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1、试卷第 1页,共 13页 外 装 订 线 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 内 装 订 线 绝密启用前绝密启用前2022 年江苏省扬州市中考英语真题2022 年江苏省扬州市中考英语真题试卷副标题试卷副标题考试范围:xxx;考试时间:100 分钟;命题人:xxx题号一二三四五六七八九总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第 I 卷(选择题)第 I 卷(选择题)请点击修改第 I 卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、单项选择一、单项选择1China has helped end 70%of poverty worldwide since _ late 1970

2、s,according to_ World Bank.Aa;aBthe;theCa;theDthe;a2Place names often have interesting connections _ the local landscape and people.AinBonCatDto3_ astronauts go on spacewalks,they wear spacesuits to keep themselves safe.AThoughBTillCWhenDUnless4Xia Sen _ a simple life and saves her money for donatio

3、ns.AlivesBlivedCwas livingDwill live5Tell me,Grandma._ is your favourite person in the whole wide world?Thats easy!Its you!AWhatBWhoCHowDWhom6We youths do our best for our dreams and together a small success can give us a sense of_.AachievementBdepartmentCtreatmentDentertainment7Protect your hearing

4、.Dont wait until you _ hear a thing.AneedntBmustntCshouldntDcant8In such cheerful conversation,the time _ all too quickly.Awent upBwent downCwent byDwent back9Its _ of the boy to leave the tap running.试卷第 2页,共 13页 外 装 订 线 请不要在装订线内答题AendlessBhomelessCmeaninglessDcareless10May I speak to Wang Li?Sorry

5、,she is not at home.She _ since last month.AleftBhas leftChas been awayDwent away11_ the people locked inside,the firemen broke down the door.AReachBTo reachCReachingDTo reaching12People in cold areas _ warm colours to calm colours in their homes.AprotectBpreferCpronounceDpractise13I hear that you t

6、ook part in a forest clean-up activity last Sunday.Yes,it _ by our school green club to protect forests.AorganizesBorganizedCwas organizedDwill beorganized14Excuse me,could you tell me _?You can take No.6 bus there.Its about 15 minutesride.Ahow far is the Slender West LakeBhow far the Slender West L

7、ake isChow can I get to the Slender West LakeDhow I can get to the Slender West Lake15My pet dog died yesterday.Im in a bad mood._.I know how it feels.ASorry to hear thatBThats not the case CNever mindDIts a pleasure评卷人得分二二、完完形形填填空空阅读下面短文,从文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Late one night,Gulliver receiv

8、ed a warning that some nobles wanted him killed.Eventhe emperor of Lilliput wanted to give him less food to save _16_.It was true Gulliverwas very expensive.Quickly,he wrote a letter to the emperor,“Im _17_ to visit Blefuscu,as Ipromised.”试卷第 3页,共 13页 外 装 订 线 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 内 装 订 线 Then he hurried

9、 down to the sea _18_ Lilliput and Blefuscu.The king of Blefuscu himself came out to meet him.“Welcome!”cried the king.“Stay as _19_ as you like.”Walking on the beach a week later,Gulliver saw out at sea a small boatbut a full-sizedone.It was _20_ upside down in the water.Gulliver rushed to the king

10、.He begged,“Can you help me rescue the boat?This couldbe my chance to go home.”“Of course,”said the king.“Take some ships to help you.”Gulliver swam out to the boat,holding ropes from each of the _21_.With the ships pulling and Gulliver _22_,the boat was brought safely to shore.Gulliver and the king

11、s men set about fixing the boat for his long journey home.Soon,the boat was finished.“Id like to leave now,”Gulliver told the king.“But no one at home will _23_ mystory.Could I take some of your people with me?”“I cant possibly _24_ that,”said the king.“But you may take some _25_and a sheep.”He also

12、 gave Gulliver fifty bags of gold coins.“I dont want you to go,”he said.“But Iunderstand _26_ you have to.”“Thank you,”said Gulliver.“Ill never _27_ you all.”After only a few days at sea in his boat,Gulliver saw a ship.He shouted and wavedwildly.He was _28_!One sailor found him.The ship sailed over

13、and _29_Gulliver.“Where have you come from?”asked the captain.“A place called Lilliput.”saidGulliver and he showed the captain the _30_ from the emperor.The captain was so surprised.For a few gold coins and a couple of cows,he agreed totake Gulliver all the way home.Adapted from Gullivers Travels16A

14、lifeBtimeCmoneyDenergy17AagainstBbeyondCoffDthrough18AbetweenBamongCuponDduring19AlongBfarCoftenDsoon20AtakingBfallingCswimmingDfloating试卷第 4页,共 13页 外 装 订 线 请不要在装订线内答题21AboatsBshipsCmenDsails22AfillingBshakingCpushingDcarrying23AmakeBexpectCsupposeDbelieve24ArequireBrefuseCavoidDallow25AfoodBpeopleC

15、coinsDcows26AwhenBhowCwhyDwhether27AforgetBregretCforceDobey28Ain dangerBin luckCin fearDin peace29Apicked upBgave upCset upDdressed up30AawardsBpresentsCvictimsDrewards评卷人得分三三、阅阅读读单单选选Wetlands are any land that is flooded with shallow water all or most of the time.Theyare a natural water holding sy

16、stem.There are many types of wetlands.Among them,bogs,marshes and swamps are thethree main types.The different types of wetlands have different kinds of plants.Onlymosses(苔藓)and a few other kinds of plants can grow in bogs.Grassy plants like cattails(香蒲)and reeds(芦苇)are the most common plants in a m

17、arsh.Aswamp is a forest whoseground is underwater all or most of the time.Unlike bogs or marshes,a swamp is full of treesand bushes.Its not a good idea to go exploring a swamp without a guide.There are hiddenpools of water,thick mud,and sometimes big crocodiles(鳄鱼)looking for their next meal.Hungry

18、crocodiles arent the only animals that make the wetlands their home.Otters,turtles,frogs,snakes and many other animals do too.The water is home to many kinds of fishand crabs.Birds,including ducks,geese and cranes,use wetlands seasonally during their longmigrations.Wetlands are important because the

19、y provide habitats for plants and animals.Awetlandsystem can also protect shorelines,make polluted waters clean,prevent floods,and restoreunderground water supplies.According to WWF,more than half of the worlds wetlands have disappeared since thebeginning of the 20th century.If this continues,countl

20、ess plant and animal species will surelydie out.Without wetlands,cities have to spend more money treating water.Dont feel helpless.Try to do your part to protect them right now.Here are some ideas.试卷第 5页,共 13页 外 装 订 线 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 内 装 订 线 31According to Paragraph 2,what can you see in a swamp?AM

21、osses.BCattails.CReeds.DTrees.32According to the passage,which of the following is TRUE?AWetlands are a man-made water holding system.BThere are three types of wetlands in the world.CPeople can not meet with big crocodiles in wetlands.DWetlands can protect shorelines and prevent floods.33What is the

22、 writer probably going to talk about after Paragraph 5?AWhat are the different types of wetlands?BWhat will happen if wetlands disappear?CWhat actions can people take to protect wetlands?DWhat other kinds of plants and animals live in wetlands?Every month,Julia and her cousins would go for the big f

23、amily meal at theirgrandparentshouse.On each visit,their grandpa would give them a few coins.Then all thechildren would run off to buy sweets.One day,he gathered the children together.He said,“Lets have a competition to see who can manage money wisely.At the end of this year,tellme how youve used yo

24、ur money.”Ruben and Nico,the two smallest kids,continued spending their money all on sweets.Every time,they would show off their sweets in front of the other children.This made Claraand Joe so angry that these two could no longer keep saving their money.They soon joinedRuben and Nico.Monty was a cle

25、ver boy.He decided to manage his money by buying and selling things.Soon he made a lot of money with little effort.The way he was going,he would end upalmost a rich man.However,he began to spend his money on more and more expensivethings for himself.Afew months later,he hadnt a single penny(便士)left.

26、Alex saved and saved all the coins he was given,and at the end of the year he hadcollected more money than anyone.He was the clear winner.There was also Julia.Poor Julia hadnt a penny on the day of the competition.She hadspent all her coins on her secret plan.Julia knew a poor violinist who played i

27、n the park,andshe offered him all the coins for his violin lessons.Although it wasnt much money,on seeingJulias excitement,the violinist agreed.Alittle after a year the violinist loaned her a violin sothey two could play together in the park.They were so successful that she managed to buy试卷第 6页,共 13

28、页 外 装 订 线 请不要在装订线内答题her own violin.Even better,she later became a very famous violinist.34Why did the childrens grandpa suggest the competition to them?ATo encourage them to win competitions.BTo teach them how to manage theirmoney.CTo tell them money was important to them.DTo know who was the clever

29、est child inthe family.35The underlined words“these two”in Paragraph 2 refer to(指的是)_.AClara and JoeBRuben and NicoCMonty andAlexDAlex and Julia36What can we learn from Julias story?AGet rich slow,or get poor fast.BLittle effort always brings much money.CAlittle money well spent can help realize you

30、r dreams.DIt is not wise of you to spend all the money youve got.37What is the best title for the passage?AGrandpas coinsBJulias cousinsCAsaving competitionDA happy familyMy five-year-old son befriends the woman.It starts with voices in the yard.When Icome out to check on Daniel,his face is pressed

31、on the fence(篱笆).The woman says,“You wait right here;Ill be right back.”She returns with a saw(锯子).Theres a whirring.Acircle in the wooden fence dropsout of sight.“Dad!Sandy just drilled out a hole in the fence so Sandy and I can talk!”Daniel spinsaround.I hadnt known her name was Sandy.Weve lived h

32、ere a month before Daniel was born.Daniels and Sandys murmuring voices continue.Whenever Daniel is outside,he circlesnear the fence that isnt a fence any more.Some days my son just goes to stand at the hole,yelling,“Sandy!Saaaaandyyyyy!”Sometimes I hear bits of their talk.“We painted a ghost at scho

33、ol.”Or:“Wheeler and Jackson were playing football,and they told me I couldnt play.”“That wasnt very nice,”says Sandy.“Did that hurt your feelings?Did you let themknow that?”I cant hear how he replies.Amoment of envy runs through me.He never talks about his试卷第 7页,共 13页 外 装 订 线 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 内 装 订

34、线 school things with me.Daniel and Sandy not only keep chatting through the hole,they also exchange gifts.Acoloring book,then a Hot Wheels car.Its unclear what Daniel gives Sandy in return.One afternoon,I hear Sandys voice floating over the top of the fence with the hole.“Ithought maybe Daniel could

35、 come for a play date.”We ring the bell on Sandys porch.Shes a middle-aged woman with smiling eyes.Sandys yard is sweet with the smell of flowers.We have a pleasant afternoon with Sandy,mysons adult friend,the first friend Daniel has made on his own.Amonth later,Sandy leaves to care for her mother i

36、n Kansas.She left behind a box ofpresents:a coloring book,sidewalk chalk,the missing orange part in the Hot Wheels track.When I look at Daniel,hes looking down at his shoes.He sometimes wanders down to the fence.Instead of calling“Sandy!Saaaaandyyyyy!”he cries.“Hello!Helloooooo!”One day,Daniel recei

37、ves Sandys postcard.They write frequently,warmly.38Which of the following is the correct order of the story?a.Sandy leaves for Kansas to care for her mother.b.Daniel and Sandy exchange gifts through the hole.c.Daniel and Sandy are good pen friends.d.Sandy drills out a hole in the fence.e.Sandy invit

38、es Daniel to come to her yard for a play date.AdbeacBbadecCdceabDecadb39Which sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 4 from the bottom?AThe neighbourhood I grew up in has a fence like this.BWeve passed through the hole in the fence.CBeyond that fence stands Sandys blue house.DIm a person w

39、ho looks on the bad side of the fence.40What can we know about Daniel from the underlined sentences in the story?AHe doesnt care about Sandys leaving.BHe is impressed with the shoes fromSandy.CHe is heartbroken when hearing the news.DHe does not want to be Sandys friendany more.41Which sentence best

40、 expresses the theme of the story?试卷第 8页,共 13页 外 装 订 线 请不要在装订线内答题AParents are childrens best friends.B Trust and friendship can go beyond ages.CAgood fence makes a good neighbour.DGrass is greener on the other side of thefence.Researchers at China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp,a State-owned de

41、fensecontractor,have developed and made the worlds first robot whale shark(鲸鲨).The robotic shark has been on display in an aquarium(水族馆)at Shanghai HaichangOcean Park since January.Awhale shark is a slow-moving carpet shark and the largest known living fish.Designed and built by engineers at the She

42、nyang-based No 111 Factory,the underwaterrobot is 4.7 meters long,weighs 350 kilograms and can move 42 meters a minute.Powered by a lithium battery,it can swim,turn,float and dive like a real shark bymoving its mechanical fins(鳍).The mouth and gills(鳃)can also open and close like asharks.The biomime

43、tic shark is made of sensors(传感器),multi-joint fins,batteries,andsystems which enable it to avoid whats in the way in all directions.“The robot can reach a depth of 10 meters and work for as long as 10 hours,”said FangXuelin,a senior researcher in charge of the robot shark program.“The shark can be r

44、emotely controlled and can also swim based on preset programs orits own sensors,”he said.“We have built multiple kinds of robot fishes,and the robotic whale shark is the largestmechanical fish we have made so far,”Fang added.“Our robots are to serve threepurposesto perform in aquariums for entertain

45、ment,spread knowledge about the sea andaquatic(水生的)animals among youngsters,and carry out scientific tasks such ashydrological surveys,underwater photography and environmental inspection.”“The factory now plans to develop more types of aquatic robots,including some extinctmammals(哺乳动物),for display i

46、n parks and schools.It will also promote the products tobusinesses engaged in fields such as underwater salvage and mineral prospecting,”he said.42The whale shark on display is _.Athe worlds first robotBthe largest living fish试卷第 9页,共 13页 外 装 订 线 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 内 装 订 线 Ca 7.4-meter-long sharkDa ro

47、botic shark43What does the underlined word“biomimetic”in Paragraph 5 mean?A仿生的B虚拟的C杂交的D变异的44Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AThe shark is the first mechanical fish made at the factory.BPowered by a lithium battery,the shark can swim without stopping.CThe factory has built mul

48、tiple kinds of robot fishes including the shark.DThe factory has developed some extinct mammals for display in parks.45What does Paragraph 8 mainly talk about?AThe limits of the aquatic robots.BThe purposes of the aquatic robots.CThe progress in making aquatic robots.DThe steps to developing aquatic

49、 robots.第第 I II I 卷卷(非非选选择择题题)请点击修改第 II 卷的文字说明评卷人得分四四、用用所所给给单单词词的的正正确确形形式式填填空空46Let me repeat _ what he just said.(exact)47Excuse me,what problems are we really _ to solve?(try)48A_ competitive spirit can push people to try to be better.(health)49 After a nights rain,the mountains are much greener a

50、nd the air is much _.(fresh)50Working as a team means celebrating _ and facing losses together.(victory)评卷人得分五五、根根据据汉汉语语提提示示填填空空51Life is like a box of _.You never know what youre gonna get.(巧克力)52The Communist Party of China is now leading the nation toward building a great_ socialist country.(现代的)


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