,它地势平坦,因此方便骑行。学法点拨therefore adv.因此,正式用词,表示严密的推

2、理。so conj.因此,常用于会话和日常文体中,推论不必严密。高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING单句语法填空(1)The Summer Palace is worth a visit.,I plan to have a look at it this summer holiday.(2)Exercising is of great benefit to both our physical and mental health,and you should work out regularly.同义句转换(3)Cycling is actually a good kind

3、 of exercise.As a result,I go cycling with my friends every Sunday.Cycling is actually a good kind of exercise.,I go cycling with my friends every Sunday.Therefore thereforeTherefore 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING词汇二词汇二 come up with 想出,想到想出,想到教材原句In the 1960s,a group of cycling fans came up with an i

4、dea.20 世纪60 年代,一群骑行爱好者提出了一个想法。误区警示come up with 意为“提出”,其主语一般是“人”,宾语为表示建议、计划、方案等的名词。come up 作“被提出,被谈到”讲时为不及物动词短语,不能用于被动语态。归纳拓展come up 走近,上来,走到眼前;被提出,被谈到;(太阳、月亮)升起;(植物)破土而出,发芽;出现come up to 达到(标准等);比得上 come on 赶快;加油come about 发生,产生 come across 偶然碰见;偶然发现come to 共计;达到;苏醒 come over 来访,拜访come out 出现;出版;开花;(

5、真相)为人所知高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING一言助记One day,I came across a friend who looked upset.I came up to him,asking how it came about.He said his mother was in shock.We immediately came to her help,and gave her first aid until she came to.Just then an ambulance came up,and soon it came over and took her

6、 to the hospital.一天,我遇到一个朋友,他看起来很难过。我走到他面前,问他是怎么回事。他告诉我他母亲休克了。我们立刻来帮助她,给她急救,直到她苏醒过来。就在那时,一辆救护车出现了,很快开了过来并把她送往医院。高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING单句写作(1)Ms Li_ _ _ _(已经想出)a few songs to help the shy students with social dialogue.(2)The designer says he _ _ _(想出)the idea after watching people get wet on s

7、treets in Russia.(3)In order to finish the task on time,many pieces of good advice _ _ (提出)at the meeting.(4)(大量的好主意被提出来)at this education conference to improve the students study.选词填空:come up/come up with(5)Your name in our conversation twice.(6)She a few tips on a healthy diet.has come up with cam

8、e up with came up A great number of/A great many good ideas came up came upcame up with 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING单句语法填空(7)Although against my opinion,the old professor didnt come up his own.(8)A series of problems faced by the public has come in the national conference.(9)Have you come up some n

9、ew ideas?Yeah.Ill tell you later.(10)She came an old friend of hers yesterday while she was shopping at the department store.(11)When will his first new book come?(12)When Alice came ,she did not know how long she had been lying there.(13)How did it come that you were late for such an important meet

10、ing?(14)In the mid-1700s,a Frenchman came up a new design of roada base layer of large stones covered with a thin layer of smaller stones.withupwithacrossouttoaboutwith高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING词汇三词汇三 disappear vi.消失,不见消失,不见教材原句Soon after,however,problems came up and the“white bikes”all disappear

11、ed thieves stole them all in a matter of weeks!然而不久就出了问题,“白色自行车”全都消失了,小偷在几周内偷光了所有的车!要点必记disappear behind/into 消失在后/中disappear from sight/view 从视线中消失词语积累appearance n.出现;外表disappearance n.消失学法点拨dis-是否定前缀,表示“不,非,相反”,如disabled(残疾的),disagree,dislike,disappear,dishonest,discourage(使灰心),disadvantage 等。高中英语

12、 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING单句语法填空(1)The train disappeared view and I knew my best friend would never come back.(2)The image shows the gas,dust,and stars that swirl around the black hole before (disappear)into it.(3)2017全国卷By the 1920s,wolves had practically (disappear)from the Yellowstone area.单句写作(4)

13、_ _ _(他们的误解消除了)after a long talk.(5)She was amazed that the creature suddenly _ _ _(从视线中消失了).(6)The car finally _ _ _(消失在黑暗中).fromdisappearingdisappearedTheir misunderstanding disappeared disappeared from sight/view disappeared into darkness 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING词汇四词汇四 tracking n.跟踪跟踪教材原句In

14、1999,the“white bikes”returned to Amsterdamthis time with a computer tracking system to record their every move!1999 年,“白色自行车”回到了阿姆斯特丹,这次车安装了电子跟踪系统以记录它们的“一举一动”!要点必记(1)the tracking system 跟踪系统(2)track n.轨道,铁轨;足迹,痕迹;车辙;跑道v.跟踪;追踪track down 追踪到,追查到keep/lose track of 了解/不了解的情况be on the right/wrong track 思

15、路正确/错误track and field 田径;田径运动高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING单句语法填空(1)There is something wrong with the (track)system.(2)To carry out the research,we (track)4,000 species of mammals,birds,reptiles,fish and amphibians within three years.(3)As a doctor,Brooks has to keep track the latest developments in

16、medicine.(4)Thats not the answer but youre the right track.单句写作(5)I find it difficult to_ _ _(了解的情况)my old friend now.(6)Ive _ _ _(不记得)how many cartoon books my parents bought for me when I was in kindergarten.(7)Hes made a good score in _ _ _ _(田径运动项目).tracking tracked ofonkeep track of lost track

17、of track and field event 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING词汇五词汇五 destination n.目的地;终点目的地;终点 教材原句Thus people who wanted to use them had to take them to another special parking place near their destination and leave them there.因此,使用者到达目的地之后,必须将自行车停放到附近的专用停车场。要点必记our final destination 我们的最终目的地arrive at/rea

18、ch ones destination 到达目的地a popular holiday/tourist destination 一个受欢迎的度假/旅游目的地单句语法填空(1)With many Chinese now travelling abroad for Spring Festival,their choice of _(destination)has expanded along with their growing interest in foreign cultures and services.(2)Yangshuo is named as one of the top 10 (d

19、estination)in the world.【答案】(1)destinations(2)destinations 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING词汇六词汇六 thanks to 幸亏,多亏;由于,因为(在句中作状语)幸亏,多亏;由于,因为(在句中作状语)教材原句Thanks to the ideas and efforts of many people.由于这个创意以及众多人的努力 要点必记表示“因为,由于”的其他短语:because of 常作状语due to 常作状语或表语,作状语时一般不放在句首owing to 常作状语或表语单句语法填空(1)A grou

20、p of young men in Dallas helped save many lives thanks their quick thinking during a big fire in an apartment complex.(2)(thank)to the Beatles,a lot of opportunities were opened up to new faces on the market.单句写作(3)因为这场及时雨,庄稼得救了。_ _ the timely rain,the crops were saved.Thanks to/Because of/Owing to

21、toThanks 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING词汇七词汇七 put forward(1)提议,提出)提议,提出(2)推荐)推荐(3)将)将提前提前(4)拨快钟表)拨快钟表教材原句Why did cycling fans put forward the idea of“white bikes”in the 1960s?为什么自行车迷在20 世纪60 年代提出了“白色自行车”的概念?要点必记put down 镇压;记下put up with 忍受;容忍put aside 撇开;储存备用put up 搭建;张贴;为提供住宿put on 穿上;上演 put off 推迟,

22、延期put out 扑灭(火);关(灯)put away 将收起;把放回原处;存(钱)put through 接通(电话);完成 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING单句语法填空(1)When the woman scientist put the idea,she was laughed at by other scientists.(2)It may not be a great suggestion.But before a better one (put)forward,well make do with it.(3)Put your watch ;it is f

23、ive minutes slow.单句写作(4)He did not _ _(提出)these ideas in a single presentation.(5)Now that spring is here,you can _ _(收拾起来)these fur coats till you need them again next winter.(6)I really dont know how anyone can _ _ _(忍受)your constant complaint;no wonder you have lost so many friends.forwardis put

24、forwardput forward put away put up with 高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING句式句式一一 be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事被允许做某事教材原句Anyone was allowed to take them and use them for short journeys.任何人都能够骑这些自行车做短途出行。要点必记be allowed to do sth.被允许做某事allow doing sth.允许做某事allow sb.to do sth.允许某人做某事单句语法填空(1)At that time,she w

25、as not allowed (run)and win glory for herself in the Olympic Games.(2)They allowed tourists (hunt)only a certain number of animals if they paid the farmers.翻译句子(3)我们学校不允许吸烟。_to run to hunt Our school doesnt allow smoking.高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING题组练领悟方法要点一要点一 词性转换时,读音和拼写都不改变词性转换时,读音和拼写都不改变要点必记wa

26、ter n.水 water v.浇水 pump n.水泵 pump v.用水泵抽水sound n.声音 sound v.听起来 dream n.梦;梦想 dream v.做梦answer n.答案 answer v.回答 book n.书 book v.预订order n.命令;订购 order v.命令 cause n.原因 cause v.导致reason n.原因 reason v.说理 experience n.体验;经验 experience v.经历;体验高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING写出下列句中画线单词的词性和词义(1)“I dont know the

27、 answer to the question,”she answered truthfully._(2)Having booked the train tickets,Mary bought three books on the Internet._(3)“Why didnt you answer my question?”Bob questioned angrily._(4)Mrs Green eyed the youngest son with tears in her eyes._(5)His careless driving resulted in an accident,and a

28、s a result,he was fined 200 yuan._(6)My hometown has changed a lot,and I like the changes from the bottom of my heart._(7)After shaking hands with Mr Lee,I handed the letter to him._(8)Watching the beautiful picture,Lucy pictured what life was like back in those days._名词,答案;动词,回答,答复动词,预订;名词,书名词,问题;动

29、词,提问,质疑动词,注视,凝视;名词,眼睛动词,引起,导致;名词,结果动词,改变;名词,变化名词,手;动词,递名词,图片,照片;动词,幻想,想象高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING要点二要点二 词性转换时,读音改变词性转换时,读音改变要点必记(1)重音变化,读音也变化conduct v.指导 conduct n.行为 desert v.丢弃 desert n.沙漠graduate v.毕业 graduate n.毕业生 export v.出口 export n.出口permit v.准许 permit n.许可证 import v.进口 import n.进口 prese

30、nt v.赠送;授予 present n.礼物 record v.记录 record n.唱片(2)元音的读音发生改变 tear v.撕;扯 tear 眼泪 separate v.分开;隔开 separate adj.单 独的(3)改变词尾的清辅音use n.用途;使用 use v.使用 house n.房子 house v.给提供住处高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING写出下列句中画线单词的词性和词义1.(1)Susan graduated from Cambridge University last year._(2)It is not easy for gradua

31、tes to find suitable jobs._2.(1)More trees will be planted to stop the spreading of the desert._(2)By the time we returned,the birds had already deserted the nest._3.(1)Her mother doesnt permit her to stay up at night._(2)You cant work in this city if you dont have a work permit._4.(1)I bought many

32、presents for my family before Christmas._(2)The 17-year-old boy was presented the award by the mayor._5.(1)They were separated from each other because of war._(2)We would like to have a separate room._6.(1)You should make good use of every minute to go over your lessons._(2)They both have got brains

33、 and like using them._7.(1)Helen looks very well,which means that she has recovered._(2)Helen sings quite well,and all like to listen to her songs._(3)The water in this well is safe to drink._动词,毕业名词,毕业生 名词,沙漠动词,丢弃动词,允许名词,许可证名词,礼物动词,赠送,授予动词,分开形容词,单独的 名词,使用动词,使用形容词,气色好副词,好名词,井高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN L

34、IVING综合练提升能力 单句写作 1.我想把房间漆成粉红色。I would like to .2.座位摆好了,这样我们就可以欣赏风景了。The seats so that we could admire the view.3.布朗太太每天都忙于家务。Mrs Brown housework every day.4.火车在接近城市时放慢了一半的速度。The train to half its speed as it approached the city.paint my room pinkwere placedbusies herself with slowed down高中英语 必修第三册

35、UNIT 8GREEN LIVING5.错误一旦被发现,就必须纠正。Mistakes when they are discovered.6.它们花开得很好,但果实很少。They but bore little fruit.7.他坚持熬夜照顾孩子。He insisted on staying up to .8.在我们国家,妇女在任何事情上都有平等的权利。Women have in every-thing in our country.9.这类物品不得进口。Such articles .10.我从小就盼望上学。Through my childhood,I education.must be rig

36、htedflowered well nurse the childrenan equal rightmust not be importedhad hungered for高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVING 语法填空 A 主题:人与社会(科学与技术)体裁:说明文 话题:5G 技术 It is obvious to us 1 the 5G communication technology,or 5G,is now the most 2_(advance)in the world.Communication technology has been advancing 3(r

37、apid)these years.It took less than 10 years 4 (develop)3G from 2G and then just three years to leap to 4G.Now communication technology has entered the 5G era,5 will help further develop the Internet of things and artificial intelligence.However,5G is not the end of communication technology.In the ne

38、ar future,quite likely,it 6 _(replace)by quantum(量子)communication technology.The space station technology of today will also be replaced by new ones.One day in the future,human beings may be able to make interplanetary journeys as easily as they travel by plane from one country to another.7(focus)on

39、 immediate interests and turning a blind eye 8 the future will prevent science workers efforts to maximise the benefits of science and technology and 9 (affect)the entire society as well.China has taken the lead in many areas.But instead of shutting its doors to other countries,China has been seekin

40、g to share its sci-tech 10 (achieve)through international communication and cooperation.thatadvancedrapidlyto developwhichwill be replacedFocusingto will affect achievements高中英语 必修第三册 UNIT 8GREEN LIVINGB 主题:人与社会(历史、社会与文化)体裁:说明文 话题:丝绸之路 The Silk Road is in fact a relatively recent term.These ancient

41、roads had no particular name until in the mid-19th century,a European named the trade and communication network the Silk Road.Since then the term 1 (accept)globally.In the nineteenth century,a new type of travellers 2(step)onto the Silk Road,who were eager 3(look)for adventure.Researchers who came f

42、rom many countries travelled through the Taklamakan Desert,4 is now in Xinjiang,to explore ancient sites along the Silk Road,5(lead)to many discoveries and studies,and most of all,a renewed interest 6 the history of these routes.Today,many historic buildings and monuments still stand,marking the pas

43、sage of the Silk Road through hotels,ports and 7(city).Whats more,the remarkable network is reflected in 8 large number of cultures,languages,customs and religions that have developed for many years along the routes.The passage of merchants and travellers of many 9 (differ)nationalities resulted not only in commercial exchange,but in a widespread and continued process of cultural interaction.10(clear),it has become a driving force in the formation(形成)of various societies.has been accepted steppedto lookwhichleadingincitiesadifferentClearly


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