2023届高考英语二轮复习:应用文写作 答题技巧讲义.docx

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1、2023届高考英语二轮复习:应用文写作 答题技巧讲义一专题 46 应用文写作之邀请信和投诉信邀请信【题型分析 】三段式谋篇思路 邀请信是用于邀请他人参加某项活动或加入 某个组织,包括发出邀请和谢绝他人的邀请。 文章首段:说明活动并提出邀请 主体段落:说明活动内容和参加活动的益处 文章尾段:期待对方接受邀请 【背诵满分靓句】 1Its my pleasure/a great honour for me to invite you to join us. 非常荣幸地邀请你加入我们。 2I wonder if I/we have the honour to invite you to the par

2、ty. 我想知道我/我们是否能有幸邀请你参加派对。 3Id like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival. 我想邀请您下周六重阳节一起去探访附近的养老院。 4We are having/planning . on . (date) and we feel it would be a great idea if you can join us. 我们定于(日期)(活动),如果你能来参加就太好了。 5The follow

3、ing are some details about ./Here are some details about ./Some details about . are as follows. 的细节如下。 6To begin with, we will . Besides, there will be a number of/various activities such as . which will . 首先,我们将。此外,将会有许多活动,例如这将 7I do hope you will accept our/my invitation if it is convenient to you

4、. 我真心希望你方便的话能接受我们/我的邀请。 8We/I would appreciate it if you could confirm your participation at your early/earliest convenience. 如果你能尽早在你方便时确认参加,我们/我将不胜感激。 【佳作示例】( 浙江 1 月高考) Dear George, There will be a Chinese speech contest for foreign students in our school. Id like to invite you to compete in it (我

5、想邀请你参加比赛) It will take place in the school hall from 9:00 to 12:00 on the morning of January 18. The topic is “Traditional Chinese Culture”. Surely it is a good chance for you to show how well youve learned Chinese. If you are interested, sign up on our school website before January 10. Any early re

6、ply would be highly appreciated (如尽早回复我将不胜感激) Yours,Li Hua 投诉信【题型分析 】三段式谋篇思路 投诉信是写信人对产品或服务表示不满的信 件,常用于消费者利益受损,正常生活和工 作受到干扰等令人烦恼的情况 文章首段:直接交代要投诉的问题 主体段落:说明投诉的原因、问题的经过及 产生的后果 文章尾段:提出解决方案,期待对方回复 【背诵满分靓句】 1Im writing to make a complaint about your service standard. 我写信是为了投诉你们的服务标准。 2Im . a customer who

7、bought . from your website several days ago. I am writing to you to complain about . 我是一位顾客,几天前我从你们的网站上购买了我写信向你投诉 3I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about/at your unfriendly attitude to customers. 我写信表达我对于你们对顾客不友好态度的不满。 4To improve the situation, it is advisable for you to take the followin

8、g measures. 为了改进这种情况,建议你采取以下措施。 5I do hope that someone will take effective measures to deal with this matter. 我真的希望有人会/将采取有效措施解决这个问题。 6I sincerely hope you can improve your service and that mistake wont arise again in the future. 我真诚希望你能改进你们的服务并且此类错误将来不会再出现。 7I would appreciate it if you could give

9、 due attention to this matter. 如果你足够重视此事,我将不胜感激。 8I am really annoyed about it. I trust/have great faith that you will take my complaints seriously. 我对这件事真的很恼火。我相信你会认真对待我的投诉。 【佳作示例】 Dear Mr. Henry, Im writing to express my dissatisfaction about the T-shirt I bought from your online store (我写信表达对我在你

10、的网店买的 T 恤的不满). When opening the package, I found it was not the blue T-shirt I had ordered but a white one. Worse still, there was a red stain on the T-shirt. I have dialed your service number many times, only to be repeatedly told it was busy. Please exchange the T-shirt for a blue one or return my

11、 money (请将 T 恤换成蓝色或退款). Moreover, Im wondering who will pay for the transportation expenses. Hopefully, you can solve the problem as soon as possible (你能尽快解决这个问题) Yours,Li Hua二专题 47 应用文写作之通知和演讲或致辞通知【题型解读 】谋篇思路 通知分为书面通知和口头通知。英语书面通 知比较正式而口头通知所使用的语言有明显 的口语特征,通俗易懂。 第一步:明确是口头通知还是书面通知,采 用相应的格式 第二步:具体说明通知的

12、内容,主要包括时 间、地点、人物、事由、注意事项等要点 第三步:通知的结束语 【背诵满分靓句】 1May I have your attention, please? I have an announcement to make. 请大家注意,我要宣布一则通知。 2Attention, please! I have something important to tell you. 请注意,我有重要的事要宣布。 3Those who are interested in the contest are welcome. 欢迎所有对竞赛感兴趣的人参加。 4Those who want to take

13、 part/join in the activity please sign up at the Student Union. 想参加活动的人请在学生会报名。 5There are varieties of out-of-class activities in our school, which we can take part in after class. 在我们学校有各种各样的课外活动,我们课后可以参加。 6You mustnt/Dont miss the chance/opportunity. 毋错过机会。 7Make sure that you come on time and do

14、nt be late. 务必准时到达,不要迟到。 8Look forward to your participation. 期待你的参与。 【佳作示例】( 全国卷) Notice All the students are welcome to watch an English short film (欢迎所有学生观看英文短片) Growing Together, which is related to the history of our school. If you are curious about the history of our school or concerned about

15、its future, dont miss the opportunity (你对我校的历史好奇或关心我校的未来,不要错过这个机会)! As scheduled, the film will be shown in the school hall from 2:00 to 3:00 this Friday afternoon. We encourage any kind of feedback on the film from our viewers. Hopefully, you can send your advice or opinions to us by the school QQ

16、or WeChat. Look forward to your participation (期待你的参与) Student Union 演讲/致辞 【题型解读】三段式谋篇思路 演讲稿、致辞等,是人们在生活和学习中常 用的文体。发言稿常用于向听众说明一些道 理,希望对方接受自己的见解。致辞是接待 或欢送客人时,为表示欢迎、感谢或祝愿而 进行的发言 文章首段:明确发言或致辞主题 主体段落:(发言稿)分析问题展开论述;(致 辞)说明活动安排或回顾以往活动 文章尾段:(发言稿)提出解决问题的办法或期 待;(致辞)表示欢迎/感谢或祝愿 【背诵满分靓句】 1My name is . Today I am

17、 very glad to have the opportunity to make this presentation. I shall be speaking about . 我是今天很高兴能有机会做这个演讲。我演讲的内容是 2Good morning, everyone! It is my great honour to share with you my opinions on . 大家上午好!很荣幸能和你们分享一下关于我的看法。 3Ladies and gentlemen/Boys and girls, Im . Im greatly honoured光荣 to speak here

18、 on behalf of my school. Im going to talk about . 女士们、先生们/同学们,我是很荣幸代表我校在此演讲。我要谈论的是 4What really matters/counts is whether you can concentrate on your lessons. 真正要紧的是你是否能全神贯注于你的功课。 5Above all/Most important of all, you should believe in yourself. 最重要的是,你要相信自己。 6It played an increasingly important rol

19、e/part in our life. 它在我们的生活中起着越来越重要的作用。 7Thats all. Thank you for your attention/listening. 我的演讲到此结束,谢谢大家。 8I hope I have made myself understood. 我希望我已经非常清楚地表达了我的意思。 【佳作示例】 Hello, everyone. Its a great honor for me to give my speech on Respecting the Elderly (我很荣幸做关于尊 敬老人的演讲) What I want to stress f

20、irstly is that the elderly deserve our respect due to their efforts in bringing their children upand their contributions to society. If we dont respect them, how can we count on younger people to respect us when we grow old? Consequently, we should try our best to care for them, helping them live th

21、eir lives to the fullest (帮助他 们过得更充实) Respecting the elderly is a traditional Chinese virtue. Lets keep and develop that virtue together. Thank you for listening. 【检查训练例文5】你校正在举办英语周活动,你准备参加以 Sharing 为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你结一个事例,写一篇演讲稿, 谈谈 Sharing 的作用。演讲稿应包含下列要点: 1. 有关 Sharing 的一个事例:时间,人物,内容,过程,影响等; 2. 你的感悟。 注

22、意:1. 词数 120 左右. 2. 演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Good morning, everyone! Its a great honor to be here and share something with you_参考范文 Good morning, everybody! Its a great honor to be here and share something with you. I still remember how depressed 抑郁I was after the midterm examination in Senior One, when

23、I had hoped to be still among the best as in junior high school. At that time, my best friend came up and asked me to go to the playground. “Youre always the best in my heart,” she comforted me. “There is always a road ahead.” Strangely奇怪地;奇妙地;不可思议地, my heart was filled with warmth I had never sense

24、d before. I felt much better. Sharing is part of beauty. Just as a Swedish proverb goes, “Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow.” Sharing can broaden增长(经验、知识等);变宽;(使)扩大影响 our horizon地平线;眼界;地平圈;地层;层位s. As for me, by doing this, I live a happier and more confident life. Thanks for

25、 your attention!写作分析:这是一篇以 Sharing 为主题的英语演讲比赛,首先要用正确的格式去写,会用一些短语,了解英语 的句子结构与汉语的不同,需要平时对课本上的课文要正确地理解,会仿照课文的句子写出正确的英语句子,这 里是有关 Sharing 的一个事例:时间,人物,内容,过程,影响等以及自己的感悟。所以注意用一般现在时,用 第一人称来叙述。 亮点说明:短文用了一些短语和固定句式,为文章增色不少,如:Its a great honour todo sth.、share something with、 come up、live a happier and more conf

26、ident life 等,为了上下文的衔接还用了一些过渡词如:at that time、strangely 等,使文章更加连贯完整。全文主要用的是一般现在时,时态做到使用准确。三专题 48 应用文写作之道歉信和感谢信道歉信【写作示例】 假定你是李华, 与留学生朋友 Bob 约好一起去书店, 因故不能赴约。请给他写封邮件, 内容包括: 1. 表示歉意; 2. 说明原因; 3. 另约时间。 注意: 1. 词数 80 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 【考场审题】 Step 1: 精准审题 谋篇布局 人称 I (Li Hua), You(Bob) 时态 一般现在时, 一般将来时 段落

27、布局 开头点题: 点明写作目的, 并表达歉意 主体段落: 说明致歉的原因 结尾: 再次致歉, 并另约时间 Step 2: 头脑风暴 字字珠玉 (1)美词: express my heartfelt apology; represent our school to do; available; as a result (2)佳句: I cant go with you as planned. Im writing to express my heartfelt apology to you. How about going to the bookstore this Sunday. Step 3

28、: 斟酌词句 妙笔生花 要点 1: 我很抱歉无法跟你一起去书店。 一般表达: Im sorry that I cant go with you to the bookstore. 句式升级(高级词汇, 名词性从句, 分词作状语) 我诚挚地向你道歉, 这周五不能按计划和你去书店了。 I have to express my heartfelt apology to you that I cant go with you to the bookstore this Friday as planned. 要点 2: 我入选代表我校参加英语辩论赛。 一般表达: Im chosen to represe

29、nt our school to take part in the English debate competition. 句式升级(定语从句, for 引导的并列句)我入选代表我校参加英语辩论赛, 这对我非常重要, 因为我一直梦想有这样的机会代表我校参赛, 展示我们的实 力。 Im chosen to represent our school to take part in the English debate competition, which is of great importance to me, for I have been dreaming of having such a

30、chance to show our strength on behalf of my school. 要点 3: 这个周日去书店如何? 那时你是否有时间呢? 一般表达: How about going to the bookstore this Sunday? Will you be available then? 句式升级(高级词汇, 意趣盎然) Would it be convenient for you if we go to the bookstore this Sunday? Step 4: 衔接过渡 斐然成篇 【参考范文】 Dear Bob, How are you doing?

31、 Im indeed very sorry that I cant go to the bookstore with you this Friday as planned. How I wish I could go with you! However, Im chosen to represent our school to take part in the English debate competition, which is of great importance to me, for I have been dreaming of having such a chance to sh

32、ow our strength on behalf of my school. As a result, I have to miss our appointment. Please accept my sincere apology from the bottom of my heart. Would it be convenient for you if we go to the bookstore this Sunday? Yours, Li Hua 【检测训练例文 专题20 2.】假定你是李华,前天是 Anne 的生日,但你忘了赴约。请根据以下内容向 Anne 写一封道歉信。内容包括:

33、 1. 说明原因; 2. 表达歉意; 3. 补救的办法。 注意: 1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 信中不能出现与本人相关的真实信息。 _参考范文 Dear Anne, I am sorry to say that I didnt attend your birthday party the day before yesterday. So Im writing to make an apology. It was very nice of you to invite me to your birthday party. But a sudden sto

34、machache struck打、撞 my grandmother. So worried was I that I took her to the nearest hospital without delayv.推迟,延期;延误,耽搁;(故意)拖延,磨蹭. Because my parents both went on business, I had to look after her on my own. There was no doubt that I forgot the appointment. I hope you can understand my situation and

35、forgive me. Is it possible for us to have a private meeting next Saturday? Looking forward to your early reply! Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Li Hua感谢信【写作示例】 假定你是李华, 经常帮助你学习英语的朋友 Alex 即将返回自己的国家。请你写一封邮件, 内容包括: 1. 表示感谢; 2. 回顾 Alex 对你的帮助; 3. 临别祝愿。 注意: 1. 词数 80 左右; 2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 【考场审题】 Step 1: 精准审

36、题 谋篇布局 人称 I(Li Hua), You(Alex) 时态 一般过去时, 一般现在时 段落布局 开头点题: 点明写作目的, 感谢对方帮助 主体段落: 具体指出曾经的帮助 结尾: 再次表达感谢, 给出临别祝愿 Step 2: 头脑风暴 字字珠玉 (1)美词: have difficulty in, under your patient guidance, not only. . . but also. . . , generous (2)佳句: I can well remember there was a time when I had difficulty in learning E

37、nglish. It is you who taught me how to learn English well. Not only did you help improve my English, but also gave me more confidence in learning. Step 3: 斟酌词句 妙笔生花 要点 1: 你教给我如何学英语。 一般表达: You taught me how to learn English. 句式升级 (强调句) 是你教给我如何学英语。 It is you who taught me how to learn English. 要点 2: 你

38、帮助我提高了英语并且给了我更多学习的自信。 一般表达: You helped improve my English and gave me more confidence in learning. 句式升级 (倒装句) 你不但帮助我提高了英语, 并且给了我更多学习的自信。 Not only did you help improve my English, but also gave me more confidence in learning. Step 4: 衔接过渡 斐然成篇 【参考范文】 Dear Alex, Ive heard that youre leaving China soon

39、, so Im writing to express my sincere blessing and thanks. I can well remember there was a time when I had difficulty in learning English. It is you who taught me how to learn English. Under your patient guidance, I gradually made progress and began interested in English. Not only did you help impro

40、ve my English, but also gave me more confidence in learning. Thanks again for your generous help.Wish you a pleasant journey home. Yours, Li Hua四专题 49 应用文写作之申请信和告知信申请信【写作示例】 假定你是李华, 暑假在伦敦学习, 得知当地美术馆要举办中国画展览。请写一封信申请做志愿者, 内容包括: 1. 写信目的; 2. 个人优势; 3. 能做的事情。 注意: 1. 词数 80 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。 【考场审题】 S

41、tep 1: 精准审题 谋篇布局 人称 I(Li Hua), Sir/Madam 时态 一般现在时, 一般将来时 段落布局 开头点题: 问候并说明写信的原因及目的 主体段落: 分两点阐述为什么申请做志愿者: 个人优势; 能做的事情 结尾: 衷心的祝愿 Step 2: 头脑风暴 字字珠玉 (1)美词: apply for position, be qualified for, as follows, specific introduction, furthermore, share. . . with. . . (2)佳句: Hearing the Chinese painting exhibi

42、tion is to be held, Im writing this letter to apply for a volunteer position. The reasons why Im qualified for the job are as follows. Furthermore, I can speak fluent Chinese and English at the same time, making it no problem for me to help visitors from all over the world. If Im chosen to be a volu

43、nteer, I would be able to help the visitors understand the paintings and share the history behind those Chinese paintings with them. Step 3: 斟酌词句 妙笔生花 要点 1: 我有一些胜任这份工作的原因。 一般表达: I have some reasons to be qualified for the job. 句式升级(定语从句) 我胜任这份工作的原因如下。The reasons why Im qualified for the job are as f

44、ollows. 要点 2: 如果你们给我这份工作, 我将尽最大努力去帮助参观者。 一般表达: If you give me this job, I will do my best to help the visitors. 句式升级(被动语态, 虚拟语气) 如果我能当选成为一名志愿者, 我有能力去帮助参观者理解绘画作品, 并与他们分享那些中国画背后的历史。 If Im chosen to be a volunteer, I would be able to help the visitors understand the paintings and share the history behi

45、nd those Chinese paintings with them. Step 4: 衔接过渡 斐然成篇 【参考范文】 Dear Sir/ Madam, Im Li Hua, a Chinese student having education in London now. Hearing the Chinese painting exhibition is to be held, Im writing this letter to apply for a volunteer position. The reasons why Im qualified for the job are a

46、s follows. Firstly, I have had an interest in Chinese painting ever since I was a child. Therefore, I am familiar with this art form and can give very specific introduction to the visitors. Furthermore, I can speak fluent Chinese and English at the same time, making it no problem for me to help visi

47、tors from all over the world. If Im chosen to be a volunteer, I would be able to help the visitors understand the paintings and share the history behind those Chinese paintings with them. Hope to hear from you soon! Yours, Li Hua 告知信【写作示例】 假设你是晨光中学高三学生李津。你校于 6 月 8 日举办了成人礼活动, 你的英国朋友 Chris 很想了解该活动。 你于当晚给 Chris 回一封电子邮件, 介绍相关情况, 内容包括: (1)成人礼活动内容(成长点滴回顾、观看校


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