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1、高一英语注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考场号、座位号填写在答题卡上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AA UK education opens doors, wherever you are or go in the world. UK

2、scholarships (奖学金) help you get the chance to join an excellent list of schoolmates.The Rhodes ScholarshipThe Rhodes Scholarship was set up in 1902. Today, it is regarded as the oldest scholarship in the world. The Rhodes Scholarship is presented to postgraduate students wishing to study at the Univ

3、ersity of Oxford. It covers all tuition fees and return airfare to the UK.Commonwealth ScholarshipsThis UK scholarship is designed for applicants from developing commonwealth countries who want to go into masters study in the UK. Each scholarship provides airfare to and from the UK, tuition fees, ex

4、amination fees and money spent on living.Gates Cambridge ScholarshipEach year, Gates Cambridge offers 80 full-cost scholarships to topping applicants from countries outside the UK to get a postgraduate degree at the University of Cambridge. About two-thirds of these will be offered to PhD students.

5、This UK scholarship covers the full cost of studying at Cambridge.Edinburgh Global Research ScholarshipThe University of Edinburgh offers its Global Research Scholarship to 30 advanced overseas students who plan to join in a PhD Research Program. It covers all fields of study offered at the universi

6、ty. The scholarship does not cover money spent on living.1. Which may have the longest history?A. The Rhodes Scholarship.B. Commonwealth Scholarships.C. Gates Cambridge Scholarship.D. Edinburgh Global Research Scholarship.2. What do Commonwealth Scholarships and Gates Cambridge Scholarship have in c

7、ommon?ATheir applicants should be British.B. The US government offers them.C. They are given to PhD students.D. They include living cost.3. In which part of a website can we find the text?A. Travel.B. Education.C. Nature.D. Science.BThe story of a 92-year-old book lover in a village of Chongqing has

8、 touched many recently, Sun Shiquan has collected more than 7,000 books over the past years and has offered a free local library to people there for years.He was born in Pipa Village in Xiuqi Town of Chongqings Chengkou County. Being a bookworm as a child, he read all kinds of ancient books includin

9、g the Four Books and the Five Classics. In the 1950s, he became one of only a handful of local college graduates and later served as a middle school teacher in the county.He started to collect books in 1983 and gradually built a collection of many kinds over more than 40 years. Among his holdings is

10、 a precious set known as the Si Ku Quan Shu, dating back to Qing Dynasty. It is one of the only seven copies in the country.Wearing glasses, Sun reads for more than three hours every day. Now he has finished reading most of his collections. Speaking of her father, Sun Ziyu, said, “My father has a ha

11、bit of making notes on each book. He makes a mark whenever he stops reading so that he can carry on reading from where he left off.”Village official Liu Jiao said, “Many children in the village love to visit Sun and listen to his stories.” She said the elderly man has earned respect from the whole v

12、illage. People call him “Teacher Sun” and children call him “great-grandfather”.Sun Ziyu said her father also writes poems and prose(散文) in his spare time and enjoys reading his works to the family. She said under her fathers influence, family members take the time to read together and exchange view

13、s. “Thats their favorite part,” she said.“My father has loved reading for a lifetime,” Sun Ziyu said. “Reading is his meat and drink.”4. What can we know from the first two paragraphs?A. Mr Sun was born in a rich family.B. There was only one free library in Xiuqi Town.C. Mr Sun has been a book lover

14、 since childhood.D. It was easy for children to get educated in the 1950s.5. Which of the following best describes Suns Si Ku Quan Shu?A. Colorful.B. Valuable.C. Demanding.D. Enormous.6. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?A. Mr Suns reading habit.B. Mr Suns life experiences.C. Mr Suns writing hobby.D.

15、 Mr Suns book collections.7. What does Liu Jiao think of Mr Sun?A. A person with talent.B. A person worthy of pity.C. A person with disability.D. A person worthy of respect.CBoredom is a common human experience. Its almost impossible to fully avoid it, especially when youre living a fast-paced life.

16、 You may be bored from time to time and feel like you need something new or exciting in your life. Its perfectly natural to feel this way from time to time, but feeling bored often can also mean that your present life isnt satisfying you as much as it can.When you feel bored, think about what activi

17、ties bring you joy and happiness. Perhaps you find that hobbies are what help improve your spirits. After all, having interests and pursuing (追求) them can often have a great effect on the quality of your life and how satisfied you feel. If this sounds like something that would be good for your life,

18、 we have some great ideas for hobbies to pursue when youre bored!One of the easiest and most effective (有效的) ways to relieve (解除) boredom is to take exercise. Exercise is not only good for your body but also your mind. When your body is moving, it releases (释放) certain chemicals that make you feel g

19、ood. Learning a new language is another way to challenge yourself and become more creative. It can also open up a whole new culture and way of thinking for you! Many people find that learning a new language gives them a sense of achievement that they dont get from other hobbies.Furthermore, reading

20、is a hobby that can be enjoyed by almost anyone. Its inexpensive, easy to fit into your plan and can be done just about anywhere. It doesnt require special equipment or supplies, and you can do it alone or with others. The last way to avoid feeling bored inside is to spend time outdoors. Find a plac

21、e to go where you can get away from the noise and other troubles. You may find that being outside offers a sense of peace and calmness.Boredom is a common part of life, so we shouldnt try to avoid it completely. Boredom can be a sign that you need a change in your daily life and something new to try

22、. If you find yourself feeling bored, use these ideas to find new hobbies. After all, hobbies can greatly enrich your life and help you feel more satisfied!8. Which will make us bored according to the text?A. Our life is exciting.B. We dont have a fast-paced life.C. Our present life doesnt satisfy u

23、s.D. We live a peaceful and happy life.9. What can we learn from the text?A. Most people feel satisfied with life all the time.B. Reading a book requires special equipment and supplies.C. All of us should try our best to avoid boredom completely.D. Taking exercise is an effective way to keep off bor

24、edom.10. How many ways to relieve boredom are mentioned in the text?A. Five.B. Four.C. Three.D. Two.11. What can be a suitable title for the text?A. It is possible to avoid boredomB. Several activities can help relieve boredomC. Learning a new language makes us more creativeD. Our body can release c

25、hemicals when we are movingDAfrican countries have retrieved some historic heritage, which directly reflects(反映)the important development of human society, from European countries. Recently, Germany signed a deal for the return of hundreds of valuable artworks from the Kingdom of Dahomey in the 19th

26、 century, in what is today Benin. But many artifacts(手工艺品)are still unluckily missing and some are on their way back. One such object is an eight-legged seat from the old kingdom in Uganda. The important arti- fact now sits at a museum thousands of kilometers away in Britain. The wooden seat is hous

27、ed at the University of Oxford. It is one of at least 279 objects there taken from the Bunyoro- Kitara Kingdom. Apollo John Rwamparo is a deputy prime minister of Uganda. He really values the countrys cultural heritage. He requested the British to return the artifacts. Uganda officials are preparing

28、 to meet with the University of Cambridge in Britain about the return of such historical artifacts. The school has an unknown number of artifacts from Africa. Through many efforts, an artifact was recently to its home. The British Museum holds a large collection of artifacts from Africa. Rose Mwanja

29、 said Ugandas commission had been trying hard on it and believed it could have some good effects. She is Ugandas commissioner for museums. She added she could start with those that are more willing to cooperate. Many of the artifacts from Africa cannot even be found. That led to an organization star

30、- ted by late Congolese art collector Sindika Dokolo. The organization offers to buy African art from collections in foreign countries. By 2020, when Dokolo died, his group had successfully recovered 15 items. However, for African governments, the recovery of artifacts remains a struggle and will ta

31、ke much time.12. What does the underlined word “retrieved” in paragraph 1 mean?A. Reduced.B. Taken back.C. Given up.D. Recommended.13. Where is the artifact of the eight-legged seat at present?A. In Benin.B. In Uganda.C. In Germany.D. In Britain.14. What is Uganda officials attitude to their country

32、s cultural heritage?A. Curious.B. Concerned.C. Uncaring.D. Confused.15. Which word best describes the recovery of artifacts?A. Frightening.B. Doubtful.C. Effortless.D. Challenging.第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Building connection and friendship with other peopl

33、e is a necessary part of being human.There are ways to help you make new friends, as well as to take better care of the friendships you already have.Accept the awkwardness (尴尬) and assume that other people need new friends, too. _16_When you reach out to somebody you dont know well whether thats sen

34、ding the first text message or making small talk in the elevator you often feel uncertain. You have to accept that awkward silence and the uneasiness it may bring, because you cant have friends without getting awkward.Remember that people will like you more than you thinkWhen you are moving through

35、the world, dont forget that human connection is yours for the taking._17_Take up activities that you love Ask anyone about how to make friends and they will most likely tell you to try a new hobby._18_Do the things youre interested in and you will naturally draw people to you, and youll naturally co

36、nnect with other people because youll be in the right place.Its OK to treat friendships seriouslyHaving friends is one of the most nourishing (滋养的) parts of being alive,so its not strange or bad or wrong to prioritize (优先考虑) it. Get comfortable putting yourself out there a little bit._19_Its what al

37、l the cool kids are doing._20_But if you want to prioritize and nourish your friendships, you have to show up for them. Listen and notice things about your friends. Take notes! It will help you remember your con-versations and allow you to mention them later. Remember the names of people in your fri

38、ends lives. Ask to see a picture of the person theyre talking about so it sticks better in your head.A. Be present and attentive.B. It might sound strange, but it works.C. Make positive friends and get along well.D. Its strange and uncomfortable to make new friends.E. Your friends will be proud of y

39、ou and learn from you.F. Spare the time and space you need to find and nourish your friendships.G. When you talk to someone else, youre actually going to brighten their day.第三部分语言运用(共三节,满分45分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的a、b、c、d四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A woman in her 20s from Aztec, New Mexico, we

40、nt on a hiking trip in the Deer Park area along the Colorado Trail. She _21_ off-path and didnt follow the pathway. _22_ , she headed south along the Animas riverbank.Thats when her worst _23_ happened. She fell off along the mountains side while taking photos. She also broke her leg and was forced

41、to spend two nights in the cold _24_without knowing how she could get out. Slowly but surely, she found a place where she could easily be _25_ and started calling for help.The Silverton Narrow Gauge Train was carrying people to appreciate the beautiful _26_of Silverton. One train _27_ noticed a woma

42、n who was crying for help. She told the train conductor, who _28_ asked for an emergency response team to _29_ them in their rescue. The two train conductors, Nick and Kylah stopped the tour train and asked the passengers to wait as they _30_ to rescue the woman. Nick got supplies and materials on t

43、he train to _31_ the hikers broken leg. Kylah stayed with her and kept her _32_ until the Silverton Medical Rescue Team arrived. The woman was rescued and sent to _33_ . Luckily, aside from the broken leg, she _34_ just fine. She thanked all the people involved, especially the train conductors. The

44、_35_ could have happened but for the train passenger who noticed her asking for help.21. A. dancedB. wentC. survivedD. evacuated22. A. ThereforeB. HoweverC. InsteadD. Besides23. A. behaviourB. goalC. impressionD. fear24. A. wildernessB. greenhouseC. castleD. stadium25. A. movedB. seenC. followedD. r

45、eturned26. A. pathsB. marksC. viewsD. shelters27. A. customerB. passengerC. conductorD. driver28. A. immediatelyB. obviouslyC. gracefullyD. stressfully29. A. resultB. employC. absorbD. help30. A. offeredB. beggedC. triedD. used31A. attractB. treatC. matchD. remove32. A. warmB. highC. awareD. alive33

46、. A. schoolB. prisonC. churchD. hospital34. A. turned outB. worked onC. gave offD. came up35. A. latestB. bestC. worstD. fastest第二节(共10小题;每小题L 5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It is a_36_ (move) story between Zhong Jing, a doctor, and the villagers in Longhe Village, Longchang Town, Qianxina

47、n Bouyei and Miso Autonomous Prefecture in Guizhou Province.Before Zhongs arrival, there was no clinic in the village. If villagers had to see _37_ doctor when they suffered from serious health problems, they had no _38_ (choose) but to go to the hospital in town which is more than four _39_ (hour)

48、walk away. Since Zhong set up the only small clinic (诊所) there with all her life savings at the time, things have changed.With her excellent medical skill and selfless devotion for a long time, she _40_ (final) won the locals heart. She often makes calls to some with diseases such as high blood pressure. “I need to remind them _41_ (come) to have their blood pressure and blood sugar tested,


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