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学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司高三历史参考答案及评分说明2023.2一、选择题:本大题共15小题,每小题3分,共45分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。1.D2.B3.A4.B5.D6.B7.B8.B9.C 10.A1 1.B12.C13.A14.C15.B二、非选择题:本大题共4小题,第16题17分,第17题12分,第18题14分,第19题12分,共55分。16.(17分)(1)我认为汉武帝没有“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”。(1分)根据资料可知,与董仲舒同时代且关系较密切的司马迁在史记中并未述及此事。根据资料可知,董仲舒思想实际上已融汇了诸子百家的思想。根据资料可知,晚于汉武帝百年的班固,将武帝措施概括为“罢黜百家,表彰六经”。根据资料可知,依史记汉书三国志所载,终两汉之世,诸子之学并未废绝。(8分)“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”这一说法是近代学者面对民族危机,根据自身需要对汉书相关内容的阐释,为其反对封建专制、学习西方思想文化服务。(4分)(2)意义:历史表述更加客观,有助于还原历史的真实;吸收最新的学术研究成果,体现了教材表述与时俱进;有助于增强文化认同,弘扬民族自信。(4分)17.(12分)武汉地处长江与汉江交汇处,交通便利,商贸发达,历来是华中重镇。近代汉口被辟为通商口岸,各国在汉口建立租界,影响了武汉地区的发展。洋务运动时期,张之洞兴办汉阳铁厂及兵工厂,奠定了武汉的工业基础。随着民族工业的发展,武汉地区民族资产阶级力量不断壮大,为革命奠定了阶级基础。武汉新式教育的发展,使很多青年接受了革命思想。清末湖北新军创建后,一批先进青年加入其中,促进了革命思想的传播。(10分)综上,武汉地区在辛亥革命之前具备了一定的物质、阶级、思想基础,故而能成为辛亥革命首义之地。(2分)18.(14分)在新中国成立初期,农村物资匮乏,生产经营分散。供销合作社提供必需的生产资料和生活资料,建立了物资供销和收购网络,在生产、生活、防灾、减灾方面为农民纾困。供销社重塑了农村商业格局,建立了稳定的农产品价格体系,推动了农业发展;促进了农业合作化,支援工业化建设;有助于培养团结互助精神和集体主义思想,体现了社会主义原则。(6分)改革开放初期,社会主义市场经济发展,供销社一度出现经营困境。90年代中期以来,供销社发挥平台优势,供应农业生产资料,收购农副产品,组织专业合作社,成立综合服务站、庄稼医院,科技服务、综合服务成为供销服务的重要内容,加速了科技成果应用,提高了农民的市场意识、科技意识和合作意识,推动农民增收、农业发展、农村进步。(6分)学科网(北京)股份有限公司农村供销合作社是立足农村的合作经济组织,在不同历史时期对促进经济发展、体现社会公平、实现共同富裕做出了巨大贡献。(2分)19.(12分)(1)部分民众要求摧毁凡尔赛的宫殿和花园。凡尔赛宫是王权的象征,摧毁其以示对专制的打击;启蒙思想广泛传播,民众民主意识提高。(2分)国王路易十八主张恢复其为王室的居所。专制王朝复辟,以此彰显王权。(2分)拿破仑和路易菲利普主张将凡尔赛宫改造为历史博物馆。通过凡尔赛宫体现法国历史,构建民族认同;展示法国资产阶级革命的历史。(2分)(2)二战前,凡尔赛宫是法德对抗与复仇的标志与象征。19世纪末20世纪初,资本主义政治经济发展不平衡,法德在争夺欧洲霸权与殖民地上矛盾尖锐,极端民族主义、法西斯主义导致法德之间长期仇视和战争,给欧洲带来深重的灾难。(4分)凡尔赛宫成为人们敬畏历史、向往和平的记忆之场。保护凡尔赛宫历史文化遗产有利于缅怀历史、珍惜和平,警示人们唯有合作才能共享繁荣。(2分)评分说明:考生答案不必拘泥于参考答案的文字表述,只要言之有理即可得分,得分不能超过该题赋分。学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司参考答案一、选择题(共 15 小题,每小题 3 分,共 45 分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。)1.B 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.B14.B 15.A二、非选择题(本大题共 4 小题,共 55 分)16.(12 分)合并农场,促进大规模机械化生产;培育良种,提高单产,种植范围扩大,生产量增大;种植和田间管理技术的进步,使小麦生产量大增。(6 分)海运运量大,运费低;粮食主产区位于西南部黑海沿岸,海运便利;主要进口国与俄罗斯有海域相连,海运能够直达,节约转运成本。(6 分)17.(16 分)(1)帕隆藏布流域位于地中海喜马拉雅地震带,多地震,岩石破碎,物源丰富;位于亚欧板块和印度洋板块的交界处,板块碰撞挤压,隆起为高大的褶皱山脉,地形高差大,动力条件好;位于西南季风进入青藏高原的重要水汽通道上,降水丰沛,冰川广布,沟谷水量大,利于泥石流的形成。(6 分)(2)(4 分)(3)20 世纪 60 年代以来帕隆藏布流域气温升高,冰川融化,降水增多,沟谷水量增大,泥石流 滑坡多发,在谷口地带形成大量的堆积扇;受水流(泥石流)侵蚀加屈的影响,上游沟谷不断向源头延伸,沟谷加深,宽度增大。(6 分)18.(13 分)(1)雨水(或暴雨)。叭尔洞沟所在区域为温带大陆性气候区,气侯千旱,降水少且变率大;偶发暴雨时,形成水流。(5 分)(2)该地风沙活动频繁,D 处分布着多年生油嵩灌丛,植被覆盖度最大,地表粗糙度大,削弱风力的能力强,风沙堆积作用强,覆沙厚度最大。(4 分)(3)C 处覆沙将变厚,E 处覆沙将变薄。(4 分)19.(14 分)(1)大坝蓄水量大,可以提供稳定 充足水资源;提高农业抗旱能力,增加灌溉面积,提高粮食产量;还可以发展水产养殖,增加食物供给,保障粮食安全;大坝发电量大,为国家社会经济发展提供丰富能源,降低能源对外依存度。(6 分)(2)难题一:损害了下游国家的水资源利益,容易引发国家间的争端甚至酿成冲突。建议:建立流域水资源管理国际合作协商机制,充分尊重流域各国的合理利益诉求;可以在雨季进行蓄水,在旱季采取适当措施调节下泄流量,保障下游国家用水。(4 分)难题二:建设资金不足。建议:加强国际合作,向其他国家或国际组织贷款。(4 分)学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司学科网(北京)股份有限公司!#$%&*E!(!)!(QI%&(RSTJUV5WX!%!&!-./0!102(+30#430&5#2,+5$()*!)-&).,).+)$0)-/)$#)-2)*(%)*().(!)$(&)-(,).(+)$E F./0!102+0#2+5$(0)!(+|!(?3?Q?3?k#?%3?f6?f%?#?13?j?$VWuj?$?j?m5?w&!&|?1?.?3?A?W#p?3 V?1(3&$#&Oi;m?i3?1(3?#?1?k?3?w5a#?&?3?P?i?13k?$?#?)?i?13?Gw?p?g_&#?$?p#?u0&#?g_3#?x%!+|!?#?m.?_?&!%!?#?m#!?#;0?p!?3R?&;0?!R!3?#?)?!5?%R!z1$1$“?1?&hi$1$M1?!5?%k?%!+|(/)!(+|!(?*“?1?$?#?v3?p5p!w?#?w3pq?r5?3p?;%!|?fiU?*“?1#J“4?5*3#IU?*“?13?15?&!|p?_#?fl#3?5?&Q?#&?o?#;0fizp?1?89F#p?!?%!&|!?”?_5?#?w?#e9?(#Pdh5g_?#?“?#?F#?%!&|?49?C#$?$T)RaP#OTF5?F&?#E?-/k?F#r?p?!“?&?&?415&?1#;0&oP%!+|(#)!#|?3(5?#?w(?$)?Vg_3w?3“?%!&|?U?fi“?.#?4?34uN?5?3#?4?(;?65?3?#_?w?3?#?3?&?w?4?3;#j2?3?U#?4?XY?w?XY3?“?%!+|*?a?Ob!#!Pch+(2)!#|;?J?;?R#d5p?J?fi?3?3?#P?;$J5fi$Cfi$?$cQ$?3?fi?i?#cQ?fi?3?#*?9?.?#?g_68#?CD?i#L?Jfi?%!&|!%)!2|?|?-9?9?Z?,!/3 2|?#PP?123?fi&?+#?MI-45?Z&XY?#Yc?&!,3 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语语2023.2注意事项:注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、座号、考号填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3.考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分第一部分阅读(共两节,满分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)分)第一节第一节(共(共 15 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分分,满分 37.5 分)分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AStay safe with SonderAs a foreign student arriving in Australia,you may feel both excited and anxious.Theprospect of arriving in a new country where you may have no friends or family nearby can bediscouraging,particularly the thought of what you would do if you were involved in an accident orfell seriously ill.Sonder Australia aims to lessen that worry by providing an Australia-wide,multilingual rapidresponse network,available on-demand24/7 via a mobile app.The Sonder app has followingunique features.When required,Sonder can also work with Murdoch to provide further well beingsupport.学科网(北京)股份有限公司1.Who may be the text targeted at in Australia?A.Taxi drivers.B.New settlers.C.International students.D.Travelers from abroad.2.Which part of the app functions at a set time?A.24/7 help.B.Check on me.C.Safety alerts.D.Track my journey.3.What technology is used in all the four features?A.Facial recognition.B.Voice interaction.C.Geographical positioning.D.Cross-platform communication.BJim Glaub and Dylan Parker had just been handed the keys to their new Manhattan apartmenton 22nd Street when the outgoing tenant(房客)said something curious,Just so you know,theresthis thing where letters addressed to Santa come to the apartment.The previous tenants receivedthe mail too.It has been coming for years and no one knows why.Glaub and Parker settled in to their new home,and for the first two years only a few lettersfrom kids or parents askedSantafor gifts they could not otherwise afford.Then in the monthsleading to Christmas 2010,their mailbox was filled with letters to Santa every day.They respondedto as many as they could,writing notes,even buying gifts.Glaub,of course,is not Santa.They coulddo only so much.But one night,when he and Parker threwa 1960s-themed Christmas party,a solutionappeared.Guests noticed the hundreds of letters theyd yet to act upon and asked about them.Glaub told them the story and his guests were intrigued.“Alot of people were like,Ill take a letter.Ill satisfy it.And so was born Miracle on 22nd Street.To spread the word,they started a website,,and a Facebook page.Working with other nonprofits that help thosein need,they invited families from around thecountry to go online and request gifts for their children.Likewise,donors,also known as“elves,”can sign up to buy gifts for a child or family,accompanied by a signed note with Elf beforetheir name,such as Elf Jim or Elf Jody.Last year,Glaub and Miracle on 22nd Street helped more than 800 families.Glaub no longerwonders why the letters come to the apartment.Putting in the long hours to help the families iswhat its all about for him.Its part of Christmas for me,he says,It wouldnt be Christmas withoutit.”学科网(北京)股份有限公司4.What did the tenant think of receiving the letters in the apartment?A.Odd.B.Comic.C.Exciting.D.Disturbing.5.What can be implied about the couple in paragraph 2?A.They got really bothered.B.They had tried their best.C.They overcame the challenge.D.They were content with their new life.6.What does the underlined wordintriguedmean in paragraph 3?A.Interested.B.Relieved.C.Puzzled.D.Surprised.7.What is the text mainly about?A.How a volunteer organization is formed.B.How Miracle on 22nd Street is operated.C.How a couple deal with the letters to Sanla.D.How donors purchase gifts for families in need.CThe term“quiet quitting”went viral last year,describing people who stay in their jobs butmentally take a step backfor example,working the bare minimum and not making their job thecenter of their lives.Now in 2023,there is a new workplace trend on the horizon,called“quiethiring”.Quiet hiring is a strategy used to fill the critical gaps in a company without hiring newemployees.One company has a limited amount of talent and needs to make a call about where itsgoing to have the best impact.This year it may need to add five more data scientists to its team tomeet the strategic goals.As a solution,it may move five employees from another department onlyfor a short time,like data analysts in the human resources and marketing department,into the fiveopen data scientist roles.In this case,the boss is saying,Were going to intentionally deprioritize support for HR andmarketing for the next six months so that we can increase the productivity of our data scienceteam,and we are saying this sound and clearly.Everyone knows this.”The important distinctionwith quiet hiring is that a company is openly communicating with employees about its prioritiesand moving employees to areas that serve those priorities,instead of just loading employees withmore work or simply hiring more people.While being assigned to a new role may seem scary,quiet hiring should be beneficial toemployees.If you were asked to take on additional responsibilities,it would indicate your value.Meantime you might say,If its not possible to increase my payment,can we make it so that I canwork from home five days a week,reducing my commute(通勤)costs?Or,could I workflexible hours,making it easier for me to live the rest of my life?”An individual conversation maybe ineffective.If youre part of a department or team being asked to switch roles,employ that powerand approach human resources as a group.8.What does the strategy of quiet hiring refer to?A.Adding more positions.B.Training new employees.C.Employing new talent secretly.D.Shifting existing staff to new posts.9.What is the feature of a companys handling quiet hiring?A.Innovations are highly valued.B.Employees are burdened with overwork.C.Roles of departments are changed regularly.D.Personnel changes are announced beforehand.学科网(北京)股份有限公司10.What suggestion does the author offer to employees?A.Negotiate on extra jobs.B.Take on new roles as a team.C.Shoulder more duties on work.D.Balance between work and life.11.Which is a suitable title for the text?A.Hiring more or less?B.Quiet quitting or quiet hiring?C.Quiet hiring:A workplace debateD.Quiet hiring:An upcoming tendencyDIn the endless sky,the unaided human eye should be able to perceive several thousand stars ona clear,dark night.Unfortunately,growing light pollution has disabled people from the nightly view.New citizen-science-based research throws alarming light on the problem of“sky glow”thediffuse illumination(漫射照明)of the night sky that is a form of light pollution.The data camefrom crowd-sourced observations collected from around the world as part of Globe at Night,aprogram developed by astronomer Connie Walker.Light pollution has harmful effects on the practice of astronomy but also on human healthand wildlife,since it disturbs the cycle from sunlight to starlight that biological systems haveevolved alongside.Furthermore,the loss of visible stars is a great loss of human cultural heritage.Until relatively recently,humans throughout history had an impressive view of the starry night sky,and the effect of this nightly spectacle(壮观)is evident in ancient cultures.Globe at Night has been gathering data on star visibility since 2006.Anyone can submitobservations through the Globe at Night web application.Participants record which one bestmatches what they can see in the sky without any telescopes or other instruments.Researchers find that the loss of visible stars indicates an increase in sky brightness of 9.6%per year while roughly 2%is measured by satellites.Existing satellites are not well suitedto measuring sky glow as it appears to humans,because they can not detect wavelengths shorterthan 500 nanometers(纳米).White LEDs,with shorter wavelengths under 500 nanometers,noware increasingly commonly used in outdoor lighting.But human eyes are more sensitive to theseshorter wavelengths at nighttime.Space-based instruments do not measure light from windows,either.But these sources are significant contributors to sky glow as seen from the ground.The increase in sky glow over the past decade underlines the importance of redoubling ourefforts and developing new strategies to protect dark skies,said Walker.The Globe at Night dataset is necessary in our ongoing evaluation of changes in sky glow,and we encourage whoever canto get involved to help protect the starry night sky.12.What is a purpose of Globe at Night?A.To develop new light sources.B.To collect data on star visibility.C.To help astronomers explore space.D.To popularize science among citizens.13.What does the loss of visible stars lead to?A.Poorer human health.B.Fewer wildlife species.C.More delicate biological systems.D.Less nightly culture elements of the sky.14.What does the author stress in paragraph 5?A.Satellites play a vital role.学科网(北京)股份有限公司B.White LEDs are widely used.C.Crowd-sourced data are invaluable.D.Shorter wavelengths are hard to detect.15.What can be inferred from Walkers words?A.Their consistent efforts pay off.B.The data set needs to be updated.C.More participants are expected to join in.D.The sky glow has been over-emphasized.第二节(共第二节(共 5 5 小题;每小题小题;每小题 2.52.5 分,满分分,满分 12.512.5 分)分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。There are few natural sounds more uplifting to my spirit than the bright and cheering callsand songs of black-capped chickadees(山雀).One of my morning routines is to step outside thehouse and listen for the voices of black-caps.There is something comforting to me in black-caps presence._16_Sometimes they arethe only birds Ill hear on my local wood land walks and for me the forest would be a lonelierplace without them.After Id moved into a house on Anchorages Hillside,I placed a makeshift feeder on myhomes back._17_For each,the routine was similar:dashed in,looked around,pecked(啄)at the tray,looked around again,and dashed out.Nervous little creatures,full of bright energy,theysoon had me laughing at their funny way.By the time they moved on,I sensed an all-too-rare upwelling of

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