2023新牛津译林版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册Unit 2 Let’s talk teens 单元教案(表格式).doc

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1、Book 1 Unit 2 Lets talk teens教案Welcome to the unit教学目标By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. read the poem aloud rhythmically and recognize rhyming words in it;2. describe and appreciate the mother birds love for her chick;3. share Chinese poems about the same theme and compare them

2、 to the poem in this section;4. share their comprehension and stories of parent-child relationships. 教学重难点1. To understand and appreciate the poem;2. To express their comprehension of parental love.教学过程步 骤教学活动设计意图互动时间&模式Lead-in Step 1Have students describe the illustration on Page 15.What can you se

3、e in the picture? Can you see your mother?(A mother bird is feeding her chick. Yes, the mother bird reminds me of my mom because it is the nature of all mothers, both animals and humans, to look after their children.)利用相关图片,导入主题,创设互动情境,拉近沟通距离,引起学习兴趣。5Individual WorkAppreciationStep 2Have students re

4、ad the poem aloud before and after discussing the poem, and ask them to answer the following questions. Lead students to feel the rhythm and recognize the rhyme in it. Before discussion: Lets read this poem aloud together. How many parts can you divide the poem into? What is the main idea of each pa

5、rt?(The poem consists of three parts. Part 1 from Line 1 to Line 4 is about how the mother bird brings her chick up when it is young; Part 2 from Line 5 to Line 8 describes the mother bird feels worried about her chick leaving her after it grows up; Part 3 from Line 9 to Line 11 shows the mother bir

6、d will let her chick live independently despite her concern and reluctance.)After discussion: Lets read this poem aloud again. While reading, try to pay attention to its rhythm and rhyme. Rhythm means a strong regular repeated pattern of sounds and a rhyme is a word which has the same last sound as

7、another word, such as, “care” is a rhyme for “there”. Could you find out other rhymes?(“Rest” is a rhyme for “nest”; “away” for “day”; “alone” for “grown”; “eye” and “sky” for “fly”.)激活学生已有的背景语言知识,引导学生感知英语诗歌的节奏与韵律,理解诗歌的主旨。5Group WorkClass WorkStep 3Have students answer the following questions to hel

8、p them appreciate a mothers love conveyed in the poem: How would you describe Mother Birds feelings in the poem? (Question 1 on Page 15) (Mother Bird has mixed feelings about her baby. On the one hand, she is very protective of her baby. On the other hand, she understands that when her baby has grow

9、n up she will have to give it more freedom. However, she will always be there for her baby.) Are you touched by the love of the mother bird? Give your reasons.(Yes, I feel deeply touched by this poem. It teaches me that mothers, whether humans or not, always have the same selfless love for their chi

10、ldren for a lifetime.) Could you read your favourite line(s) in the poem aloud and give your reasons?(I like the last three lines best. I used to think that my moms love is only about how she takes care of me now. After reading this poem, I realize that a mothers love is more than what I can tell an

11、d I will never be able to pay it back.)通过归纳诗歌主要内容并有策略地提取细节信息,加强中西方诗歌比较学习的意识,审视个人与父母之间的关系,激发输出动机。10Group WorkClass WorkDiscussionStep 4Activate students relevant knowledge of Chinese poems about parents love for their children and compare them to those written in English. Can you think of any Chinese

12、 poems about parents love for their children? (Question 2 on Page 15)(There is a Chinese poem called “Youziyin” (“Song of the Parting Son”), written by Meng Jiao. It also describes a mothers deep love for her son, who is leaving home. The poem goes like this:A thread in one hand of the loving mother

13、,A dress of the parting son in the other.She sews stitch by stitch: his departures near,For fear that he wont be home in many a year.Who can tell, how much should the son impartTo well reward the loving mothers heart?(Translated by Gu Danke) Are there any similarities and differences between such po

14、ems in English and Chinese?(Despite the differences in forms such as length and rhyme, they all praise the unconditional love from parents to their children.)感知运用,基于文本内容,结合自身实际,表达个人观点。10Individual WorkFree talkStep 5Have students share understanding and stories of their own parent-child relationship

15、s. How do you think your parents feel about you? How can you tell? (Question 3 on Page 15)(My parents give me unconditional love. They love me for who I am. They always have confidence in me. They never lose their temper with me, even when I do not perform well at school. They only tell me that I ha

16、ve let them down, and offer me some advice.) How do you feel about your parents? Give one example.(I do love my parents and am grateful for everything they have done for me. However, sometimes I also get disappointed with them because they seem not to understand me anymore. For example, when they fo

17、rced me to give up skateboarding because it is too dangerous, we had a big fight and did not talk to each other for several weeks.)话题讨论的延伸,吸引学生积极参与、多元输出,在真实的交流中强化形式、拓展意义、体验情感,启发学生深刻认识父母对子女无私的爱。5Group WorkExtensionStep 6Have students express their understanding of parental love and their love for par

18、ents. Could you translate Bing Xins quote back to Chinese?(“家”是什么,我不知道;但烦闷忧愁,都在此中融化消灭。) Why do unhappiness and worries melt away once at home?(With unconditional love from our family members, our parents in particular, Bing Xin points out that home is like the harbour of our hearts and eases our unh

19、appiness and worries.) In your opinion, what is parental love?(If there is anything that is truly selfless, unconditional and forgiving, it is parental love.) Could you imitate the poem and create one sentence to express your love for your parents? Try to use rhythm and rhyme if possible.(However fa

20、r I fly, To you I will never say goodbye.)鼓励学生表达感恩父母的情感,引导学生再认与再现。通过对问题的思考与讨论,加深学生思维的宽度、深度与层次水平,从而提升语言运用能力。8Individual WorkClass WorkHomework1. Combine what has been learned and write a poem about parental love on your own.2. Finish the workbook.2Book 1 Unit 2 Lets talk teensReading Strangers under

21、the same roof?教学目标By the end of this section, students will be able to: 1. grasp the theme, outline and details of the article;2. infer the authors attitude towards parent-child tensions and purpose of writing;3. adopt a positive attitude and practical solutions to deal with real-life parent-child t

22、ensions;4. appreciate and apply rhetorical questions to their stories of parent-child tensions.教学重难点1. To infer the authors attitude;2. To grasp the outline and details of the article.教学过程步 骤教学活动设计意图互动时间&模式Pre-readingStep 1Have students work in pairs to answer questions on Page 16. (As I become a te

23、enager, I get taller and stronger and start to look like an adult. But sometimes I feel shy about how I look, because I look different from my friends. Mentally, I feel more independent in what I do, like making my own decisions. Consequently, I prefer to spend more time with my friends but my paren

24、ts may get angry with me. In this case, I would speak to my parents so that they understand how I feel.I think it means that parents and teenagers feel as if they do not know each other very well anymore even though they have lived together in the same house for many years. This often happens when c

25、hildren become teenagers because the way they look, think and do things changes. Parents sometimes do not understand or accept these changes easily and teens become angry with their parents.)利用问题,激活学生已有的背景语言知识,导入主题,创设互动情境,拉近沟通距离,引起学习兴趣。5Individual WorkStep 2Have students work in pairs to predict the

26、 contents of the article. Look at the title of the text. Why are family members called “strangers” by the author?(While family members are thought to be close, in reality they will have different opinions on the same matter. Without an honest and peaceful communication, things will easily turn into

27、heated arguments and cold silences as if family members didnt know or care about each other, just like “strangers”. By creating such a contrast, the author intends to arouse our interest to read the article.) What could be discussed in this article?(This article might focus on conflicts between fami

28、ly members.) What is the use of questioning in the title? (In the form of a question, the title indicates that parent-child relationships are not meant to be distant or tense, and tries to arouse the interest of readers.)引导学生预测阅读内容,探知文本结构和脉络;体会文章标题“Strangers under the same roof?”使用疑问句并制造反差,吸引读者的注意力的

29、手法。5Group WorkWhile ReadingStep 3Have students skim for the topic sentence of each paragraph.What is the topic sentence of each paragraph?(Paragraph 1: Heated arguments and cold silences are common between teenagers and their parents.Paragraph 2: Teenagers physical changes may result in such family

30、tensions.Paragraph 3: It can be a big headache to balance your developing mental needs too.Paragraph 4: Although sometimes it may seem impossible to get along as a family, you can take action to improve the situation.Paragraph 5: Just remember that it is completely normal to struggle with the stress

31、 that parent-child tensions create, and that you and your parents can work together to improve your relationship.)通过归纳文本主要内容和段落大意,掌握文本结构,感知文本主题语境。10Group WorkClass WorkStep 4Have students read the article again to complete the outline of the article in A1 on Page 18. (Cause 1: Teenagers physical gro

32、wth may result in such family tensions.Cause 2: Teenagers developing mental needs can also influence parent-child relationships.Solution: Teenagers should have regular and honest communication with their parents.Conclusion: Everything will turn out all right in the end.)通过阅读文本细节语句,理解作者重点表达信息。培养Scann

33、ing的文本阅读策略,学习作者的清晰结构、缜密逻辑。5Individual WorkStep 5Have students scan the article carefully and finish A2 on Page 18. 同上5Individual WorkPost-readingStep 6Have students work in groups to finish A3 (23) on Page 18.为后续任务进行话题拓展和内容铺垫。5Group WorkStep 7Have students work in groups to summarize and reorganize

34、the key information about teenagers mental needs.Can you discuss and fill in the blanks of the following table about teenagers mental needs?(表格见课件)在巩固文本结构和内容的过程中,掌握文本中的重点词汇和语句。8Group WorkHomework1. Read the text aloud.2. Finish the workbook.2Book 1 Unit 2 Lets talk teensGrammar and usageSimple, comp

35、ound and complex sentences教学目标By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. categorize the elements of a simple sentence, a compound sentence and a complex sentence;2. summarize the general rules of the three kinds of sentence structures;3. distinguish and choose the right sentence structu

36、res;4. apply appropriate sentence structures in new situations. 教学重难点1. To distinguish the three kinds of sentence structures;2. To recognize the differences between Chinese and English sentence structures;3. To apply sentence structures appropriately.教学过程步 骤教学活动设计意图互动时间&模式Exploring the rulesStep 1H

37、ave students discuss the reasons for unhappy scenes in families.1. What causes you to quarrel with your parents?(The teacher summarizes as follows:(1) Parents expect too much of us and put great pressure on us.(2) One side wants to control the other side, so we often quarrel over some trivial things

38、.(3) If both sides lack the opportunities to communicate with each other, some misunderstandings will arise between us.)2. How can you solve the troublesome problems with your parents?(The teacher summarizes as follows:(1) I will have a chat with my friends to get some suggestions. (2) Nowadays, web

39、sites are springing up, and I will turn to experts of relevant websites for help.(3) I will consult my teachers, because they can give us useful and practical advice.)创设互动情境,拉近沟通距离,激活学生已有的背景语言知识,引起学习兴趣。5Group WorkClass WorkSummarizing the rulesStep 2Have students distinguish and summarize the featur

40、es of the six sentences above.(Both Sentence 1 and Sentence 4 are made up of one independent clause which has one subject-verb combination.Both Sentence 2 and Sentence 5 contain two main clauses.Both Sentence 3 and Sentence 6 contain one main clause and one subordinate clause.)引导学生分析句子成分,自主发现句子结构特色和

41、规律,培养善于观察、善于总结归纳的学习能力。5Individual WorkGroup WorkStep 31. Have students compare the structures of a simple sentence, a compound sentence and a complex sentence by putting them in the following table according to Page 20.2. Then work out the rules and fill in the blanks.引导学生从课本所给文本中找到句型分类规律。5Individua

42、l WorkClass WorkApplying the rulesStep 4Have students read sentences of Part B1 on Page 21 and judge the logical relationships among them. Then have students join each pair of sentences to form compound or complex sentences.创设单个语境,引导学生运用所学规则,判断句子内部逻辑关系,自主构造并列句和复合句。10Individual WorkStep 5Have student

43、s read about the Teresas problem with her parents in Part B2 and complete the conversation:(1) because (2) unless (3) why (4) that (5) but (6) If (7) how (8) and Have students answer the following questions:1. Whats Teresas problem with her parents?(Teresas parents always compare her with her friend

44、s and are not satisfied with her performances.)2. Whats Jacks suggestion?(He suggests Teresa should have a sincere talk with her parents.)创设对话语境,引导学生关注交际中语言内部的逻辑联系,进而选用恰当的连接方式连接句子。5Individual WorkClass WorkStep 6Have students role-play a conversation between Teresa and her parent(s), using simple, c

45、ompound and complex sentences. (示例见课件)引导学生根据提示自主创设语境,提升综合、灵活运用所学语言知识的能力,培养创新思维。8Group WorkStep 7Have students work in groups to analyze the sentence structures given.巩固第一和第二单元所学语法规则,为后续语法知识学习打好基础。5Group WorkHomeworkFinish the workbook.2Book 1 Unit 2 Lets talk teensIntegrated skills Giving advice on

46、parent-child relationships教学目标By the end of this section, students will be able to:1. identify the problems with their parents and seek solutions;2. analyze the features of a formal advice letter.教学重难点1. To logically identify to the problems with their parents;2. To seek solutions the problems with

47、their parents.教学过程步 骤教学活动设计意图互动时间&模式ReadingStep 1Have students tick the possible teenagers and parents problems. Teenagersproblems blame parents for everything shout at parents and say some mean things be impatient to talk with parents spend much time in front of a computer turn a deaf ear to what parents say lose temper because of high pressure Parens problems quarrel over unimportant things force you to study all the time be eager to know whats on


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